The MAGO

"don't move or he will die" King heard a trembling voice behind his back making him turn to look at the source. Sure enough, there was a man standing behind him pointing his gun at a very familiar-looking baby boy.

The said the baby boy had big doe teary eyes that were focused on King while his frame was scared and shaking under the pointed gun aiming his brains.

What was he doing here?

King thought as he looked around catching the alert yet confused eyes of Charlton. They both shared a look before returning their gaze to the man threatening the life of the mafia King's apparent boyfriend.

"Who are you?" King asked calmly as if the fact that the boy, he was catching feeling for, was standing with a gun pointed at his head didn't bother him.

It did......ask his heart

"This is not what you should be wanting to know King. The actual thing you should know is that you can't walk out just like that after what you did" the man said gesturing at the building King came out of.

King didn't answer the man though, instead, he glared at the younger for his foolishness which was the cause of him being in this state. Mago flinched at the dark look King passed his way and lowered his head ashamed, sniffing audibly.

He reserved himself a spanking

King was busy planning on how to deal with the situation efficiently, without hurting his boy, in his clever head that he ignored the man who was still rambling about the loss and killings.

"....blowing up our hideout and killing our men? can't just walk out without paying any damage...and we will make sure that you pay," the man said looking between King and Charlton.

We? means more men

King was now certain that the man was stalling and it was probably to wait for his backup to arrive. Glancing his way to Charlton, King earned an agreement to his thoughts. He had to think quickly before they get outnumbered by a bunch of stupid beings following to kill them.

" you will know who is the real boss.....and after we are done with you.... I will keep this baby here as a reward for myself," The man chuckled at his own offer to himself as he neared Mago to sniff along his neck, moaning mentally at Mago's baby skin.

He was getting confident

That hit some nerve in King's mind and he glared daggers at the man. He glanced once again at Charlton who nodded silently and then King started.

"give him to me and I will let you live" King offered pulling the attention of that man solely on him giving Mago some leverage to breathe and Charlton to hold onto his gun a little tightly.

The offer was fantastic that it made the man quiet down and think about it. it was a great deal really but the man had to think about it wisely.....

The positive point is that he gets to live after threatening the love of King's life at a gunpoint.

The negative point is how true the deal is considering King's history of killing people without a second thought who dares to rebel against him.

The man chuckled shaking his head. The King was well known for his creative ways of murders and dangerous sir thank you.

"no you won't because it's not in your fucking nature," the man said loudly making Mago jump in his spot before he looked at the man weirdly.

What was he excited for

King smirked.....which is not a good sign if you ask Mago.

"you are's not in my fucking nature" King shouted purposely and raised his empty gun aiming at the man.

The man panicked when he heard King's authoritative dark voice, all his confidence crumbling to the ground. To save his own ass, the man pushed Mago harshly towards King so that the boy gets to have the bullet that was reserved for him.

King had no bullets in his gun though

But Charlton did and he didn't waste a single second before drilling a hole in that man's throat. The shock was visible in his eyes as he slowly slid down to the ground taking his last breath.

Mago crashed hard into King's chest who held him quickly surrounding his arms around the younger and pulling him close.

"Are you hurt...did he touch you?" King asked in a low voice and Mago shook his head, innocently looking up at King. His plump rosy lips were so kissable, his eyes teary and his nose red.

He was a whole package King can't wait to devour

"We have to leave before others come....... Let's go," the king said holding Mago close by circling his waist. Charlton followed after he picked up the gun of that dead man.

King threw Mago at the back before he took the passenger seat, Charlton already seated inside as he started the car. The ride started followed by a peaceful silence...

Or not

"What are you even doing here?" King asked the most dreadful question as soon as they started to move, the vehicle moving slowly due to the rough patch inside the woods. Mago hoped that he didn't have to answer this question with crossed fingers because he was afraid of the wrath of the older.

And the way the king asked.....he surely was getting punished after getting away from there

"I...uh" he stuttered not able to get a suitable answer. Charlton glanced through the rearview mirror at Mago, wanting to know as well.

"tell me or you will regret the day you were born" King threatened in his deep voice taking Mago's breath away.

"I...I fell into your car's boot accidentally......and then uhh.....I didn't know...well....I knew but......uh...I wanted to meet Mickey and......" Mago rambled trying not to tell the actual reason.

King had enough, he turned around to glare at Mago but his eyes spotted a series of black cars following them. He cursed and asked Charlton to drive faster.

Charlton cursed too but under his breath before he pressed the accelerator to speed up the car. As soon as they sped up, a bullet pierced through the back window and ran out of the windscreen leaving a big ass hole to Mago's horror.

Thankfully nobody was hurt

The young boy looked scared and confused. He had seen such things many times but still, it was new to experience them first-hand.

"get down!" King snapped and Mago slipped right from the seat and onto the car floor as it started raining bullets on them. They were short on ammunition so King decided to save his bullets for now instead he ordered Charlton to drive faster.

The car swayed as Charlton drove it to the point where the car wasn't able to pass through the thick growth of trees. Hurriedly unbuckling their belts, they rushed out of the car after grabbing Mago from the back seat and ran inside the deep forest.

Soon they heard the sound of heavy boots following them making the king curse. Although he was fully capable of handling situations like these but right now his biggest concern was that beautiful boy whose life was in danger.

And who could be used as a bait

They stopped in the middle of a clear spot and looked around, breathing harder. There were a bunch of trees surrounding them making it look like a circle. Charlton got to work instantly, grabbing some rocks and sticks from the ground while King pulled Mago aside, behind a thick tree.

"you need to stay here and not make a noise okay?" he said giving Mago his own gun, convincing him like a little child. Mago clutched the heavy object and looked back up at the king, confused forever.

"Are you fucking are gonna fight them on your own....they are armed" Mago whisper yelled bunching fists full of King's shirt. The older raised his brow at Mago challengingly as he glanced down at the other's hands.

"I know how to deal with things like that is you I am worried about," King replied softly taking Mago's hands down. Mago gulped a little embarrassed and nodded his head.

"Now I am going.....don't run...don't scream.....don't try to fight unless needed and don't bother me until I am finished got it?" King asked tucking a string of hair on the younger's face behind his ear. Mago nodded again and King left him to go back to Charlton.

As expected, a bunch of people came right where King and Charlton were waiting. they were a small group proving to be a benefit for the two who were hiding from sight.

All of them took notice of the surroundings before they looked at each other. None of them was brave enough to go alone but then two of them stepped forward. They tried to inspect the area by looking around and peeking behind the trees.

As soon as they reached the range of the tree King was behind, a big ass rock smashed right over one of the man's faces taking him down to the ground while the other got shot in his gut multiple times spitting blood out of his mouth.

Their screams alarmed the other people in the group and they all rushed to attack but to their bad luck, they had to come face to face with their worst nightmare.

The fight started with King and Charlton successfully beating the shit out of those people. After a while, it was only them who were standing in the middle of the clearance with dead bodies lying around and their expensive clothes reeking of soiled flesh and blood.

"good job" King praised throwing the now ruined gun on the ground. Charlton bowed his head in respect and started to pick up the weapons the men have dropped, afterwards, he followed King to the back where they had hidden Mago at.

Mago was in his own mind, spaced out. He has never seen anyone fight like that. King was basically a beast when he fought and Charlton was not far behind. The fierce and cruel look they supported while they sliced and drilled the flesh of the people they were fighting had Mago flying in his fantasy.

A fantasy where unknowingly he imagined himself as a very brave fighter.

The MAGO, the one and only who never hesitates to kill when he has his mind on it.

The MAGO who is standing by the king and helping him to rule their country, the entire mafia.

The MAGO who is a bad bad boy but in his king's arms, he becomes so soft and cute and lovable...and so....

The younger was so gone that he didn't even register that King and Charlton were now standing in front of him, watching his awestruck face and his big round eyes glinting with excitement.

Someday I will be a great warrior!!!!

Promising in his mind with pure determination he peeked back and to his surprise, he found no one other than the dead bodies.

"where did they go?" Mago mumbled coming out from behind the tree with his eyebrow furrowing. Not even glancing back at the confused duo, he marched with stomping feet and stood right in the middle of the corpses.

"I swear if he left me here to die....I am going to......I am going to.....fuck...what am I going to do now" Mago said huffing, eyes watering as he threw his gun on the ground, hitting one of the bodies there.

"Maybe if you could use your eyes and look around......I am sure you can find something or someone in your case" King said with a very unamused expression.

Mago jumped at his voice and looked at the two standing there with some not-so-very-friendly expressions.

"let's go," King said and they started speed walking to leave the area. Mago followed them silently, he was once again embarrassed.

King and Charlton were very well sure that before they could finally leave the woods, they have to deal with at least another group of assassins. They can handle themselves just fine but the small bean they had walking behind them was a problem.

King looked back at the younger who was jumping behind them while mumbling something as he looked down, King sighed.

Another thing to worry about


"It's not doesn't seem good. Maybe I am overreacting but it considered overreacting when I have an intuition that something is wrong around me..." Mago talked to himself considering every bush and stick against his life.

"Watch out" he heard King telling him but he didn't see what to watch out for until he gasped with a loud scream as he landed inside an animal trap.

thanking you for reading 😂😂😂
