175 Final

Have you forgotten the lesson of falling from a tree and crying your nose off? "

"It was an accident, it was an accident!" An An said angrily, "It's all my brother's fault. I asked him to pick me up under the tree, but he ran away when he saw the wasp, causing me to fall flat on my face." To save face, An An said embarrassedly, "Besides, I didn't cry so hard that my nose was covered with snot. Chunsheng was jealous of me and said that. He was stung by a wasp and screamed loudly, and his buttocks were swollen!"

"Tsk tsk, if Chunsheng didn't look different from you, I would have thought you two were brothers!" You are both so stupid, always rushing to the front in everything, but you don't get any benefits and you have to get a scolding from your parents when you go home!

"I always thought of Chunsheng as my brother!" An An said to Xiao Yun shyly, "If you don't complain, I...I will be nice to you too."

Brother Xiao Yun was happy and said with a twisted mouth: "Okay, since you are nice to me, then do you want to listen to me when I talk?"

"What's the matter? You can't stop us from going into the water!" He was also thoughtful. Although his father had something to discuss with Xiaoyun, it was not acceptable for him to do everything according to his will.

"Nothing big, just small things, like where to go, what to eat for lunch, and what time to be back in the evening."

An An thought about it, these were just trivial matters. If it could be exchanged for a moment of freedom, it would not be a big deal. She agreed immediately, "Hey, I'll do whatever you say!"

"I'm going out with you guys today." Brother Xiaoyun smiled. Although the silly boy is a little young, he still has a long way to go and will eventually become the person he likes.

. ...

After that great change, a piece of silver-white sandy beach appeared on the west side of the island. In recent years, there are fewer and fewer rats in the sea, but more and more sea fish. Every time when people go to the sea, there are still shells and seafood left over from the low tide in the early morning on the white beach. There are fish, shrimps, kelp and so on. People on the island love to eat these things, so the competition to go to the sea early in the morning is still very fierce.

In Yang Dachuan's family, this task has always been given to the twin brothers, because they are greedy and have no say at home!

Today is another day for fishing. Zhuangzhuang got up early and put the clams he picked up into his backpack while yawning. Alas! Anan is at least his brother from the same mother, but now he is almost becoming Xiaoyun's yes-man. Look at his fawning appearance, it's really despicable.

"Hey, I was the first one to see this piece of land. Go pick up seafood over there, not here!" Zhuangzhuang was having fun seeing that there were a lot of seafood on the beach, but then he saw a dark and skinny boy stopping him from picking up seafood. He felt a little uncomfortable. Who is this guy? He has eaten too much garlic and has such a bad breath.

Zhuangzhuang compared the heights of the two men. Tsk tsk, the man was half a head shorter than him and skinny. He could be knocked down with just one finger. He looked around and saw that no one saw him. He felt confident: "You little bastard, who are you? You didn't move when I told you not to. Did you see my fist as big as a sandbag? Are you itching for a beating? If you know what's good for you, leave now and don't force me to do anything..."

"Ah!" Before he could finish his words, the dark-skinned boy stomped hard on his foot, and took the opportunity to punch him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground and pressing him to the ground, "Humph, are you going to leave or not? You still want to hit me, you coward!"

This kid was really shady. Before Zhuangzhuang could react, he was knocked down. He immediately struggled to knock him down, but he didn't know that this skinny kid was quite strong. He turned over several times but failed to knock him to the ground. He could only say harshly: "Black-skinned kid, you are playing dirty tricks. Let's wait and see!"

"Would I be afraid of you, a useless guy?" Wei Xiaoshuang raised his chin. He had disliked this guy for a long time. He wandered around the island like a peacock all day long. If he didn't have a pair of good parents, who knows how miserable his life would be.

Wei Xiaoshuang is a boy who is not good-looking and has been disliked by his family since childhood. Life was hard in the past few years and his family had kicked him out long ago. With his ruthlessness, he caught up with Yang Dachuan and his team halfway and arrived at the island smoothly.

"Oh no, Zhuangzhuang got beaten up, I have to help him." An An saw his brother being beaten to the ground by a brat, and was eager to step forward to help, but was stopped by Brother Xiaoyun: "Don't, it's embarrassing enough. A big guy got beaten up by a little guy, and he had to help another one. If people tell others about it, it will be so funny that people will die."

"Ah, then... the dark-skinned brat is a young man!" An An muttered, "He doesn't look like one. How could anyone want a young man who is so dark and fierce!"

Xiao Yuner glanced at him and said, "Don't let Aunt Yu hear what you said, or you'll be in trouble."

An An touched the back of his head and smiled foolishly: "Hehe..."

"Let me go..."

"Humph! If you don't let me go, you will never be able to defeat me in this life..."

The gentle sea breeze slowly dissipated the sounds, and the morning star in the distance twinkled as a witness to this lively scene.
