Pumpkin and Angel

                                            Pumpkin and Angel

King was being a bitch to him, taking every chance to either scare him or take advantage of his naivety, Mago had enough of this bullshit, he was uncomfortable and on top of that the loneliness was making him anxious.

People present there were already observant of him, their eyes racking up and down his body and smirking at the very firm hand over his waist.

He was taken.

In their opinion, their king has finally found his 'someone special' and a beautiful one too. The crime lord didn't put any effort into introducing him to the others, he simply showed his belongings with his actions and not an announcement. Everyone present there knew to back off his boy when he was being that obvious.

King settled down on his leather couch in a man spread and looked up at the younger who was looking at him confused as ever. Mago was such a cutie with those curious googly eyes that the king might do something with him. His round dark eyes were thinking, searching for something he did not know.

"have a seat, my love," the king said smirking and gesturing towards his lap and patting his thighs. Mago raised his eyebrows at him before he rolled his eyes and walked ahead to take his seat beside the king.

What does he think of himself huh?

King, though didn't appreciate his attitude that easily and without hesitation pulled the younger onto him making him gasp loudly. Ignoring the complaints and a hiss on his lips, the king secured his arms around his waist and made Mago sit on his lap sideways.

"what the hell!.....what are you doing?" Mago asked in a whisper yell, clutching at the sturdy shoulders tightly. The pull was harsh for his dainty arms and the king was too cocky to handle right now.

"no cursing baby boy.....I am older than you remember" the older one said smiling like a maniac, hinting at a warning for his behaviour. His people were watching their encounter with interest. It was so long in their business that they had a chance to witness such a circus.

"well I am going to curse if I am not comfortable," Mago said snatching his hands from the king's shoulder and trying to lift the butt of his lap but then he winced when his waist was squeezed in a strong grip. King held him closer, breathing on his neck.

"do whatever you want to be comfortable but you are sitting here on my lap and that's it" The tone was a little harsher than the previous sweet one. His smile was going down replaced by some serious expressions. Mago gulped audibly which many found funny around him.

That's the king they know

"fine" King was ready to scold him again but to his surprise the younger huffed, shoving King's hands away from his middle and lifting himself before he straddled the older's lap and held onto his shoulders for support.

The boy was very intriguing in everything he does. Automatically, the older raised his hands and placed them at the lower back of Mago, pulling him in his chest. Another surprise hit him when Mago placed his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes while his arms were around the king's neck.

He was exhausted.

Adjusting himself more on the backrest of the sofa, King helped Mago to get more relaxed but when he realized what he did, he sat straight earning a whine from the younger who was on the brink of sleep.

King smirked to himself, satisfied in disturbing the younger again. Picking up the glass of his abandoned whiskey he took a sip and sighed content, feeling like the lucky one the fluff kitten had chosen to sit on.

Charlton approached the king with a serious face and bent down to whisper near his ear.

"he is here King" he informed, unintentionally dropping the news in Mago's ears too. Curious, the younger lifted his head to look at his back where every other was looking including the king. Little by little they all left the place leaving the king's personal security and Kangsu alone.

Oh yeah...Mago too

Kangsu was a man in his mid-forties, with orange dyed hair, lips pierced, and fingers adorned with vicious-looking rings. He was one of the leaders working under Mr Xavier, supervising several underbosses and their groups.

The old man was rude as fuck when the king took after his father. He refused to obey the man younger than him, almost costing him his life. Mr. Xavier wasn't a kind type when someone disobeys him, so to teach that man a lesson, Mr. Xavier snatched everything from him and made him beg on the streets for many months until he realized what he did.

Kangsu had to apologize to the king in front of every senior and junior, crushing his ego by his own self he promised to never do anything that can fall under the insubordination of the mafia lord. Long story short he hated the king and his empire.

Authoritative posture and arrogant features, the king was calm and collected. Kangsu appeared at the threshold of the hall and proceeded after he spotted where the king was.

Getting into the sphere of the daunting king he bowed in respect and took his seat in front of him, his eye stopping at the doll-like creature sitting over the king's lap.

"King" he greeted while looking at the boy who squirmed in the king's hold and turned his head to look at the man.

Kangsu took a double take when he saw the younger. He has seen many pretty faces but that was one of a kind. On the other hand, Mago hasn't seen anything like Kangsu as well, those orange hairs were pretty much irking his eyes.

"Kangsu" the king greeted back with a clearing of his throat. The old man was staring for too long at his boy. Yeah, that's right 'his boy', Mago is his now.

"any update?" the king asked briefly, roaming his hand sneakily over the soft cotton shirt the boy was wearing. 'The skin under must be softer' King thought in his mind.

"nothing more than we have before......" Kangsu replied taking small glances between King and Mago. The younger looking at him with keen eyes. Maybe it was his imagination going wild but Mago was feeling something off with the man.

"This is not what I was expecting to hear from you Kangsu........it's been a month and still you have nothing on your hand......"King said firmly, his voice strict and serious. Mago looked at his side face, trailing his eyes down to the clenched jaw and neck stiffened with controlled emotions.

"well....not everything is as expected I suppose" the old man blurted out before he could stop himself. It was his fault that he couldn't control his mouth and spitted some nonsense in front of the king.

"And I suppose you are too old to have this position you are working at.....maybe I should think about someone else" King countered back roughly making Mago look at him in shock as if he has found his match in sassiness.

"My apologies king......I didn't mean to talk like that" Kangsu said feeling humiliated, watching Mago as the boy looked at him interestingly.

"I will appreciate it if I can have some valuable information and not my time wasted like today.....are we clear," the king said in an insulting tone, observing the way Kangsu was looking at his boy with a constant gaze.

"yes, Yes my king...I understand......." Kangsu replied flatteringly, bowing his head when he noticed how the king was glaring at him with dark eyes.

"permission to speak freely?" he asked still bowing, wavering eyes trying to focus on the tiled floor, he knew he was crossing the line.

King in response nodded his head once, giving him permission to speak what he had in his mind. The crime lord was well aware of the stare the younger on his lap was catching. He looked with side eyes at the boy who was focused on something regarding Kangsu.

King wanted to catch the perfect moment of Mago sitting over his lap, straddling him. his soft thick thighs were placed on either side of King's hips, arms wrapped around his neck, and small puffs of breath from his cute button nose, he looked like a curious child.

No wonder Kangsu was watching him like a hawk, but the younger belonged to king and king alone.....for now.

"Is he someone special?" Kangsu asked with a smile on his lips. That smile was anything but kind or happy, he was a cunning man that can never be trusted.

"Not that it is any of your business but yes.......he is my baby ...my boyfriend" the king replied, holding the boy closer and roaming his hands over his back making Mago look at him. The younger scowled at him lowly before looking at Kangsu again.

"you two make a beautiful couple King.......he is indeed a beauty" the old man commented with a forming smirk on his face. King was fuming by now, his nose flared with rage, pushing Mago's head back into his neck roughly, King held him there against his will.

The younger squirmed unsettled, grabbing onto those sturdy shoulders of the older. It was very much obvious that the Kangsu had some bad intentions behind that smile but Mago didn't deserve to get treated like that.

"you can come back when you can prove yourself worth my time........until then," the king said in a definite tone before he stood up, Mago slipping from his lap. King didn't want to wait, he was all ready to carry the boy in his arms but then he had to stop and wait when Mago went down, still holding hands with the king, and started to wear his slippers properly.

Two seconds were enough for Kangsu to talk his mind again and he did while his eyes racked over the gorgeous curvy frame of the younger.

"you remind me of an angel dear boy.....very pretty" Kangsu commented risking his life when he knew the king was standing a few feet away and won't hesitate to put a fucking bullet in his head, right in the middle of his eyebrows.

"oh! Thank you sir.......but accept my apologies that I can't say the same for you" Mago responded balancing his left foot while slipping his right foot into that ridiculous duck slipper.

The old man chuckled at the blunt remarks he received from the younger. He wasn't sure whether to find it funny or offensive. King on the other hand pulled at Mago by his arm, warning him not to talk unless asked for.

He didn't like him talking to other men except him. you wonder why?

Well.....keep wondering

"well....someone should tell him that orange is not his colour.....he looks like a pumpkin" Mago blurted the truth he felt for the old man making everyone gasp at his bravery.

King was shocked too, he was contemplating between the options he should fall Mago under. Either he was stupid or brave, he can't decide.

"let's go..... it's getting late darling," the king said stopping himself from barking a laugh. He had to show his professional side. For many years in his work, he hasn't had any moments like these where a small-town boy can be this much.

"hey!!" Ignoring his complaints, the king dragged the younger with him outside the gate along with his personal security. Mago stumbled many times trying to catch up with the speed of the older.

Kangsu was left there standing with a wide open mouth. Slowly he moved his hand upwards and ran his fingers through his blazing orange locks.

"at least they don't feel like pumpkins" he muttered to himself sighing.


Mago was dozing off inside the car, seated beside the king, while they were headed to the manor king was resident. The younger was so tired from all the mayhem he had gone through today to even observe the surroundings he was taken at.

Sleep was getting to him and in a few minutes, he was knocked out. Mouth agape and eyes closed, the younger looked too cute to be true. King watched him all the time smiling to himself.

How did he manage to score such a beautiful boy.........enemies or not?

The cars halted reaching the driveway of the mansion. Everyone stepped out of the vehicles and so did King but his arms were holding the boy sleeping like no tomorrow.

The older marched inside the mansion, staff watching him wide-eyed. Giving some orders for dinner, the king proceeded to the bedroom.

Upon entering, he looked down at the younger who was snuggling in his chest by now and a smirk appeared on his face. Slowly he walked towards the king-size bed and raised his arms higher still holding the boy.

Mago yelped when he landed on the mattress with a bounce, eyes shot open looking around bewildered. The sound of stifled laughter caught his attention making him look at the figure standing there laughing at his state. Catching up with the situation, he huffed and laid back on the bed.

"why are you such an asshole?" he asked in his sleepy voice, rubbing his eyes with his small fist and making the king's heart go wild. He licked his lips watching the sprawled half-naked figure over his bed. Some very not-so-innocent thoughts invaded his mind before he snapped out of them.

"don't curse in my house, especially in front of me........get up, wash, and get down for dinner" the older announced while opening his jacket buttons and throwing it over a chair nearby. Mago watched him with his eyes half-opened.

King left the room after a minute of staring at him. He went down to the dining room and settled for much-needed nutrients. The kitchen staff prepared his favourite cuisine and drinks, making King so content they felt accomplished in their job.

The dinner was almost over but there was no sign of Mago. King had his patience running out, his last bite of steak was hanging from the fork when he stood up pushing the chair back forcefully alarming everyone around.

Disobedience was not tolerated in his household.....no matter who and what, they have to respect what the king ordered. He was waiting for the younger and that boy was testing his forbearance.

After several long strides, the king barged inside the room expecting the younger to be asleep on the bed. He was so ready to drag his sorry ass out in the cold and leave the boy shivering for the night but his mind went blank when there was no sign of the younger inside the room.

Did he escape?

Authors note

thank you for reading. 
