Chika Chika

                                    Chika Chika

The main floor of the club was buzzing with people, dancing and drinking with each other as they enjoyed the night. The blasting music inside the club thrummed against their ears making them groove rhythmically.

However, the VIP section on the upper floor of the club was a different story. Music was playing slow and soft with the guests seated in their respective circles, maintaining the decorum of a meeting, as they enjoyed their drinks calmly.

King also sat there with his back resting against the plush backrest of the sofa. The crime lord had a flute of his favourite champagne dangling in his hand while the other held the cigarette he was smoking from time to time.

He was listening to one of the men explaining something as he took a swig of his drink.

Meeting like that could be boring at times with only the exchange of work-related stuff and so when the meeting was about to end, one of the men in the close circle requested for entertainment.

The request was granted and soon a group of strippers entered the VIP area, ready to serve. King enjoyed his night especially because he was, after so long, happy.

And the reason for his happiness was none other than his baby boy boyfriend Mago.

Edward Mago has been officially announced as the new leader of the west side of the empire. The boy has taken Kangsu's place as he replaced the old man and nobody in the whole empire, including the allies, was against the idea.

On the contrary, actually, the main leaders of the other three sides of the empire, allies and friends from other mafias were surprisingly very supportive of the new addition.

Even the underbosses were happy to see a fresh face after a long while.

They had reserved so many complaints about Kangsu and had kept quiet about his management skills but as soon as he was removed, a series of accusations flooded in, making King think that he should have fired Kangsu way before.

But when Mago was announced as a new leader, the boy was accepted with open arms, without a question. People were happy to see that the adorable boy, who is assumed to be the queen of their crime lord, had become their part and they wished him well for his future.

The future of being the leader of the west side.

The west side wasn't a small deal either, it was a vast area with loads of responsibility. The area included many stock ports from where the supplies of the products regarding mafia were handled. It also covered more than two major warehouses and trading points at which the borders of their allies meet.

Several groups of underbosses were answerable to Mago now as he was the in-charge. It was a huge responsibility and King was ready to guide his lover at any step.

The crime lord took a long drag from his half-burnt cigarette, eyes closing, as he lost himself in the thoughts of his small lover.

'What would Mago be doing right now?' he thought as he imagined the boy with duck slippers and a huge chocolate he was obsessed with lately. His imaginary bubble burst when Charlton approached him and bent down to whisper in his ear.

The right-hand man suggested introducing Mago to the important people he would be working in the future with while they still had those people present in the club.

King appreciated the idea and asked Charlton to do exactly that.


"press here a little it is balanced" Jayce guided as he helped holding the small plant from its upper part while the younger boy slapped his small mud-covered hands over the soft mud surrounding the base of the plant.

Jayce was busy in gardening earlier in the evening when Mago approached him with a wish to plant a tree himself. The older agreed smiling and right away helped the boy who was enthusiastic about his newfound activity.

It was already nighttime, but the plant wasn't planted according to Mago's satisfaction.

Lucca was watching the small boy fondly while he stood at a reasonable distance from the both. Mago was so excited about whatever he was engaged in and that proved to be a fresher for every man, including Lucca, around.

The older was assigned to follow Mago wherever in the king's absence and he was doing his job with pleasure. The boy was a tough but adorable job, he was tired and whiney one minute and excited and jumpy the next.

With weird combinations of food the mood swings, the tiny majesty supported everything just the way he himself was, adorable.

And Lucca found himself adoring the boy more and more.

Mago had his tongue sticking out and his eyes wide as he delicately pressed the plant on the ground so it could stay where he wanted it to be. Once satisfied with the arrangement, he pulled back and grinned at his work proudly.

"done!" he cheered, quickly fishing for his cell phone. Jayce smiled in return as he stood up dusting his gloved hands. Unlike Mago, who was covered in mud in different places on his clothes, Jayce was as clean as he was when he started.

"It's so fragile. I don't know if it will survive this cold weather at all" Jayce commented while looking around. The weather was cold and the newly planted plant was so small.

Mago ignored what Jayce said while he clicked several pictures to share with his soulmate.

"we will call him 'Chika Chika'" the boy announced typing away on his phone. Jayce shook his head with a smile at the younger and proceeded to gather the equipment used for planting. Jayce had a habit to cater plants in the garden all by himself. He liked doing it for fun.

Lucca also smiled at the boy when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling out he saw 'Charlton' flashing over the screen making him pick up the call instantly.

While listening to the other, Lucca watched Mago, who was now watering the small plant delicately while drowning the plant in a puddle of water. He saw Jayce turning to Mago and taking away the water hose politely before instructing something like to one's child.

Mago still ignored him.

The call ended with a new task and Lucca made his way to the younger.

"King has asked for your presence at the club, my little majesty." The man delivered as he approached the younger. Mago raised his brow in question.

"right now?" he asked.

"yes, right now. You can change your clothes while I arrange other things" Lucca suggested. Hearing that, Mago looked down at his clothes and then up at Lucca.

"what's wrong with my clothes?" he asked, pretty okay with a dark-coloured turtle neck and black baggy pants and his rubber boots. Jayce chuckled at his back before holding on to Mago's shoulder, taking his attention.

"he is in the club, which means he is surrounded by people. You should wear something appropriate for the occasion shouldn't you?" the older one coaxed politely and the next second, Mago's eyes lit up in excitement.

"I have just the perfect attire for the fucking occasion!!!" he yelled happily, running towards the main entrance of the mansion.

"wait for me Lucy, don't go without me" he instructed loudly in a sing-song voice and vanished behind the huge doors.

Why would he go without the boy when taking him to the club was the main purpose?

Lucca chuckled amusedly as he turned to accidentally meet eyes with Jayce. Both were smiling at Mago earlier but as soon as their eyes met, an awkwardness drowned on them taking their smile away.

"I...uh.." Lucca started hesitantly while Jayce turned his head away.

"! can leave" Jayce ordered facing away from Lucca. And although Lucca wasn't fond of taking orders from anyone who wasn't King or Mr Xavier, he was more than thankful to get away from this situation.

"yes...yes...sure" he said flying the scene with quick steps.


Three cars stopped in front of the club. Lucca stepped out from one of them, all serious and frowny, as he made his way to the side Mago was sitting at. The younger had already opened his door and was getting out when Lucca reached him.

Mago came out cladded in a three-piece, custom-tailored, charcoal grey, expensive suit. The oversized, almost slipping down from the shoulder, the suit was paired with light brown Uggs that have gulped the hem of the expensive pants in painful stretches.

The boy has styled his hair in ruffled bangs that were falling on his eyes and he has also glued a diamond sword on his earlobe for extra fashion.

The west side leader has finally arrived.

A bunch of guards suddenly surrounded the small being in a quick motion, making Mago flinch. He composed himself quickly, waving at them cutely while he looked around curiously.

Lucca was beside him; he wasn't looking any more friendly like he usually looked. The man was glaring at everyone who had been staring at Mago more than necessary while guiding his small majesty inside the club.

Protocol of the position of a leader was no joke, there were people ready to serve at his single order and Mago wondered how stupid Kangsu was to risk all these privileges just for some extra money and power.

He was stupid all right....because this wasn't bad.........not at all.


King was waiting patiently for his baby boy to enter the room. Charlton informed him of his arrival and the king was ready to receive his lover with a happy smile.

The wait was long but was going to be worth it.

The door finally opened and Lucca entered first, he bowed at the king before giving way to his tiny majesty. The small being that followed was hesitant and kind of scared with unfamiliar surroundings.

His eyes were round, dark and big with curiosity swirling in his orbs.

King admitted to himself that he loved that expression on his boy as well.

Soon, Mago's eyes met with the awaiting ones of the crime lord. He smiled widely and dashed towards his boyfriend. King was happy to see his boyfriend, he was. But as soon as his eyes fell over the suit Mago was wearing, his breath hitched painfully.

That suit was the most expensive in King's 'Hidden from Mago's Eyes' collection. He had customized it personally with the liking he had for a suit only to save for something special. But not anymore since it was stolen by the cutest thief and was worn rightfully.

Mago collided his small body with King's and engulfed him in a hug. The boy looked up with his shiny doe eyes and King felt himself falling for the younger more

King cannot complain about a mere suit, now can he?

The crime lord smiled and leaned down capturing the younger's lips in his own for a sweet kiss.

"you are looking gorgeous" King complimented his boy, gripping his hips firmly, and Mago beamed in return.

"fuck yeah! Right? I knew this suit was perfect." Mago chirped, glancing down at his clothing.

"Am I not looking like you when you work?" the boy asked, grinning widely. King chuckled at his question as his eyes landed on the sword stuck to the younger's ears.

No, he didn't look like King at all. But he looked beautiful nonetheless.

"you do, just like me" King replied, kissing the one more time and then pulling away smiling.

By now curious eyes were roaming over the crime lord and his queen. The people, partying earlier, were interested in getting the proper introduction of their new addition to the mafia, as they gathered in a circle around them.

King turned around to face the audience, circling a possessive hand around Mago's slim waist, before he started the introduction.

"everyone!......allow me to introduce you to the queen of my empire and the new leader of the west side....Edward Mago" King announced and followed was a roar of cheers and claps.

Mago giggled at the happy environment and proceeded to meet the people he was going to work with in the future.

The said people around the couple welcomed the young and beautiful boy who is going to be the, hopefully, permanent grace of their future meetings.


Jayce was now sitting on the huge basket couch in the middle of the garden. A book in hand, a glass of wine and a fire pit burning at a distance created the idol environment he liked to enjoy at times.

Mr Xavier wasn't home along with Mago and King so he was alone. After having his dinner, the man decided to chill in the garden until his family came back from their respective activities.

The mansion was empty of any family members, only servants were there doing their regular chores.

Jayce was so invested in his novel that he didn't notice a man, dressed in all black, passed him as he approached the back side of the mansion. He was dressed like many of the men and so it was difficult to distinguish him as an outsider.

How did he even crossed the three-ranged security? nobody would have known.

No one would have noticed him as well with his clothing choice and no one did when he mingled between the servants, going left and right, and no one paid him any heed.


Thank you people for commenting on the gives me supersonic energy every time.

Meet you in the next update, till then.


Your author Donald Duck
