"Okay, when do we go into the mountains?" After confirming that they would go into the mountains, Yang Dachuan also became excited. In his previous life, he made a living by relying on the mountains. Although he went into the mountains less often after coming here, every time he went into the mountains it felt like going home.

"We will arrive in five days. Uncle Shan and his men will leave tomorrow and stay in the mountains for three days. Whether we have a harvest or not, we will have to go back by then!" Xu Lin explained the arrangements one by one. "Bring your own things. We will gather in the drying yard in the morning and then set off!"

"Are you really going to the mountain?" After seeing Xu Lin off, Yu Ge'er asked his head, "I always feel uneasy. We don't lack food at home. Why don't we not go?"

"I have already agreed, so it's hard to say no." Yang Dachuan didn't expect that Yuger didn't want him to go.

Yu Ge'er also knew that he had already agreed to this, so it was difficult to go back on his word. "My eyelids have been twitching a lot lately. I always feel like something is going to happen, and I'm so anxious!"

"If anything happens, just shout at the door and I'll ask them to help look after it." Hearing what Yu Ge'er said, he felt a little uneasy. "If it's a mouse, everyone in the family should hide! Wait until I come back!" Yang Dachuan hesitated for a moment, "Or, I'd better not go. It's enough for our family to make do with the New Year."

After hearing his master's arrangement, Yu Ge'er felt relieved. "You should go. There's nothing important going on at home right now. We've arranged everything. With me and grandma at home, we can handle it!"

Lü Fang was also going up the mountain this time, but he was with Xu Dazhuang's group. Yang Dachuan said hello to him and asked them to help keep an eye on the house. Yang Dachuan also walked around the large yard outside the village entrance. If there was anything, he hoped to help!

Three days passed quickly, and Uncle Shan and his group returned on time. Although they looked like they had suffered a lot, their arms and legs were all intact and no one was left behind.

Those who came back all had smiles on their faces. They carried wild animals on their shoulders and in their hands, such as pheasants, rabbits, and musk deer. All in all, every household could get more than ten to twenty kilograms of meat.

Those who had never thought of going into the mountains before now see those who have returned with a lot of gains, and their eyes are red with envy, and they wish they were the ones who went into the mountains.

Yang Dachuan's team was going to the mountain the day after tomorrow, and many people wanted to go with him. But no one agreed. It was all arranged, so how could it be changed at will? In the end, those who didn't go formed another team and waited for Xu Daniu and his team to go after they came back from the mountain. Although the others were anxious, they also knew the importance of the matter.

Two days passed quickly. Early in the morning, when it was still dark, people who were going up the mountain were already waiting in the drying yard. Yang Dachuan was the leader. He didn't say anything nonsense. When he counted enough people, he led the way up the mountain.

There were sixteen people in their team, most of them were from Xu Lin's clan and Yang Dachuan's clan. Yang Dashan and Yang Dalu also came this time. They were all young men who had a good relationship with Yang Dachuan and were all trustworthy.

Before going up the mountain, Yang Dachuan specifically asked the old uncle about the direction they were going. He estimated that they would not gain anything after walking the same path, so they did not plan to take the same path that the old uncle had taken this time.

"After entering the mountain, don't walk around blindly. I've never been to this forest before. Everyone, be alert and don't fall behind!"

Those who came with "Zhi Dao" and "Cheng" all knew what was right and wrong, and were willing to listen to Yang Dachuan.

The old forest on the Daping Mountain stretches across several counties, but Yang Dachuan doesn't know where the boundary of this old forest is. This mountain range is very complex and crisscrossed, with many hills. Only near densely populated areas can you occasionally see traces of people walking by.

I don't know if they were unlucky, but they didn't find many wild animals along the way. They had been walking all day since morning, and only caught two rabbits, which couldn't even fill a backpack. Everyone was a little frustrated, and the excitement of seeing Uncle Shan and his friends' harvest had faded a lot.

"Let's stay here tonight!" It was difficult to travel at night, so Yang Dachuan found a suitable place to stay and let everyone settle down. It was impossible to live and cook in the mountains, especially now that everything was dry. If you were not careful, you would get into big trouble. Everyone ate the dry food in their hands silently.

"Dachuan, should we change the route? We have no harvest today!" Xu Lin's elder brother sounded a little disappointed.

Yang Dachuan looked at the others and guessed that they were also somewhat tempted to change the route, but he didn't say it out loud. He couldn't argue with them, "Let's go a little further tomorrow. If we still don't get anything, we'll change the route!"

There was no conversation that night. People didn't sleep well in the mountains, so everyone woke up early. After a simple breakfast and checking the tools they brought with them, more than a dozen people continued to move forward.

After walking for less than an hour, perhaps luck had changed, the person who was exploring the way ahead came back and said excitedly in a low voice: "We found a wild boar ahead, estimated to be two or three hundred kilograms, and there were also a few half-grown wild boar cubs."

When everyone heard the news, their eyes lit up and they all looked at Yang Dachuan, waiting for his decision.

"Let's do it. There are so many of us, so we're not afraid!" Yang Dachuan felt very frustrated after walking for such a long time without any gain. If he killed the wild boar today, it would be worth it even if he didn't gain anything in the rest of the journey.

After a while, everyone agreed that Yang Dachuan would lead a few people with good accuracy to shoot the wild boar's vital points with bows and forks. If they succeeded, everyone would attack it together. If the wild boar went crazy, they would quickly climb up the tree and throw their weapons from the tree. The rest of the wild boars were not difficult to deal with, and two or three people would be enough to deal with them.

Everything went smoothly. Yang Dachuan brought a few people and each of them had a fork. The wild boar was almost half dead. They surrounded it and beat it with sticks. The big wild boar was just gasping for breath. The few wild boars nearby were not as fierce as they were tied up tightly with hemp ropes by the other people.

Just when everyone was happy, there was a clanging sound suddenly coming from not far away. Yang Dachuan stopped and listened carefully, "Oh no, everyone, hurry up and climb the tree, there is a wild boar!" After saying that, he pushed everyone and turned around and ran towards the tree.

Those who came were all smart. Seeing that the stronger wild boar was coming, they dared not delay any longer and ran away, jumping up the tree with a swish. However, there were a few unlucky ones who were in a hurry and didn't find the right tree to climb, so they were crowded on one tree.

The wild boar coming from behind was even bigger, with long tusks, sturdy limbs, and hair standing up like steel needles. It was obvious at a glance that it was not a good person. Yang Dachuan was sure that this wild boar must be over 400 kilograms, and it was like a small tank, running rampant and crushing everything along the way. Even a tree as big as a bowl would break after a few hits from it.

The trees in the old forest were not small, any one of them was as thick as an adult man's thigh, but there were two or three people hanging on one tree, and there was also a wild boar weighing about 400 pounds ramming madly underneath, and it looked like it was about to collapse.

The people nearby quickly aimed their things and threw them down, trying to divert the wild boar's attention. I don't know if the wild boar was stubborn or if it was targeting those people.
