-Stinky Weapon

Stinky Weapon


A loud gunshot echoed inside the basement causing all the men, present at the scene, to flinch. Their eyes followed as the body suffering the wrath of an angry king went limp on the bloody ground, sleeping forever.

The dead body belonged to a rebel group they had been caught recently. After the operation at the warehouse event, finding rebel groups and crashing them was set as the top priority. The people assigned to the task were successful in knocking down their hideouts one after another.

They were questioned about ‘The Boss’ under severe torture in the basement where king was going feral with his weapons lately and his men were avoiding coming his way purposefully.

“fucking traitor” King spat as he glared at the dead man in front of him before he travelled his eyes to the hurled group of shocked people in the corner. They all looked terrified at the hardening expressions of king, the crime lord.

King was tired of hearing the same response of not knowing who their boss was.

“make your choice or else……..” King warned gesturing at the dead body with his gun. The scared group got even more scared with the way king securitized them as if trying to plan their fate of death in his wicked brain.

He was known for his mercilessness after all.

The crime lord tucked his gun in his waistband and cursed loudly before marching out of the room.

Charlton followed him out.

“Lucca has called king. The consignment is received, only your approval for distribution is left” Charlton informed hesitantly and King hummed. His clothes reeked of sweat and blood and had splatters of maroon stains all over his chest and shirt.

“I will talk to him after dinner. Father and I have a meeting tonight” King muttered as he opened his office door and entered only to find his hyperactive boyfriend snooping inside his desk drawers.

Mago shut the drawer hurriedly as soon as the door opened and threw whatever he was holding on the ground, smiling widely at the older.

King raised his eyebrow in question, still standing at the door and Charlton peeked behind his back to look for the source which made King stop in his tracks.

“oh, Raye!!!!” Mago exclaimed with alarming excitement and King narrowed his eyes at his lover knowing something was up with Mago. Charlton, though, was mind-boggled when Mago shouted the king’s real name out loud like this.

This has never happened before with any past lover of king as far as Charlton knows.

The boy dashed towards his daunting, older boyfriend and engulfed him in a torso-level hug. Small hands traced the metal gun tucked in king’s belt on his back and a smile graced younger features as he pulled away a little.

King being king circled Mago's waist to pull him closer abruptly making the boy gasp suddenly. The Crime lord then grabbed Mago’s face in his hand, squeezing his cheeks to form a painful pout.

“what were you doing here?” King gritted his teeth. There was something else in king’s tone that Mago didn’t want to trigger just yet. So he swatted at King’s large hand engulfing his almost whole face and glared at the older.

“You stink” he complained with a twisted expression, hugged King again and rushed out of the room after snatching the gun from King's waistband.

For a second king wanted to catch the boy but then decided against it.

He was too tired to match Mago’s energy right at that moment.

The older rolled his eyes and went to his desk, curious gaze racking the whole place until they landed on a file on the ground and some crumpled papers. He tsked and picked it up before setting his weight over the swivel chair.

“you were saying Charlton….” King rubbed his face with his hands harshly as he called his right-hand man to proceed.

Charlton cleared his throat and began reporting once again.

“three more of them are caught, one at our west side and two at the warehouse. They will be escorted here by tomorrow. Alan (another Mafia) is requesting a meetup, he has sent an invite to the party at his mansion and lastly, Lucca will confirm the status of the new batch and will send the report in an hour” Charlton finished while clicking on the tab screen like an expert.

King hummed in return while filling a glass of alcohol by his side. He gulped the content in a single go and started to open his shirt buttons. The bloody shirt was now getting sticky.

King did wrong there with the alcohol and Charlton reigned himself to point it out.

King was stressed and wasn’t in a good mood. Who would be after killing several annoying people in less than two hours?

Charlton understands.

“anything about those Ashford brothers” King grumbled throwing his dirty shirt on his table and sighing when the cold wind hit his hot skin.

“nothing unsettling so far. Ben is still on duty; he will inform me if needed” Charlton informed the watching king who was wiping his chest with a tissue paper.

“oh and king…..Mickey dropped by…..” he started again remembering the younger who showed up at the mansion with bags filled with groceries and a tired face.

King hummed in return, closing his eyes and resting his bare back on his chair backrest.

“he said that Chris had gone underground with his daughter. Christopher Jana, his son, is injured and is residing at Mickey’s place for a while” King opened his eyes to fill another glass of wine while Charlton observed each move.

“that was already expected but why didn’t he take his son with him?” King questioned.

“I don’t know but I will look into it” Charlton said and King nodded.

“What about Kangsu, anything worth noticing?” King asked, taking a sip from the glass and looking at Charlton only to ignore his curious eyes.

“nothing new king, he is laying low for now. The boss he talks to is still untraceable. Apparently, he is using the disposable phone to communicate and each time the location is different. Kangsu is also not available on his usual hangout spots.” Charlton completed with a sigh.

Only he knows the ways he uses to get these small tidbits.

“well….he has to come to the meeting anyways. We will see him then” the crime lord announced and closed his eyes again.

“what if he doesn’t show up?” Charlton asked closing his tab and standing straight.

“then he will be dead, simple” Charlton nodded and found it better not to test the king’s patience by asking more questions.

“I will take my leave, King,” he said and King hummed again.

“Charlton…..” King called in a low voice and the right-hand man stopped in his tracks to look back at King.

“yes, king?”

“look for him and take the gun away……..it was loaded” King ordered with closed eyes and Charlton smiled and left after nodding.


The relaxed ambience of the club was what made the heated glares of the two hot-headed men a little balanced. If that not be the case, both Kangsu and the boss would be killing each other with simply how they stared.

“what am I going to do now?” Kangsu was the first to drop the eye contact. The boss smirked as he leaned back on his sofa. 

“that loyal dog of king is after my ass right now. king is after me, they are searching for me and my whereabouts. Who I  meet, where I go every fucking thing” Kangsu spat in frustration and the boss only smiled in return.

They have warned his stupid ass, didn’t they?

“just attend the meeting like a composed man. Don’t let their futile tricks threaten you. You have done worse in the past haven’t you……” the boss taunted and Kangsu glared at him making the boss smirk.

“Drink your wine, laugh, act your flattery and then come back. Behave normal, like you know nothing” the boss suggested with a teasing tone.

Kangsu felt like being mocked and made fun of.

The old man scoffed at the suggestion only to convey that he wasn’t okay with being treated that way.

“Wren did this to me. His thirst for that boy toy of his is what got King to dig about Enzo….” Kangsu muttered bitterly as he took a big sip from his drink.

The boss enjoyed seeing Kangsu worked up.

“…..and now they are connecting dots towards me. It will be soon when he will come after me openly” The boss raised his brow in question and then smiled when Kangsu coughed.

A small peanut was clogging his throat which made Kangsu cough badly and overdramatically. He heaved as if he was hanged and then after a minute, he went quiet all of a sudden making the boss laugh.

“why are you worried Kangsu………you didn’t kill Enzo Parker” The boss tested the pumpkin head and Kangsu glared at him.

“or did you? You sneaky bastard” the boss laughed at the face Kangsu made. The old pumpkin was fuming with anger and his face was turning red due to it.

“This doesn’t concern you, boss. You better stick your nose in others' business and not mine.” Kangsu scoffed before standing up.

By now all the traces of joy and teasing left the boss’s face as he stared at his drink in hand.

Kangsu has already crossed the line when he adopted that tone with the boss but when he actually realized it, it was a lot late. The old man smiled sheepishly as he eyed the guards standing behind the boss giving him a disapproving look.

He is fucked now.

“I am going to the dance floor, you coming?” Kangsu asked nervously smiling while adjusting his belt on his round waist.

The boss looked up and smiled at the old man before shaking his head.

“Nah, you go and enjoy. I will watch your old ass twerking right from here” the boss menaced and Kangsu’s eyes went wide. He scurried off to the dance floor leaving a very foul mood boss behind.


“where have you been all day?” was the first thing Mickey heard as soon as he opened the door of his apartment. The boy rolled his eyes and went towards the small kitchenette to drop his grocery bags.

Jana was lying on the mattress with a cloth over his injured part, his upper body bare of any clothing.

He didn’t get any answer.

Mickey picked out something in the bags and then tossed a handful of first aid supplies at Jana who caught them with a wince.

“cover your wound and dress it so it will get better” Mickey commanded busing himself with his grocery assortment.

Jana smiled at the younger and pushed the cloth draped over his wound. The wound was now angry red and was clotted on the surface. He winced once or twice before opening a new bottle of antiseptic and started to clean his wound.

“thank you for doing this Mickey. I never knew I would see this day in my life” Mickey listened carefully but didn’t reply as he filled a bowl with cereal.

He was sceptical of Jana and his condition. Mr Chris was gone as King predicted but Mickey was adamant on digging more information about his disappearance.

He was a curious cat just like his curious kitten of a soulmate.

“what even happened at your place?” Mickey asked finally, tearing a carton of milk and pouring it over the colourful cereal rings in the bowl.

“I don’t know. When you left, I tried to enter the house with my key but it didn’t work. The locks were changed maybe?” Jana started, a little confused himself. He placed the bloody cotton ball aside and picked up the tube of medicine.

“I tried to call Dad and Patty both but they didn’t pick up.” There was sadness in his eyes and Mickey knew something wasn’t really right now.

The younger placed the bowl of cereal in Jana’s hands and took over to dress the wound himself.

Jana sighed in contentment.

“After waiting for almost three hours and constant calling, thought that maybe they were actually inside the house and something wrong had happened to them made me scared. I didn’t think of anything sensible like calling the neighbours or anyone I knew and pounded on the door, trying to break it” Jana stated with eyes glued on the cereal bowl.

“then did you break it?” Mickey asked applying the cream over the wound.

“I couldn’t. Out of nowhere they came a group of large buff bodyguards and started beating me. I tried to fight back but they had daggers and knives, I was overpowered easily.” Jana sniffed and Mickey wondered If the older was crying.

“I tried to ask about my family but no one would answer” Jana explained while remembering the scenes of his misery.

Mickey frowned at the description.

“When they were done beating the shit out of me, the ‘new owner’ came forward and told me to never trespass on his property if I want to live peacefully” Jana spat bitterly and bit on the spoon angrily only to regret when his teeth hurt.

“new owner? What does that mean?” the younger asked opening a gauze bandage.

“Dad has sold the place to someone else. He left with Patty without telling anyone, without telling me” Jana placed the bowl aside and Mickey felt weird seeing tears in Jana’s eyes for the first time.

“he abandoned me without a single thought. It’s not like I wasn’t at our house every night. He could have talked to me, at least inform me. Patty could have done that” Jana scoffed wiping his eyes to not let any tears drop.

“maybe they went away because of any trouble” Mickey threw an opinion watching Jana closely.

“they didn’t. It was a full procedure of fifteen days to transfer the house with full payment in cash. Dad must have planned it from the beginning. That neighbour boy Tom, he told me that they left after I left the house yesterday morning.” The older provided more and Mickey listened carefully.

“It wasn’t like I never did what he said. I obeyed him with whatever he wanted and helped all along but look what he did. He just vanished with my sister purposely leaving me behind” This time a tear slipped from his eyes and fell down on his lap.

Mickey secured the bandage over the wound and quietly held onto Jana’s hand to provide comfort. He knew the feeling of being abandoned by your own parents but he has come a long way to forget that feeling of loneliness.

Jana was new to this, he was old enough to feel the resentment and unimportance his father must had when he decided to leave his child to suffer alone without money, without home and without his family.

Jana wanted to cry but he didn’t, he simply picked up his spoon to eat since his energy was very low. Mickey’s hand on his was the sole comfort he had and he didn’t want that to finish just yet. 

thank you for reading
