Zhuang was pushed by the force from behind and lost his balance and fell into the crowd. When he looked back, he was horrified to find that a large pile of snow had rushed in behind the crowd, and those who didn't have time to leave were instantly buried in the snow. The snow pile filled the entire cave entrance, and the ice wall built at the entrance to block the wind collapsed to the ground, extending all the way into the inner cave. Seeing the terrified faces of the people around him, Xu Dazhuang suddenly felt that his ears became quiet, and he fell into darkness.

It was so cold! When Xu Dazhuang woke up in the snow pile, he felt that he was about to be frozen to death. After a brief loss of consciousness, he immediately regained consciousness. The cave should have been very dark, but now there was a skylight on the top of the cave not far from him. With the help of the light, he found that the originally spacious cave was now blocked by snow for nearly one third. There were many people like him whose bodies were buried in the snow. As for how many more people were buried under the snow, he didn't dare to imagine.

He could faintly hear someone talking in the cave, as if he heard the voices of his son and wife. Xu Dazhuang was startled and knew he had to get out. The old and young at home were waiting for him. Otherwise, before he could freeze to death, the people in the cave would suffocate to death.

He had no tools to dig out the snow, so he carefully freed his hands and used them to dig out the snow. But soon, the snow became tighter and tighter, and his hands were freezing. The other people who were still alive in the cave also woke up and used the tools around them to find ways to get out.

Xu Dazhuang used two rocks thrown by others to pull himself out. He didn't have time to catch his breath and desperately dug into the snow pile in the cave. He felt dizzy and wanted to sleep. His eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them. His whole body was almost numb, but he held his strength and didn't dare to relax.

The moment he saw his family members, Xu Dazhuang's eyes, which had been unable to shed tears, felt as if they were about to bleed. His parents were gone, and his little baby was gone. The avalanche did not take their lives, but the pushing and shoving of the villagers when they were running around did.

The dead are dead, but the living have to look forward. The cave is no longer habitable, and they dare not live there anymore. Xu Dazhuang led those who can still move to the valley that Yang Dachuan and his team found. If the ground had not frozen, they could build a mud brick house with a kang to block the wind, but it was so cold today that a spit could kill someone. The ground could not be pried open, and it was really unbearable to build a shed outside.

After struggling for half a month and losing several people, they finally figured out an igloo that could block the wind. In the long and cold winter, even though they had enough food and drink, less than a third of them were left after the winter, and there were even fewer elderly people and children.

The snow melted very quickly in early spring. It seemed as if overnight, the snow on the mountain turned into a mountain torrent, carrying the fallen rocks and washing down. Where else could they go? Xu Dazhuang was almost collapsed. In order to save Da Wa, his wife was washed down the mountain by the falling rocks. In a blink of an eye, she disappeared. He was left with only Da Wa!

After the flash flood, Xu Dazhuang and his companions gathered together with the survivors from other villages. Their lives became much better after that. There was no shortage of food in the mountains in the spring, and as long as they were careful not to encounter poisonous snakes, they could barely get by.

At night, Xu Dazhuang stayed with Da Wa and listened to the sound of the waves under the mountain for a long time, unable to fall asleep. He should have left with his family last year. Even if he didn't go to the beach with Yang Dachuan and the others, it would be better to go west than stay here.

Day by day, the sea water at the foot of the mountain was rising higher and higher, and Xu Dazhuang felt more and more uneasy. He decided to leave immediately. Except for those who were too injured to walk, almost all the others headed west to fight for their lives.

The area they were in was full of mountains, and even though they took a longer route, the general direction was still westward. Many times, they had just bypassed a low valley, and the sea water flooded over the mountaintops in two days. They walked all the way like this, not daring to rest for a while, eating dry food and wild fruits when hungry, and drinking mountain spring water when thirsty. With the expectation of a better life in the west, they helped each other and finally reached the area where they could not see the sea water, and stepped on the solid ground that was no longer on the mountaintops.

After walking for half a year without stopping, everyone was exhausted. Although no one wanted to stay here, they could still take a break and relax for a few days. Xu Dazhuang felt sad. There were fewer and fewer people along the way, and the elderly and children were almost gone. Fortunately, his eldest son was already fifteen years old, otherwise he didn't know if he could have survived the journey.

When the sound of the earth-shattering sky rang out, Xu Dazhuang was stunned for a moment, but he had experienced many earthquakes in recent years, so after reacting, he protected Da Wa and stumbled to an open place. I don't know how long it took, but vaguely, Xu Dazhuang felt that he was deaf, and he could not hear any sound around him. There was dust all around him, and there were open black cracks everywhere on the ground, one after another, with no end in sight.

There was only a slight vibration on the ground, but Xu Dazhuang felt more and more panicked. The birds, insects and ants on the mountain fled in all directions. He immediately woke up his son, and they ran to the west, pulling each other. They couldn't stay here any longer, and something would definitely happen. The other people who woke up obviously had the same opinion as him. They didn't have time to help others, and stumbled away.

The earthquake had not stopped, but compared to the rolling of the landslide, it felt like falling down. Xu Dazhuang became more and more nervous as he walked. The heavy rain had not stopped since the earthquake, and it hurt when it hit his body. But let alone rain, even if it was hail, they would not dare to stay for a moment longer.

The waves behind them were urging them on like a raging wind. Xu Dazhuang kept comforting himself, they were almost there. When the tall mountain appeared before his eyes, Xu Dazhuang couldn't help but burst into tears. He hugged his son and choked silently. They had been traveling all the way, but their family was not a family. In the end, only the father and son were left.

The sky was dark, and the rain was getting heavier. As we got closer to the mountain, the ground shook more frequently, and the cracks and huge waves left behind roared towards us...

The waves beat against the shore regularly, a few seabirds landed on the rocky coast from time to time, and a drizzle was falling. When Xu Dazhuang woke up again, this was the scene that came into his eyes. Da Wa's hands were tied tightly to his, and his body was slightly heaving. There were some scattered people not far away. Looking around, the huge mountains were gone, and the highest place was where they were, and the rest was surrounded by sea water.

After they got better, the survivors quickly found a cave to stay in. This island was probably part of the original mountain. Now that it was autumn, people were more diligent and didn't have to worry about starving. The autumn wind was howling, and Xu Dazhuang and his son huddled together, staring blankly at the burning fire.

Will there be more earthquakes in the future? Will they live on this isolated island forever? Are the others still alive? What should they do in the future? Xu Dazhuang has never felt so distressed and regretful as he does now. If time could go back to last winter, he would definitely take his family with him this time, including his parents, his younger brother's family, and his wife and children, no matter where they go.

At this moment, he missed Pingshan Village at the foot of the mountain so much, a village full of noise every day, with chickens crowing and dogs barking everywhere, women calling for dinner in the evening, and chatting and bragging when it rained. If he could go back, walk into a home, drink a bowl of tea, have a meal with the whole family, listen to his parents' chatter, and listen to the women's chatter.
