For those who have taken care of children, I know that rice porridge is enough for a one-year-old child, and lotus root powder is not suitable for him.

It’s better to listen to Grandma Shen about raising children. Yang Dachuan doesn’t really understand these things. “We are out of feed at home, right? How about we kill those two sheep and eat their meat?”

"It's very hot today. We can't eat them even if we kill them. We still have some rice bran and bean dregs at home, which can last for half a month. Let's wait and see if there's really no food left."

Yang Dachuan was at a loss, his heart was heavy, it was not easy to support a family in this world! He still had money from selling tea seeds, but now no one was selling grain. If it weren't for the grain hidden under his old house, he would be worried right now. But now it's not easy, the food at home can only last for a while, but can it last forever?

The river had dried up, and some of the shallower wells in the village could no longer pump water. There were only five deep wells in the village, and even fewer in Yang Dachuan's compound, only two. Moreover, the water level was getting lower and lower, and the rope on the bucket had been stretched to a certain length, so it now needed to be lowered to the bottom of the well to pump water.

Although there were only two wells in the compound outside their house, there were not many people there, so if they fetched water from two different places, they could bring the water home before daybreak, so everyone could still bear it.

But it was not the same in the village. There were more than a hundred households in Pingshan Village, and except for the dozen or so households at the entrance of their village, the rest were crowded on the edge of the drying yard. There were so many people, the weather was hot, and people were angry. The villagers had quarreled countless times over the issue of fetching water. Now, if any family took a little longer to fetch water, they would have a fight.

The village was in a mess, so several elders simply drove all the men in the village to dig wells. Since everyone had nothing to do anyway, and they were probably too idle to quarrel with each other, they deepened the shallow wells in the village into deep wells so that they would not have to worry about having no water.

After all, there are only a few bricklayers in the village, and even fewer who have helped others dig wells. However, everyone had seen the well digging two years ago and had a rough idea of it. Now, under the leadership of several bricklayers in the village, the work is done in a decent manner.

Yang Dachuan and his team also prepared to do the same. They invited the village mason to come and watch. Then a group of men tied ropes and took turns to dig mud with shovels every day. The well was narrow and small, and it was very hot and stuffy. In addition, they worked at night and could not see clearly. They had to come up again after a few minutes. In one night, more than ten men took turns to dig, but they could not dig half a meter.

The well in the village collapsed! When the news came, Yang Dachuan and his men were still working at the bottom of the well. Upon hearing the news, they hurriedly pulled the people out of the well. They ignored the work in their hands, picked up their hoes and shovels and ran to the village.

The collapsed well belonged to Lu Fang's cousin, who had three sons. Two years ago, when the village hired a well digger to dig a well, the three brothers were reluctant to pay for fear of getting hurt. As they did not plan ahead, the family did not dig a well.

The land was so dry this year that it was difficult to get water. Unable to wait for the village masons to come, the three brothers marked out a piece of land in their yard and started digging. The three brothers took turns to dig. I don't know how the three brothers did it. There were only four people in the family, including the old man. In ten days, they dug more than four meters deep. You have to know that the ten people in their yard outside dug for seven or eight days and only dug three meters.

The person buried underneath was Lu Fang's eldest cousin. When they arrived, the villagers had almost finished digging the collapsed area. With a dozen men joining in, the work went much faster.

The man was dug out soon, but Boss Lu had been buried in the soil for some time and was completely dead. Although everyone had a premonition, the villagers felt bad when they saw Boss Lu lying on the ground with a purple face and his family wailing.

The atmosphere in the village was too solemn, so Yang Dachuan went home after not staying for long. Lv Laoda's eldest son is now 9 years old, and the youngest son is only 3 years old. He left behind a wife to raise the two children. Although he has two brothers, the year is not good, so everyone has to take care of their own family first.

The incident with Lu Da further strengthened Yang Dachuan's idea of living a good life. Only by living can he take care of his family. If he dies, everything else will be in vain.

After what happened to Lu Da, no one in the village dared to go down the well anymore. However, after digging for the past ten days or so, the shallow wells in the village have been more or less deepened, and water supply is no longer so tight.

The well they dug behind the yard at the entrance of their village can now barely be considered a deep well, but the depth is obviously not enough. The land is dry now and not much water is produced.

More than a month passed, and there was still no rain. There was only a thin layer of water left in Yang Dachuan's well. The green leafy vegetables that Grandma Shen grew in the house were about to be eaten, but there was no water. There was no choice, so Grandma Shen had to pull them out in advance and eat every meal she could.

"Where's Yu'er? Why hasn't he come out to eat yet?" Yang Dachuan carried his two well-fed sons around, making them laugh. Zhuangzhuang and An'an have grown teeth, and now they have to come over to eat at every meal when they see them eating. If they don't get something, they will make a scene. Now the family makes sure they are full first, and then they can be quiet when they eat.

"I'm collecting clothes in the backyard. I have to bring them back after just a while of hanging them up, otherwise they will get damaged." Grandma Shen put down the table and bowls and opened her arms, "An An, come here, let Grandma hold you!"

The two boys in the family usually were closest to Grandma Shen besides Yu Ge'er. When they saw him coming, they opened their arms and their mouths, "Ah..."

On weekdays, it is Grandma Shen who feeds them, but now when these two boys see Grandma Shen, they will consciously open their mouths and wait to be fed.

When Yu Geer entered the room, he saw the two children open their mouths, chuckled, and pinched their mouths maliciously, "They just ate enough, you can't give them more, it's useless."

Grandma Shen felt sorry for her little grandson and slapped Yu Ge'er's hand away, "Okay, go eat! I'll hold him."

"Grandma, don't hold them anymore. Just put them in the crib. Come and have dinner." Yuger pulled Grandma Shen away. The two kids in the family were spoiled by their grandma. This was not acceptable.

"I don't know if it's getting even drier. At noon I saw a layer of water in our well, but just now I went to check and there's no water at all." Yu'er helped his boss fill a bowl of porridge and handed it to him, then said, "There are a lot of ants today, everywhere. Is it going to rain?"

"It looks like it's going to rain. There are dragonflies flying everywhere outside," Grandma Shen said. "It will be good if it rains. If it's dry any more, people won't be able to survive."

Yang Dachuan looked outside and saw the sky was red. There were indeed ding dings everywhere outside the house. Suddenly, he thought, "What's going on back there? Why do I keep hearing the pigs and sheep we raise cry out?"

"I don't know what's going on. The livestock at home have been restless all day long, and have been crying non-stop. Even the donkey, which was the most obedient in the past, refused to enter the shed. I saw that the sun was not strong outside, so I tied it to a tree outside the house. Remember to bring it back later." Yu Ge'er answered while eating.

No, this is not right! Yang Dachuan's heart was pounding, and suddenly he thought of something. He put down the bowl and ran out of the house.

"What's wrong, Dachuan?" Yu Ge'er saw his boss suddenly run out of the house, put down his bowl, and quickly chased after him to ask.

Yang Dachuan ran out of the door and saw that the sky outside was as red as blood. The livestock raised by every household in the village were still calling out.
