
hello babydolls, I am here to start a new story along with my other one. just an idea that popped out of nowhere and may be going to leave us nowhere.

so with the good luck to ourselves and a heartily thank you to those who are going to read it let's start the book.

let's start with some warnings

this is going to be a mafia au, some cute baby boy, and m-preg.

violence, gore, murders, killings, and other disturbing stuff will be included

it is total boy love so if you don't like it, I don't recommend this stuff

the story will be a love story with a cute yet satisfying happy ending.

stay tuned for fun and love between the couples.

I hope we have a great journey together.

intro to characters (credits to the true owner, I don't own these amazing arts)

(my vision of the characters)

Edward Mago

Mafia king

Christopher Jana
