Cheetos with no Pants

                                    Cheetos with no Pants

It was already late at night, almost midnight. The moon was up long ago, shining like it usually does. The manor was quiet with every single staff retiring to their quarters, guards on their respective duties and family members sleeping comfortably under their covers.

Well except for one person

The crime lord.

The late night did not bother King as he kept focusing on his work. The crime lord was going through the video footage, he had asked for earlier, with a glass of wine in his hand. He has shifted from his swivel desk chair to the more comfortable position in his seating area.

Large cushions were soft on his back as he loosened up his tired muscles to get more relaxed. He had also discarded his long coat beside him, had unbuttoned his shirt till his mid-chest and had pulled his long hair in a rough bun instead of a pony.

A perfectly transformed hot man.

With back pressed against the sofa seat, long legs stretched across the coffee table and a laptop resting on his thighs, King was fully absorbed in his work. He clicked here and there several times while he sipped from his now-emptying glass.

Charlton peered at King with tired eyes. He stifled a yawn and then rubbed his face with both hands so he wouldn't get sleepy. King was fussing over the video recordings from the moment he started his day, it made Charlton wonder about the seriousness King might be dwelling on.

What could it be?

The crime lord wasn't sharing anything at the moment and It was worrisome for Charlton to see King drinking that much after having minimal dinner and working nonstop from the time of sunrise until moon rise.

He wanted to stop the king but he refrained from saying anything, knowing how balky the could king get.

Maybe if Lucca was with him, then the both of them could have put some sense into the king's stubborn mind.

The said man was dismissed from the office after dinner time. King had assigned him some work and asked him to leave for the day only so he could start early the next morning. Charlton was also given directions regarding his daily duties before he was free to leave, but he didn't leave.

He refused.

The man had insisted on staying with King until the crime lord was done with whatever he was up to.

King didn't protest against his decision instead, he appreciated the thoughtfulness of his trustworthy right-hand man.

And Charlton knew it very well

"fill me another glass, Charlton?" King's voice brought Charlton back from his deep thoughts and he quickly approached King with the bottle of alcohol. He poured the drink reluctantly and glanced at the king. He wished to say something about the alcohol but then refrained from suggesting anything when King wasn't in the mood to listen.

A certain someone is needed.

Just then an obnoxiously loud knock resounded in the quiet office room, Charlton darted his eyes at the door which was being pounded and then at King who looked unfazed and was really into the video running on the screen.

Or maybe he knew who was at the door and was being ignorant.

The door opened dramatically slowly and in came a beautiful baby boy with a giant bag of Cheetos in his hand. The boy stared at King for a minute or two with the hope to get registered by his lover but when that didn't happen, the boy stomped his way towards his rude boyfriend like an adorable baby.

"Are you still mad at me?" that's the first thing he asked, as he curled his small fingers around the chip bag. King heard the voice of his lover and raised his eyes from the laptop screen only to face a pair of thick, squishy and pale legs.


The crime lord's mouth watered at the sight. He traced his eyes upwards from those thick legs and found his boy standing in front of him, dressed in just a black silk shirt that reached just below his ass, mouth spicy red with Cheetos seasoning, nose bright pink and dishevelled hair sticking in every direction.

King had to gulp......hard.

"where are your pants?" King asked in a painful mumble. He tried to avert his eyes from Mago and his sexy self but he couldn't help when the boy was looking so much like a snack in front of a starved man.

"they were itchy; I threw them away. Are you still mad at me?" he asked again after replying to King and the other rolled his eyes.

The video was still playing on the screen but now King had a hard time focusing.

"Are you roaming all around like this?" the older asked rudely with a frown, he picked up his filled glass of wine to drink but couldn't even make it to his lips when Mago snatched the glass from his boyfriend and placed it on the table, much to Charlton's relief.

"No more drinking, you understand?" the younger pointed his tiny finger towards King and warned him firmly. The older scoffed and turned his face away from the boy before he could slip a smile.

He had to be mad.

Then he felt his laptop being removed from his lap and dumped on the side before Mago leisurely took its place on his boyfriend's lap, circling his arms around King's sturdy shoulders and adjusting himself to his desired position.

But that position didn't feel perfect and the king had to take that responsibility upon himself.

He manoeuvred the boy by placing his big hands around that dainty waist before pulling the boy closer until Mago was directly sitting on his manhood and was touching his chest with king's, and then involuntarily travelling his evil hands to cup the younger's ass over the black shirt.

Now it's perfect

He sighed in contentment when after a long day of being mad and busy, he got to hold the cutest weight where he wanted.

"Are you still mad at me?" Mago asked again with a pair of big doe eyes and a pout, forming on his desirable lips, as he placed his paws over king's chest, playing with his open buttons.

"no" the older responded briefly but the voice came out a little rude to Mago's liking. The younger whined childishly, nuzzling in King's neck and shifting closer if that was possible. The crime lord sighed once again feeling a cold button nose rubbing up and down the column of his neck.

Clingy Mago was a dream.

"you are" the boy stated as a matter of fact and the older man pressed his nose sideways in Mago's apple honey-smelling locks.

"I am not my baby" King said gritting his teeth to suppress his wild desires as he squeezed the boy's ass in his fist making the younger utter a painful moan. He hugged the boy and rubbed his back up and down.

Mago's emotions were all over the place, he wasn't convinced that the king wasn't angry with him anymore and so he opted to perform his best skill of being a wounded baby puppy.

It was a long time since that tact was used anyway.

"don't be mad at me pleasey. I am so soft and sensitive and sleepy right now. Let's just forget our argument and cuddle like good boyfriends." the boy mumbled against King's neck but both the older heard him loud and clear.

King pressed his lips together in a straight line so he wouldn't smile as he and Charlton shared an amused look at Mago's words and his soft tone.

"you go first......I will come later. I still have work to do" he finished as he patted at the younger's thighs to make him get up, only for Mago to cuddle closer and get comfortable in King's lap. Soon after that, King felt his baby boy taking the skin of his neck between his teeth and sucking on it so softly, apologizing silently, that King couldn't control his smile anymore.

Mago was just so adorable.

The boy shuffled between kissing, biting and sucking at the older's neck and the crime lord enjoyed every minute of such royal treatment with a full-blown smile on his handsome features.

From then onwards, no words were exchanged between anyone and the office room went quiet in comfortable silence. King was once again scrutinizing the videos with a newfound focus, Charlton was accompanying King in his work and the youngest of all was finally knocked out, snoring as he twirled around in his dreamland while held tightly by and against King.

Almost an hour later the king decided to end his busy day. He closed his laptop and stood up with Mago in his arms. The boy fisted at King's shirt and clinged around King for dear life, he mumbled incoherently with a pouty mouth and the other two couldn't help but smile.

"keep a careful eye around Charlton and inform Lucca what we discussed as well," King ordered earning a nod from his right-hand buddy.

"I will see you both tomorrow. Good night" he said marching towards the door of the office, Charlton following behind.

"very good night king" Charlton responded.


The next sunny day didn't fail to start with its newfound routine. Mago was once again jumping around the room early in the morning before he darted inside the bathroom, slipped once, cursed and then hunched over the toilet bowl to empty his guts.

The boy puked painfully and grunted when his stomach twisted in agony and mouth filled with a taste he despised with his entire being.

"Ah!! Fuck my life" he cursed with utmost displeasure and slumped back against the wall beside the toilet. King stood at the door watching his boy in pain as his facial features morphed into one of a strict one where his jaw clenched tight and a dark frown formed on his face.

"you are going to the doctor right now" he announced taking the attention of his lover who peered at him tiredly and then swayed his hand dismissively.

"I-I am not going anywhere I don't like besides, it's over for now" the younger muttered his decision but to his tough luck, King wasn't in the mood to deal with any nonsense right at the moment.

"I don't fucking care what you like and what you don't, you are going to the doctor and that's final" the crime lord snapped harshly with his finger pointed in Mago's direction and the boy couldn't do anything other than to shut up.

King was done with the boy

The next thing Mago knew was him sitting, scowling beside King in the car, with Lucca and Charlton in the front seats as the car raced towards its destination. Mago wanted to argue with the king, wanted to deliver a piece of his mind but with the way the king looked so damn serious, Mago found it best not to trigger something he can't handle.

King was so scary when he was angry

Upon reaching the facility, Charlton led Mago and King through different hallways, a series of guards following them before they stopped in front of one room.

Lucca barged inside the cabin without any courtesy and the rest stayed outside waiting.

Mago glared at King with stinky eyes while he sat beside King, glued to his side. The boy feared doctors all his life, he believed them to be no less than monsters with sharp objects and what not to hurt people in creative ways.

King, on the other hand, didn't pay any heed to the glaring boy as he waited for Lucca to return.

"let's go my tiny majesty" Lucca returned with a wide smile after a minute and called Mago.

The younger looked at King with big puppy eyes and wobbly lips, trying to convince King one last time, and King in return rubbed at his side to comfort him.

"come on now, let's go inside" King stated as he held Mago's small hand in his large one. Just as they started towards the door, King's phone buzzed in his pocket making him stop in his tracks and pulling out the device.

Mago sighed in relief for two seconds.

"you go ahead with Lucca.......I will follow behind" King said after seeing the caller's title as Mr Xavier. He placed a firm kiss on Mago's fluffy head and gestured for Lucca to take the boy only to be pulled back when Mago fisted his coat sleeve in his tiny hands.

The boy was now glaring.

"if they poked me with a needle or stabbed me or something, then you are dead Raye" the boy menaced threateningly in front of all and left king standing outside the cabin as he followed Lucca inside.


King was busy talking with his father on his phone, he was discussing something after he briefly explained the purpose of the visit to the facility when he heard the shocking yell coming out of the cabin followed by a gasp.

"what?!!!!!" it was Lucca who shouted

Was it that serious?

King rushed towards the doctor's door with the call still connected and found both Mago and Lucca exiting the room with weird expressions.

Lucca looked amazed yet shocked while Mago had a white face.

"what's wrong? Is it something serious? King asked with concern dripping in his tone, brows furrowed and facial expression dark. He pulled the quiet Mago by his waist and secured the boy in his hold, scanning his face to get anything out of the ordinary.

"the doctor said........." Lucca started with a chirpy tone but stopped before he could complete it, trying to create a dramatic effect.

King raised a brow.

"come on Lucy" Charlton muttered annoyed, impatient to know.

"my tiny majesty is pregnant!!!" Lucca whisper-yelled excitedly. Charlton's eyes widened and a bunch of gasped lowly.

The only one who was silent and as still as a rock was.....king.



Yo! Babies and Gentlemen

The chapter ends here......

Thank you for your lovely gives me the courage to eat a full bag of hot Cheetos without water.

I will see you soon with the next update.....until then


Your author

Donald Duck!!
