It took a while before I could get into the house."

It was freezing cold, and without even proper clothes, Yang Dachuan tied a mattress and joined other villagers in rescuing people. Fortunately, after the last earthquake, everyone had taken precautions, and many people, like Yang Dachuan's family, were waiting for the shaking to end. Most of those who were busy moving their belongings were those who had climbed up the slope to see the sea.

Most of the houses in the village were made of mud bricks. Unless someone was extremely unlucky and was crushed to death by the roof beams, the rest were rescued, but they inevitably suffered broken hands and feet.

After digging out the trapped person, Yang Dachuan's stomach was growling with hunger. It was bright everywhere and he was so busy that he didn't even know what time it was.

"Dachuan, you often go up the mountain. Have you found a place to stay?" Xu Lin and a few others followed Yang Dachuan back and asked him, "The sea water has already reached our ankles. We have nowhere to go except running up the mountain. Do you know where there is a place to stay on the mountain? We will all follow you!"

"There are several windproof caves, but I don't know if they are suitable for living!" Yang Dachuan shook his head and didn't dare to agree. He often went into the mountains in the past few years, and he knew very well where the caves and pits were, but he had never checked them carefully. Now he was going to live in one, and he didn't know if it would be suitable!

Chapter 87 Chapter 87

They were cold and hungry and couldn't come up with anything to discuss. The men just muttered a few words and then went to rest somewhere else.

After struggling for most of the day, the shaking underneath was much better than at the beginning, but it still didn't stop. There was a muffled sound underneath, like a boiling water stove, which was frightening to hear.

They live in mountainous areas, so they seldom go into the water. On weekdays, they just use a small bamboo raft to catch fish and shrimp. The ground was shaking all night, which was equivalent to sitting on a big boat all night. Those who were not crushed by the house were also tossed around. Their faces turned pale, and some even vomited bile.

He didn't feel uncomfortable when he had work to do, but after sitting at the door for a while, Yang Dachuan felt dizzy. Looking at Yu Ge'er and Shen's grandmother, their faces were even uglier. People are scared in cold weather, so they still need to eat something hot. While the ground is not shaking, Yang Dachuan quickly went into the house and took out the clothes on his body, and also moved out the pots and pans.

"Dachuan, let's tear off the tarpaulin and build a shed. It's too cold today, we can't stand it!" Yu Ge'er struggled to help the head of the family. There were old and young people in the family, and he couldn't fall down: "The thatched shed in our backyard, I just went to take a look, it was damaged overnight, but the wood and straw inside are ready, and it can be used for a few days if we tidy it up!"

"Okay, I'll do it later. Don't bother trying to help. Just sit down and take a breath!" Yang Dachuan lit the fire and put the stove on it. He discussed with Yu Ge, "I'll take this opportunity to go up the mountain and see where it's suitable for us to stay. Otherwise, we'll be blind if we go up there!"

"Call a few more people to go with you, and don't put all the responsibility on us. If people feel uncomfortable living in the back, it will be our fault!" Yu Ge'er wanted to put the rice into the stove, but maybe because he was dizzy, his hand tilted and the rice spilled outside the stove.

Yang Dachuan: "...Just sit still!"

Now the sky is bright everywhere, so there is no need to worry about walking in the dark. Yang Dachuan spent some time to erect the thatched hut and covered it with oilcloth to prevent wind from leaking in.

"The ground is too cold, we can't lie down directly. I just went into the house and took a look. The wooden bed that we made for our wedding is not broken. We'll move it out later and you can lie down on it when you feel sleepy!" Yang Dachuan checked everywhere. There were only a few materials and it was impossible to build a good one.

Seeing that Zhuangzhuang and An'an both looked listless with their heads down, he told them, "Your grandma and great-grandma are both feeling unwell, so you have to be alert. If the ground shakes, you have to lead your family out, don't just wait like a fool for someone to call you!"

"I know, Dad. We will protect grandma and great-grandmother!" The two brothers are eight years old this year. Although they are still young boys, they were scared enough last night. Now that they are seriously asked by their father to look after the house, they are in high spirits and are no longer dizzy when jumping up and down.

While they were talking at home, someone outside shouted, "Dachuan, let's go!" Those who were preparing to go up the mountain together were already waiting outside the door.

"Hey, I'm coming!" Yang Dachuan responded, and hurriedly said to Yu Ge'er: "Don't go into our house, the wall beams inside are not strong. Wait until I come back if you need anything!"

"I know. You should be careful too. Don't rush in stupidly!" After drinking the porridge, Yu Ge'er felt better and went out with him. "Don't worry about the family. Come back early!"

"Hey, there's something wrong with the way up the mountain!" After packing up the house, a dozen people walked up the mountain along the foot of the mountain. They didn't expect that after a wandering around last night, everything was a mess. The original mountain road was no longer visible. The road was blocked by rocks and trees, and there was heavy snow. If they went into the mountain in the white, they might not be able to come back.

"Let's ask the old mountain uncle for two mountain dogs to lead the way, otherwise we will all be left on the mountain!" The quick-witted man immediately came up with a solution. After a lot of trouble, even the old mountain uncle came out of the mountain, and a large group of people went into the mountain.

"How are you guys doing outside?" After the two groups met up, they started chatting as they walked, and took the initiative to talk about the situation in the village: "Alas! The houses in our village are in such a mess. Even if the sea water doesn't enter the village, we have to find caves in the mountains to spend the winter!"

"Yes, there are only a few houses left intact. Even Dachuan's house has more than half collapsed!" The person outside the village replied, and then sighed: "Several people have died, and several families have suffered. I guess they won't survive this winter!"

"Don't even mention the injured. It's hard for us who are not injured or sick to survive this winter!" It was so cold that the person who was talking stopped to catch his breath. "Look, the sea water is still rising in winter. How come it's not frozen in such a cold weather?"

"What can we do if it freezes? It won't thaw until spring, and by then the village will be uninhabitable!"

"Hey, I wonder what's going on in other villages?"

"Do you think the southwest will be flooded?" As soon as this was said, the crowd immediately quieted down, but soon became bustling again. The mountain road was difficult to walk on, so everyone simply stopped to rest for a while and whispered to each other. Some said the water wouldn't flood there, while others said the southwest couldn't escape. A man said, "Whether the southwest is flooded or not, we can't escape here. I think we have to make plans early!"

"What are you planning on doing? Running to the southwest?" Someone immediately retorted, "In the past few years, people in the southwest couldn't make a living so they fled to our side. Now the weather is even worse. We can get the best out of it. We might as well just stay in the mountains!"

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, we are not going anywhere, we are just in the mountains. If the government comes to collect taxes now, we will drive them all out. We can't survive, let alone them!"

"Alas! People are worthless when they leave their hometown..."

"Okay, let's go up the mountain first.
