I dared to eat it before, so now everyone likes tea seed oil again. The wedding banquet held in our village last time was also prepared with tea seed oil, and everyone enjoyed it. Now everyone wants to go up the mountain to pick tea seeds and bring them back. "

Speaking of the wedding banquet, Yang Dachuan felt a little guilty. Life was hard these days, but other people's wedding banquets were held in a grand manner. When he and Yu Ge'er got married, the year was good. Because he had no money and he didn't take it very seriously at the time, he simply prepared two tables and invited a few relatives in the village to eat and drink. It was not as lively as other people's weddings.

Although Yuger never mentioned it and acted as if he didn't care, Yang Dachuan had to keep it in mind and always tried to treat Yuger better in the future.

"It's time to eat. What are you thinking about?" Yu Ge'er picked up a piece of food for him with chopsticks. The head of the family had a gloomy face and seemed to be thinking about something.

Yang Dachuan smiled and said, "Hehe, it's nothing. We won't go up the mountain to pick tea seeds. We'll eat the meat oil we have at home first. It will go bad if we keep it any longer. When the villagers come to press the oil, each family can give us one or two kilograms, which will be enough for us to eat."

I don't know what's going on with Nanchuan Beima now. It's not against the rules to squeeze two kilograms of tea seed oil for consumption and not sell it outside. But now the world is bad, I don't know if they can still operate Nanchuan Beima, and whether they can still take care of the tea seed business.

"By the way, didn't you say last time that a wall would be built around the fields outside? Why is there no follow-up now? It's almost the twelfth lunar month again, what's going on now?" Yu Ge'er suddenly remembered what Yang Dachuan had told him a few days ago. It had been said that the wall would be built half a year ago, but there had been no progress.

When a family eats together, there is no saying that they should not talk while eating or sleeping. They just talk to each other and can explain everything that has happened recently in the village during one meal.

"Difficult!" Yang Dachuan put down his chopsticks. "Life in the village is not bad now, but many people don't want to spend a lot of effort to build a brick wall. Now the village chief is arguing with them, and I don't know when it will be cleared up!"

"You are such a short-sighted person." Grandma Shen scolded him lightly. Even if he had never attended a private school, he would know the benefits of building a wall. Why would anyone be unwilling to do so?

Thinking of the private school, Grandma Shen became a little anxious. Look at her precious grandson, he has everything good, but he was born in this bad year. She doesn't know whether he will be able to learn to read and go to school in the future.

Grandma Shen asked immediately, "Dachuan, have you heard of any private schools nearby? Our child will be able to go to school in two years."

Yang Dachuan and Yu Ge'er were stunned. Why did they suddenly talk about going to school? Now everything is still in a mess. Everyone can just fill their stomachs. It is still unknown what will happen to the government offices in the future. It is also unknown whether they can pass the examination and become an official after entering school. Although reading can increase knowledge and make people understand things, under the current conditions, the children of the family cannot go to school. They teach them well and believe that the children will not go astray.

"Grandma, the place is in such a mess now, where can I find a teacher?" Yuger thought. Even if there was one, he would not feel comfortable sending the child away.

"We have to be prepared!" Grandma Shen was thinking about it, and she was also thinking about sewing the two children's schoolbags later.

After dinner, there was nothing good to do in the evening, so the family gathered around the brazier, with a basket of corn cobs in front of each person, and rubbed the grains with their hands. Even the two children in the family got a corn cob, and used their little fingers to pick off the grains one by one.

"We need to repair the house outside our house!" Yu Ge'er reminded Yang Dachuan while working. Their family had three good houses, but now only one was left. Even for the remaining one, there were not enough tiles. When it rained, they had to go to the second floor and collect water in clay pots, otherwise the second floor would get wet.

Speaking of this, Yang Dachuan had a headache. In this era, there was no cement, and the roofs of ordinary people were either tiles or thatched. Originally, the village said that it was going to build a wall, and he was thinking about asking the master to bring some tiles to the family when the kiln was turned on. Now it was uncertain when the village would build the wall. The house without a roof had been exposed to the wind, sun and rain for a year, and there was no time to delay. If I didn't find a way to fix it up, it would be a waste of time.

But if you use thatch to cover the roof, not only will it not be able to keep out rain, but you will also have to inspect the roof every few days, which is really troublesome.

Yang Dachuan looked helpless and said, "Then I'll cut some straw when I go to collect firewood and weave it into a straw mat to provide some cover."

"I'll go with you tomorrow. It's enough to have grandma at home." Now that the twins are older, Yu Ge'er can slowly let go. The weather is getting colder, so the couple has to work faster.

"Okay, let's lock up the house tightly. If anything happens, you can go outside and shout for grandma. Dalin across the house will also be at home." Yang Dachuan thought that it was not the first or fifteenth day of the lunar month, and the village was quite safe. There were people at every house in the village, so there was nothing to worry about.

"You two go ahead. Do you want to bring food with you?" If they wanted to cut good thatch, they would have to go farther into the mountains. The couple was afraid that they would not be able to come back in time for lunch.

"Just bring some cakes." Yu Ge'er hurriedly stopped grandma who was about to go to the kitchen to prepare, "Grandma, there's still time to prepare tomorrow morning. The stove is out now, don't bother."

Early the next morning, the couple packed up their things and hurried up the mountain while their two children were still asleep.

The air was chilly on a frosty morning. Walking up the mountain, Yang Dachuan suddenly remembered the last time they went up the mountain together, when they had just signed a contract to pick tea seeds. It was also November. Four years had passed in the blink of an eye, and the child could now talk and walk.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" Yu Ge'er felt a little embarrassed when his boss looked at him. Maybe it was because he hadn't been to the foot of the mountain for a long time and he couldn't keep up.

"Hehe, it's nothing, Yu'er, I'll take you to the big lake that I discovered before, it's so beautiful there." I had been thinking of bringing Yu'er here when I first discovered it, but then a bunch of things delayed it, so now is the perfect time.

"Is it still too late for us today?" Yuger didn't want to refuse Dachuan's kindness, and he was also very curious about the lake.

"If we can't finish it today, we can do it tomorrow. There's no rush." Yang Dachuan didn't care. It was just a day and a half, how much delay could it have.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!" Yu Ge'er had a little idea that he hadn't told Dachuan. The child had never eaten fish properly. There was no fish smell in the river below the mountain. It was just right that he could go up the mountain and catch two fish to nourish the child. It was said that eating more fish would make people smarter. The big lake on the mountain should not have been ruined by sea rats, right?

"Dachuan, are there still fish in the lake? The sea rats can't come up, right?" Yuger looked around, but didn't see any sea rats. Unlike in the village, one or two would jump out from time to time, but on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar month, there was no place to step outside the wall.

Yang Dachuan also looked around. It should be a bit difficult for sea rats to climb up the mountain with their webbed feet. He could still see two at the foot of the mountain, but he couldn't see them anymore when he got to a higher place.

"That shouldn't be the case. We can catch a couple of fish and take them home later." The couple thought of the same thing.

The big lake on the mountain was not close, and it took them more than an hour to get there.
