Unmoved, he rammed the tree with all his might, and after a few hits, he heard a crack and the tree fell backwards.

The guys on the tree were not stupid either, seeing that the tree was about to break, they all looked for open places to jump down.

"I'll go and lead it away first, and then everyone will take turns one by one. Don't all come down yet!" Yang Dachuan jumped down from the tree first. There were 16 of them, and as long as they didn't panic, they could still save their lives.

16 people took turns to fight a guerrilla war with the wild boar under the tree. They specifically looked for places with many trees to hide in. When they got tired, they would immediately climb up the tree and let another person lure the wild boar. It took almost two hours before the wild boar slowly couldn't run anymore and was panting heavily under the tree.

Seeing that the big wild boar had no strength left, the group of people were determined to let it go. They swarmed over and attacked it with axes and machetes in their hands without any hesitation. After a short while, they joined the wild boar.

"Ouch, my calves are weak and I can't walk anymore!" After a group of people knocked down the wild boar, they all lay down and began to feel scared.

"Let's take a rest first. It's still early. We'll go down the mountain and go home. We won't leave tomorrow!" Yang Dachuan was also very scared. He could ensure his own safety, but if something happened to others, it would not be easy for those who went up the mountain together.

"Okay, these two wild boars are enough for our trip anyway."

"I'm finally home. After what happened today, I can't walk anymore."

Looking at these two wild boars as big as small hills, everyone felt like they were dreaming. Why weren't they afraid just now? Why did they dare to rush up? In the past, when people in the village saw wild boars, they would just run away and would not even dare to look at them.

After being scared, I couldn't help laughing again. Hehehe! These two big wild boars weigh at least several hundred kilograms, and each person can get several dozen kilograms. This is not the pheasant meat that has no fat! With these wild boar meat, this year can be considered a good year.

After the repairs were completed, everyone didn't dare to delay any longer. They quickly set up two wooden frames and carried the wild boar down the mountain along the marks they had made when they came.

When they returned to the village, they really caused a sensation in the village. Two big wild boars and seven or eight wild boar babies were not comparable to pheasants or rabbits.

"You are so brave, you are risking your life. How can you provoke such a big wild boar?" When Village Chief Xu heard that they came back early, he thought something had happened, so he ran over and was furious when he saw them. "You should have let someone more stable go with you. You are a bunch of unruly idiots. What will your family do if something happens?"

The group of people who went up the mountain lowered their heads to listen to the lecture, but the grin on their faces told the village chief that these people would not listen to anything now. "Okay, get out of here, you idiots. You are already fathers, but you are still so unstable."

"Hey, village chief, come over to have dinner with us tonight." The few people who went up the mountain together decided to kill a pig in the evening, gnaw on big bones, eat some pig offal, and have some fun together!

The villagers were all brothers and sisters, and Yang Dachuan was thinking about his home. He said hello to everyone and went home first. The door of his house was tightly closed, and Yang Dachuan was not surprised. When he was not at home, the door must be closed and locked. Sure enough, Yang Dachuan went forward and pushed the door, but it could not be opened.

"Brother Yu, grandma, I'm back, open the door"

"Well, Dachuan, why are you back today?" Grandma Shen was picking vegetables in the main room. When she heard Yang Dachuan's voice, she hurried out to open the door.

Unexpectedly, just as the door opened and before anyone was seen, the Da Huang and Er Huang dogs at home rushed out, and Yang Dachuan was almost knocked down. Yang Dachuan dodged while scolding: "Da Huang and Er Huang, get out of the way quickly, you want to be beaten!"

In the end, Grandma Shen couldn't bear to see Yang Dachuan in such a miserable state, so she quickly called out to stop him, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get in for a while.

"Grandma, don't cook tonight, let's go to the village to eat." Yang Dachuan put down the backpack and brushed off the loose dirt on his body before going into the house. "We went up the mountain to hunt wild boars and came back early. The village is preparing pig slaughtering dishes now. Let's go to the village for dinner."

Yang Dachuan looked around and asked, "Where's Yu Ge? Why can't I see him?"

"Here you are. Why did you come back suddenly?" The child had just woken up and Yuger was coaxing the child. When he heard the voice of his own boss, he quickly put the child in the cradle and pushed him out.

"We had a good harvest in the mountains, so we came back early." Yang Dachuan smiled and touched his head, "Is everything ok at home?"

"It's nothing, are you hurt?" Yu Ge'er walked up to Yang Dachuan and looked him up and down, fearing that he was hurt somewhere.

"Hehe, it's okay, we have a lot of people here." He just fell when being chased by a wild boar, and his hand was scratched. But there was no need to tell Yuge'er about this minor injury to avoid worrying him.

Yu Ge'er walked around and didn't find anything wrong, so he finally put his mind at ease. "Just now you said you went up the mountain to hunt wild boars. No one was hurt, right?"

"Everything is fine. Our whole family will go in and eat later. We won't cook tonight."

"You and Yu Ge'er can go, someone has to stay at home to look after the children." Grandma Shen waved her hand, "You go early and come back early, but don't come back too late!"

"Okay, I'll go to the village with Yu Ge'er and come back right after dinner." It's really hard to bring the two little ones into the village, so someone has to stay to watch them. Yu Ge'er hasn't been to the village for a long time, and he also wants to talk to Yao Ge'er.

"Go, go!" Grandma Shen usually doesn't like to go out much, and she may not be able to find anyone to talk to in the village. She would rather stay at home.

The village hadn't been so lively for a long time. The harvest had been bad in the past two years, and the farmers had been managing their own small plots of land, so there was no extra grain for weddings. The last time the village had a big banquet was the third-day-birthday banquet for Yang Dachuan's two sons.

Although we cannot eat meat to our heart's content today, the harvest this year is better than last year. The village wall has been rebuilt, we have food and our safety is guaranteed. Even though our daily lives are a little bumpy, as the New Year is approaching, everyone is infected by the joy of the harvest.

Chapter 45: Grasping the Weekly

What was originally just a big pot meal for a few households that went up the mountain today eventually developed into a buffet for the whole village. People who came were also conscious, you contributed a handful of grain, I contributed a handful of rice, and it didn't matter if we couldn't eat meat, everyone sat together and chatted, talking about next year's harvest and children's marriages. The joy of the harvest was reflected on people's smiling faces, and life was getting better and better after all.

This is the fourth year since Yang Dachuan came to this world. Regardless of the outside world, he feels that his family is getting better and better. In the first year, he got married, in the second year, he built a house, and in the third year, he had a child. Although there are no big happy events this year, the fact that the family can sit together and eat a reunion dinner in peace and health is more important than any happy event.

The last time they went hunting in the mountains, Yang Dachuan got 20 kilograms of wild boar meat. Because he was the leader, he was also given a wild boar kid weighing about 30 kilograms. He was very satisfied with this.

Although when the two wild boars were carried down the mountain, some curious people even weighed them on a scale and found that they weighed a total of 800 kilograms.
