Three Musketeer

                                   Three Musketeer

"Are you fucking laughing at me? Making fun of me?" Kangsu roared as soon as his bloodshot eyes landed on the boss who was chuckling silently while enjoying his drink in the night of the cold weather.

It was hilarious for him.

The old man showed up at the location and decided for their scheduled meet-up, all fumed and angry red. He didn't try to hide his foul mood and lashed out at everything and everyone that was possibly in his way, it be a man or a matter.

The insult he faced in the meeting room by King himself was not something Kangsu could forget that easily. All his life he devoted himself to the mafia only to be thrown out with a flick of a finger just because of a certain baby boy.

People were laughing at him and Kangsu knew that very well.

Even his boss, whom he had thought of as his partner in grief and joy, was sniggering at him. They had sizzling matters in hand to discuss, had plans to make but here he was being a laughing stock for everyone.

Everyone but Mr Chris.

Mr Wren Christopher was not present at the scene at the moment, otherwise the three musketeers would have been completed.

Nobody missed him though instead it was like a blessing that he wasn't there to face the wrath of Kangsu who was screaming bloody murder.

"excuse me Kangsu but I can't help but just laugh at this whole scenario" the boss answered back, openly laughing by now and getting on Kangsu's nerves.

The old man couldn't manage to control his anger anymore as he threw his abandoned glass of wine across the room in anger, shattering it into a million pieces.

The room went quiet suddenly after his outburst.

"that fucking bastard has taken every fucking thing I have worked my whole life for in a snap and you are saying you can't help it!......what the actual fuck!!!!!" he yelled and his voice boomed unnecessarily.

A guard behind the boss stepped up to intervene but stopped in his tracks when the boss raised his hand.

Kangsu noticed that with a flaring nose.

"What happened to all your big talks and your brags about ruining the empire, the promises you made to destroy the fucking crime lord huh?" Kangsu asked emotionally stressed as he glared at the boss and his large amused eyes.

The boss only smiled charmingly.

"you don't care about me at all after what I have been doing for you?" the old man slumped his shoulders in defeat as he finally lowered his voice.

There was silence for a heartbeat before the boss opened his mouth.

"why would I care for a disloyal man like you Kangsu?" the boss asked with venom in his tone. Kangsu stared at the man like he had grown two heads all of a sudden.

"not this shit again" Kangsu muttered, violently scratching his scalp with his fingernails.

"you have done something shady in the past and your karma is chasing you in the guise of your king, am I not right?" the boss smiled, eyes glancing away from Kangsu while a man filled his glass again with dark alcohol.

"what shady shit? What Karma? I didn't do anything to deserve this?" Kangsu shouted hyperly. He was getting angry again.

"on top of that, you are a liar, a bad one at that" The boss remained unfazed as he stated another prominent trait of Kangsu that he has learned on his own.

Kangsu's scrunched his brows as if he was accused about something he didn't do in the first place.

"oh yeah......what did I lie about Mr 'I know it all'" Kangsu sassed as he jutted his left hip out to place his hand over it and raised a brow challengingly.

The posture was maybe too funny that the boss couldn't contain himself from spurting his drink out as a laugh resounded in the room. The men around stifled their laugh, composing a commanding aura and Kangsu felt his blood boiling.

What was so funny?

"that....that you killed Enzo Parker" The boss dropped an accusation bomb while laughing and Kangsu paled at his spot. It wasn't rare or surprising to kill anyone in the mafia instead it was like a prideful medal around your neck showcasing one's bravery and authority over others.

But killing Enzo Parker, an important, most feared man at that time? The man wasn't just popular with regard to his killing techniques but he was wise and reliable. He was like a vital puzzle piece of the empire that after his sudden death, the mafia had suffered loss in many terms.

It would take a strong hatred or a solid nerve to plan and kill Enzo Parker.

"how do you know about this?" Kangsu asked in a low voice as if warning the other to watch his steps. He wasn't the one to share his deepest darkest secrets with his friends or acquaintances at any cost so how was he being labelled as a character in Enzo Parker's murder?

Did anyone suspect him to be involved?

"I don't." the boss stated observing a little panic covering Kangsu's face.

"but what I know is that the boy Wren wanted and the boy king has as his boyfriend are the same aren't they?" boss smirked not hearing anything from that runny mouth.

"and you are the killer of that boy's father" The boss threw a shot in the dark and smiled satisfied when his hunch was perfect.

A sheen layer of sweat appeared on the old man's face as he averted his eyes nervously.

"who is feeding you all this nonsense, I didn't do anything. I didn't kill anyone. Enzo was a good man; why would I kill him?" Kangsu shouted in his defence but the quietness in return made him guiltier.

"and about that boy, I didn't know he was Enzo's son until I heard it from you" The boss smiled at Kangsu's behaviour but didn't utter anything, leaving the man panting in rage.

Teasing and then watching people like Kangsu getting defensive was good entertainment for the boss.

"Who told you this? Is it Wren? I swear to god I will fucking kill him as soon as I get my hands on him!" Kangsu roared in frustration and the boss watched him in joy.

"This shouldn't be your concern Kangsu..." the boss started after a while.

"your concern should be that if I know this....... then the king must have known this before me" Another bomb of realization hit Kangsu and he stumbled back in shock.

Boss was bitterly spitting the reality but he was right. King might have known this way before Kangsu ever knew.

Was it the reason that he was thrown out of the mafia?

"Just wait until someone fills your place. Knowing king, you will be getting the shock of your whole life" the boss stated with his own deep thought.

Kangsu couldn't get any insights into the empire since he was cut off and the only source left was the boss or Chris. He had to be careful between his wicked friends and had to think twice before believing anything they say.


"But whyyyyyy....." Mago whined running after King into his office. The older was getting ready to leave with Charlton and Lucca as the duo were waiting inside the office.

Lucca's eyes lit up seeing Mago, the tiny majesty he had started to adore.

"because it's not good for you and that's the reason run along" King answered getting his things necessary for what he was going for.

Mago has tried everything he knew, from his puppy eyes to his relentless tongue, to convince King to let him take over Kangsu's vacant position. He wanted to be busy and be an active part of the mafia altogether and that vacant position was the best opportunity.

He had to coax King into his benefit before any other person, falling in the criteria, snatches his chance.

King, though, refused Mago every time without a beat. The position of higher underboss entails several wild encounters as well as various duties and Mago wasn't suitable for such responsibilities considering his track record and nature.

The boy was a duty himself.

So King decided to avoid his boyfriend until Mago stops pestering him.

It didn't seem to work though.

"why is it not good?" Mago asked demanding an answer.

King sighed tiredly not knowing what to say. He circled onto Mago's tiny waist, picked him up and set him on the table, before sliding in between his legs.

"Baby listen to me. Dangerous people are involved in this's not a play with Charlton or Lucca or Mickey. That position demands meetings with dangerous, bloodthirsty people. You will have to deal with them, talk with them on a daily basis.....if...... ever I will let you" King conveyed the severity of the situation but as he cupped his boyfriend's cheeks.

Mago shook his head, adamant about his desire.

"I can manage I promise......I won't let you down" the boy expressed with a toothy smile, king melted on his spot.

"I know you can manage.......I have no doubt in your.......abilities" King stated with a smirk while looking Mago up and down teasingly and the boy slapped at his chest playfully.

"Please.....please" Mago ranted picking at King's shirt collar but King wasn't going to budge.

"People aren't like me baby.......they are bad and cruel. They won't hesitate to hurt you if they ever get a chance. Their intentions are impure and you are beautiful, I can't let people eye fuck you when I am not around have to understand this baby." King tried to coax, his efforts going in vain.

"you can send Charlie with me, he will be there with me while I learn things. That way you won't have to worry. You trust him right" Mago provided a way and although it was a slightly good idea but it didn't suit the king's thoughts.

Charlton in the corner stretched his shoulder and puffed his chest when Mago mentioned him. He glanced at Lucca with a smug expression and Lucca rolled his eyes at him.

"no. I need Charlton with me" King dismissed the idea making Mago look at him, very used to being rejected by now, while Charlton muttered an 'Aww man'.

King was tired of refusing Mago every time the boy came up with a solid solution. He hated when the twinkle in the younger's eyes dimmed after hearing a 'no' from his supposedly loving boyfriend. The older knew he wouldn't be able to keep Mago away from the mafia business for so long, the boy had a history where his father was a man who was feared by people to an impressive level.

It was obvious that no matter what, Mago will not budge from the idea.

And why should he when his father, his in-laws, boyfriend, best buddies and soulmate all belong in this dangerous world.

Mago was born to be in the mafia and there is no other argument about that.

"then what about Lucca? He is my buddy right, he will protect me with his life and you don't need him with you I know that" Mago proposed, countering every point that the king could use against the idea.

This time Lucca glanced at Charlton with his chest puffed and a smirk on his face. Charlton rolled his eyes in return before focusing on King and Mago.

It was a good idea, King had to give him that but then again it didn't suit with his taste. Mago and Lucca were a notorious combo that King was afraid to put to a test.

Its a no-no.

King was still deep in thought about how to decline the idea when the younger jumped off the table and rushed to Lucca's side.

"you will protect me, right? You will work with me?" Mago asked making Lucca, King and Charlton to coo at the young boy with pleading eyes.

"I will gladly devote my life to you my tiny majesty" Lucca expressed dramatically, bowing his head and bending his body in respect, earning a sweetest giggle in return.

Mago felt satisfied.


"you will gladly get a punch in your gut by me if you won't shut up" King grumbled at them. Lucca straightened himself while Charlton snickered beside him.

Mago frowned.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you not listening to me? I am your boyfriend, you should spoil me with my wishes and desires" Mago protested approaching King, whining with a frown set on his beautiful face.

King wanted nothing but to kiss him.

"let me spoil with you treats and clothes and sex, why are you stuck on being in the mafia? You can do many other things like----..." King started exasperatedly but Mago shook his head, cutting King mid-sentence.

"I don't want clothes and treats. I want to be a mafia man.......I want to work like you" the boy said stubbornly.

Oh how adorable Mago would look in a look of a mafia man, a tiny mafia man.

"well then......I can't give you the permission." King said dismissively, putting on the act of a rude man he didn't want to, and Mago stared at him and his harsh tone.

Don't get him wrong, he had to use the tone to control the situation. Mago wasn't listening to King and King has had enough. Be it any other thing in the world and King will provide it in a second but how could he let his boyfriend, the oblivious boy, to roam around with his beautiful face and an active mouth only for the creeps to have a chance?

He can't do that.

"then I won't talk to you" the younger threatened with a glare and King sighed annoyed.

"you can do what you want.......but you are not getting anything out of my order" the older stated as a matter of fact as he marched forward towards the younger.

Mago glared at King.

King grabbed Mago's face and squeezed his cheeks with his big hand, creating a pout, and kissed the boy's lips, biting his lower lip with a gentle pressure to show his displeasure.

He pulled back, glared back at Mago and walked out of the office room.

Charlton followed close behind while Lucca stopped to look back at Mago before he followed too, leaving the boy with teary eyes and an angry red nose in the office.


thank you for reading and do check out our new novel "The Lords Against DJ" .....bye
