Use Yang Dachuan as a gun to settle this matter.

"Then you should ask the child's parents. Why are you asking me?" Yang Dachuan was not stupid, but he didn't want to offend Li Yuan. Besides, the child was not well grown in the womb. According to modern standards, it is deformed and can be corrected by surgery. But nowadays, it is not certain whether he can be raised. Even if he is raised, his life will not be easy in the future. But this is a family matter, and he will not interfere.

"You also have twins. It might harm your children. Aren't you afraid?" There were some stubborn people in the village who wanted to instigate Yang Dachuan to make this matter a reality.

"Nonsense, our children... our children won't bother anyone!" The daughter-in-law struggled for two days before giving birth to the children. The two children did not grow up well. Although Li Yuan was afraid in his heart, they were his own children after all. He... he would raise them himself. There was no need for the village to set up an ancestral hall to deal with his own children.

"I think having twins is not a good thing. Didn't you see that the Tian family drowned one of the twins when they were born? Tsk tsk, none of the twins born in the village in recent years survived."

"That's true. Having twins isn't necessarily a blessing. Look at the two children in Yang Dachuan's family. Not long after they were born, the year turned bad!"

Hearing this, Yang Dachuan could no longer hold back: "This is really strange. The bad weather this year must be caused by my child. Why don't you say it was you who caused the quarrel? I think it's because of people like you that the village has suffered a series of misfortunes. Now the most important thing is to drive you out to prevent you from causing more trouble."

"Hasn't the weather gotten worse since your child was born? Everyone in the village is saying that..."

"Enough, what are you arguing about!" The old village chief hurried out to stop them. "We have never encountered this child's situation before." Those who had encountered it had dealt with it themselves, and no one dared to talk about it. "Li Yuan, how did you two come up with this?"

Li Yuan was no longer afraid. "Village chief, this is the child my wife worked so hard to give birth to. I don't know what will happen to him in the future, but he is fine now. I will support him as long as he is alive!"

"That won't do. What if this child brings trouble?" As soon as Li Yuan finished speaking, the people in the ancestral hall were in an uproar, shouting that they should either throw the child away or drive the whole family out.

"Yuanzi, you and your wife are still young, you won't have to worry about not having children in the future, why do you have to keep someone like this around!" Li Yuan's parents also became anxious, and followed others to persuade him: "What if this child is really not a good one, and brings disaster to our family!"

"Great! Your eldest brother's injury might be caused by the child you gave birth to." Li Yuan's sister-in-law said with sudden realization. The head of his family went out with his fifth uncle a few years ago. Although he did not lose his life, he will not be able to do heavy work in the future. Maybe it was really caused by the evil child you gave birth to.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was the case. She said in a sarcastic tone, "First it's your eldest brother, and then it's your parents. Are you going to let this evil bring disaster to the whole family?" After saying that, she just lay on the ground, crying and saying that she had a bad life, threatening and cursing Li Yuan and his wife for having bad intentions, and tearfully asked her parents and elders to make the decision.

Li Yuan's parents: "Yuan, don't be stubborn. Just listen to your parents..."

On one side are his daughter-in-law and children, and on the other side are his own mother and parents. Li Yuan was in a dilemma and sweat broke out on his face with anxiety!

"What about the children at the back?" Yu Ge'er felt heartbroken when he heard Yang Dachuan talking about this.

"I don't know. It has nothing to do with me. Why should I stay there?" Seeing the chaos in front of him like a big show, Yang Dachuan turned around and left, feeling frustrated. Fortunately, these people were not his parents or relatives, otherwise he could not be sure whether his fists and feet would fall on them.

"No wonder, we have heard of such a thing before!" Grandma Shen thought for a while, "Your second aunt also gave birth to twins, born in the same year as you, but those two children were born with three-petal mouths. Your maternal grandmother decided to give the children to the river god, and no one mentioned it again afterwards."

Children are always innocent, but in ancient times, such a deformed child might have suffered great suffering if he were alive. Although Yang Dachuan did not agree with the village's coercive measures, he was not optimistic that Li Yuan and his wife could protect the child.

Yu Ge'er frowned, "We should be careful. We have to be careful that the villagers will vent their anger on us, and we should not let the children run outside all the time!"

Chapter 77 Children Fighting

Since entering the village on February 2, Yang Dachuan has never left the courtyard at the entrance of their village. There has been no news about Li Yuan's child, and the village has slowly returned to peace.

However, in Yang Dachuan's opinion, no news was the worst news. Li Yuan and his wife finally compromised under the pressure of the parents in the village. Perhaps if they think deeply, they themselves are not very firm, and they just go with the flow. If they still insist on raising the child now, the village will definitely not calm down so easily.

In the blink of an eye, it is March. The snow outside has begun to melt, and the spring ploughing has been brought up again. This is the most important thing of the year, and no one dares to delay it.

"Uncle Yao, why are you here? Aren't Chunsheng and Yun'er here? Zhuangzhuang and I haven't played with them for a long time! Why don't you ask them to join us?" Seeing Yao'er coming in, An An, whose face was covered with soybean paste after eating, immediately put down her chopsticks and ran over, holding Yao'er's hand and asking.

Zhuangzhuang and An'an have been kept under close watch by Yu'er lately. Yu'er dares not let them out of his sight easily. The two brothers are almost suffocated.

"Where's your grandma?"

"He's in the room. Zhuangzhuang, go call him. Uncle Yao, please come in too!" An An took Yao Ge'er's hand and walked inside.

When Zhuangzhuang saw Aunt Yao coming, he dropped his chopsticks and ran into the house. Not long after, Yu Ge'er followed him out. When he saw Yao Ge'er, he smiled and asked, "Why are you here? Why don't you bring the kids with you? Zhuangzhuang and An'an have been talking about it all day long!"

"Those two naughty kids are causing me headaches. I've kept them at home writing big characters." Yao Ge'er came into the house and sat down with Yu Ge'er. "I haven't seen you go out recently. Zhuang Zhuang and An An don't go out either. I came to take a look."

"You two, go out and wash your faces. You two look so ugly! Dahua and Erhua at home are not as ugly as you two!" Yu Ge'er waved his hand and sent the two children away. He turned to Yao Ge'er and said, "Have you heard about what happened to Li Yuan's family in Eryueer Village?"

Yuger paused, his face looking a little ugly: "Many people in the village also said that our two children are a hindrance to the blessings of the village. Now how dare we let the children leave our side." Otherwise, he couldn't leave all the farm work to Dachuan. Now he is the head of the family and is busy with the spring plowing every day. He is exhausted.

Yao Ge'er frowned. He had heard this kind of talk from the villagers before. However, most of the people who talked about it were jealous of Yu Ge'er's family's prosperous life. Why did they say that the twins would hinder the blessings of the village?
