Nothing like Imagined

Nothing like Imagined

It was quiet in the office, some tapping on the keyboard of the laptop was the only noise aside from mild breathing. He was busy, and not in a very good mood.

King was alone and immersed in his work when the door of his room opened and in came a very handsome man in his mid-forties.

His aura and style spoke volumes of how domineering he can be. The flaming maroon suit, tailored to perfection, covering his big built. Long silver hair styled perfectly and a brilliant wooden cane in his hand.

The older walked inside the office and smiled brightly seeing the king who was now standing in his place with an identical smile on his own features.

"Father" he called while walking out from behind his Mahogany desk. The man, on the other hand, opened his arms to welcome his son in his kind embrace, wanting to hug him to his heart's content.

He laughed out loud when his son crashed into his chest with a thump, wrapping his arms around his father. A proud father he was for what the king has become. But don't fool yourself with his kindness because If the king was deadly, this man was beyond the concept.

No one ever knew what could be the thought in his wicked mind. The most handsome man in his early forties was a walking grace but his mind was cunning as a fox and sly as a panther.

"How are you my pride, I see you have grown more handsome, more intimidating, and more authoritative" the man complimented with a strong pat over the king's shoulder, a beautiful smile adorning his striking features.

"I wonder who I have it from?" the king responded mimicking the older's tone making him laugh again at his son.

Like father like son

"tell you what!..... I wonder it too sometimes" he said excitedly, leaning forward to hug his son again who reciprocated the action with a smile.

"come on now let's talk some business," he said grinning widely while moving to sit on a couch in the seating area of the office, King following him.

Both father and son reunion went for a while, discussing different matters and problems that were raising their heads in the mafia.

According to the sources, a group of lackeys was stealing from the mafia. The act was reported from the deeper part where some under-bosses were responsible. The matter was meant to be hidden from the king but somehow the news got leaked when the embezzlement could not be stated as a petty issue.

The group was rising at a concerning level, if not taken care of, they can be a threat to the empire.

Discussing different alternative and planning measures, both father and son were about to finish the meeting when a knock on the door interrupted them.

A dominant 'come in' from the king allowed the man outside to enter with the news. He bowed respectfully seeing the older man sitting there elegantly.

"Mr Xavier" he addressed the father of their king who acknowledged his greetings before the man turned towards the king.

"he is here sir," the man said, standing straight after he delivered the message.

King nodded at him before and looked at his father who tipped his chin, giving him permission to get to his own matter. King stood up from his place marching towards his door before he vanished behind it along with the man.


Mago was being dragged into the manor by four men, one of them being Charlton. The younger's muffled screams were catching the attention from all the workers. All of them eyed that small figure whose limbs were captured like a wild animal

Successfully they managed to get the boy into the living area of that giant place where different styles of sofas were placed. A large centre table and several kinds of mantle pieces for decoration.

It all looked expensive as hell

Mago was thrashing and was really uncontrollable. the guards roughly made him stand in the centre and left him alone. The first thing Mago did was to get the bag away from his head.

It was smelly and dark, and Mago hates! Dark.

Everyone present there waited for him to remove the bag, some of the guards were anticipating a shock on his face when his eyes will fall upon the deadly king sitting just in front of him, but their excitement was so far when Mago was still struggling with the bag.

The king was seated on his big leather couch staring at the young boy, observing him. he looked at how Mago was squirming around to get that thing off his head. Two minutes in the free show and his patience was gone.

King tsked before he stood up from his place and approached the boy. He placed his hands over the black bag, trying to pull it away only to be awarded with his first curse word ever directed to him by anyone.

"Ahh! dickhead!!!" Mago shouted at the king unknowingly and pushed his hands away harshly. King on the other hand was mind boggled, his eyes wide and face turning red.

Insulted, he felt

Nobody, not anybody ever insulted the king in any way and if they did dare, they were not really alive to tell the tale.

King was a kind man by nature until he is angry and the look on his face told that he was indeed angry. All his men have seen him taking revenge and doing his mafia business, but never have they ever seen him showing any mercy to his opponent.

And now those records tell the fate of that young boy.

Grabbing both his shoulder tightly, the king made Mago stand straight and stop struggling. Mago did as he was directed, hoping that whoever held him was trying to get him out of his misery but as soon as the king pulled at his bag again he shouted once again.

"AHH!!!...stop pulling at it you pig!! hairs are stuck in it" he cried out loud when his locks were pulled while he pushed at King's hand roughly...again.

He is dead

King stared at his bag-covered head and remained quiet for a while noticing how Mago was tired, moaning out of pain. Controlling his anger, he stepped up again to hold the boy, placing his hands over his shoulder a little lightly now, he pulled out a small knife from his back.

"stay still" the king instructed the boy, holding his shoulder with one hand and the knife in another. Mago on the other hand wasn't having anything. He flayed his arms trying to pry the other off of him.

"Don't come closer you jerk!" he said making the king even madder. He was trying to help and the younger wasn't even thankful instead he was shouting and cursing the one and only king.

Clearly, he had a death wish

"I SAID STAY STILL!!!!" he roared in his deep voice making Mago shut up and stand still without moving a muscle, not even breathing. All the guards flinched at his loud voice.

At some point, Mr. Xavier also showed up, but he remained on the upper floor, peeking down from the extensive mezzanine. He examined the situation before chuckling and retreating back inside the office.

Mago's mouth was shut and eyes closed, his breathing shallow. After his eyes were closed, his other senses piqued. He could feel some ministration looming over his head and in a snap, his head was free from the bag.

He slowly opened his eyes and when he did, the king stilled at his spot.

The boy in front of him was nothing he imagined, nothing like a teenager who would wear chains and rings, tank tops and saggy jeans, who would be covered in tattoos of some stupid-looking character.

But on the contrary, the boy was an absolute beauty. He was even more beautiful than the previous night. His dark healthy hair sticking in every direction due to being tangled in the bag, his eyes dewy and innocent, lips bitten and plump, and his face red with few bruises littered over his soft baby skin.

Meanwhile, Mago marvelled at the king's aura, travelling his eyes on the older's frame, he took special notice of his tightly tied ponytail, black dress pants, and a black shirt that was so stretched over his brawny chest that the buttons might pop.

He didn't look like what he looked like in the club, with a piercing over his eyebrow and his strict dark yet handsome features, he was more deadly looking now.

He was so handsome, dark, and mysterious

A total bad boy

In their staring contest, a sudden protectiveness over the boy engulfed King when he realized a handprint over Mago's face. His active brain picked out Charlton as his suspect which made him look at him with a glare.

"he was caught like this......nobody touched him," he said in his defence, lowering his head. The answer made the king come back from his thoughts.

Why does it matter to him, if Mago is hurt or not?

But he was cute so....

He made his way back to his couch, sitting with arrogance while crossing one leg over the other. Not able to control himself, he racked his eyes over Mago's frame before he smiled at him evilly making the younger nervous.

His stare was so powerful that Mago felt like he would melt right then and there. When even after many minutes King didn't talk but stared at him, somehow Mago started to feel a little humiliated.

And he is not here for that

"What?" he asked straight to the king who smiled at him before sitting more comfortably, leaning back a bit.

"I assume you have a valid reason as to why you are sprouting nonsense about me being your boyfriend," the king asked while staring at the younger, taking in his soft appearance.

His voice ran shivers down Mago's spine because of how deep it was, hands sweating with fear. In a situation like this, he always needed Mickey at his side but today he was alone

"I... I do, I have a reason......and it's a valid one too" he said trying his best not to stutter or lose his composure.

"And what might that be," the king asked raising his perfect brow at Mago, warning him with his dark eyes.

Mago nervously smiled at him before he braced himself for his version of clarification. Glued to his place, he started his rant.

here goes nothing

"well.....the thing is, my family, isn't scared of most people I know..... so nobody wants to help me in my rescue...but when they were shocked after hearing your name as my boyfriend...I wanted to take the advantage of the get free.. that's why I lied at the club" Mago said with a shaky breath. He was scared shitless.

"And?" the king asked him, listening carefully. His tone giving a wrong idea

"a..and then to prove myself.....I had to talk to you in front of Patty...that's what the call was about earlier" Mago completed, trying to comprehend the next move of the king.

He was scared for many reasons. One of them was in front of the king and the second reason was the inkling that if he is thrown out right now then what would be his future with Jana.

"so?" the king asked nonchalantly after hearing the story of the boy. He wasn't interested and it was showing in his gesture.

"so.....if you could please open your mind a little bit and pretend to be my boyfriend," said Mago using his puppy eye and innocent voice, trying his best to convince the man.

It was affecting the king in a very weird way or in his words a 'dangerous way'. His heart almost wanted to help the poor boy, the offer of being a boyfriend to this beautiful creature was a bonus in itself.

However, his reputation was at stake as well and he wouldn't just ruin it in front of his men and for that cute, innocent being.

The king scoffed before he placed his crossed leg down on the floor and leaned forward a little.

"I have no time for this shit......feel lucky that I am leaving you to live...." He said making Mago pout at the rejection right away.

Oh! That pout

"so from now on no more lying understood?..... Now get out," the king said in a definitive tone causing Mago to lose all his hope and his sweet attitude as well.

"geez...I asked for pretend only not your unkind stupid organ or something...... can't even do that?" he asked sassily while doodling on the floor with his worn-out shoes.

King looked at him with his dark gaze before he stood up from his couch and approached the boy standing there looking down.

"What did you just say?" he asked in his low voice, giving him a chance to correct what he said.

"It's not like I asked for you to show up by my side or can stay your ass put....I will deal with the rest....just send your dog..." his nonsense was cut in when the king grabbed his mouth in his grip making him shut up effectively.

"do you even know who I am?" he asked dangerously near Mago's face. Face squished in a death grip, Mago had his mouth open in a painful pout. King's hand was hurting the younger's cheeks and it was turning red due to pressure.

Mago placed his trembling hands over King's chest before with all his might he pushed him back. king stumbled stepping back and looking at the younger with anger.

"you are a pig! That's what you are!" Mago shouted making King madder. He was insulted by this stupid kid thrice in a day and he was still alive while the king's reputation says otherwise

"Why you little..." King roared fisting his hand, ready to throw the punch. Mago stepped back in horror, placing his tiny hands over his face, providing a cover from the apparent punch on its way.


see ye guys later and hope ye all liked the chapter

Onalde duck 
