, fearing that Yang Dachuan was an even more tyrannical person, and also sympathizing that he married a powerful wife, who might not even be able to support his family. Thinking of this, those who were originally jealous of Yang Dachuan's prosperous life felt relieved.

Everyone was thinking, no wonder Yu Ge'er hadn't found a husband at his age, it seems that this is the reason. However, because of Yu Ge'er's show of power, the gossip about their children in the village stopped.

"Yu Ge'er! Are you okay?" Yang Dachuan spoke before he even entered the house. When he saw Yu Ge'er, he pulled Yu Ge'er over and looked around without waiting for him to speak.

"Hey, it's okay, don't turn around, you're making me dizzy!" Yuger pulled Dachuan's hand away. There were children all around, what did he look like?

Yang Dachuan breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat off his head with his sleeves. "Someone from the village ran to the field and said that you were beaten. I was scared to death. I was afraid that something happened to you at home!"

Yao Ge'er burst out laughing, "I think you heard it wrong. Yu Ge'er is so impressive today!" He winked at Yu Ge'er and teased, "It seems that Dachuan doesn't know how powerful you are. Look how anxious he is, his shoes are flying off!"

Hearing Yang Dachuan's voice, the children who were sent to play in the next room also rushed over, gesticulating towards Yang Dachuan with their hands and feet.

Zhuangzhuang pulled Yang Dachuan over and said excitedly, "Dad, Dad, grandma beat Zhou Dazhuang's mother today, but he couldn't beat grandma..."

An An was not to be outdone and jumped directly in front of Yang Dachuan: "Dad, grandma hit me with a stick today, a stick as big as my arm..." As he spoke, he made a circle with his hands to gesture how thick the stick was.

Chunsheng also pulled Yang Dachuan's sleeve: "Zhou Dazhuang's mother is lying on the ground, unable to move..."

Xiao Yun, who was always quiet, also looked at Yang Dachuan with sparkling eyes. Every time they said something, he nodded heavily to prove that what they said was right.

"Go, go, stop talking nonsense, go play outside!" Seeing the children talking more and more unbecomingly, Yu Ge'er blushed and quickly sent them out. Although he felt that there was nothing wrong with beating people today, he was still a little nervous when the head of the family saw his fierce side.

"I made pumpkin steamed cakes today. Come, I'll take you downstairs to eat." As soon as Grandma Shen saw Yuger's face, she knew that he was probably embarrassed, so she quickly took the child out.

Although Zhuangzhuang and the others didn't want to leave, when they saw that Yuger looked unhappy and thought of the big stick that grandma used to beat people, they shuddered in their hearts and obediently followed Grandma Shen to eat pumpkin steamed cakes.

"Hahaha!" Yao Ge'er laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his back. He could always blame Yu Ge'er for what happened today. "How about I go and have a piece of steamed cake too!"

After everyone else in the room had left, Yang Dachuan stepped forward, took Yu Ge'er's hand, and said with a chuckle, "Did you beat up Zhou Dazhuang's mother?" Although the children's words were mixed up, Yang Dachuan still got the general idea: "Hehe, that's amazing! My wife is really awesome!"

Seeing that his boss didn't look unhappy at all, Yu Ge'er felt relieved. He shook Dachuan's hand and said with a smile, "They are such bad-mouthed people. They even beat our child. We must teach them a lesson."

Yu Ge'er paused, and then relaxed his nervousness: "This is a good opportunity to give the villagers a warning. We are not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch!"

Yang Dachuan's smile deepened, and he wanted to laugh out loud. He hugged Yu Ge'er's waist and said, "My wife is really a hero, no worse than an ordinary man."

Yu Ge'er pushed him awkwardly and whispered, "Let go quickly, or someone will laugh at us if we see you!"

Chapter 79 Learning to Farm (Children’s Stories)

The spring weather in March was perfect. The thick winter curtains had all been taken down. The warm afternoon light came in through the windows. The dust was slowly drifting. The shadows of the two people leaning against each other were cast on the ground. From next door came the sounds of children laughing and playing, the calls of livestock at home, and the occasional sound of people passing by the door. The years were peaceful. Yang Dachuan had never felt such peace in his heart.

"That's enough!" After hugging for a while, Yu Ge'er pushed Yang Dachuan, "This matter is not over yet. Zhou Dazhuang's mother might go to the village chief to make accusations against our family!"

"Just say it, he's not the only one with a mouth!" Yang Dachuan let go of Yu Ge'er and pulled him to sit down, "Zhou Dazhuang's mother started the fight with the kids, everyone knows it, and no matter what, they're the one in the wrong!"

Yang Dachuan smiled and said, "Fighting has always been a matter of ability. Who can she blame for her own incompetence? Zhou Laoshi, huh! We don't have to be afraid of him. If he dares to cause trouble for us, I will not be called this name unless I break his legs!" There was a flash of anger in Yang Dachuan's eyes. If Yuger hadn't taken action, he would have gone to Zhou Laoshi's house to fight.

In the next few days, just as Yang Dachuan said, Zhou Laoshi and his family stayed at home and didn't dare to go out, let alone step on the door of the Yang family to ask for compensation. Although the village chief heard about this, the victims did not complain, and no one dared to go to Yang Dachuan to make trouble.

However, those who used to take advantage of Yang Dachuan's family by relying on their seniority or good relationship with them have to put their evil thoughts aside. This family, from the big ones to the small ones, is not easy to mess with!

The house became much quieter for a while. Not only did the people who usually came to borrow needles and oil every few days because they saw that their family lived a good life and were easy to talk to stop, but those who spread gossip about their family outside now trembled with legs when they saw Yu Ge'er, for fear that Yu Ge'er would remember them and beat them with a stick. If they were beaten to the point of being unable to get up like Zhou Dazhuang's mother, not only would they have been beaten for nothing and had no place to complain, but they would also lose all their face.

Zhuangzhuang and An'an were also very happy. They no longer felt any pain in their bodies. Now they went out to play every day, puffing out their chests and walking with their legs spread wide, like a victorious rooster. When they quarreled with other children, they would always shout, "Let my grandma hit you with a stick."

Hehe, in the past they were not convinced when they were beaten by Yuge'er, but after this incident, the two brothers' admiration for their grandma surpassed that of their father, and they followed Yuge'er around every day. Now, when Yuge'er scolds them, without even showing a stick, the two brothers will immediately become timid.

"You two come with us to the fields today!" The farm work outside the yard was almost done, but the rice seedlings had not yet been planted in the paddy fields in front of and behind the house. Zhuangzhuang and An'an, the two boys, were always annoying in front of Yuge'er, so Yuge'er planned to let them start learning to do farm work.

"You can't go home for dinner until you finish planting a row of crops." Yang Dachuan threatened them, "You can't eat if you don't plant well!"

Zhuangzhuang and Anan were so excited that they didn't take what Yang Dachuan said to heart at all. Hehe, they are grown-up kids now and can help with housework.

The fields had been flooded long ago, and the soil inside was so soft that an adult would sink to his ankles when stepping on it.
