For an old farmer who has worked in the fields all his life, the most important thing is the harvest from the fields. It would be great to have a potion that can increase the harvest from the fields!

Seeing that Yang Dachuan wasted the rice seedlings in the field carelessly, he could still get a good yield. If these experienced farmers also used that medicine, they would have a good harvest! Village Chief Xu still felt that Yang Dachuan's method of throwing rice seedlings was random, and the high yield of his family's fields was due to the blessing of his ancestors and the use of the new medicine.

Yang Dachuan smiled helplessly, "Uncle, I don't know the price yet, but judging from what Shopkeeper Liu said, it may not be high. It's originally for us farmers to use. If it's more expensive, we can't afford it."

"Besides rice, can other crops be used?" Xu Dazhuang stared at Yang Dachuan nervously, fearing that he would say no.

Yang Dachuan still underestimated the desire of the rulers and farmers of that era to increase grain production. Not only did he exchange the folk remedy that he despised for 500 taels of silver, but the villagers were as happy as if it were New Year's Day when they heard the news.

"The medicine is effective against common ground lice, cutworms, snails, etc. The seller will teach you how to use it when the time comes. If you still don't know how, come and ask me! I can use it, too," Yang Dachuan assured.

"Good! Good! Good!" Village chief Xu smiled happily and said good three times, and then he immediately informed everyone of the good news.

After that, Yang Dachuan had nothing else to do, so he headed home. He had a lot of things to do at home. He had to prepare to dig up the water chestnuts and water chestnuts at home, and he also had to say hello to the people who planted them. If he missed the purchase time, he would have to go to the street to sell them himself.

In November, the weather became colder and colder, and white frost could be seen in the morning. Only then did we start digging for taro.

When digging for water chestnuts, it is best to soak the paddy field in soft mud, because water chestnuts can be dug one by one with fingers, and if the ground is hard, fingers will be broken. The opposite is true for horse hoofs, it is best to drain the water in the field, then you can use a small hoe and a small stool to sit and dig.

To dig for taro, you need to go down into the cold muddy water, bend down and slowly feel along the root in the water. Taro not only looks very delicate, like a shy girl with an emerald green headscarf, but also grows very delicately under water. It is easy to break the skin when digging, and it is difficult to sell if it is damaged.

So, it is said that taro is delicious and easy to grow, but difficult to dig. If you grow this thing for a long time, you will easily get rheumatism when you go into the water every winter. After a day of digging taro, my waist is about to break.

The author has something to say: After reading the opinions of my friends, I made some minor changes, but it will not affect the reading experience!

Chapter 24 Taxes

Relatively speaking, digging water chestnuts is easier, and you can sit and dig slowly. Yang Dachuan rolled in the mud and water to find water chestnuts, while Yu Ge'er and Shen A-ma took a small stool and sat in the field to dig water chestnuts, then loaded them together and let the donkey at home pull them back home.

Yao Ge'er has been pregnant for more than three months, and the fetus is already firmly seated. In the countryside, pregnant women always go to the fields, and this year her family also planted water chestnuts with Yang Dachuan's family. Xu Lin happened to go up the mountain to pick tea fruits during this period. Fortunately, his paddy field happened to be adjacent to Yang Dachuan's. His belly is not obvious yet, and he can sit on a small stool to dig water chestnuts, and occasionally talk with Yu Ge'er and Shen Grandma in the field.

There are still a few families in the village who grow water chestnuts and water chestnuts, mostly elderly people or women who work at home. The young and strong men in the village all go up the mountain to pick tea seeds.

Yang Dachuan is now concentrating on digging taro at home and rarely goes out, but he has gradually heard that conflicts have arisen in various villages because of the picking of oil-tea fruit. Villagers quarrel among themselves; villages fight with weapons; there is even a man from Shanglin Village who went into the mountains to pick oil-tea fruit and got lost, and his life or death is unknown; there are also countless people who were bitten by snakes, insects, rats and ants when they went up the mountain.

Yang Dachuan wiped the cold sweat from the back of his head. Even with the government's intervention this year, there were still people causing trouble. If he had to deal with this matter on his own, Yang Dachuan estimated that he would be thrown into jail before the twelfth lunar month.

Yu Ge'er was also frightened. He didn't expect that harvesting tea oil fruits would be so dangerous this year. Fortunately, his boss had already turned down this task.

The water chestnuts dug up had to be washed before they could be given to Nanchuan Beima. While washing them, Grandma Shen said, "Our water chestnuts are the best. They are grown in our own fields, so no one can say anything bad about them. Although it's hard work, we earn money with peace of mind!"

Yu Ge'er put the washed fruits into the bag and said, "Isn't it? Picking tea fruits nowadays is like competing for water in the fields during a drought. If you are not satisfied, you will have a fight!"

Yang Dachuan carried the bags of water chestnuts and water chestnuts onto the cart, preparing to deliver the ones he had dug up in the past two days. He kept working and said, "Our family doesn't need that little money now, and the money we make from the oil tea fruit will burn our wallets!"

Here, Yang Dachuan and Yu Ge'er's family were happy and harmonious, but other families in Qiuli Town were different.

The person who took over Yang Dachuan's tea seed harvesting this year is Lin Yong, the candidate for the head of the Lin family in Qiuli Town. The Lin family is a big family in Qiuli Town with many members. Lin Yong has studied in school for a few years and can read a few words. His sister is the wife of the head constable of Anping County. He still has a lot of influence in Qiuli Town.

Last year, when Yang Dachuan was collecting the oil tea seeds, he noticed it. At that time, he thought, how could such a town-wide event be presided over by a countryman? However, last year it was just a small matter, so he grumbled and didn't pay much attention to it. This year, he heard that the government had come forward and the place to collect oil tea seeds would be set up in Qiuli Town. Who else could it be except him? He tried his best to get this job, hoping to show his face in front of the government and have a good future in the future.

I thought it was a good job. But the villagers came to make trouble every day, saying that the purchase was unfair, and they wanted to raise the price. They also blamed him for being bitten by snakes and rats, or getting hurt while picking tea fruits. There was also the woman of the lost man in Shanglin Village who sat at his door all day in mourning, asking him to pay for her life. There were also those who were jealous, instigated, and confused, who wanted to burn the harvested tea seeds. He was so anxious that he was busy all day.

The minor official sent by the government to work with him was even more cunning. He shirked his responsibilities all day long and disappeared whenever something went wrong. When his superiors asked for accountability, he put all the blame on him, yet he was more eager than anyone else to take credit for the work.

Lin Yong is now regretting his decision. The good reputation he had built up in the town over the years has been almost ruined after the incident of harvesting tea fruits.

Yang Dachuan didn't care about these. After delivering the goods, he was calculating how much money he had earned from the few acres of water chestnuts on his way back. He harvested 4,500 catties of water chestnuts, 3,000 catties of the best quality and 1,500 catties of the inferior quality, for a total of 19 taels of silver, not as much as he earned from selling tea oil last year, but more than enough for rice. Although other families in the village didn't grow as well as he did, the harvest was not small, with an output of 500 to 600 catties per acre. He made a good profit from selling them.

The harvest of tea seeds was in full swing, but it had nothing to do with Yang Dachuan's family. After harvesting the grain and taking care of the farm work at home, Yang Dachuan suddenly remembered that the deadline for paying grain was almost approaching, and he had to hurry to the city to pay taxes.

The land tax in the Da'an Dynasty was now 20 to 1, that is, 20 catties were taxed for one catty.
