Now that she is pregnant again, her own mistress is taking good care of her, and her grandma is watching her closely. If the doctor hadn't told him to move more, she wouldn't have let him set foot on the ground. The life she has now is something she couldn't even imagine in the past!

Yang Dachuan was so happy that he was about to become a father. He walked with a breeze and every pore of his body was filled with joy. Anyone could feel it. What he did most often was to circle around Yu Ge'er, fearing that Yu Ge'er would be hungry or thirsty. When Yu Ge'er chased him away, he responded calmly. After a while, he approached him again and did what he wanted. Yu Ge'er had no choice but to let him go. Grandma Shen was very happy to see the young couple.

The couple went to the city twice before, but they didn't do any shopping because they were concerned about Yu Ge'er's health. Now, there was nothing important to worry about at home, and Yang Dachuan hadn't prepared anything for the new baby yet, so he decided to go to the city to have a look. Anyway, Grandma Shen was at home, so he didn't have to worry about Yu Ge'er.

Yang Dachuan drove his donkey cart into the city today, and the waving of his whip revealed a touch of joy. He was filled with joy, and the trees on both sides of the road looked more lively than usual. When he entered the city, Yang Dachuan wanted to buy everything he saw!

Passing by Mufang, I went in to take a look. The yo-yo car looks good. I will definitely use it in the future. I have to buy two! Oh, this rattle is also beautiful. The thumping sound is really nice. I will buy a few to keep in reserve and use them in turn! Tangram puzzles are also available? I will use them when I grow up!

The vendors on both sides saw Yang Dachuan carrying the goods in his hands and on his shoulders with great dignity, and that he had no wife or brother following him. They knew that he must be a generous man with plenty of money, so they all started to sell to him!

"Tang kuai, Tang kuai, sweet and fragrant sesame kuai and peanut kuai, my wife and brother love them, the children can't stop eating them, big brother, can you bring some for my wife?"

"How do you sell it?"

"Eight coins a pound. If you want ten or eight pounds, we can reduce the price!" The vendor selling candied cakes said excitedly when he saw that there was a chance.

"Okay, seven big coins, give me ten kilograms!" There are no children at home, and Yang Dachuan doesn't like snacks. Yu Ge'er is used to living a frugal life. Grandma Shen never mentions it, and there are no snacks at home except two kilograms for New Year's greetings. Buy a few more kilograms and take them home for Yu Ge'er to eat. If he can't finish it, he can keep it. It won't go bad anyway!

"Okay, I'll pack it for you right away," the vendor selling candied snacks smiled from ear to ear. He didn't expect that he turned out to be a big customer just by asking casually. Usually, people buy half a pound or a pound of snacks, but this one bought ten pounds, which is equivalent to what he sells in a day.

The vendors around looked at it and thought, "What? It's on sale now! It's a fat beef!" They became even more enthusiastic. Yang Dachuan passed by and hurriedly grabbed it to sell.

"Brother, do you want lotus root powder? It's delicious and nourishing!"

“Weighing 5 jin” of taro is just right to eat now!

"Red dates, red dates that replenish blood and energy." This one is also good. "Give me two pounds."

"Brother, do you want some brown sugar? My wife at home may need it during her confinement period!"

"Ten jins." I almost forgot about this, but Grandma Shen told me to buy this. I've bought the brown sugar, so let's weigh a few jins of the white sugar.

Chapter 32: Going Bad (Three in One)

When Yang Dachuan walked out of the street less than 200 meters away, he was already covered with all kinds of things. Dolls, snacks, cakes, and many dried fruits, candied fruits, and dried meats... He couldn't carry them anymore, so Yang Dachuan ran out, thinking of putting the things in the car first. After all, the parking place was guarded by someone, so there was no need to worry about theft!

Coming back, Yang Dachuan planned to go shopping at the commercial street. He heard that this area in the south of the city was a high-end commercial street, selling fresh products from the north and overseas, and the stores were all quite tall.

After entering a store, Yang Dachuan stared at the things in exquisite jars and porcelain plates, feeling very curious.

"Boss, what are these?" Yang Dachuan asked a middle-aged man who was using an abacus behind the counter.

"Oh, those are cheese and milk powder sent from the north. They taste very good and are needed by both the elderly and children."

Who would have thought that milk powder was available in ancient times? Yang Dachuan had been thinking about buying two more ewes to increase milk production, but it’s great to have ready-made milk powder now.

"How much are cheese and milk powder?"

"Two strings of cash for a pound of cheese, five strings of cash for two cans of milk powder." The middle-aged shopkeeper looked up at Yang Dachuan. He originally thought that he came here out of curiosity to take a look, but it seemed that he wanted to buy!

"These cheeses and milk powder are precious. They are usually shipped from the north and sold overseas. Now the north-south trade routes are blocked and the sea vessels are not sailing, so they are put up here! Not many people eat milk powder here, so you may not have it next time you come!" explained the middle-aged shopkeeper.

Yang Dachuan's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that there were more beggars on the streets last year.

"Shopkeeper, do you have much of this powdered milk cheese left?"

"We still have four or five pounds of cheese and about ten cans of milk powder. If you buy it all, I'll give you the remainder!"

"Okay, help me pack them all," Yang Dachuan waved his hand and agreed.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I'll pack it for you right away!" The middle-aged shopkeeper smiled happily. He was originally worried that this item had been on display for several days but no one asked about it, and he thought it would not sell well. Unexpectedly, it was sold out in an instant.

While the shopkeeper was packing, Yang Dachuan looked around the store and asked casually, "Shopkeeper, why do I see so many outsiders appearing in Anping County recently? They're carrying large and small bags, coming and going in a hurry!"

The shopkeeper had just sold this tricky item and was very happy. He said nonchalantly, "I heard that things are not peaceful in the north. The herdsmen on the border suffered from drought last year, and this year is not going well. The crops in the fields are not good, and life is hard. I guess the outsiders in the city are here to seek refuge with relatives or to find work."

"Then why did you say just now that overseas merchant ships are not sailing? It's been calm recently," Yang Dachuan looked around and asked.

"Ah, we dare not go out to sea now! Several small overseas countries neighboring our Da'an Dynasty are not peaceful. I heard that there is a plague in Japan now, and many people have died!" The middle-aged shopkeeper looked around and lowered his voice mysteriously: "And I heard from people who have returned from the sea that there are sea monsters on the sea, and several large ships that have gone out to sea have been overturned!"

Yang Dachuan frowned, "Plague, have the people who came back been infected?" He was not worried about sea monsters, as they were not on the coast, and sea monsters could not threaten them. If they had to worry, it would be the Nanhai City next door. But if this plague spread widely, it would be fatal!

The middle-aged shopkeeper saw that Yang Dachuan seemed to be frightened, and hurriedly replied: "Oh, they are far away from us. People who have returned from overseas are now detained by the government. They said they will wait for a month or two to observe if they are fine before releasing them. So far, I haven't heard of anyone being infected. Don't worry!"

As he spoke, the shopkeeper did not stop working, "Okay, sir, it's packed now. Please count it. There are five catties of cheese and sixteen cans of milk powder in total. I'll charge you five taels of silver. The extra half catty of shredded cheese is given to you as a gift!
