With some knowledge, he took a closer look and found that he was of sturdy build, and the way he walked, sat or lay down looked like he was from a military family. He had a certain demeanor when he spoke, and he didn't look like an ordinary farmer. He had his own considerations in mind to become the shopkeeper, and after thinking about it, he didn't want to lower the price too much and offend others.

"2,000 taels is impossible. As a manager, I can only offer 500 taels at most. You can ask around. There is no price more reasonable than mine in Anping County." Manager Liu said helplessly.

Hehehe, isn't there just one thing about doing business? You ask for a sky-high price and I pay you back on the spot. As long as you are willing to negotiate, everything else will be easy, Yang Dachuan thought.

After an hour of verbal battle and drinking three pots of tea, the two sides reached a deal of 800 taels of silver. After the price was agreed, the contract was signed, and the silver was paid, Yang Dachuan went home regardless of Manager Liu's attempt to keep him for dinner.

He had been out for a whole day, and it would take more than an hour to get back to Pingshan Village. Now it was winter, and he had to go home in the last daylight. Walking on the mountain road in the dark day was a bit frightening even for Yang Dachuan, who was now a strong man. This was not the modern times, when no wild animals could be found after searching the mountains for several times. But in the winter and dark day, big wild animals such as wolves and bears would appear.

Moreover, feeling the warm silver in his chest, he couldn't wait to rush home to share the news with Yu Ge'er. Thinking of this, he quickened his pace.

As he walked, Yang Dachuan was thinking about what to do next. The recipe had already been sold to Nanchuan Beima, so he could no longer sell camellia oil. However, camellia oil was not created out of thin air. When he was in the county, Yang Dachuan not only sold the oil and recipe at home, but also agreed with Manager Liu to cooperate in collecting camellia fruits.

In rural areas, the problem is not the lack of food but the inequality of food. Yang Dachuan quietly picked all the wild camellia fruits on Daping Mountain and sold them for money, waiting for Manager Liu to come and transport the camellia oil. Who in Pingshan Village didn't know about this? After knowing this, who wouldn't have an opinion on Yang Dachuan's family? Unless Yang Dachuan didn't plan to live in the village in the future, otherwise his reputation would be ruined for the rest of his life. Yang Dachuan knew the power of rumors in the village, and he had a good impression of Pingshan Village. His daughter-in-law was introduced by Aunt Lu, the wife of the village head. He lived in the countryside all his life in his previous life and had no plan to move to the city in this life.

In recent years, camellia fruits have mainly been picked from wild camellia trees, and it will take several years to plant and harvest them. He made an agreement with Manager Liu when the seller was trying to lower the price. He, and only his family, would be responsible for collecting and purchasing the camellia fruits in Qiuli Town, and then sell them to Nanchuan Beima at 15 big coins per catty of dry oil tea seeds, which would then be collected by Nanchuan Beima to press the oil themselves.

As for the tea fruit collection outside Qiuli Town, Anping County and other places in Da'an Dynasty, it will be arranged by the people of Nanchuan and Beima. Although the oil tea fruits are basically all gone now, the ones on the ground can still be pressed for oil. If arrangements can be stepped up this year, a large amount of camellia oil can be produced. After all, Yang Dachuan has only picked all the camellia fruits on Daping Mountain. There are still many Daping Mountains in the whole Qiuli Town and Anping County. If all are mined, it will be a huge profit.

Yang Dachuan was willing to lower the price of his own recipe to collect and purchase the oil tea fruits in Qiuli Town in order to compensate the villagers of Pingshan Village. He told them a little in advance that they could make money from oil tea fruits, so that they could get the first chance to pick and sell the fruits. As for whether the villagers of Pingshan Village would pick all the oil tea fruits on the nearby hills and affect the interests of other villages, that was the interest of the villages, not the conflict between Yang Dachuan and the village.

But in the end, as long as anyone is from Qiuli Town, as long as anyone wants to make a living by selling tea fruits, they will have to accept his favor. If someone wants to sell the tea fruits, they can only sell them to him. If someone doesn't mind the distance and wants to go to Anping County to sell them, that's fine too. As long as Yang Dachuan's price for tea seeds is fair, he doesn't worry at all about no one selling to him.

The author has something to say: Some friends reported that the setting was too exaggerated, so I changed it a bit. It doesn't affect the reading of the article.

Chapter 7 Earn Money

After thinking about what to do, touching the 33 taels of silver and the 800 taels of money shop receipt in his arms, Yang Dachuan finally had a feeling of getting rich overnight. In this rural area, a family of four consumes no more than 2 taels of silver a year, and the average family in Anping County consumes 5 taels of silver a year, so 800 taels will be more than enough for his family to live on for a lifetime if he spends frugally.

No need to worry about money anymore, he is now a rich man! 800 taels, in modern times, that would make him a millionaire, it feels like he has risen from being penniless to becoming rich overnight. Yang Dachuan has such a humble idea, he is content with a small fortune, and doesn't want to do anything big. He wants to have two children with his wife in the future, and the couple and the children will be happy, and the family will be safe and sound, and this life will be complete.

Shen Yu was restless at home today. There were some fermented tea fruits that had not been dried yet, and they needed to be spread out on the drying ground to dry. Somehow, she dumped the dried tea seeds that had already been dried out to dry again, and she didn't notice it until she was done. It was not until Grandma Shen came back from feeding the chickens and reminded her that she realized she had made a mistake. After drying the tea fruits, she needed to pick out the dried tea seeds and the small stones and small fruit shells collected from drying. When she was picking, she threw the dried tea seeds into the dustpan for impurities.

"Yu'er, what are you thinking about? You've been absent-minded the whole day. Look how many tea seeds you've thrown away," Grandma Shen couldn't bear it anymore and reminded him.

When Shen Yu heard this and looked at the dustpan, his face turned red, but his face was dark, so it was not easy to see. He quickly picked up the tea seeds that were thrown away.

"Grandma, why hasn't Dachuan come back yet? Will something happen to him? I don't know if the camellia oil can be sold."

Hearing this, Grandma Shen looked up at Yu Ge'er, put the cotton shoes she was making into the sewing basket beside her, and joked, "It hasn't been long since you got married, but your heart and eyes are full of Dachuan. I'm not worried about not being able to sell the camellia oil, it's just a matter of price."

Shen Yu didn't care about joking with her own grandma, and asked, "Why hasn't he come back yet?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to go to the door to greet them?" Grandma Shen was just joking, but she didn't expect that after hearing this, Yu'er would throw away the dustpan in his hand and run to the door like a fly, saying as he ran that he would help turn over the spread out tea fruits to dry them in the sun.

"Oh, I don't know how many times I've turned it over all day. You should at least wait for it to cool down before turning it over. It's just a waste of time." Grandma Shen shook her head helplessly. Seeing Yu'er acting like a child, she felt relieved. Yu'er had worked too hard in the past few years. Now he has finally gotten his reward. It seems that Dachuan is a good person. She hopes that he can live a good life with Yu'er in the future.

The sun gradually set, and before Yuger was about to tear up the drying yard at home, Yang Dachuan finally appeared on the village road.

Yang Dachuan saw the figure standing at the door of his house from a distance, and stretched his neck to look in his direction. His heart was like a pot of boiling water, hot and about to boil. He quickly quickened his pace and strode home.

"Brother Yu, I'm back"

"Dachuan, you're back"

Yang Dachuan and Shen Yu said in unison.

"Don't stand at the door anymore, come in and eat." The two of them stood at the door and looked at each other with silly smiles. If Grandma Shen hadn't come out to remind them, they wouldn't know how long they would have stood there.
