Best Brothers whatsoever

Best Brothers whatsoever

Jana was extremely confused when Mickey asked him to accompany the younger somewhere out of the blue because the younger boy was never spontaneous enough to go out with him. But that confusion turned into a horrified shock as soon as he got to know where they were going.

The crime lord has summoned him.

After the initial shock, many questions and queries that Jana was ready to accompany Mickey towards their destination.

As if he had a choice.

Mickey has enjoyed the bike ride, with the chilly wind touching his face and a warm body pressed against his own. The younger had slid his hands deeper into Jana’s bomber jacket, circling around his waist, and blew a cold breath out in the air while resting his face on the broad shoulder of the older.

It was perfect.

The older, on the other hand, was perplexed and internally scared for his life. He didn’t let it surface on his face because somewhere in his heart, Jana wanted to look brave in front of Mickey.

But all that façade of bravery went in vain when both of them were escorted through dark hallways in the basement of the manor that belonged to the most feared man. Jana felt anxiety building in his core as he followed the rude right-hand man of the crime lord with Mickey by his side.

Charlton, with a straight posture and strict face, led the guests through a maze of hallways until he stopped in front of a room. He opened the door and gestured the two of them inside.

The room was small in size but was well furnished. There was a massive leather recliner sitting at the left side of the small room while across it was a similar leather couch set with a small bar at the corner.

 “wait here, the king will be here shortly, “Charlton said gruffly, voice turning mischievous at the end.

 Or maybe it was just Mickey who felt it

Jana took a seat with Mickey on the couch and held the other’s hand gently in his own. Mickey, though, remained nonchalant as they both waited for King to arrive. While waiting, Jana looked around the room with curious eyes. All the décor and furniture inside screamed money that only the king could afford.

A loud gunshot resounded outside the door and the two jumped at their place, exchanging surprised glances from each other to Charlton.

The purpose of inviting them in the basement rather than in the king’s office was fulfilled.

Charlton snickered at his place silently as he turned his face away from them before he could blurt out a laugh.

Another minute or two passed and the door of the room opened with a loud bang. In entered the crime lord with a heavy gun in his bloody hand. His looks explained how pissed that daunting man was as he sauntered towards the recliner, slumping on it before he tossed his gun for Charlton to hold.

The right-hand man offered his king a handkerchief which King accepted gladly as he made eye contact with Jana.

“where is Chris?” the first question was direct and annoying. King didn’t waste a minute as he jumped right on the main point. Jana averted his eyes from King to the floor rug since he couldn’t handle the way King glared at him.

The dark look in King’s eyes was nowhere to be messed with.

“I don’t know king. I don’t know where he went” he answered truthfully. King raised a brow dauntingly as he racked his eyes up and down Jana’s uncomfortable form.

“you don’t know where your father is?” he asked, voice dripping venom, serious and clear that Jana felt sweat building under his arms.

Although it was cold.

“I don’t know king. He just up and left with my sister, never waited to tell me, never waited to take me with him” Jana’s voice had hidden sadness that made Mickey squeeze his hand in his own. The man was still recovering from the worst betrayal of his life.

King has heard all that Jana went through from Mickey the day before. He has inquired on his own too and found everything almost similar to what Mickey has told him.

Jana was right, he didn’t know where his father vanished with his sister.

The room went quiet for a moment long while everyone stayed silent before King started again.

“you have been organizing meetings for him. Is that correct?” Jana looked up to meet those dark eyes again as he contemplated the meaning behind the question.

Jana knew his father was involved in something really serious which was one way or the other related to King. he just hopes that he isn’t the one who have to pay for his wrongdoings.

“I did, but not anymore” another truth he spoke. Mickey twisted his fingers around Jana’s cold hand as he listened to the conversation carefully.

“there was someone else along with your father and Kangsu in those meetings, do you know who that man is?” King threw another question at which Jana once again thought for a second.

He has surely seen another person other than his father and Kangsu in the meeting room. Jana didn’t know if it was a man or a woman since the said someone always had their face covered with a mask whenever they entered the building, they were scheduled to meet and left silently when the meeting was over.

It is only after the king addressed the person as ‘man’ that Jana got to know that the person was a male.

 “yes, king. There was someone, a man, other than Dad and Uncle Kangsu in those meet-ups but Dad didn’t let me enter the room with him ever. He always asked me to guard the doors and arrange other things like security and stuff” King hummed in return, twirling the bloodied handkerchief in his hands.

“have you ever seen anything about that man that could help in tracing him” Charlton darted a question taking Jana’s attention. Mickey looked at Jana hopefully but the older shook his head.

“I didn’t see him ever,” Jana said disappointing everyone in the room.

That was the exact answer King had expected to hear before calling Jana to meet him but still, he called the man only to get a small little hint, Jana might blurt out, from which they can trace that cunning man.

Wren and Kangsu might be stupidest of all but that boss was a real player. That man had left nothing from which he could be traced and that was starting to piss King off.

After kicking Kangsu out of the mafia, they had tried to follow that old hag to get a lead to reach the boss but that old man was smart enough to vanish in thin air just like Chris did, which made King suspect that the trio had united under one roof.

“I want you to talk to those who were with you while you arranged those meetings. See if anyone can help in the matter or detect that man-----……” King instructed, his authoritative voice booming inside the room until the door opened and interrupted the people inside.

“HO….HO….HO….motherfuckers, Mago is here” The beautiful boy that made king’s heart melt at his every childish move entered the room, cladded in white silk shirt, black pants folded at his ankles and his duck slippers.

The room was once again quiet as all eyes were focused on that adorable being who was munching on some fries loaded with mayonnaise and pickles in a loud voice.

Mago followed everyone’s gaze, narrowing at smirking Charlton for a while before those doe eyes landed on Jana. A surprised look plastered over his alluring face and the boy opened his mouth in question.

“Jana?” what the fuck are you doing here?” he asked loudly. Mickey smiled seeing his soulmate while Jana stood up on his feet seeing Mago after a very long time. The boy hasn’t changed much except for his clothes and squishy cheeks. He looked adorable as hell even after a while.

“Mago” Jana whispered to himself. An emotion close to hate swirled in the pit of his stomach for Mr Chris when he reminisced about the time when a small Mago was brought to their house and was introduced as a sibling.

Jana was so happy as a child when he found a brother for himself but Mr Chris ruined everything.

“why the fuck are you here? Who the fuck brought you here?” Mago shot question after question, eyes complaining and questioning Mickey as well.

Mickey wanted to talk to his soulmate comfortably, he wanted to explain what had happened with Jana in previous days and why was the older with him. He also reserved questions to ask about the adventure Mago had planned with him a day before regarding King.

But with the presence of the crime lord between them made him shut his mouth and not utter a word.

“Can you stop cursing my sweet darling…..” King stated as he stood up and approached his still-shocked boyfriend. “it’s a bad habit” Mago stared at the older while the other circled his waist possessively and kissed him on his lips for a few seconds.

Jana averted his gaze and Mickey smiled.

“but what the fuck is happening, what is this shit going on?” the boy asked with a whine and King sighed tiredly while Mickey face palmed.

“I am done with you Christopher, but you can have a chat with my boyfriend here for a while” King said stressing the word boyfriend in his sentence.

“Charlton will contact you. And remember, no word from here should go out with you. If you know what is best for you” the crime lord menaced darkly and Jana nodded quickly. King kissed Mago one last time before he left the room with Charlton.

“Keep an eye on them” he ordered a few men outside the door and left to exit the basement.


“your family is so fucked up” Mago commented, throwing his head back on the backrest of the recliner as he laughed out loud. Mickey and Jana smiled seeing him so giggly and happy.

After King left the three in that room with at least five guards on watch, the trio gossiped like teenage girls. They talked and talked, telling stories and whatnot to each other until the topic of ‘Jana being abandoned by his own family’ surfaced.

Mago enjoyed the drama as he munched on his M&M’s.

Jana didn’t know how to feel when he felt the most connected with the other two. He had his family with him all his life and had many friends, but he couldn’t talk freely with them, couldn’t help but feel unfit and always catering to their desires just so he could get desired attention.

But with Mickey and Mago, it was different. Both of the soulmates were kind and giving but at the same time unforgiving.

Those boys knew how to keep grudges for a long long time.

“I shouldn’t have listened to my father when he made me see you sexually. Now that I think about it, I feel disgusted and suffocated. I can’t explain how vulnerable I feel. I am so sorry for what I did to you Mago I really am” Jana apologized once again feeling ashamed for ruining what could be the best relationship of being brothers.

Mago snickered in return with his eyes shining with mischief.

Oh, how satisfying that apology sounds.

“things don’t get better overnight Jana, give him time and see. My baby is the kindest and the cutest brother ever” Mickey assured the stressed older but Jana longed for that forgiveness very badly.

“Mickey is right. I can’t fucking forgive you right away Jana, but tell you what?” Mago paused purposefully and waited for both of them to look his way.

“If we are going to be siblings then you are welcome to my family” the boy cheered and Mickey smiled expecting exactly that from Mago. the youngest was the sweetest soul Mickey had ever seen.

“your family? You mean king and you?” Jana asked with a concentrated scrunch of brows.

Mago giggled in return.

“yes, King and me. but my family also has Mickey, Charlie, Lucy, Crime papa lord and now you” The boy counted on his finger cutely making Jana smile.

He was accepted into a family he couldn’t ever dream about.

The guards inside the room exchanged glances, envious of Charlton and Lucca, as they wished to be the family of that adorable baby boy too.

“we will be the best brothers right?” Mago asked enthusiastically and Jana felt his heart swell in adoration. He nodded his head agreeing with the wonderful idea.

And just like that, the atmosphere became light and healthy.

New promises and new relations in progress were interrupted by a doorknock. One of the guards opened the door slightly and then opened it fully to let a maid with food enter the room.

The young maid placed an extra-large pizza along with sweet doughnuts, more fries and sauces on the table before leaving the room.

“let's eat!!!” Mago’s eyes shined with excitement. He rubbed his hands cutely as he devoured the food with his eyes first.

Mickey proceeded with a doughnut while Jana reached for a slice of pizza, that looked kind of interesting with chocolate chips and pineapples scattered over it, only to get swatted by an annoyed Mago.

“nuh uh……that’s mine. And I don’t share what’s mine” he declared snatching the full plate for himself, leaning back on the recliner comfortably.

“What happened to being ‘best brothers’?” Jana asked with a frown. Mickey laughed by his side silently as he shook his head. The guards laughing too.

“best brothers don’t fucking mean sharing food. I prefer my brothers to stay in their limits when it comes to my food” Mago preached the correct meaning of their relationship dynamic while Jana only rolled his eyes before compromising on eating saucy fries.


No food sharing whatsoever.

Toodles ~~~~~

 also check out our new novel, Lords Against DJ.

