Dachuan doesn't dare to say that using the seedling throwing method will increase the yield compared with transplanting. Let's wait and see when the crops are harvested. Saying it now will only lead to criticism.

Village Chief Xu didn't want to dwell on this issue any more. Yang Dachuan had already finished the work, and he was not his father. If his two sons dared to destroy the land like this, he would break their legs. "Okay, I'll find a construction team for you in the next few days. Just have an idea of the cost. By the way, do you want to prepare the materials for the house yourself or outsource it to the construction team?"

The materials for building a house are bricks, tiles, clay, and beams. Construction teams usually have their own channels for these common materials. Their packages are definitely more expensive, but they are simple and easy. In fact, Yang Dachuan could buy them himself, but Yang Dachuan didn't have any channels and was worried that he would buy them at a high price and the quality would be poor.

"Uncle, let's prepare to build the house. I trust your recommendation!" Yang Dachuan said with a smile. The quality of the construction team arranged by the village chief must be acceptable. After all, Yang Dachuan and the village chief live in the same village. If the house they built is not good, he will not be able to bear the shame, and the villagers will also be able to drown him with spit.

Village Chief Xu helped to connect the two parties. Yang Dachuan will be rewarded, and the construction team will definitely give him a red envelope when the time comes. The village chief will definitely take it to heart as he is getting benefits from both sides.

The house was decided. When the builders arrived, Yang Dachuan discussed the style of the house with the lead builders and chose a good day to start construction.

The new house was built on a vacant lot in front of his old house, about 10 meters away from the village road.

Yang Dachuan had no idea about the style of the house, so he built three large rooms, and the whole yard and the wall were rectangular. The horizontal room had two floors: the first floor was the hall in the middle, with Yang Dachuan and his wife's room on the left, the kitchen and bathroom on the right, and three rooms upstairs, which could be used for children in the future. Outside the rooms was a corridor more than 1 meter wide and a terrace 2.5 meters wide; the railings were made of blue bricks and white porcelain, so there was no need to worry about them breaking in the future; the stairs to the upper floor were built behind the couple's room on the first floor; the two large rooms were arranged vertically, each divided into two rooms, the right room had two rooms: Grandma Shen occupied one room, and the other was used to store things; the two rooms on the left were empty, and guests could be arranged to stay here when they came. There was also a utility room at the foot of the front yard wall, which could be used to store farm tools or raise dogs to guard the house.

The only thing that was a bit out of the ordinary when building a house was that Yang Dachuan wanted to put the toilet and the bathing room together, but was unanimously opposed by everyone. When he came here, although the sanitary conditions of everyone were improved, the improvement of toilets in rural areas was not very deep. The ones in the city were slightly better, and had already developed to the slanted pit type. However, most of the rural areas were still in the state of two boards and one pit. When Yang Dachuan was repairing the old house before, he also made a slanted pit himself, but it was still not good enough.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Let alone other things, Yang Dachuan was very resentful about the toilet. In modern times, he had already enjoyed clean sanitary conditions, and now that he had the conditions again, Yang Dachuan insisted on building a new toilet. Although the toilet could not be built in the new house, Yang Dachuan converted the storage room of the old house into a bathroom. The floor was inlaid with large stone pieces to make a squat toilet. He specially asked a porcelain master in the city to help burn a squat toilet, and also burned specially customized pipes and a septic tank behind the passage.

The doors and windows were all custom-made from wooden beams in Anping County, and the floor of the house was paved with bluestone tiles. People in the countryside never considered drainage when building houses, so Yang Dachuan had a good talk with the builder just in case. Finally, he designed a drainage ditch like the houses built by wealthy families in the city, connecting the kitchen and bathroom, and using specially customized pipes to the septic tank behind the entire yard.

The old house they lived in was made of mud. This time, when renovating the house, Yang Dachuan simply bought some mud bricks and replaced the original mud on the outer wall with mud bricks. It doesn't cost much to replace the outer wall with mud bricks. Otherwise, no one will live in it and it will fall into disrepair in no time. Yang Dachuan plans to use it in the future, although he doesn't know how to use it now.

On the day of the construction, all the villagers who had free time came to help dig the foundation, but they were not paid. These were favors, and Yang Dachuan would have to pay them back in the future. Yang Dachuan's family provided meals for those who came to help dig the foundation, and treated everyone with good meat and good food. There were many people digging the foundation, but it was all dug in two days. The rest was all the work of the construction team, and everything went on in an orderly manner as agreed before.

During the construction of the house, Yang Dachuan's family helped prepare meals for the construction team, which also saved some expenses. This was not difficult to do. Grandma Shen and Yu Ge'er were both good at cooking, so they were more than capable of preparing big pot meals and keeping the house quiet.

The progress of the house was also discussed in advance, so Yang Dachuan didn't have to worry about any major problems, and Village Chief Xu occasionally came to look after him. For a while, Yang Dachuan was the one with the most free time, living a life where he opened his eyes every day waiting for meals and closed his eyes every day waiting for sleep.

At first, he could rest for two days and enjoy the life of a rich landlord. But after a few days, Yang Dachuan felt that he couldn't stand it anymore! He was bored, with no TV to watch and no other entertainment. He couldn't find anyone to chat with. Although it was the slack season, most villagers couldn't stay idle. Those with connections went to the city to find work. Those without connections put all their efforts into their own fields. They wanted to run eight times a day, and they had to wipe off the dust on the leaves with clothes. This really made Yang Dachuan, a fake farmer who had lived in the countryside all his life, feel the love of the real farmers in ancient times for the land and crops.

The author has something to say: I just drew a floor plan of a house and found a rendering on the Internet, but I don’t know how to upload the picture, o (╥﹏╥) o

Chapter 16 Promotion of Local Pesticides

Influenced by the mood of the villagers, Yang Dachuan also wanted to find a job for himself. He remembered that there was still a large room of tea dregs left over from oil pressing last year. He had used more than a dozen cakes for composting, but there was still a lot left. This stuff couldn't be eaten, so he had to spend it to make money, and couldn't waste it.

In modern times, in recent years, everyone pays attention to eating healthy food, and goes to the countryside to buy rice, fruits and vegetables that are not sprayed with pesticides. But nowadays, which vegetable farms really do not use pesticides? If you don't use pesticides, they will be destroyed by insects and diseases!

In order to sell their own fields at a higher price, but they cannot sell the crops sprayed with pesticides to city dwellers against their conscience, the villagers use the traditional method passed down by their ancestors to kill insects: tea dregs water pesticide. Of course, this method is not as effective as real pesticides and cannot cure all insect diseases; but it is green and safe, and they can also tell others that they have not sprayed pesticides.

Tea chaff has significant control effects on pests such as rice shriveling disease, rice sheath blight, cutworms, leeches, snails, etc.

For different insect pests, grind the tea cake into powder, add different proportions of clean water, soak for different times, and spray during different weather periods to achieve a preventive and control effect.

Before planting, Yang Dachuan had used tea dregs as base fertilizer. Now he mainly uses different soaking solutions to spray at different times to prevent and control various pests. He calculated the amount of tea dregs needed for his own fields, crushed them into powder, and used local pesticides according to different production methods. It sounds troublesome, but it is not difficult to operate. Yang Dachuan was used to doing it before. It didn't take him a few days to make the local pesticides he needed.

In the following days, the people of Pingshan Village
