? Grandma, Yu'er, please add a few more pairs of bowls and chopsticks." Yang Dachuan quickly invited a few people to the table.

Several people were not polite. The village didn't know what was going on with the family. They hadn't eaten white rice for several years. They picked up the bowls and chopsticks and started to eat. They looked like hungry tigers pouncing on their food. Yang Dachuan had to worry that the bottom of his own pot would be ruined by these people.

"Dachuan, what did you say just now about being able to grow three crops of rice?" After swallowing the last mouthful of rice in the bowl, Village Chief Xu remembered the question he had asked when he entered the door just now. The others also kept staring at Yang Dachuan.

"Village chief, the idea of planting three crops was my own idea, but I don't know if it will succeed or not!" Yang Dachuan felt embarrassed. It was fine if he was bragging in front of his brothers, but he still felt guilty talking big in front of these old farmers.

Although he was 80% sure, he didn't dare to tell anyone because he hadn't grown any crops yet. Today, seeing his brother worried about the lack of land at home, he revealed a little bit of his information. Unexpectedly, the old men in the village heard it, so he had no choice but to tell everyone.

"In the past, we planted rice in March, transplanted rice seedlings on Qingming Festival, and harvested grain in July and August, which took a total of four months. This year, it was already late April when we planted, but in early July, we could have stored the grain in the warehouse in just a few days. This is more than a month less!" Yang Dachuan told everyone about his discovery. Whether this would work or not could only be seen next year.

After hearing what Yang Dachuan said, everyone felt that it was somewhat reliable. As long as there was no drought or flood, and the weather was good like this year, they would be able to survive by guarding the land in the yard.

"Alas! If we had enclosed the two courtyards, how much more food would we have had!" This was pure hindsight, and Yang Dachuan secretly despised the person who said this. When the wall was built, you inside were afraid that we outside would take advantage of you.

"Or, we can plant it in the fields outside as well."

"You can't even get back a few percent of the sweet potatoes and corn you plant outside, and if you plant rice, you can't even get the rice seeds back!" They have seen how fierce the sea rats are outside the courtyard wall these days. Every family outside the village planted two or three mu of land, and the sea rats seemed to jump up and bite people. If hundreds of acres of farmland outside were planted with rice, it was estimated that the sea rats in the entire Anping County would fill up their village.

"We still have to build a wall, at least to enclose more fields. The village is still too narrow now, it's hard to deal with!" Village Chief Xu sighed, worried! In the past, the village was already in a state of chaos just because of growing vegetables, and now they have to grow rice in the village, the land in the village is even tighter, and there is no peace now.

Chapter 58 Land Disturbance

The village was in chaos, and they had no peace outside. Now the yard at the entrance of the village was a hot commodity, and everyone wanted to move in and get a piece of it. Some used connections, some talked about personal connections, some said harsh words, and some were shameless, all just to occupy a piece of land in the yard.

Yang Dachuan is still a bit famous in the courtyard outside, and people who come to his house to talk are even more annoying. He simply made an agreement with the villagers that anyone who wants to enter their courtyard from outside will not be allowed in, not even through the door, and see what you can say.

Originally, there were only about ten households including Yang Dachuan at the entrance of the village. The walls of the entire compound were built by outsiders hired by them with their own food and labor, so the fields of the old residents were wider. The ten households that moved in later only repaired the walls when the earthquake occurred. They were quite conscious and the land they occupied was not as large as that of the old residents. Basically, each family was in charge of their own land. Although there were occasional quarrels, everyone was generally satisfied with the land they were allocated.

Now, if outsiders want to move in, the yard is so small, and what they will get is their own land. Who would be willing to do it? So no matter if it is the parents or not, it will be useless. If the villagers agree to it out of consideration, whoever agrees will get his land given to the person who moves in.

The villagers were confused for a while, but they outside did not dare to delay for a moment. They prepared the fields and planted rice, and they were busy in full swing.

"Dachuan, why don't you plant the seedlings?" Passersby asked curiously when they saw Yang Dachuan and his wife bending over and planting the seedlings one by one in the paddy field.

"Hey, it's just a small piece of land, but now it's closer to me than my own parents, I have to take good care of it, I can't just mess around with it now!" Yang Dachuan straightened up and twisted his waist. It was tiring to bend over and plant rice. In just half a day, his waist felt like it was broken.

In fact, he also wanted to use throwing seedlings, but the paddy field converted from dry land was too hard, and the seedlings could not survive if thrown! But this was too embarrassing, Yang Dachuan was embarrassed to say it, now he was the man with the title of Shennong of Pingshan Village, hehe.

"You're just talking nonsense!" They had been sleeping in the same bed for several years, so they knew each other. Yu Ge'er glanced at him unhappily.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Zhuangzhuang and Anan also sat on the edge of the field, wearing small straw hats, rolling up their trouser legs, revealing their white and tender calves, their little feet trembling, following behind grandma and imitating her, laughing at their own father!

"Go, go, go! You two little brats, you're not doing your job. Get your father a pot of water!" The front door was right in front of him. Grandma Shen was also at home. It was such a short distance, nothing could happen. Yang Dachuan waved his hand and sent his two sons home to get water for themselves.

"You two run slower!" Yu Ge'er saw Zhuang Zhuang and An An, the two brothers, twisting their little butts as if they were racing to rush home, and was afraid that they would fall, so he quickly warned them.

"Why haven't people in the yard gone out to work recently? Don't they want to stop farming? The rice in the village alone can't feed a family." There have been a lot of people coming and going in their house recently, so they've only just started planting rice in their paddy fields. Other families in the yard don't have many paddy fields, so they should have finished it long ago, but now everyone seems to be wandering around with nothing to do, but they don't go out to the fields!

"How can that be? The first crop of corn and sweet potatoes has been harvested, and now the fields outside are empty. I guess they haven't decided what to plant yet." With food in hand, there is no need to panic. The rice harvested in the yard gave everyone confidence. In the past, the fields were mainly planted with sweet potatoes and corn. Now that they have a clear mind, they probably want to change their taste and plant some other crops.

"Then what should we grow?" There is one and a half acres of land in the yard. Now the grain harvest is good and there is no need to pay taxes. Two crops a year are enough for the family. Now they can also grow some other things outside.

"Let's plant some soybeans. We have no soy milk at home!" In the past two years, their family has eaten a lot of tofu, bean sprouts and bean skin, and used a large jar of pickled soybean paste. What they planted in the past has been almost eaten, so now is the perfect time to plant some.

"Also plant a few beds of mung beans. They are good for reducing internal heat, and we cook them frequently at home." Yu Ge'er thought for a moment and continued, "Also plant some sesame seeds, peanuts, etc. We have some brown sugar left at home, so we can give them as snacks to the children!" The children are growing up, and the candies that the family used to buy are used up quickly. They are about to run out of food, so planting some at home can provide a supplement.

"I don't know if the foreigners have planted their sugar cane. If the harvest is good, we can exchange some rice with them." The foreigners came twice after the New Year, but not since Qingming Festival. In addition, the weather outside has become hotter in the past few months, and there are more snakes and insects.
