Fortunately, the island was very large and grew very fast, and they happened to be in the center of the island. The big island stood firm and the waves could not submerge them.

However, the rest of the tsunami outside the island passed over the coastline, over the fields, and quickly attacked the Nanhai City on the shore. All the way forward, the collapsed houses were washed away by the huge waves, and nothing was left. What was even more terrifying was that there was a loud rumbling sound from below, a sound of teeth-grinding, and the cracks under the ground were getting wider and wider...

Everyone was willing to put in the materials for the newly built house. After so long, except for some people's houses that collapsed, the rest were just covered with dust. Yang Dachuan and his family returned to the house. The whole family had been soaked in the rain for a long time. Yu Ge'er cooked a pot of porridge on the stove and broke off a piece of the remaining brown sugar and put it in. The whole family could have a bowl of hot porridge.

Grandma Shen drank slowly from the bowl that had a hole in it due to the shock. She listened to the chaotic noise outside and it took her a long time to come back to her senses. She sighed softly, "This sound came from the shore. I guess the people in the village are having a hard time."

It was not only difficult, but now the land had become a purgatory ruin. Apart from the obvious shaking at the beginning, there was no other situation on the island except that it was raining heavily and people could not go out of the house. The family had just harvested the grain, so there was no need to worry about having no food.

But people on land suffered a great disaster. Although there have been many earthquakes in recent years, none of them was as terrible as the one today. It was just like the story of Pangu creating the world. The ground broke into several pieces with a few loud bangs. People hiding in the mountains were buried by the collapsed rocks before they could escape. Those who managed to escape the earthquake were washed away by the sea water that followed. Fields and houses were instantly stirred into the muddy water and disappeared. People disappeared in the roaring waves before they could struggle. Mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, the sea was raging, and there was no sunlight.

There were continuous torrential rains throughout the second half of the year. The sea level rose higher and higher. Looking out from the island, one could only occasionally see some small protruding pieces of land. Gradually, Yang Dachuan could no longer tell which was the mainland and which was the island.

The rain kept falling, and it slowly stopped in the spring of the following year. Occasionally, a drizzle would fall, and the farmers who had been hiding at home for a season poked their heads out again like mushrooms in the rain. Everyone had survived another disaster, and almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Dachuan was also a little confused. He had been wandering around the island with a few people from the village for the past few days. He climbed to the highest point on the island and looked out. He was really shocked. If the people around him had not been there, he would have thought he had traveled to another place.

Originally, their island was estimated to be twice the size of Anping County, but now, on one side there is sea water, and on the other side there is endless land. It is so vague that no one even knows which direction is their hometown.

A group of people looked at each other in bewilderment. A few younger people asked anxiously, "What are we going to do with Pingshan Village?"

After a moment of silence, someone replied in a hoarse voice: "No matter what, at least we are still alive, that's a good thing!"

No one knows what will happen to the people in the places flooded by the sea, but they all know it in their hearts. However, what can they do? Those who are still alive have to live. No one knows whether their lives will get better and better, or more difficult year by year. But no matter how difficult it is, their family will always be together!

"Dachuan, what are you doing? Hurry up, the rain is about to come!" Yu Ge'er pushed his boss. The land had not been plowed yet, why did he suddenly become dazed?

"Hey, it's okay!"

"Zhuangzhuang, An'an, Yuger, Dachuan, come home for dinner!" The green fields, the laughter and playing of children not far away, and the call of Grandma Shen in the distance, all made Yang Dachuan feel safe and at ease. The uneasiness that had arisen in his heart a few days ago was swept away.

There were also rumbling thunders in the sky, but compared to the thunder half a year ago that seemed to split the sky and earth apart, the spring thunder in February was full of vitality. Spring is here!

"Yuge'er, let's go home!" As soon as Yang Dachuan took Yuge'er's hand, raindrops started falling.

Chapter 97: Xu Dazhuang

Yang Dachuan and his group walked eastward. Xu Dazhuang felt mixed emotions, including happiness, disappointment and relief.

He knew from a young age that his father was the village chief, and if nothing unexpected happened, he would be the village chief in the future. The praise from the uncles and aunts in the village, the envy of brothers and sisters, also proved that he was the leader of his peers in the village. This pride accompanied him as he grew up, until Yang Dachuan returned from military service and got married...

Xu Dazhuang couldn't understand why Yang Dachuan had changed so much. He had never been outstanding since he was a child. Among the three brothers in his family, the eldest brother Yang was steady, the third brother Yang was smart, and Yang Dachuan was cowardly and incompetent. Otherwise, he would not have served all the military service in the family alone.

But after getting married, Yang Dachuan first discovered that the tea trees on the mountain could be used to extract oil, and led the villagers to go out to make money. Later, he also discovered that water chestnuts and water chestnuts could make more money than growing rice. His family became a wealthy family in the village, and built the most sophisticated blue brick and tile house in the village.

The praise of Yang Dachuan by the villagers and the affirmation of his father made Xu Dazhuang feel uncomfortable. After all, he had always received all the attention. So when Xu Liang pressured Yang Dachuan to not let them live in the cave, he was a little biased. Otherwise, if everyone lived together in the future, the villagers would have to be biased towards him for a long time, and what would be the point of him being the village chief?

The cave was packed with people, and after the initial novelty wore off, the days that followed were like a nightmare. The weather was very cold, and there was no kang, so everyone wanted to burn firewood to keep warm, but the cave was not ventilated, and if you weren't careful, the smoke could knock a bunch of people down.

But what can they do? If they don't light a fire, they will freeze to death. If they light a fire, they will probably suffocate to death. The cave is noisy all day long. As the village chief, Xu Dazhuang's first thing when he opens his eyes every day is to stop the fights. After holding back for a long time, everyone is angry. He has not been the village chief for a long time and does not have the prestige of his father in the village. After persuading them several times without any effect, he couldn't help but fight. Let's fight, let's all fight. He is tired of this kind of life.

Xu Dazhuang couldn't remember how long it had been since he had a good sleep. His head was groggy and there was a constant buzzing sound in his ears. He really admired these people in the village. They didn't have enough food to eat, warm clothes to wear and couldn't sleep well, but how could these people be so capable!

Today, the Lu Laoer family, who lived in the middle of the cave, secretly started a fire again. According to everyone's agreement, they could not start a fire in this location. Only the place at the entrance of the cave could burn firewood and cook. The rest of the cave could only rely on people to keep warm. Lu Laoer's family was not paying attention today, and the quilt of the family next door was burned. Everyone rushed to put out the fire, screaming, blaming, complaining, and somehow it turned into a big fight.

By the time Xu Dazhuang reacted, the situation was already out of control. The sound in the cave was so loud that it seemed like the roof was going to be blown off. The ground under his feet began to shake. There was a muffled rumbling sound outside, the roof of the cave was shaken, and sand began to fall again.

The people at the entrance of the cave were screaming and rushing into the cave.
