Innocent fucking bean

                                   Innocent fucking bean

"NO....NO....NO!!!!!!" Kangsu shouted as he swiped his both hands across everything that was peacefully sitting on the table and made them tumbling down on the ground with a loud crash. The old man was raging at another level with his nose flaring red and breathing like a marathon runner.

Kangsu was angry

People around him looked at him like some kind of entertainment, they exchanged glances left and right while some of them stifled an urge to roll their eyes.

Boss was standing, leaning, on the large window. The calm man was watching the rain as it poured down along the glass of the window, creating different creative patterns. It was when Kangsu shouted after entering the room and threw everything on the table to the floor like he fucking owned them then the man turned around slightly to face the old hag.

"he can't do this to me.....he fucking cant!!!!!" Kangsu continued in his rage.

The boss sighed tiredly, he glanced at his men yawning and ignoring the shouting male between them and rolled his eyes.

This was getting boring.

Leaving the window, he came back and sat in his chair behind the desk, which was now empty of anything. Kangsu watched him doing so.

"how can he do this to me? How can he replace me, the man who has given my everything to this fucked up empire, How!!!!!?" Kangsu asked angrily as he darted his glare towards the boss. The old man asked those questions for some sort of silent comfort, maybe some light words of encouragement, but all he got in return was a bored expression by none other than his boss.

"it was my rightful place that was given to that beautiful face on a fucking platter after they threw me out!!!......that fucking boy came out of nowhere and snatched everything from me, everything from its rightful owner!!." Kangsu yelled his frustration but the boss didn't change his way of looking at him.

It made Kangsu angrier

"King cannot forget what I have done for the empire, he cannot," he said as a matter of fact, wanting desperately to get any reaction for his show of rage but once again he got nothing more than a nonchalant boss.

Kangsu looked around the room. The men around him were just watching him like an animal who was roaming where he shouldn't. The pumpkin felt an embarrassing blush creeping up his neck as he turned to look straight into the boss's eyes.

The boss, who rolled his eyes.

"oh? So now you are uninterested huh?" he asked feeling insulted in front of the boss and his men. The boss met his angry eyes and a small amused smile broke out on his lips.

"I am no use to you since I am not a mafia anymore right? My words, my insults and my revenge doesn't mean anything to you? why? BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING POWERFUL STATUS LEFT?!!!!!!!" Kangsu shouted at the top of his lungs.

He has been feeling this discrimination of behaviour from the boss since Chris had gone missing and he got fired. Nobody was taking him anymore seriously, not even the boss who had been taking favours after favours from him.

Truth to be told, Kangsu has feared this outcome way before King getting suspicious of him. He knew one day or other, the status of being the leader would be snatched away and he would be empty-handed just like he is right now.

But the thirst to destroy the king and take over the well-deserving throne of the empire was what made him gather up with the boss and his so-called friend Wren Christopher.

Only to face scenarios he dreaded to be in.

The old man glared daggers at the boss, sitting calmly in his chair. He did not want to hear any excuse that the other might spurt out when he saw him sighing as he started.

"calm your horses down Kangsu, don't lose your patience. We knew this all was bound to happen. Things are going the way they should be, but with your impatience, it all will be ruined" the boss stated and Kangsu felt more enraged with those almost accusing words.

Damn it!!

"my impatience? It is you who is the reason behind all this chaos. If I hadn't listened to you and your stupid fucking plans of ruining king and the empire, I would still be enjoying my fucking position and would still be a part of the fucking empire!!!!" Kangsu seethed in anger, shouting again.

The boss was being unfair in Kangsu's opinion.

"Kangsu..." the boss tried to start again and calm Kangsu down but the other beat him to it.

"you think you can defeat King by hiding from him and he wouldn't know huh? You think like that?" Kangsu challenged loudly. The environment around the room turned serious all of a sudden, the men around them glanced between Kangsu and the boss after listening to what that old man had said.

Kangsu was right.

King wasn't a child of two years who wouldn't know the conspiracy cooking around him. He was the crime lord of the biggest empire for a reason.

Otherwise, Kangsu wasn't a bad choice.

"That Raye fucking Xavier is never falling down, he is never going to be eliminated for me to snatch my chance. And now that his 'queen' is beside him, that fucking wicked boy, he is getting more alliances and power and you are doing nothing.....fucking nothing" Kangsu heaved heavily, glaring at the boss who was looking somewhat bothered with the pumpkin's words.

Kangsu has a point

"you made me see dreams that can't come true Boss. And I, the innocent bean I am, believed you" the old man sighed tiredly.

The boss raised his eyebrow at the endearment Kangsu allotted to himself, while the men around them snickered silently.

The show was over.

Kangsu slumped his shoulder dejectedly as he walked slowly towards the small coffee table to pour himself a glass of whiskey. He gulped a huge sip down and turned to look at the boss again, this time with dramatically displayed hurt.

"Why did I believe you?" he asked sadly.

And the boss has had enough.

"because you wanted to be the crime lord of the biggest empire" the boss stated simply, his voice accusing and tone not so friendly.

"Yeah, you are right. But let me tell you, Mr Boss, that's the only fucking thing that hasn't happened until now" Kangsu replied, getting hyper once again.

"I am not a crime lord of this empire and I am also not a leader of the west side anymore, hell I am not even a part of any mafia anymore!" anger bubbled in his veins while the boss stood up from his place to saunter back to the window, not paying any heed to Kangsu's outburst.

"you will be the crime lord Kangsu, just like the way we have planned...." He started and Kangsu listened attentively.

"My men have snuck inside the manor without anyone knowing. Soon, they will fit just right in and then......." the boss turned around to look at Kangsu with a dramatic pause.

"we will put our plan into action" he completed with a smirk.

This time though, Kangsu rolled his eyes at his boss daringly and started to gather his belongings like his phone and gun, not paying any unnecessary attention to those foul plans anymore.

"I don't fucking believe you, do the fuck you want" he barked starting to leave but stopped in his tracks when he heard the boss behind him.

"you have no other choice Kangsu other than to believe me." the boss stated making Kangsu regretting those times when he dragged himself to the ditch where his only option left was to boss himself.

"Trust me darling, I want the crime lord dead more than you do and for that, I am waiting for the perfect opportunity" a menacing tone followed in the boss's voice. Kangsu turned to glare at him, he huffed loudly, conveying his displeasure, and left the room with heavy steps.

The old man doesn't believe in anything now. All his power, all his status and all the leniency he had achieved from the crime lord all those years was gone in a minute. That beautiful boy has sat on Kangsu's chair without any remorse or feeling of emptiness of his existence.

Why the hell should he believe the one who hasn't lost anything in all this?


King and Charlton talked in hushed voices in the king's office. The room was pretty silent with only the noise of paper scraps and small tings of modern devices.

Charlton was briefing something to King on his tab while the other ordered changes he wanted after each two to three minutes regarding the matter in hand.

Why was the room silent you may wonder?

Well, a certain baby was sitting leisurely in the lavish sitting area of the king's office, working through reports and old records and whatnot. The boy was learning new things and was surprisingly more immersed in his work than anyone could ever be.

Why won't he be? The boy was the new leader and supported many crucial responsibilities over his tiny shoulders.

Mago wasn't allowed to work from the proper office in the west side of the empire yet, where he initially belonged after holding the post. King suggested that he work from home and from home it meant from the king's office.

Hence, the boy occupied the sitting area in the king's office and had strictly asked not to disturb him when he was busy in work, at any cost.

Nobody wanted to dare anyway.

A small knock on the door interpreted the hushed discussion of King and Charlton making them look at the boy first and then at the door. The right-hand man quickly went to open the door and frowned right away when he saw Lucca standing there with a smirky smile plastered on his features.

"What?" Charlton asked uninterested.

"my tiny majesty has asked for my presence along with some if you can please move aside...." Lucca grinned when he successfully made Charlton irritated with his childish voice, as the other rolled his eyes at him.

Charlton stepped aside, letting the other in, and Lucca entered the room with hoppy steps.

King looked up from the screen of his computer, to see who was at the door at this late in the night, and met eyes with Lucca who quickly bowed at King in respect.

"did you find them?" King asked eyeing the box in Lucca's hand, instantly knowing that the mission was successful. The other nodded a yes and raised the box to show the mission accomplished.

King hummed and opened his mouth to say something but before king could utter a word, the man rushed to Mago's side and opened the box he was holding in front of the boy as if presenting a trillion worth of diamonds.

Leaving the king to suppress the curse on his lips.

"here you go tiny majesty.....your tornado potatoes with extra spicy sauce and your lemonade" he repeated the order Mago had demanded earlier. The boy has wished to eat spicy tornado potatoes, with big round puppy eyes, a pouty pair of luscious lips and a twirly finger on the king's chest button, right after having a big dinner.

And who was King to deny?

"wow are a fucking witch, aren't you? How did you manage to find these at this hour?" Mago jumped in his place, taking the box from Lucca and looking at the contents inside with wide excited eyes.

Charlton and King exchanged glances.

"A wizard, my majesty." Lucca corrected with a charming smile, earning a small 'whatever'.

"Besides, that's what you crave nowadays. And so I have a '24 24-hour' fast food stall in my eye to feed all your desires" the older explained making King raise his brow at their developing frankness.

Both his boyfriend and Lucca are tuning in with each other like long-lost brothers.

"thank you Lucy~~" Mago chirped with a toothy grin, he took a huge bite of spicy food and hummed in content when the flavour melted on his taste buds.

"Anything for you sweetheart" Lucca smiled.

King cleared his throat at their back loudly and Lucca tensed where he was while Charlton snickered.

"Oh, I forgot.......I need your help here. There are multiple fuckers I want to fire........" Mago exclaimed as he started with what he needed help with. The boy showed names he wanted out and directed some orders he deemed necessary.

Lucca was the best choice advised by Mr Xavier for Mago and the boy had announced the man as his right-hand man without thinking much.

Soon enough both Lucca and Mago were discussing their own things with a mix of giggles from the boy. Unlike Charlton and King, who were discussing gravely matters with frowns and dark gazes, the duo laughed and giggled at everything that came into their sight.

The rule of 'keeping silence when working' was long gone and was not ready to return any time soon.

While Mago and Lucca laughed loudly, without caring for the other two present in the room, Charlton and King scowled on their spot restless.

Charlton felt envious of Lucca who was making the younger and Charlton's little friend happy, while King was burning in the fire of possessiveness.

What is so funny about learning about the work of the mafia?

Lucca was laughing at something Mago mentioned when his eyes landed on Charlton, the other had an unamused look on his face and it made Lucca smugger than ever.

He smirked and flipped his non-existent hair arrogantly, riling up Charlton. But soon enough that smile wiped off when his eyes landed on the glaring ones of King.

Lucca gulped audibly.

"It's pretty late now, we all should rest for the night. I will see you two tomorrow. Good night" King stated curtly, throwing a good night wish along, and not leaving any room for argument.

Mago looked between them nonchalantly as he munched the last bit of crunchy potatoes, unable to notice the bad mood of his boyfriend.

"good night King" Charlton bowed at King and Lucca followed as they both left the room silently.

Leaving both Mago and King alone.

"come on baby, let's call it a night and retire to our room" Mago looked at King and then at his papers on the table while King approached his adorable boyfriend.

The younger nodded his head agreeing with the older. He made grabby hands towards King making the man comply with the unspoken demand with a chuckle. The older hoisted Mago in his arms, made him comfortable, and strode towards the door of the office.

Mago circled his small limbs around King's built and rested his head on the older's shoulder. King, though, looked around his office one more time and left the room with a hard look in his eyes.

Mago was already sleepy when they reached their room. King crossed the threshold of the room, holding Mago in his arms, but slowed his pace after entering entirely.

Looking at the room for a second long, King observed things he didn't before.

"what's wrong?" Mago asked raising his head from the king's shoulder. King came back from his thoughts and smiled, shaking his head.

"It's nothing....... let's shower together" the crime lord proposed but Mago narrowed his eyes at him.

" I can shower on my own just fine.......let me down" the adorable boy commanded, squirming to stand on the floor but King didn't let him instead, he gripped the younger tighter.

"Not today my 'tiny majesty' since I have planned to save water tonight" King mimicked Lucca tauntingly and Mago noticed it.

With that said King led them through the room to the bathroom, not forgetting to close the door behind him.


Toodles darlings~~~~~~
