Kinky Shit

Kinky Shit

With warm, strained sunlight seeping inside the cold, dark room, with several articles of clothing scattered on the floor, with the soft covers and large pillows cocooning a small form, Mago was snuggled at the very corner of his side of the bed with his large, human-sized teddy.

What was the boy doing?

Well, he was very busy scrolling through his phone. The boy was totally immersed in his task since he hadn’t had the chance to check his phone in a while.

The first thing he noticed was a million calls from his soulmate, the boy made a mental note to call him after he was rested enough to deal with it.

Mago was so tired, honestly.


The phone blares with its obnoxiously loud ringtone right at Mago’s face. The boy jumped in his place and scrunched his nose as he sneered at the screen.

Mickey was calling and although Mago wasn’t able to see him, the boy knew what face Mickey must have right at the moment.

“EDWARD FUCKING MAGO!!!!!!!” Mago flinched pushing his phone away from his ear as soon as he picked up the call. Mickey didn’t seem like in a mood and that was clear.

“hey, Mickey” Mago chirped or tried to.

“WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN YOU FUCKING BRAT” he shouted on the other side making Mago look at his screen for a second with wide eyes.

“I….I have been in the manor…………in my room……… my bed…….under my blanket” Mago muttered meekly with a sigh and that seemed to work when Mickey calmed down from his rising temperature. The older sighed back into the phone before starting again.

“where have you been though, seriously? I visited earlier and they said you weren’t available. What is that supposed to mean? What should I get out of this mere stupid, undecipherable, and unhelpful information?” there was a certain worriedness in his tone that Mago was fast to capture. He wouldn’t want his friend to worry but things were not in his control now, were they?

“that’s because I was sick, I hurt all over so I am resting in this luxurious bedroom” Mago explained best of his current ability while looking around his trashed room, hoping that Mickey would get it without saying.

“Sick? What do mean sick? What kinky shit are you involved in boy?” Mickey asked and Mago heard some clicking of metal keys and the lock of the door rattling.

Mickey was coming over.

“kinky shit? The fuck?.......king told me we were making love” Mago sat straight on the bed with a big pout on its way, hissing as his lower back hurt a little.

“did that sexy giant lied to me?” Mago was serious in his tone, really concerned but Mickey found it funny and he chuckled.

Was that really a sacred act…..and King coaxed him for doing it?

“what the fuck did you say?” Mickey laughed, this time openly and Mago pouted even more.

“you made love with King………oh boy. My baby is all grown up huh?” Mickey mused and Mago sighed slumping back.

“screw ‘grown up’. That shit was painful” Mago showed his displeasure regarding what he did.

“was that now? I want details” the other on the line teased and Mago passed a toothy smile to no one in particular.

It is wrong truly but talking behind the king’s back has its own joy only Mago and Mickey can understand.

“come over, I am tired and need vitamin M” another chuckle resounded making Mago slip a coy smile as well.

“I will be there soonish……don’t worry. After beating the living shit out of you….Imma cuddle you to death” Mago smiled hearing those words knowing very well that Mickey wouldn’t hurt him in the slightest.


King was working in his office with a permanent frown on his forehead, a laptop screen opened in front of him and a crystal glass sitting beside him containing expensive wine.

A knock on the door made him stop his concentration on the screen as he picked his wine from the side table, allowing the one outside.

Charlton entered the room and King noticed his hoping steps instantly.

That big, old man was happy for something.

“Anything?” King raised his brow.

“yes, king. I got some insights about the disposal of the property and some other details.” Charlton stated and King nodded his head telling him to start.

“a director of a company and a close friend Logan Gray is the one taking charge. He managed to gather all that was in Enzo’s name and proceeded with the disposal. Some others are involved in helping but they are still unknown.” Charlton recited as he flipped screen pages on his tablet.

“those pink star diamonds must be the conclusion?” King asked finishing his wine from the glass and filling it up again, Charlton watched him carefully.

“it seems so. There is no sign of Enzo’s property, no share in the business and no close contact in the country……..Logan must have transferred the billions worth of property in those diamonds.” Charlton agreed and King nodded.

A smile came over older’s features and King raised his brow in hidden amusement.

“I have a fun fact King” Charlton stated mysteriously.

“that is?” King asked.

“Enzo Parker had a security team of his own, to protect his mansion and property. He had a bunch of bodyguards surrounding his premises regularly. A name popped, which I found funny, when I got the list of his employees on his personal property” Charlton created a mystery scene and King sighed amused.

“Wren Christopher?” King asked and Charlton frowned, dropping his smile visibly.

Mago was rubbing on Charlton’s daunting aura, the man was almost pouting.

“how…did you know king?” he asked hesitantly. There was no doubt about the king’s own connection, his sharp brain and his ability to scan a scene or an individual but it was still surprising at so many levels.

Charlton found king just like his father when Mr Xavier was in the position of crime lord.

Both father and son were a marvellous duo.    

King didn’t answer though, he kept quiet for a long second before licking his lips with a frown.

“Kangsu?” he asked.

“no king. Kangsu wasn’t related in any inquiry so far” King hummed but his heart was still unsettled about that pumpkin head.

“He is a cunning man but stupid as well, with equal ability in both departments. If he is not seen then his presence must be disguised.” King muttered to himself but audible to Charlton.

“search deeper, look for him. He is somewhere in there, hiding under a mask of lies” Charlton nodded his head at a new task.

“Mickey is coming over. Should I…..” Charlton left his sentence purposefully.

“don’t disturb them until they are untied to their bones. I don’t want chaos added to my routine more than I have” Charlton snickered and King glared at him.

Love life is not very manageable now that the lover is on another level.

Mago wasn’t the one to get lured in with sweet talks, flowers and expensive gifts. That boy spoke his mind whenever needed.

Charlton coughed, hiding his expression behind his tablet and left the room with hurried steps.


Mago was rushing down the stairs, without caring about his sore body, when he found Jayce walking past the stairs.

Their eyes met and Mago stumbled on the last step landing swiftly in the other’s grasp. Jayce caught the boy with a gasp and helped him getting straight.

“be careful……you might hurt yourself running this fast” he cooed at the younger and his pink splotched skin. Mago smiled at him adjusting his clothes that were a little big on him.

 The older scanned Mago from top to bottom and smiled bemusedly.

Mago was in another collection of his boyfriend’s clothes. His time though, the boy decided to choose a mixed pallet of colours.

He was cladded in charcoal grey pants and a red silk shirt. The boy had his own baggy hoodie in colour bright yellow over the other items and his hood was up on his head with two bunny ears sliding down from his sides.

“wow……you look gorgeous. Where are you going?” Mago commented even before Jayce could comment on his clothes.

A small blush scattered its territory over his cheeks and Jayce smiled shyly.

“thank you sweetheart and yes, I am going to meet some of my friends at a club. Would you like to join?” The older offered as he caressed Mago’s pinkie cheeks lovingly.

“I am gonna pass……..not really in a shape to dance or clubbing besides… king will be snippy and will come after me to bite my ass off if he saw me with you” Mago didn’t mean to hurt Jayce’s feelings, he spurted out what he felt and what consequences he might bear if he didn’t obey.

But it was hurtful for Jayce. The man smiled sadly and nodded, accepting whatever it was.

“It’s okay. I would listen to Rowan as well if his intentions are to my benefit” Mago felt the tone and he sighed then proceeded to hug Jayce out of nowhere.

Emotional damage.

“you should leave, your friends must be waiting,” Mago told him.


Jayce anticipated some comforting words as his eyes drooped low with sadness instead he was awarded rather with an order.

“yeah….uh….I guess” The older smiled confusedly and left the living room, strutting his expensive self away.

“fuck!” Mago cursed. The situation turned so twisty with Jayce just a minute ago.

“fuck? Why fuck?” he heard his favourite voice and whipped around with a bright all toothy smile.

“Mickey!!!!!!!” Mago dashed towards his friend and tackled him in a bone-crushing hug.

The older of them both held Mago in a tight grip as the koala soulmate wrapped himself around Mickey.

“I missed you so much” Mago announced and in return got a loud, rough slap on his butt.

The boy winced.

“ow…..that hurts you fucker” he rubbed his hurt skin with complaining eyes and in the next moment, he was once again engulfed in Mickey’s scent.

“I have every right to spank this perky booty here… little shitty brat” Mickey nuzzled in Mago’s neck and inhaled his friend’s intoxicating fruity scent.

Mago was like his home, a safe place.

Many maids and guards were watching that make-up with glinting eyes. those boys were one of a kind that can never fail to entertain you.

“do you know how worried I was when you weren’t picking up your phone? When I couldn’t meet you? I couldn’t talk to you. what was I supposed to do?” Mago listened carefully while he played with Mickey’s hair.

“don’t ever scare me like that you baby, you almost made my heart drop” Mickey muttered and Mago acknowledged him with a charming smile.

“I know I know……I am sorry” Mago started. Mickey pulled back to see his friend’s face.

“I will make it up to you with spicy details of my ‘kinky shit’, lots of cuddles and extra extra large pepperoni pizza” Mickey smiled back at his stupid friend and nodded his head.


Maids and guards scurried away as soon as they heard those sinful words from that sinful boy. They were very aware of their King’s love and sex life, but they never heard the ‘details’ and never wanted to as well, not from the lover at least.

And now that Mago was ready to share, they left the station with heated faces and nervous eye contacts.

“you better, otherwise Imma make you regret” The false threat did nothing but make Mago giggle.

“you can’t hurt me…..I am too precious to you” he boasted his status in Mickey’s life as he jumped to his feet, hissing once.

“you lucky you cute” Mickey said pinching Mago’s cheeks, the boy whined.

“come one now. Let go and bother King” A mischievous shine and dilated pupils made Mickey pray for king as he followed the lead of his soulmate.
