The amount of salt they brought back from the west was getting less and less, and they also gradually grew some grain on their own. Although it was still not enough for their daily life, it was at least a supplement. The salt was being sold in smaller amounts now, and if it wasn't for the fact that they really didn't have enough grain to eat, they would have kept it for their own use.

"Why is it more expensive again? Wasn't it 13 kilograms a few days ago?" If it gets more expensive, I won't be able to afford salt.

The people in Dayuan Village grumbled a few times, but didn't say much. They carried the grain over and said, "Let's exchange all the grain for salt!" This was not only their own grain, but also the grain of other people in the village.

The salt-changing job was something everyone was used to, so a few people came over immediately to help check the scale.

"Fellow villagers, how do we exchange for white rice?" Seeing that they were talking about exchanging grains for salt but didn't mention white rice, the people from Pingshan Village took the initiative to ask.

The eyes of the strangers standing on the side lit up and they said, "You have rice. Do you want to exchange it?" Just now, seeing that the people from Pingshan Village did not move, they thought they thought it was too expensive and did not want to exchange.

"Four pounds of rice and one pound of salt, you can exchange as much as you have!" The sweet potatoes have not only hurt the people of Pingshan Village, but they have also lost their appetite. Who wouldn't want to exchange them for a few pounds of rice to warm their stomachs? However, Shanglin Village grows the most rice, but they all keep it to themselves and won't exchange it with others unless they have no other choice.

Four catties of rice and one catty of salt are not cheap. Everyone knows how many sweet potatoes and rice can be produced from one acre of land, but few people are willing to use their land to grow rice. Rice is delicious, but the yield is small, so you still have to go hungry in the end.

Chapter 61 Miscellaneous

"Would you like to exchange three pounds of rice and one pound of salt? They're all freshly harvested rice!" Yang Dachuan untied the bag of grain on his back and grabbed a handful of white rice with plump grains, crystal clear texture and a fresh rice aroma.

"Okay! Let's change it!" The stranger rushed over, holding the white rice in his hands and smelling the rice fragrance with an intoxicated look on his face, wishing he could swallow the rice into his stomach right now.

"You have grown a good rice crop. You must have put a lot of effort into it, right?" People from Dawan Village gathered around and praised them. They had seen the white rice grown in their village, but it didn't look as big or as plump as the rice that Yang Dachuan and his team brought.

In fact, it is not difficult to understand. In Pingshan Village and Shanglinzhuang Village, they all enclosed the land and planted crops in the yard. Sea rats from outside did not come in, and they would not take the initiative to provoke them. The crops they planted were usually fertilized with farmyard manure, and occasionally bone fertilizer.

It's nothing like their Pingshan Village, where the wall is built narrow and small, and the crops grown inside can't support themselves at all. They can only run outside every few days to do farm work. They run outside more often, catch more sea rats, and use a lot of bone fertilizer to feed the fields, so the rice they grow is exceptionally beautiful and sweet.

"Where do you plant the rice? Is there land in the village?" The stranger put down the rice reluctantly, with a puzzled look on his face. When they went there in February and March, the people in the village were still living in a very tight situation. How could they build the wall so quickly? Is it that simple to build a wall?

"How could that be possible? We grow rice in the paddy fields outside the yard, and we work so hard to harvest just a little bit of it. If we really had no salt to eat and you weren't going to the countryside, we wouldn't be willing to give up this premium rice!" They had agreed on a common statement before they came, not to mention the fact that growing vegetables on wooden racks would save land.

When Yang Dachuan and his friends came out, they didn't know the price of salt. Each of them carried 10 to 20 kilograms of rice. They would have to eat salt anyway, so they didn't mind wasting it. They exchanged the rice for salt. Yang Dachuan even exchanged 10 kilograms at once. His family liked strong flavors, so the salt would be consumed faster than other families. Anyway, it wouldn't be a problem if they exchanged it and kept it at home.

"Would you like to exchange it for some candy?" The stranger saw that they were generous and thought that they were willing to eat it and maybe they could exchange it for some candy to take back.

This year they went to the west and brought back a lot of things on the way. They brought back the sugar cane casually. It happened that Qiuli Town allocated them a piece of mountain land, which was not easy to take care of. So they simply planted a lot of sugar cane on the mountain. Although they had never taken care of it, they still harvested a lot.

"Do you have peanuts, sesame seeds, or soybeans?" Yang Dachuan's family still has a lot of brown sugar, a big jar of it, and he wants these more.

"Who has spare land to grow those?" They didn't want to work hard on the hundreds of acres of land outside Pingshan Village, and they could fill their stomachs by growing a crop of sweet potatoes and miscellaneous grains a year.

"When will you go to the west to transport salt again?" The people of Dayuan Village were not interested in brown sugar or white sugar. They saw that the price of salt was getting more and more expensive day by day. If the salt was out of stock one day, they would not be able to exchange grain for salt.

"Hey, then you'll have something to wait for!" The leader in charge of exchanging salt grinned. If he could exchange it for rice today, he would at least get two kilograms. He felt happy just thinking about it and was willing to talk to them.

They just came back from the west half a year ago, and they probably won't go back for the next two years. The west is in chaos now, and many locals have to find a place to escape because they heard that the court is planning to move the capital to the west. There are no biting bats there, and it's far from the sea, so there aren't many sea rats. Although there are more poisonous snakes, the west has very good snake prevention methods, so life won't be too difficult.

Nowadays, all those high-ranking officials are flocking to the west. If they want to go there, they might be chased away because the area is so small that they can't support too many people.

Tsk! Yang Dachuan smacked his lips. He had to exchange more salt. Ten kilograms of salt was not enough for the family to produce for two years. When the first crop of grain was harvested next year, he had to exchange more salt here. He had to ensure the supply for the next two years. Yang Dachuan made a decision in his heart.

The journey back was relatively smooth. After having gone through the route once in the morning, everyone went much faster and returned to the village safely before dark.

On the way back, Yang Dachuan caught a fat rabbit. These small wild animals were rare at the foot of the mountain. When they saw it, the rabbit was being entangled by a bamboo pit viper as thick as an arm and was about to die.

How could Yang Dachuan let it go when he saw it? He was not afraid of the big snake with its hissing tongue. He walked forward with a knife in one hand and a stick in the other and easily killed it.

"You are really brave, aren't you afraid that the snake will come and bite you?" Although the people in Dawan Village envied the rabbit meat, they also knew that if it were just the few people in their village, most of them would take a detour.

"We won't be afraid of it after a few encounters!" The people of Pingshan Village laughed. Of course, they said this in a tough way, but in fact, they were also afraid. Usually, they mostly hunted sea rats. After all, if you were bitten by that thing, as long as you didn't get stuck in the rat pile, the pain would pass after a while. But you dare not provoke this poisonous snake. If you get bitten, you will die. Only Dachuan was brave enough to take it lightly.

Yang Dachuan only took the fat rabbit, and passed the bamboo green snake he killed to other people in the village. The others were also very happy. It was several kilograms, and everyone could share it to add a dish to their family. You know, although they have no shortage of small fragrant meat, they will get tired of it if they eat too much. This small dragon meat is very nutritious, and people don't usually get it. But they know the Dachuan family, and the old and young in the family don't like it.

