Watermelon baby

                                 Watermelon Baby

Days were passing in a blur after the whole ordeal of Mr Grey and the revelation of Mago's past, the boy was now in comfortable contact with the old man and had started to text occasionally, given how reserved and quiet he was with strangers. King was certainly happy for his small lover and had appreciated such effort in the form of anything Mago desired.

Which turned out to include a new yellow blanket and a fancy-coloured slushy.

Aside from several notorious activities actively proceeding in different directions regarding the Mafia, the household of the crime lord was peaceful. Routine matters were growing smoothly without any mentionable problem and King believed it to be the silence before the storm. The man was ready for everything that would come his way but little did he know what others were up to.

Something that was evil.

Where the crime lord was busy in his work regarding upcoming events at his owned ports, new stocks, hanging consignments, and various other things, Mago learnt more and more about his position. The tiny majesty was hard on learning about the range of his power use and control over the ones working under him. He had taken a serious interest in learning about the workers, scrutinizing and sizing them up individually, and also the underbosses that were paid under his signature.

All and all, Mago was active, learning and growing. With accurate training and help from his loving family, the baby boy of the crime lord turned out to be a witty leader the empire didn't expect him to be.

King was the supervisor after all.

Then came the day when Mago was informed about his scheduled visit to the sight, he was totally excited and jumped right into King's arms after getting the news. The day was decided and the boy was ready than ever. To learn more and have a better understanding, Mago engaged himself in reviewing the work he was going to talk about and filed new agendas on his cute little journal book.

Mago was ecstatic and he showed no less than what he felt.

It was all until the day of his visit finally arrived.

King was deeply asleep on the bed when a loud squeal broke his slumber and he jumped on his bed, quickly sitting up he looked around with wide eyes. Then on instinct, he looked beside him for the boy he had slept with last night, after hugging and kissing him nonstop, only to find the spot empty. There was the yellow blanket rustled on the sheets and pillows thrown carelessly but Mago was absent.

Where did he go?

King thought as he scratched the back of his head confused. Another noise, almost muffled, ranged inside the room and the next thing he knew, King was out of the bed and marching towards the source with his upper half naked and feet bare.

The bathroom.

Mago had been puking every morning that already seemed like for eternity. King was aware of the vulnerability the younger felt every time he barfed with a painful expression, which also caused their morning to start, but today he wondered why all around him was quiet and the boy was missing.

Upon reaching the door hurriedly, he knocked on the door once to aware the boy inside of his presence and then followed by twisting the handle. Placing his large palm on the surface of the wooden door, King subtly pushed and the door went wide silently.

In his sight wasn't the lover of his crying and puking while hovering over the toilet bowl, instead, the sight was rather confusing, to say the least.

Mago stood in front of the huge body-sized mirror cladded in only a sponge bob boxer shorts, that stretched across his butt, and a baby blue towel wrapped around his now shoulder-length wet locks. The rest of the body of that small majesty was bare of any clothes while he stood on the small rug with his small bare feet.

King watched his boyfriend giddily checking himself out in the mirror, small giggles and 'aww's' slipped his lips as he turned left and right slightly. A smile so bright rested on his soft and squishy features as he circled his tiny waist with small hands that King's heart melted at the sight.

He didn't know but the crime lord was smiling himself.

"This is the first time in so long that I haven't seen you crying in the morning" king announced his presence as he slowly padded towards the surprised boy who had turned around with a jump to face his lover. A brilliant smile grazed Mago's lips and he opened his arms for King, beckoning him to dive in for a bear hug.

Who was king to deny such an offer because the next moment, the older had fully swallowed the younger with his large frame and pressed Mago's face in his bare chest where he giggled with a sigh.

"that's fucking right. It has been forever since I felt this kind of relief" the mumbled against the king's skin and pressed a chaste kiss over there. The older only tightened the hug and inhaled the toxic scent of the boy relishing the calm moment to its full extent.

"I am guessing, no morning sickness?" the older asked rubbing Mago's naked back up and down before resting his both hands just above the curve of his soft butt.

"nope," Mago yipped popping the 'p' loudly. He then pulled away a little and gazed up at the older from behind his thick lashes. King took in a sharp breath at the ethereal boy in his arms, the dusty pink cheeks and glistening lips of the boy toyed with his mind before he dived down and captured them in a searing kiss.

The kiss prolonged for a few seconds, and Mago reciprocated while King sucked here and there with passion. It was all perfect, the slow and lazy morning, no morning sickness, and not to forget the special kiss they both shared in the middle of the bathroom.

"I would love to have this morning every day for forever for the rest of my life" King chuckled against the younger's lips holding him closer. Mago only hummed, nuzzling his cold nose in King's warm chest, melting King's heart.

"May I know the reason for your smile my baby?" King asked softly and watched in amusement how a bead of shine twinkled in his boy's eyes. Mago nodded his head like a child and then turned around in King's arms to face the mirror.

A perfect reflection of the beautiful couple stared back at the duo.

"look..." Mago said pointing at his bare belly and King pulled his hands away to look at what was shown. A slight confusion crossed King's features before his gaze got fixed on the non-existent baby bump Mago was aggressively pointing at.

"I think this baby is more of a watermelon in size....right?" Mago estimated referring to the night when King told him about the baby being the size of a potato. The younger held onto King's hands and circled his belly with his large palms to show what he meant. A small excited giggle passed his lips as the boy swayed on the ball of his heels. He waited patiently for King to respond and when he did, Mago was pressed against the wall and was kissed down hungrily.

Yeah.....that small baby bump caused that.


Three large SUVs rushed, one after the other, at a constant speed, covering the distance that led to the destination Mago was scheduled to go. The car in the middle was the one Mago sat in accompanied by his right-hand man Lucca and a personal security team king had designed for his boy specifically.

The crime lord had wanted to come to introduce the new holder of the west side and impose his status on the people affected and influenced by the plague of rebellion against the King and his empire. But a sudden unannounced matter of his popped out and he had no choice other than to attend to the matter, leaving his boy in the hands of his capable man Lucca.

Nevertheless, King directed strictly and commanded to ensure everything regarding the exchange of the activities between Charlton and Lucca about the visit would be informed to him eventually.

On the hand, was Mago. The giddy boy, after learning that King wasn't coming along, went slightly nervous. Although, he believed in himself and could manage everything on his own but still, King's presence by his side was the ultimate insurance. He chirped and talked with Lucca animatedly about the comic he had been reading to divert his attention somewhere that would not take a toll on him.

The older listened carefully, adding a few words here and there to show his interest but deep down he was the man King had trusted Mago with and that he made his first priority.

Slow and swift, the scenery outside changed. From tall buildings to smaller ones, the seaside came into view and finally a large port containing several big and small ships that were loaded and were being loaded with various large boxes.

As Mago watched with wide curious eyes, observing many things at a single time, the car slowly came to a halt making the boy exchange a look with Lucca.

"We are here my tiny majesty" he informed with a smile and after a quick nod, left the car with the bunch of bodyguards. Mago watched silently while Lucca ordered around. The man looked serious and on alert, as he gestured wildly with his hand towards many directions.

In a few minutes, a large crowd formed around the parked car, some curious and some only surprised.

Soon Mago was escorted out of the car surrounded by men and was directed to the main office where only fewer positions were allowed. Mago followed confidently, clutching a large bag of sour jelly worms in his one hand and his cell phone in the other, as he looked around with big eyes.

Upon reaching, the boy stood facing the crowd and ran his sceptical gaze over them. Each man who he watched with a narrow gaze only reciprocated with an astonishing expression.

"He is a child" a whispered comment raised somewhere from the crowd, Lucca clenched his jaw and Mago rolled his eyes. The boy also caught many of them eyeing him with a scoff, that was loud enough to fill the chilling evening, as if they were denying the arrival of the new leader and his rule altogether.

But unfortunately for them, they didn't know what Mago was.

"I can see you have guessed who I am......so let's skip the introduction....." Mago started loudly, handing his jelly pouch to one of the guards and dusting his hands on King's expensive slacks around his waist.

"...but before we start anything......I want to know the bitch who is in charge of real records of this whole sight." The boy asked with his cute spicy mouth roaring with authority. Mago's eyes racked over every person that might twitch with his inappropriate language and expose himself but no one moved a muscle as everybody just stared at him.

'His face doesn't go with his tongue' they thought simultaneously.

"u-uh...did...did anything happen my majesty" one man, round and moustached, came forward and asked politely not to offend the boy. He looked cute to Mago that the boy smiled at him for a second before he wiped that smile off.

"oh!.....of course something happened. His sassy ass said and I quote 'We can only manage this much in the small time you have allotted us. If you want to get more information, then better visit us at the sight'." Mago finished calmly, his intense glare set on the people, and the man lowered his gaze.

That was something to be said to the leader.

Still, nobody came out, nor did they move.

The west side was more corrupted than he had expected.

"Oh well....I guess you aren't much of a man now that I am standing here in front of you huh? You can only fucking bark and disrespect your queen while hiding behind a phone..." The provocation of Mago raised anger in the man at the far back of the crowd. He seethed in anger and marched forward pushing every other aside.

"I didn't fucking disrespect you!!!" the man shouted and Mago smirked. Lucca quickly came forward and stood beside Mago for anything that came all of a sudden.

"so it was you..." Mago drawled leisurely and stretched his hand for his jellies. The guard placed the pouch in his small hands while the boy kept his stare intact with the man. By that time, the in-charge was aware of his slip-up, he was mad at someone who took Kangsu's place and kicked him out. Being one of the loyal thieves of his previous leader, the man was hella shaken up by the sudden uncomfortable change.

"I—I.." he stuttered to salvage some of his stupid act but it was now out of hand.

The damage was done.

Mago turned to face Lucca and smiled like a brat. The older tightened his jaw so he wouldn't slip a smile in the place where he should be seen as dangerous.

"Lucy, can you please make sure he works under the labour department from now on?" he asked in a teasing baby tone, swiftly snatching the position the man was so proud to perform embezzlement at and revoking all of his freedom in a snap.

Lucca nodded his head.

"what?....No!!!" the man screeched miserably regardless of how angry and stunned he sounded. Mago turned to look at him and grinned like a little devil he was.

"make him work equal to two labours.......no exceptions" Mago altered the punishment and the man scrambled forward towards the boy only to meet a guard first.

"what are you saying?" he asked in disbelief. No one and I repeat no one ever dared to act in such a way with Kangsu's men....no one period.

"make it fucking three......." Mago grinned wider watching the man's features twisting and turning in anger and regret.

"I won't fucking accept this" he roared angrily and the guard in front of him pushed the man back.

"Is that so?......hmm.....Then, you are fired" Mago decided as he checked his nails sassily while others watched in silence. The man had finally shut up, he looked so astounded at the crush of his ego that he didn't have words to explain it.

The position was lost and he was no longer a part of the Mafia just like Kangsu. Knowing the drill of being kicked out, he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything anymore but he was thankful for the balance he had made all those years under Kangsu.


"oh and empty this scum's fucking accounts to the main ones so we can finally initiate the recovery of our loss." The boy announced with a happy smile, popping a jelly in his mouth and munching on it happily.

"take him away now" he ordered before the man could speak a word, showcasing his power, while others stared at the younger with wide eyes, some of them already picturing their fate that will be coming soon and will be similar to the one they have witnessed. As they watched, two men stepped up out of nowhere, grabbed and dragged the fussy man by his arms until he was out of sight.

"Now, let's have a tour!!" Mago jumped down the small step to the ground with Lucca and circled his arm around the older's bicep ready to proceed when a voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Mago?" the said boy turned towards the voice and a smile graced his features.

"Jana?" he answered with the same surprise as his brother.


Thank you people for your appreciation, comments and votes on this book.

I love you all even if it is just a connection through reading and writing. Will meet you next week, till then....

