Three-dimensional planting, just like building a pigeon cage, utilize every space layer by layer, cultivate vegetables that require different light hours in a three-dimensional manner, intercrop or mix various vegetables. If the planting is good, two large houses of more than 100 square meters will not only be enough for the family's consumption for a year, but may even produce a lot more.

By then, the land outside my house in the courtyard can be cleared and planted with rice. This will give me a way to eat white rice and cross the village. Hehe, the more I think about it, the more beautiful it becomes!

Anyway, it was just after the New Year, and there wasn't much work to do in the fields, so Yang Dachuan got to work. For this three-dimensional planting, the frame had to be built first. There were still some wood left from building the new house, and the beams and wood from the old house that collapsed in the earthquake were still there, so it was almost enough after some tidying up.

There was already oilcloth at home, and several layers of waterproofing were laid on the shelves; Grandma Shen used to grow vegetables in rattan baskets at home, and she had quite a few frames, baskets, pots and jars. If they were not enough, she could find time to go up the mountain to cut more bamboo and weave bamboo baskets, but she couldn't use so much now, so she had to make do with what she had for now; she was worried about where to put the broken bricks from the old house at the back, so now she crushed them and mixed them with water and manure to make them compost. She didn't even have to look for soil outside to grow vegetables. Everything was just right.

Yang Dachuan didn't really use any scientific methods to plant vegetables in the three-dimensional space. He just planted all the vegetables that were commonly eaten at home, including cucumbers, loofahs, beans, bitter melons, tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, radishes, onions, garlic and ginger. He thought that the vegetables were suitable for planting in this corner, so he planted them there. He thought that if they didn't grow well in the future, he could just move them to another place. He thought that if he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place. If he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place. If he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place. If he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place. If he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place. If he planted them in the corner, he would plant them in another place.

Yang Dachuan stayed at home for nearly a month. Whenever he had free time, he would stay in his two rooms and didn't like to go out. Yang Dalin and Lu Fang, who were good friends with him, often came to look for him. They knew about the three-dimensional planting he was doing at home, and the news gradually spread to the villagers. However, everyone's reaction was the same, saying that he was just messing around. Everyone still had a deep-rooted impression that he was fooling around in farming.

"Dachuan, are we really going to plant rice all over the land in front of our house?" Yuger looked worried. He was not worried that the rice would not survive, but he was afraid that if all the land in front of and behind the house was planted with rice, there would be no vegetables to eat at home.

"Plant them all. It doesn't matter! We can eat the first crop of these Chinese cabbages in the house in ten days or so!"

I don’t know if it’s the influence of the aurora outside or because there was enough fertilizer, but all the vegetables planted by Yang Dachuan are alive and they can be eaten at home soon, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Okay then!" Yuger can only trust his own boss now. However, Dachuan has never liked to follow the usual path in farming. Maybe this three-dimensional planting might work. Many vegetables are blooming and are about to bear fruit.

In the following days, the couple had to build ridges on the empty space in front of the door and fill it with water to soften it. Then they had to apply fertilizer, plant seedlings, and transplant rice. There was more than an acre of land in front of and behind the house.

"Dachuan family, are you really going to plant rice in the land in front of the house instead of vegetables?" Secrets could not be kept in the village, not to mention that Yang Dachuan and his wife were working openly in front of the door and they didn't intend to hide it from the villagers.

"Yes, our family has been eating sweet potatoes all the time for the past two years. Not only are we not used to it, but even if we don't think about ourselves, we have to consider the growth of our children!" Yu Ge'er responded generously. Anyway, every household in the village has some land in front of their doorstep, so he is not afraid of other people's jealousy.

"That's true. I feel sour when I see sweet potatoes now!" The villagers also looked gloomy. They have really become tired of eating sweet potatoes in the past two years. But there is no other way. They have to bite their teeth and swallow it. The family must have something to eat to fill their stomachs. The small fragrant meat is delicious, but it won't taste much better without salt, sauce and spices. Salt is very expensive nowadays, and it is impossible to prepare it every day.

In the end, we still have to rely on the food from the fields to satisfy our hunger. Moreover, if we eat too much pork, we need to eat more vegetables from the fields to reduce internal heat. Otherwise, who would grow these useless green leafy vegetables in the fields outside?

"Dakawa, did your Dakawa really succeed in that three-dimensional planting thing?" Otherwise, how could he dare to joke about his own fields.

"Hey, Aunt Zhou, do you want to come in and take a look? The vegetables we grow are great!" Yang Dachuan had just returned home to change farm tools, and when he came out he ran into Aunt Zhou from next door talking to Yu Ge'er. He was just worrying that no one would help him to promote these three-dimensional vegetables in the village, and then Aunt Zhou came to his door.

He is very proud of himself now. Hehe, this three-dimensional planting is not very difficult. He figured it out by himself and the planting is pretty good.

Tender cucumber flowers hang on the ceiling; loofahs and beans will soon bear fruit; the pepper seedlings are green and juicy, and the tomatoes have already blossomed; the young Chinese cabbages are fresh and still have water droplets on them, and can be cooked as soon as they are put into the pot; a row of verdant green onions are planted underneath. The lush and tender vegetables are stacked layer by layer, covering the wooden racks tightly, and occasionally you can see little bees flying around on the vegetables.

"Wow, it's growing really well, as good as the ones grown in our fields!" Aunt Zhou was amazed. She didn't realize that Yang Dachuan was so talented and could actually make something out of it.

If every household can grow vegetables by setting up a shelf in the future, then the open space in front of and behind the house can be used to grow rice like this couple did.

Thinking of this, Aunt Zhou's heart was burning with anxiety, "Dachuan, is it difficult to grow vegetables on this vegetable rack?"

"This... isn't that difficult, but it's not easy either. I have to put in some thought inside and out!" Yang Dachuan frowned in embarrassment. Although he wanted to promote this three-dimensional planting to the whole village, he was not willing to work for nothing. The village should at least accept his favor. Besides, if it's too easy to get, the villagers may not care!

"Dachuan, can we grow crops at my house?" Aunt Zhou grabbed Yang Dachuan anxiously.

"Aunt Zhou, please come in and have a cup of tea!" Seeing that Dachuan was about to be overwhelmed, Yuger interrupted him quickly. He and Grandma Shen had to deal with the family matters in the village.

"Yes, yes, Aunt Zhou, ask Yu Ge'er, he knows it too!" Yang Dachuan hurried out. Alas! This elderly village aunt is really unrefined!

I don't know what Yu Ge'er said to Aunt Zhou that day, but later people who came to their house to see the three-dimensional planting scene never mentioned learning how to grow vegetables!

"Brother Yu, don't people in our village want to grow vegetables at home?" It would be meaningless if they were the only family that could grow rice. Other families would eat sweet potatoes while they would eat rice. That wouldn't be delicious either, and it would probably be an eyesore!

"Why rush? It will be done in two days!" Yuger pretended to be mysterious and didn't tell his own boss.

Sure enough, within two days, people came to Yang Dachuan's house one after another with food, asking him to teach them how to grow vegetables on the wooden racks. The villagers felt that the "three-dimensional planting" that Yang Dachuan mentioned was too weird, and they preferred to say it was growing vegetables on wooden racks.

Since everyone was willing to learn, Yang Dachuan did not hesitate. He accepted the food and directly told everyone what they needed to pay attention to when cooking this dish. He was happy to teach those who didn't understand.

After the first family, there was a second family. Gradually, almost everyone in the courtyard of the entire village came together. Those who came did not come empty-handed, bringing grain, oil, sauce, vinegar, salt, eggs, meat, and milk.
