You're thinking too far ahead!" said Uncle Shan, "If you have the energy, hurry up and catch up. We still have a lot of work to do at home!"

Although the mountain road was difficult to walk on, with the help of the old master, Uncle Shan, they successfully checked the caves one by one.

"What should we do? The mountain doesn't look safe!" After visiting several caves, everyone was a little desperate. After the earthquakes in previous years and the shaking last night, the caves in the mountains had collapsed, and some were still dropping rocks, but no one dared to live in them.

"Let's build a shed in the valley!" After visiting several places, the old man felt that his dream of living in a cave was going to fail. It would be better to build a shed in the valley where the wind is not as strong as on flat ground.

"The col won't work. It's too cold today. Living in a shed will freeze us to death!" After hearing what the old uncle said, Xu Dazhuang immediately retorted: "In good years, thatched sheds can't survive the winter. If we live in one now, we will be frozen into a block of ice in less than two days. Besides, the col is prone to avalanches. We can't live there, we can't live there!"

"It's so cold today, it's too late to build a house! So what do you think we should do?"

"God is going to block our path!"

"Don't say such depressing words..."

"What are you looking at, Dachuan? Isn't there seawater all around?" Seeing a group of people still arguing about what to do in the future, Xu Lin saw Yang Dachuan looking outside and asked curiously, "Where are you going to go in the future, up the mountain or to the southwest?"

"Why are you thinking about these two places? Wouldn't it be better to go north?" Yang Dachuan turned his head and glanced at him: "Maybe the north is not flooded, and the land is wider. You won't starve to death if you open up your own fields and grow crops!"

"But aren't there blood-sucking sea bats over there? Who dares to go there?" Xu Lin was puzzled: "Why, do you want to go to the north?"

"If we really can't survive, let's go over there!" Yang Dachuan didn't deny it. He had this idea since he knew the sea water was flooding. It's just that the terrain in the north is not as high as that in the west. He doesn't want to take the risk unless it is necessary!

"Hey, that's right. It's been so long since the disaster, and we only see people from the east and west coming to our area. We haven't seen any refugees from the north. Maybe they are living a good life over there!" Someone heard them talking and came over to join in the fun: "Don't those sea bats come at night? We can just hide from them. It won't affect our work during the day, and it's almost the same as before!"

"You are the only one who can do this. If life were that easy, those high-ranking officials would still flee to the southwest!" Someone who saw more deeply came over and said, "From what I see, it's not that they don't want to flee, but the people in the north have been abused to such an extent that there are only a few left, and they are all hiding there!"

"Why think so far ahead? We may not even be able to survive right now, and we are still worrying about the future!" Yang Dachuan saw that everyone had lost their energy, so he quickly said, "Whether we go west or north, we still have to come to this mountain. Let's figure out where to stay first! What does Uncle Shan say?"

"…What are you thinking now? Just because we live at the end of the village, do we mean we are no longer people of Pingshan Village?" Yang Dalin panted and loudly questioned the villagers, "Didn't we contribute to the village work? The construction of your inner wall also depended on our efforts. Why didn't you say we were not villagers then?"

"Let's get back to the old stuff. Why are you talking about old things? You're just digging up old scores!"

"That's right, this cave was discovered by our village's old uncle Shan, so of course it should be inhabited by our villagers!"

"What's the matter?" How did the quarrel start in just a blink of an eye? Yang Dachuan patted Lu Fang, who looked like he had eaten something, and asked him.

"What the hell!" Lu Fang threw the digging stick on his hand to the ground and replied angrily: "The old mountain uncle looked at this cave and said it can be lived in, but half of it has collapsed, and at most fifty or sixty families can live in it. The people in the village are squeezing us out and saying that we can't live here and let us find a place on our own!"

"What's there to say? When you were growing rice and eating white rice, didn't you think about us? You secretly ate all the food by yourself. Why didn't you say that we are from the same village and that this cave should be lived in by our villagers?"

"Yes! When the years were bad, we wanted to move outside your place but you wouldn't let us. Why should we let you live in this cave?"

Hearing this, the people at the entrance of the village could no longer hold back and immediately responded, "This cave has your name on it, and you are not allowed to live there just because you said you were not allowed to live there. How dare you be so shameless!"

Chapter 88 Valley

Yang Dachuan said angrily: "Who lives here and who doesn't? It doesn't matter what you say. We all rely on our own abilities. If someone does something bad, don't blame us for not respecting the friendship of fellow villagers!"

"...Dachuan, let's discuss this matter properly. Maybe we can find a better place if we look for it again!" Xu Dazhuang had to come out to smooth things over: "We are all from Pingshan Village. We don't care about inside and outside. Let's look for it again..."

"Then we'll look for them separately, and whoever finds first will get the arrangement!" The fool Xu Liang also came this time, and he was the most enthusiastic about not allowing people from the village to live in caves.

"Xu Liang, did you find this cave?" The old uncle was very angry and pointed at his nose and cursed: "Stop talking nonsense here. You are the first one who shouldn't live here!"

The outsiders felt a little relieved by Uncle Laoshan's words of defense, but they eventually fell out with the villagers. They were also strong-willed people and they didn't believe that there wasn't a cave where they could stay in this vast Daping Mountain.

"Damn it, a bunch of bastards, it's better if you don't ask us for anything in the future!" Lu Fang cursed as he walked forward, swinging the stick in his hand as if he was going to hit someone, and he kept saying, "Who cares about a half-collapsed cave? There are only fifty or sixty households living here at most. With so many people, they can just wait to get plagued!"

"Dachuan, where are we going?" After separating from the villagers, they followed Yang Dachuan. They spoke confidently as they left, but they were not very sure. Besides, going into the mountains on a snowy day was extremely dangerous!

"Old Forest, this is a place I discovered before!" Yang Dachuan walked in front, using the hatchet and stick in his hand to separate the overlapping branches and vines in front of him, and moved forward.

After walking for more than an hour, they passed a crack in the rock wall and the view in front of them suddenly opened up. They never expected that there was a valley hidden behind the crack.

The valley was about four or five acres in size, with a small stream winding along the edge of the valley. Across the stream was a large flat green lawn, but now it was covered with a thin layer of snow foam. The air was filled with the cold smell of grass and soil, but this smell did not make people uncomfortable, but made everyone happy.

"Dachuan, why doesn't it seem as cold here as outside?" Those who came here with us were all farmers. They didn't think this place was very beautiful, but it was indeed very comfortable now.

"Hey, there's a pool of hot water!" Yang Dachuan led them to the cliff, lifted up the hanging vines, and found a pool of steaming water in the cave that was barely big enough for an adult man to stand up. The pool was not big, and looked a bit bigger than the big-bellied water jar at home.
