Look, we can’t rest assured if the child is left in someone else’s home!”

After comforting Grandma Shen, the two of them walked into the village as if nothing had happened. However, after entering the village, Yang Dachuan still had to pretend in front of others, otherwise, if the two brothers Xu Qing were beaten half to death, he would still be so arrogant, wouldn't that make him uncomfortable!

"Dachuan, what happened between you and the Xu Qing brothers when we went up the mountain today?" The old village chief tapped the pipe in his hand and said, "You two caught them and beat them up, and now all three of them are still in bed and can't get up!"

"They can't stop talking, they are just looking for trouble, I'll deal with them!" Anyway, the two families have already fallen out, Yang Dachuan didn't think about saving face for Xu Qing's family this time, pretending to be sad and angry, "We are honest people in the village, we work hard and never slack off, and we have no grudges against them in the past. Today, they came up and bullied me, and then the two brothers fought together. I'm not a wooden stake, how can I not fight back?"

"I'm not a good talker, but you're too vicious!" As soon as the words fell, Xu Qing's mother started yelling, not caring about pretending to be wronged, and jumped out and shouted: "You can kill people with just a few words from you. If I eat your food, you will definitely wipe out my family."

This was really heartbreaking. If he thought about it more carefully, the gossip about his family was spreading everywhere in the village, so he must hate the villagers. Although it was his family that was hit, it was also a disgrace to the whole village. Although Yang Dachuan thought so himself, he couldn't admit it now.

These two sentences from Xu Qing's mother easily set Yang Dachuan's family against the villagers. Alas! Yang Dachuan sighed. Sure enough, this family was not easy to deal with. The son had a sharp tongue, but the old man had an even sharper tongue and a darker heart!

"We don't believe what Aunt Xu said." Seeing that people were pointing fingers at them and scolding them, Yu Ge'er didn't hesitate: "We all know why Zhou Dazhuang's mother was beaten! It was just a quarrel between children, and she, an adult, didn't know the severity of the matter and got involved. Our family fought back to protect the children. This matter cannot be blamed on our family, otherwise why wouldn't the head of the family dare to speak out?"

Yu Ge'er glanced at the two brothers lying on the rack, who were wrapped up tightly, and said with disdain: "It is common for people in the village to quarrel and fight. It's not about who loses and who is right. Auntie, don't make up other names. What's more, it was your family that started the fight first. The two brothers beat up one of my head. If Dachuan didn't hit harder, he might be the one carried down the mountain today. My family hasn't even gone to your family to seek justice. How dare you complain in the village!"

Yu Ge'er didn't mention the gossips of the villagers, but only talked about the quarrels between the two families, just like the usual disputes over water and land. Anyway, it's not wrong to say that. Can the old couple of the Xu family say that it was the gossips spread by the villagers and they were just talking nonsense? If that were the case, Yu Ge'er would be so happy that he could offend all the villagers by himself.

The conversation stopped here. Everyone in the village knew the inside story, but people always sympathized with the weak. Now the Xu Qing brothers were beaten and lying on the bed. Yang Dachuan didn't look well, but he was still able to stand up and talk. The hearts of the villagers unconsciously leaned towards the Xu family.

They didn't call Yang Dachuan and his family in today because they wanted to reason with them. As long as Yang Dachuan gave in, the matter would be over. But looking at the couple's attitude, it seemed that they didn't intend to suffer any loss at all.

Although the two families did not mention the gossip in the village, the people standing here were also scared. Could it be that Yang Dachuan was holding a grudge against them in his heart? Suddenly, except for the crying and scolding of the old lady of the Xu family, no one in the ancestral hall spoke for a while, and they all calculated in their hearts.

"Old man Xu, what do you think?" Seeing that Yang Dachuan's approach was not going anywhere, the village chief felt a little uncomfortable. This was too disrespectful, so he asked Xu Qing's father, who was silent, with a cold face.

Old man Xu was very happy, thinking that it would be better if you didn't give in, because everyone in the village would stand on our side. So he pretended to be pitiful and bowed to Yang Dachuan: "Alas! This is something our family did wrong, I apologize to you on behalf of the two brothers." Look at that pitiful look, which made Yang Dachuan and his family look like bullies.

The couple leaned aside and made way, without saying anything, as if they accepted the apology. Now not only did the villagers think they were arrogant, but even the old village chief thought they were a little rude, and said, "That's it!"

"Isn't it a bit bad for our family to be so arrogant?" The two of them went back together. Yu Ge'er was a little worried. Before they even got home, he asked, "Now, the village may have to make more accusations against our family."

"When we were in a good mood, the villagers gossiped about us. If we show them some respect, we might even get more respect from them!" Yang Dachuan shook his head and said indifferently, "Anyway, we are not going to be officials. What's the point of having a good reputation for nothing? Just be a little cold to the villagers, and they won't dare to bully us, and we won't have to suffer any grievances."

After what happened to the three brothers of Xu Qing's family, the villagers got to know Yang Dachuan's character a little better. This family doesn't like to suffer any loss, and if they are provoked, they will even lose face for the village chief. If you want to provoke them, you have to consider whether you are strong enough to withstand a beating from Yang Dachuan.

The villagers, who were originally jealous of Yang Dachuan's good life, became more restrained. In this way, the village was peaceful and quiet, and it was the end of June in a blink of an eye, and it was time to harvest the first crop.

Now the farmland outside has been surrounded by walls, and Yang Dachuan's family has planted four acres of rice. He and his brothers worked hard for more than ten days to harvest all the crops from the fields of the three families.

"I heard that the town officials will come to the village to collect taxes in the next two days!" Yang Dashan clenched his teeth and squatted on the field to chat with his two brothers at home: "I heard that after the tax collection is completed, the grain will be transported to the southwest in August. If we want to go out and have a look, we can go with them."

"What does it have to do with us?" Yang Dalu looked puzzled: "Brother, do you want to go out and take a look?" That doesn't seem like it. In his impression, the eldest brother doesn't even like to go to the city very often. It doesn't seem like he is willing to go far.

"Is it Tianzi who has this idea?" Yang Dachuan guessed it after careful consideration. His eldest nephew is already eighteen years old this year, and the second son is also fifteen. The children are growing up and will have to get married and support themselves in the future. The family only has a few acres of land, so they have to make some plans now.

"Let him go out and see while he's still young and strong." Yang Dashan smiled bitterly: "Nowadays, there are more and more tax chores. I'm afraid it's useless to guard the few acres of land at home!"

"Didn't Tianzi go see someone else a few days ago? How could you and sister-in-law bear to let him go out?" The two brothers lived next door to each other. To put it bluntly, they could hear the sound even if someone farted. He was very clear about the movements of his eldest nephew at home.

"Ah! Why should I be reluctant? A man should go out and see the world. He can't be confined to this small place like us!" Yang Dashan smiled and said, "Besides, girls are so rare nowadays. I have asked several villages around for help, but there is no suitable one. This boy is also lucky. He met a villager last time.
