There were bubbles bubbling inside, just like boiling water!

This hidden valley was a retreat he had left for his family. Ever since the sea rat plague occurred at the foot of the mountain, he had been thinking about finding a place to settle down in the mountains. He was afraid that one day he would not be able to make it at the foot of the mountain, so he wanted to hide in the mountains. He searched for several years before he accidentally found this place while chasing rabbits.

"This place is nice, but we can't live in the cave with the hot water pool?" The valley is not big and everyone can see the whole place in a quarter of an hour. The mountain walls are closed on all sides, with a gap just big enough for a person to pass through, and a hot pool with gurgling water. Apart from that, there is nothing else.

Now a group of people squatted beside the hot water pool and discussed: "If we stay here, we can only build a straw hut on the flat ground outside. It's so cold, I don't know if we can survive it!"

"If you ask me, that place is better than the cave we were looking for before. It's open and comfortable outside, and it's not as cold in here as outside. If I can't find another good place, I can live here!"

Although Yang Dachuan also thought this place was nice, he had not thought of staying here when he first decided to spend the winter in the mountains. Although the temperature here was slightly higher than outside, it was still not as good as the windproof caves. If he hadn't been forced out by Chen Liang and the other villagers, he would not have thought of settling down here.

But since he was the one who led everyone here, he still had to say something: "This valley is not big, and not many people can live here. Even if a few families live here, I guess it will be impossible to grow food in the spring!"

"Dachuan, don't worry. We are not shameless people. They have already asked us to leave, and we can't force them to live here!" Lu Fang and his group patted their chests and stamped their feet to guarantee: "We won't let anyone in. This is related to our future life. Even if we let them in, we won't get any good results. We will definitely not do this!"

"It's okay as long as we know what's going on!" Yang Dachuan didn't say anything but said that they could do it. No matter how tense the situation was, they were from the same village after all, and they were brothers and fathers. Even if their bones were broken, their tendons were still connected. As long as they didn't cause any trouble for him, he wouldn't worry too much about them!

After finding such a valley, everyone felt more confident and was not so anxious to look for caves elsewhere. It was already mid-November, and a thick layer of snow had fallen on the mountain. It was so thick that it could reach up to the calves when people walked on the ground. They had been walking on the mountain for a long time and had never seen it get dark. Some people couldn't help but worry: "Will it never get dark in the future? It's always bright and clear, and we can't tell the difference between day and night!"

"This sky is no longer the one we used to know. Whatever it is, it will be what it is. How can you live any other way?" Someone sighed, "Although we didn't go to many places before, we were able to go around the village. After the sea rats came ashore, we were detained in the village compound for more than ten years. Now we are blocked on this mountain by the sea. I don't know how long we will be trapped on the mountain? Alas! Life is getting harder and harder!"

"I see you are living too comfortably that you still have time to complain!" Yang Dachuan scolded with a smile: "Let's go back. We have been out for so long, our family must be worried!" It is so cold today, and not only are their families worried and sad, they are also worried that their family will be frozen to death!

Now that they had a place to stay, everyone was eager to return home. They couldn't wait to pack up and move their belongings up the mountain. After all, the valley wasn't as cold as the foot of the mountain, and there was a boiling water pool!

A group of people were rushing down the mountain with their heads down. When the ground shook again, everyone was caught off guard and rolled down the mountain suddenly. However, the snow was thick and no one was seriously injured. But the ground shook and was followed by an avalanche. There was a rumbling sound on the mountain and heavy snow was about to pour down.

"Run, run quickly, hide in the woods!" They were now in an open area, and after Yang Dachuan realized what was happening, he led everyone to go into the woods. There were not many of them, and they were all gathered together. When Yang Dachuan shouted, everyone came to their senses and ran into the woods.

The snowdrifts behind them were rumbling, and they no longer cared about the difficulty of walking on the snowy road. They struggled desperately to get out, and just before the snow buried them, they managed to get into the woods. The snow behind them was blocked by the woods, and its momentum was reduced by three points. When they ran forward a little further, the snow stopped, but it was such a desolate place that they had no idea where they were for a moment.

"Oh, my dear, the last time I had to go through this much trouble was when I was hunting wild boars. My heart is about to burst out!"

"Hoo...Hoo..." A dozen people were lying on the ground, panting loudly. After Yang Dachuan caught his breath, he asked, "Hurry up and take a look. Is there anyone left behind?"

The group of people looked at each other. Although they were running in a panic, fortunately everyone had caught up. However, the ground was shaking again and they didn't dare to leave the forest for a while. They could only walk around nearby.

"I've never been here before, let's not get separated!" Yang Dachuan checked the things he had with him. He threw away the backpack, the axe and the food inside were gone. He only had a fire starter in his arms and a mountain splitting stick in his hand. He looked at the things on other people's bodies, which only had one or two cakes in his arms. He sighed and said, "We don't know how long we will be here, so we have to think carefully about the food!"

"Let's find a place to hide first. It's no good standing here!" Xu Lin wiped his frozen face, calmed down and continued, "It won't be too cold if we walk. We're getting nervous if we stay here for a while!"

"Go down the mountain, you will eventually find the way!"

"Can we really live in the mountains?" After this incident, someone raised the question: "It seems that there is no telling when these earthquakes will stop. If they happen every now and then, it will be really difficult for us to live in the mountains. In winter, we have to worry about avalanches, and in summer, we have to worry about falling rocks and landslides. We will have trouble all year round!"

"Hey, you're really thinking ahead. I just hope we can survive this winter!" After a hard walk, everyone liked to talk. Someone said, "I don't know what's going on with that group of people in the village. There are so many of them, maybe some of them got lost. It's hard to go back and look for them in this icy and snowy weather!"

"You are such a worrier. We haven't even settled down yet!" Yang Dalin said unhappily, "Let's wait until we get back to the village. We might even lag behind them. They've already gone home to pack up and prepare to move to the mountains!"

However, what Yang Dalin said was a little off topic. Led by Old Uncle Shan, Xu Liang's group found a habitable cave. Although they had a falling out with Yang Dachuan and his group, at least they had found a place to live. They were not too interested in looking for other places. After walking for a while, they started clamoring to go down the mountain. While Yang Dachuan and his group were still wandering in the valley, they had already returned halfway. The earthquake started again, but they were not as embarrassed as Yang Dachuan. When the avalanche caught up with them, its momentum had already weakened a lot.

But when there are too many people, things can go wrong easily. Some of the timid ones lost control of their legs and feet when they saw the avalanche, while others just ran without knowing how to hide and just kept trying to run as fast as possible. When the snow stopped, the group reunited and found that three people were missing.

If Xu Liang, the ring embryo, had taken the lead, they would probably have sighed and returned, but Old Uncle Shan was a stubborn person and felt that if he had brought them out, he had to bring them back whole.
