, I guess outsiders are even more afraid to go out.

"They already have land, so why are they still doing this hard work?" Yu Ge'er was very confused. Didn't they get half of the land in Qiuli Town? Why didn't they just farm honestly? Why did they run outside all day?

Yang Dachuan curled his lips. Who knows what kind of land Qiuli Town has allocated to them? There is a big difference between the half in the corner and the flat land. Besides, there is not much land in Qiuli Town. The farmland is all in the countryside. Even if half of it is allocated, there will not be much to share. A large courtyard of people relying on the little production from the land may starve to death. Moreover, they have to build walls and fences to enclose the farmland. Otherwise, the land will be useless because sea rats will destroy all the crops.

"How's the village going now? The crops haven't been planted yet?" Qiuli Town was too far away from his home, so Yuger just mentioned it casually. However, the village was very lively now, so he was still very curious.

"I don't know. Now when I see people from the village, they all avoid me and I dare not say much to them!" The people in the village are now almost quarreling with each other. They quarrel every day over the two-inch piece of land in front of their houses. When they see people from the entrance of the village, they either approach them and try to get close to them and move in, or they become jealous and say sour words. People from outside the village have been avoiding the villagers for a while.

"I haven't seen Brother Yao for a long time. He is well-informed. If he were here, he would definitely know the situation in the village." Brother Yu sighed. The two courtyards were only a mile apart, but the two hadn't seen each other for nearly half a year. I don't know what Brother Yun and his second son look like.

"Oh, by the way, little Yun'er's birthday is in two days, please bring two pieces of cloth to Yao'er, the head of the family." It's hard to say what the situation is like now. There are fewer and fewer boys and girls in the village. Yu'er thinks that little Yun is not bad. Although he is two or three years older, he has a good temper. If the two families build a good relationship now and can become relatives in the future, it will save a lot of trouble!

"It would be better to bring some rice to his family!" As a couple, Yang Dachuan could also see Yuger's little thoughts. A few days ago, he said that he was worrying about nothing, and now he is also worrying about nothing. However, he didn't dare let Yuger know this.

"Okay, then you can bring some rice and eggs to Yao Ge'er, and bring some cloth as well." Yu Ge'er lowered his head and thought for a while, then quickly said, "It's better not to bring the cloth, otherwise Yao Ge'er will worry too much!"

Alas, you are the one who is thinking too much! Yang Dachuan muttered silently, looking at Zhuangzhuang and An'an who were so happy that their buttocks were exposed. These little kids have only been married for a few years, and now they have to worry about finding wives for them. What a bad father and mother they are!

"Dad, water."

"Grandma, drink some water."

All the complaints were completely dispelled by the soft calls. Yang Dachuan threw away the seedlings, swiftly took the water brought by the child, and drank two bowls of water in one gulp. Hehe! I don't know if it was his son's gift, but it felt sweeter than the water I had drunk before. The hard work and fatigue of the day disappeared without a trace, and I felt full of energy.

"Dachuan, why did you drink up all the water? Where is the water the children gave me?" Although there was a pot of water right under his ankle, Yuger insisted on asking for the bowl of water the children brought to him.

"Don't we still have some?" Yang Dachuan pointed at the pot they brought with them.

"I asked my sons to bring it here, it's for me!" Yu Ge'er put his hands on his hips angrily.

So, Zhuangzhuang and Anan were sent to run around and fetch some water for their grandma, and the lively family life began again today.

As the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, the village finally sorted out the matter. Those who had open space in front of their houses would keep it as theirs. For those who didn't have any land at all, the village decided to pry open the drying yard to plant crops. Each family got one mu of land, no more. Those who had collapsed houses and didn't clean them up in the past now had to clean them up and plant crops. Some families who didn't care about the quality of the house simply squeezed everyone into one house and used the land to plant crops.

"How are you guys? Are Yao Ge'er and the kids okay?" When going to the fields today, Yang Dachuan followed Yu Ge'er's instructions and gave Xu Lin the prepared things.

"Oh! What's good about this? We have to make do with this!" Xu Lin looked depressed. Originally, he felt a little sympathetic for Yang Dachuan who was sent to the old house outside by his two brothers. Now he lives a quiet and comfortable life, while his own family is troubled by the quarrels all day long.

They are both sons of their parents, but they are treated differently. My parents will be supported by my eldest brother in their old age, so they got the most of the house and land. The third brother got more than him when he had a son, so that was fine. Why is it that now that everyone has separated and moved out of the house, and now the village is dividing the land, it is agreed that everyone will take care of their own front door, but my parents still insist on making appointments.

At first, Yao Ge'er was dissatisfied with the noise at home, so he deliberately built his house farther away from the eldest and third sons' houses, so now his front door is a little more spacious. How can my father and mother have the nerve to ask me to exchange my house with the eldest son's house? Can I not respect them after I have harvested the grain, and let them starve!

Xu Lin looked very upset. His father and mother cried at home all day, his sister-in-law and elder brother were weird, and Yao Geer was so angry that he had a headache and lay in bed. He didn't want to take care of the family and planted the crops directly, but his father and mother were his own parents! They stopped him from planting and insisted that he give up the land. The land in front of the third brother's house was not small, so why didn't he let him give it up?

"Oh, this is difficult to deal with!" Yang Dachuan was also troubled by his parents' partiality. If his parents were still alive, the matter that the third child asked a few days ago would not be easy to solve! However, it is not good for brothers and sisters-in-law to live close to each other. Far away is fragrant, near is smelly. The eldest and the third child's family would quarrel from time to time!

"What are the rules of your family now?" Yu Ge'er and Yao Ge'er are both from Dawan Village. Now Yao Ge'er's family can't do anything, and the clan can't take the lead in this matter. It's really hard to solve!

"Dachuan, I want to move outside your place!" Xu Lin took a deep breath and made up his mind, "I will move outside and I won't take any of your land. I just need to occupy a piece of land and build a house!"

"Move outside our house? I can't agree to this for you alone." Yang Dachuan frowned. This was really difficult to agree to. Although Xu Lin said that they would not divide the land, it was hard to say what would happen if they moved in!

"I have made an agreement with several families. If we can move to the outer courtyard, we will build a wall and enclose a piece of land. Then we can grow food in the fields we have enclosed!" The entrance of their village is trumpet-shaped. Now the fence is in a large fan shape. They actually want to patch the outer wall and expand it outward. Then they will open a door in the original wall. They will work in the fields outside. In addition to using a piece of land for building houses, they will not occupy the land inside! Even if they occupy land, they can make up for it with the enclosed fields in time!

"Where did you get the bricks?" Yang Dachuan understood what they meant. It was not easy to build a wall around several acres of land.

"Tear down our own house." Xu Lin gritted his teeth, "Exchange the land occupied by my family in the village with other neighbors for some labor materials, and it will be built in no time!" The remaining vacant land after moving out cannot be given to the eldest and second sons for free. He now has a family too, and he cares about himself.
