But he is really a lucky person. Except for the early death of the head of the family, he has lived a smooth life and has never experienced the hardship of being bullied in this house.

"Hey, why are you talking about this!" Yu Ge'er was unhappy and turned to talk about something else, "Your family just moved here and the vegetables have just been planted. If you don't have enough, just come to our house. Look, there are fruits and vegetables planted in those two rooms. We can't eat that much on weekdays!"

"Okay, I won't be polite with your family!" Their family has just moved in, and they are planning to plant this vegetable rack. But now it is autumn, the weather is a little cool, and the vegetables have just sprouted. It will take a while for their family to eat the fresh vegetables they grow themselves, so they can't be polite right now!

"Yu'er, how come your head has so many weird ideas? I won't be surprised when your Dachuan says he wants to grow vegetables on the roof one day!" Yao'er was full of admiration. Even though everyone laughed at Yang Dachuan for not doing farm work well, he had many ways of farming one after another, which made his family so good. Unlike his own son, who is so simple-minded that he won't farm when asked to do so, and doesn't dare to plant beans when asked to plant melons.

"Dachuan is not good at farm work, so we can only think of some crooked ideas!" Yuger also smiled. Although Dachuan often made jokes in farm work, the benefits his family got were not discounted at all. Let it be a joke, at least they didn't suffer any loss.

Outside the village, on the edge of the field.

Today, a hole was bitten in the wooden fence again, and a bunch of sea rats jumped in, and two poisonous snakes also crawled in. The group of people were so busy that they fell on their heels. It took a long time to find the snakes. However, the fields were destroyed by sea rats every other day, and it seemed that the harvest was about to be completely destroyed.

"What do those people in the village do for a living? Why haven't they come up with any rules after discussing for a whole month?" A group of men collapsed on the field exhausted and complained, "Can't they assign some people to do the work? Why do they stay in the village all day hatching eggs?" There are hundreds of acres of fields outside, and it takes only twenty or thirty men at the entrance of their village. They can only take care of one end but not the other.

"Let's go to the village in the evening and discuss the rules. We need people to come out and do the work. Otherwise, we'll just fence off our own land and let them do whatever they want with their fields. We won't care!" This month he was so busy chasing sea rats that he didn't take care of the farm work in his own fields.

Yang Dachuan had no hope at all for the acres of beans he planted. He planned to pull out all the half-grown soybeans later, just in time to have a few meals of edamame. Anyway, he couldn't wait for them to mature.

"Hey, if any of you like to eat edamame, come to my field and take some back. Take as much as you want!" He did it right away. As it was almost noon, Yang Dachuan started to prepare it efficiently.

"Dachuan, are your beans not growing anymore?" They will be harvested in ten days or half a month. It would be a pity to pull them out now.

"No more waiting, no more waiting. If we wait any longer, we probably won't even have edamame to eat!" Yang Dachuan waved his hands. He didn't know how many sea rats had jumped in today. It was such a wide area, and he didn't know if he had caught them all. After a night, there would probably be nothing left.

You can carry the edamame home and eat two meals. If you can't finish it, you can take it home with the half-grown mung beans and peanut sprouts to feed the livestock.

"Should we pull out our own beans too?" Many people had also planted beans, and they were a little worried when they saw Yang Dachuan's quick and efficient work. However, there were only ten days left, and they would be reluctant to pull them out now.

"Dial!" Yang Dalin trusted Yang Dachuan very much. Anyway, his family also raised two sheep. At worst, the feed would be enough for the next two months!

Yang Dalin's action also inspired several people in the village to grit their teeth and go to their own fields to work. The rest of the people looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? The beans haven't grown yet, why are you pulling them out?" The villagers who were talking just now came to the field at noon.

"Oh, you finally decided to come out of your caves after hibernating. I was thinking about going to remind you." The people at the entrance of the village were really angry. They just came to work in the fields in the afternoon. Could it be that the local landlord came to inspect the land?

"What's the matter with pulling out soybean sprouts?" The villagers pretended to be dumb and pretended not to hear their sarcastic words.

"What else can we do? We can't stop the sea rats outside!" Without waiting for the people at the village entrance to reply, they figured it out on their own.

"Hey, you outsiders are really awesome. You only care about your own fields, and let the sea rats destroy the crops in our village, right? When you were harvesting rice, we took good care of it for you!"

After walking around the fields twice, the villagers discovered that the fields were covered with signs of being bitten. So the recent misfortunes in the village and their jealousy towards the people outside the village burst out, and the words they said became increasingly unpleasant.

The man at the entrance of the village was still very angry, how could he tolerate such accusations? So both sides started arguing. They were all young men holding back their anger, and there was no one to persuade them. They kept arguing with each other and neither of them gave in. In the end, it turned into a fistfight, and one by one, they all rolled into one another.

"It hurts, it hurts, be gentle!" The fight on the field finally turned into a fight, with people pushing and shoving each other, and Yang Dachuan was also involved. There were few people outside, so even if Yang Dachuan was very capable, he was hit a lot. Now that he returned home, Yu Ge'er was applying medicine to him.

As Yu Ge'er spread the medicine on him, he said, "Why don't you just talk it out nicely? You have to resort to violence. We're all from the same village, why are you so angry?"

"They are all taking out their anger on the land. I guess people in the village are not living well either." Yang Dachuan stood up and stretched his legs: "Alas, we haven't harvested all the edamame yet. I don't know if there will be any left tomorrow!" He worked in a disorganized manner and in the end Yang Dachuan forgot about his own work in the field and returned home empty-handed.

"I'm glad you're okay. Are you injured?" When Grandma Shen heard that they had a fight with the villagers, she was also shocked. Seeing that Yang Dachuan was fine, she couldn't help but mutter, "Can't you just live your life in peace? Why don't you use your strength outside? You always hurt the villagers. You are so injured and painful, and your family members have to take care of you. You are a father in your thirties, but you don't know how to take care of yourself!"

"Grandma, where are Zhuangzhuang and An'an? Why didn't I see them?" Seeing that grandma was getting more and more talkative, Yu Ge'er quickly interrupted, "They were here just now, where did they go in the blink of an eye?"

"Hey, they're in the front room, I'll go take a look." When Grandma Shen heard Yuger's question, she looked around, then stopped talking and went outside to look for the two children.

Yang Dachuan touched his nose and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandma is right, you deserve it!" Seeing the head of the family looking so relieved, Yu Ge'er was also angry, "What should we do in the village now? What are the rules for the fields outside?"

"Just keep planting. There's not enough food in the yard. We really can stop planting!" After the fight and venting of their anger, the two gangs didn't say anything in the end. They guessed that the matter was over.

Most of the villagers are honest and have low ambitions. They don't expect to own a large piece of land to grow crops to support themselves, but having a piece of paddy field to add some hope to their family is enough.
