Standard Dick

                                                                                           standard dick


A loud clapping resounded inside the extensive casino room. Every man there clapped to praise their king who sat there with his face stoic and expressions dead like a crow.

The acclamation started with the encouragement poured by non-other than Kangsu. He was present at the meeting along with his team and was clapping more than anyone there, he was excited after all, very excited.

When King entered the meeting room along with his men, everyone looked at him with some kind of anticipation after they bowed out of respect. King didn't pay any heed to their offering and went to take his seat on his red velvet couch not giving a fuck about anything.

King was a clever man, already observing the behaviour of his workers he was getting the idea of them knowing something that was not delivered by him in person but by a savage little fucking birdie.

And who could be that brat of a birdie?

Oh! He had a hunch, an old man, an orange-haired man

His suspicion turned into reality when his eyes met with the said pumpkin head who scurried forward and bowed dramatically before he chanted for applause to the audience.


A few hours ago the mafia boss was on his way to the casino where the scheduled meeting was held when Charlton reported about one of the hideouts of the rebel group he was informed about and the king didn't waste a moment before directing towards the said hideout.

It was a group of twenty-five to twenty-seven people, loaded with some explosive stuff and weapons which looked expensive compared to the state those people were in. King took the lead and ambushed them from the back of the run-down house followed by his own men and Charlton.

Shooting, slicing and mauling flesh under their boots, the king and his men ended a part of the revolutionary group. King walked out smugly drenched in sweat and some splashes of blood on his expensive suit. He twirled his gun between his fingers as he hummed satisfied when he had the most kills.

Look at him! breaking his own record of murders.

Getting inside the car, he was ready to go for his meeting well aware of the fact that this news will be out in a day or two.

What he didn't expect was it to be announced in less than an hour.


"My marvellous king!!!!.....and who else could it be if not you.....the way you protect the empire and your people is beyond any praise king.....your bravery has proved to b-.." his rant stopped when the king raised his hand and all of the sudden the room went quiet.

"hold your horses Kangsu......there is no need for this flattery instead you should be worried for yourself..." King said seriously, unamused with the old man. Kangsu in return raised his eyebrow at King, a disrespectful move from him.

"I don't understand King," Kangsu uttered with excited eyes. He was born to get on the king's nerves.

"you don't need to understand anything was your job to hunt the group but you didn't rather you preferred stalling at the risk of your position which, by the way, should be vacant in my knowledge" King announced earning a glare from Kangsu.

Disrespectful indeed

All of a sudden Kangsu bowed down to his knees in an instant and started apologizing again and again until his throat hurts.

"Forgive me, my king......I am not worthy enough for this task but please have mercy on me....give me another chance and I will prove my worth...please King.." he cried with hot crocodile tears running down his aged eyes.

King and others watched him performing his old act but none of them said a word. This act counted as one of the traits king was well aware of.

"for the sake of your love king.....forgive me....forgive me for the sake of that boy....that beautiful boy" King was ready to dismiss him but what Kangsu said made him stop as a beautiful boy invaded his mind. The boy with pillowy red lips and a cute button nose.

But it was a cheap move from that old hag and wasn't appreciated at all

King stood up from his couch and went forward slowly to where Kangsu was kneeling. When the other noticed King standing in front of him, he quickly held onto King's legs and started to apologize again and again.

The crime lord was fed up with Kangsu and his tactics. Looking down at him King bunched a fist full of his orange hair and jerked his head upward harshly while he leaned down a bit glaring daggers in the old man's eyes.

"don't you dare play this dirty trick on me Kangsu......I am warning you with a last chance.....don't fuck it up or else......." King threatened him tightening his hold on those orange hairs making Kangsu yelp in pain.

"keep an eye on him..." he ordered before marching out of the room. A sudden urge to see those dewy eyes and beautiful features made King giddy inside. Charlton followed him, leaving a hunched Kangsu who had a bitter smile on his face.


Mago and Mickey were laughing together while leaving the school premises. The exams were scheduled for next week and they had so much to study yet they were goofing around, gossiping and giggling.

"you never leave a chance to put yourself in danger baby.... what if his father becomes angry because you ruined the meeting?" Mickey asked laughing at what Mago did last night.

"he had it coming the day he tossed me on the bed and starved my tummy for two days," Mago said while he rubbed his belly with a sad smile. Mickey chuckled shaking his head at his friend's antics.

"okay drama queen....but what happened after that?" Mickey asked curiously making Mago pass him a mischievous smile which indicated something bad but before he could utter a word, someone took the chance.

"oh look! who we have here......a whore in a disguise of a beautiful doll" Patty stated loudly taking the attention of the passer-by's. She and her friend group was sitting outside the school gate, fumbling with weed and cigarettes when both boys happened to pass by them.

And who was she to let such an opportunity go?

A bitch!

"at least I am beautiful.... unlike someone who manages to look like a wet cat stuck in a sack literally every fucking time..." Mago replied which made Patty's friends laugh at her too.

"shut up!!!!..." she roared to her friends who rolled their eyes at her and continued with their task.

"I see you are still the same bitch even after you're sorry ass was beaten.......I should plan a new lesson for you don't you think?" she menaced with a bitch smile.

Mago still had those wounds fresh on his skin from yesterday and the way she called out to him fuelled his anger more.

He wasn't going to let her win this time.

Mickey knew what was coming as soon as he registered her presence, he held onto his hand and pulled him so they don't get involved in another fight. Mago was weak from yesterday's incident, it would be bad if another rumble started between them.

Mago for once listened to Mickey and took a deep breath. Ignoring Patty, he walked away with Mickey.

That girl can't take a hint I swear!

"hey!! where are you going......" she ran after them, holding Mago's hurt wrist she turned him around to make him face her making Mago wince. Mickey snatched Mago's hand back and glared at her with clear hatred.

What even did that boy do to them?

"I am not in the mood for you right just stay the fuck away Patty.....and don't bother coming near my innocent baby" he threatened in his deep voice making Mago peek from behind him to have a look at his intimidating friend.

"wow sound so sexy...keep it up...threaten her more.." Mago muttered in the older's ear, encouraging him. Mickey was on the verge of smiling because of Mago, he didn't want to lose the aura that he mustered for her.

"innocent baby huh......but your innocent baby is a whore don't you know that......spreads his pretty legs for anyone who can award him money," she said in a baby voice making a pouty face. Mago and Mickey cringed at her.

"nobody is a bigger whore than you Patty......and the quality of your talent is is cheap and available whenever" Mago retorted, hitting a nerve.

"But you do expensive stuff right? tell me how does it feel like to suck an expensive mafia dick....." she asked defiantly earning a ready pounce from Mickey who was held by Mago.

"Ah! It feels so much better than the cheap ones you used to suck Patty......" Mago replied calmly. Mickey turned to look at Mago with wide eyes.

Mago was becoming more savage with every passing day.

Hearing Mago removed every trace of amusement from Patty's face. She glared at him intensely, quietly asking him to take back whatever he said but when he didn't.....

"What did you just fucking say?" she glowered threateningly and Mago shrugged watching how Patty's friends started to concentrate on their fight.

" need to up your standard darling......I mean losing your virginity to the school jock and then hooking up with everything that walks on two's a shame" Mago completed with a charming smile.

"look at me...I have a rich ass man on my pinkie and you can get it too. Just level yourself up from your regular fuck buddies, think higher, upper class and voila!!! can be where I am right now." Mago advised her teasingly

"take that back! you fucking slut" she shouted in his face making Mago and Mickey take a step back. She felt humiliated in front of her friends. Although they knew about her and few of them hooked up with her too, however, announcing such things felt embarrassing.

Well, doing them should be embarrassing too right?

"make me bitch.......I will talk about how cheap of a whore you are whenever and wherever I want......" Mago countered back as he felt Mickey holding his shoulder from his back.

"mind your fucking tongue you asshole!!!" Patty screeched angrily. Mago ignored her annoyingly while Mickey laughed at her state.

"Can't handle the truth I see.....but that's exactly what you are Patty, a selfish fucking whore made by your parents" Mago spat making her madder.

"at least I have parents you son of a bitch!!!!...... I wasn't thrown inside a fucking basket and was left on other's mercy outside of a fucking orphanage!!!!!" Patty yelled enraged at how Mago has embarrassed her.

Mago sucked in a breath when he heard her yelling. It was sensitive for the young boy and she was being inconsiderate now.

He is sensitive in this matter for god sake.

"don't cross your limit bitch....I am warning you" Mickey glared at her while he held hands with Mago knowing how it can hurt his feelings.

"FUCK YOU!!!!" she screamed at Mickey who placed his hand over his ear, disturbed by her voice.

"I don't fucking understand.......what does he even see in are a rotten piece of shit and yet he loves you, made you his boyfriend?" she said angrily ready to swing her fist at Mago.

She has stepped over the line....

And Mago is sensitive

"not as shit as deserve a fucking trash Can for the rest of your life," Mago said equally angered.

"Oh's you who deserves a trash can not me because If it wasn't for my father you would still be in that orphanage where your parents dumped you after your birth" she blurted out making Mickey and Mago look at her, suddenly quiet.

And now...

She has crossed the line

"don't get ahead of yourself and think that The Crime Lord of this fucking country will keep you when you know that your own mother didn't want you in the first place!!......." she continued yelling until she earned a fist under her chin with a force that she stumbled on to the ground holding her face in pain.

He is fucking sensitive!!!!

authors note

thank you for reading, hope you liked the chapter 😘😘🥰😊

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