Pink Pink

Hello people, SMUT here……if you enjoy reading me doing ‘stuff’ then I would like some company……if not?

Well…..let’s pretend you didn’t see me and skip the chapter…

We can meet in the next update

Until then……

                                                                               Pink Pink

“Ah!....” his breath hitched as soon as he felt a hot tongue circling over his right nipple. The boy arched his back like a bow and moaned out loudly while holding king’s head in his tiny hands.

The couple successfully processed the part of undressing their upper half so that they were both naked, Mago’s dignity was covered with his tiny pink panther underwear while King supported his sweatpants very low on his hips.

The crime lord was busy implanting his DNA all over Mago’s pretty chest as he licked, sucked and rolled the sensitive bud with his wet, hot tongue.

The boy squirmed under him, arching his body so beautifully that King couldn’t help but get harder with each passing second.

“you are so sexy like this baby boy” the older commented huskily, changing sides and going for the left bud.

“AH!......shit!...king” The boy couldn’t utter more than some blabbering and of course curses. He was caged under King’s taut hold and was panting due to some really heated moments they shared together.

King pulled away from his boyfriend and looked at the spent-up Mago under him, his chest swelled with pride when he realized how he had scored such a lovely beautiful being.

The crime lord agreed with his evil thoughts running in his mind to never let the boy go……forever.

“I am going to prepare you……is that okay?” King asked in a low voice and Mago nodded cluelessly. The boy didn’t know what that preparation could mean and he didn’t want to spoil the moment.

'I mean who would' Mago thought

But King was quick to get the boy’s confusion. He leaned down with a chuckle and kissed the boy on his lips, to his eyes, to his forehead.

Yeah, they work from bottom to top.

“it means I am going to prepare you so you can take me in…..” King provided the liberty to explain on his own will and Mago rolled his eyes sassily in return.

He knew that~~

He didn’t….

“Hah…..I…I know what that means… think I am stupid?” the boy retorted somewhat nervous making King coo at him.

Truth be told, the boy was scared shitless.

That revelation of getting prepared to ‘take’ king in did not seem an easy shit.

“I don’t think you are stupid….you are smart, cute, beautiful and a little brat……my little brat” the older complemented as he traced his heavy big hands on those thick milky thighs of the younger, leading them to the hem of younger’s boxers.

“Fuck……dare hurt my fragile heart and I am having you killed boy” Mago threatened as he smiled at the compliment, doe eyes shining with a sheen layer of emotions.

Nobody has ever said such things to him with the similar fondness King had in his eyes.

Mago felt…., dare he say,…..loved for the first time.

King chuckled at the futile attempt of his baby boy to scare the crime lord as he slid his hands towards the round globs of the younger’s butt.

"Lift it up" King spanked the jiggly flesh of Mago's ass and the boy looked away shyly. He felt his boxers getting dragged down from his ass after he lifted his butt to help King.

And just like that, the boy was lying there under King’s blazing lust-filled eyes in all his glory.

Naked, and saxxeeyyy~~~~

“you are so beautiful…….almost unreal” King rasped before leaning down and nuzzling in Mago’s neck.

Although he has seen the boy bare, butt naked, before but still he couldn’t help but get amazed and appreciated such a beautiful art of the gods above.

Mago was such a beautiful creature that half of King’s love was donated to that fact.

And now that his wildest fantasy was peering at him with hooded eyes, the crime lord wanted the world to stop so he could enjoy the moment until he wanted.

But since that can't happen, he decided to move ahead and enjoy until the moment lasts.

King travelled his hands up and down Mago’s sexy form to let the boy get used to the touch. He caressed the baby skin of Mago’s pelvis and slowly conquered the area until he reached at the abandoned territory.

The said territory was pink and small. Not that small to be conscious or insecure but small enough to boast King’s ego and his pride.

His baby was so cute in every way.

Large hands engulfed the younger’s cuteness, making Mago's breathing go short, and they started to pump it up and down.

King licked his lips while doing so. He would love to get a taste of his boy but he wouldn’t traumatise his inexperienced boyfriend by pouring every sexual act in one night.

That can wait in the future.

“ahh!!!” Mago moaned out loud, right in King’s ear where he was busy sucking another hickey under his jaw when he felt his sensitivity being touched like that.

King flinched at the sudden voice of his lover in their quiet room but continued his ministrations. Mago was rock hard by the time King left his tiny self and pulled away only to release himself from the constraints of his barely holding pants and his own boxers.

The ‘mafia dick’ came to life as it slapped itself against the toned stomach of King, red and angry at the top, slightly swollen with desire and thick with a girth that screamed danger.

That much big he was.

Mago raised his head a little curiously to look for the absent man who was hovering over him a while ago. And to his surprise, his eyes only got locked with the thick, hard manhood of King's. 

“oh my……you… are…..” Mago hesitated, not because he didn’t have words but because he couldn’t decide what to say.

“What?” King asked hovering over Mago and pinning him to the bed again. A very unusual emotion that we call nervousness spread in King’s chest as he waited for the younger to answer him.

He was known as a Greek God in his previous lovers’ circle, appreciated in every way and drooled over by people who couldn’t reach him.

“you are….pink….I mean shocking pink” Mago blurted out and King took a second long to understand about the subject in discussion.

He smiled at the younger after getting what he said and leaned down to capture those thick lips in his own before sucking them until they were bloody red.

“so are you” he replied as he caressed down Mago’s shins back to Mago’s thigh before trying to subtly open them for himself.

“but you are like pink pink” Mago tried to prove the intensity of his point again but King didn’t let him proceed. The older decided to save the moment from Mago’s irrelevant, mood-deflating comments and seized the boy in a searing, hot kiss.

Mago kissed back shutting up finally, swirling his tiny finger in King’s long locks and opening his legs slightly to let King in between them only to tie together his ankles at King’s back for a firm grip and strong hold.

When chest to chest, skin to skin, Mago realized how intimate sex can be.

Mago panted when King left his mouth and trailed down wet kisses from his neck to his chest. The boy squirmed and huffed as his lips parted to take in the oxygen.

King was ravenous and Mago was learning the facts with experience.

The crime lord was moving slowly like a snake, subtle, he was working his way down slowly so as not to let the boy get nervous or worse, panic.

It was until, King reached Mago’s sassy ass and cupped it in his big veiny hands before squeezing the living shit out of it, earning a curse reserved for himself.

“fuck you….king” Mago shouted. He heard a naughty chuckle in return and felt King leaning away from him to reach the side of the bed.

“I am going to prep you” King said again while getting a clear bottle of liquid from his side table drawer and Mago perked at the already-received information.

“weren’t you doing it until now?” the boy asked curiously. Mago considered everything King did to him ‘prep’ and he was kind of proud that he had successfully passed the stage.

“no…..not yet…..but I am about to do it now” King announced and with those words, Mago felt his ass cheeks getting parted and his entrance being brushed with King’s finger.

A realization of how it would be to be prepped dawned upon him and he looked at King with wide eyes.

King ignored Mago's almost protesting expression and continued with his task.

"hahh” Mago opened his mouth, in a silent scream, with a jerk when he felt King’s finger circling his rim. The boy felt a little new and uncomfortable with the situation but he decided to just take it like a man.

A little man.

King moved his finger in a circular motion making Mago get used to the new feeling while kissing him on every inch of his heated skin that he could reach.

The process took him more time than Mago would approve.

Anticipation of something big was getting over Mago’s nerves.

“Are you prepping me?” he asked in a whisper as if he was in the middle of a sacred act.

"you will know when I will baby" King replied casually.

A cliff-hanger!!!

Mago bit his lips nervously and King pulled from the younger’s skin with an amused expression.

Their eyes met, one pair holding desire and the other suspicion.

 "you aren't going to do what I think you are going to do right?" Mago asked feeling a fingertip prodding at his entrance. He saw a smirk forming on King's face but the man didn't say anything.

It's definitely what he thought.

The crime lord pushed his middle finger inside Mago.

“shit….fuck…” the boy jumped with a curse and King laughed silently while pressing his lips together not to let any voice out.

King was being a pain in Mago’s ass.

It took several minutes or maybe exactly twenty minutes and thirty-six seconds for Mago to get used to that small penetration.

From then onwards, it was quiet in the room with only Mago panting and King's ragged breathing.

The digits were increased to two and then three as King stretched Mago well for himself.

He occasionally scissored the inner walls of his boyfriend’s irritated pink entrance when he desired to hear some incoherent bad words.

And who was Mago to deny that, the boy granted King's wish without any ado and sweared at him to his heart's content.

When King was satisfied with Mago being prepared enough. He pulled his fingers out earning a loud sigh of relief from the boy.

Mago watched as King pumped himself with some lubricant in his palm and choked at the sight of that size.

“Ready?” King asked, Mago shook his head while muttering a ‘yeah’.

The boy was nervous, doing the opposite of his feelings, and King found it endearing.

"Rest in peace my butt" Mago muttered to his own ass and King laughed heartily.

“Don’t worry, I will be gentle” King assured as he aligned himself against Mago’s still-tight entrance.

And then he pushed the head of his pre-cum leaking member.

Mago wasn't prepared for that.

“Gentle my Ass you fucking shit!!!!!” Mago arched at the penetration, he didn’t stop himself from swearing when he felt the size difference of a finger and a dick.

“AhHHHH!!!!.........shit shit shit….” King controlled his laugh when he pushed himself more inside and Mago started his mantra of profanities while he held King closer as if his life depended on it.

King bottomed out and stopped where he was. Picking a stray tear hanging from the younger’s eyes, King kissed the boy to comfort him.

"Hurt?" King cooed and Mago nodded with teary eyes.

Feeling the tightness, and lustful heat around his manhood, King wanted nothing but to start thrusting like an animal he used to be when it came to sex. Still, with Mago, he tried to showcase his best gentleman behaviour and waited patiently for the boy to get adjusted.

When the boy finally got adjusted, King was happy to make love with him. He thrusted in and out of Mago and pressed several butterfly kisses over Mago’s skin while the boy jerked with each thrust.

It was truthfully painful but the pleasure, that built gradually, made it worth their while.

The new boyfriends were pretty much enjoying it now.

With time, King may have lost his patience as he flipped the boy on his stomach and mounted him from his back.

Fuck gentleman behaviour!

King’s hold on Mago’s small waist was tight to form a bruise, he plunged his dick inside Mago so deep that the boy arched his back sinfully.

“ahh…King!..” Mago liked the new position better, it was comfortable for him and he was fully vocal about it.

“moan my name baby…….moan my name” King growled near the younger’s ears as he took the skin on his nape between his teeth.

“what…..what the fuck is your name?” Mago asked frustrated with every harsh thrust and new incoming demands.

King stopped for a second and then discerned the reality of the question Mago, oh so nicely, asked.

He has never told his name to his own boyfriend.

What is this behaviour?.....absolutely disappointing.

“Raye……Raye Xavier” King delivered lustfully as he pulled Mago back towards himself while holding his hair lightly and bit his neck side roughly.

“R-Raye…” Mago moaned testing the name over his tongue and heard a growl of his intimidating boyfriend breathing heavily on his neck.

There was a fire in the pit of his stomach, a well-known pain in his lower belly where all the muscles were getting pulled, king groaned with desire.

The climax crashed them like a truck. King groaned near Mago’s ear and the boy shouted ‘FUCK’ as loud as he could before Cumming in King’s hand wrapped around his tiny self.

The boy panted and panted until he slumped on the bed taking King with him.

“Are you okay baby… it hurting bad?” King asked, coming out of his daze, with his hot breath blowing over Mago’s nape from behind. The boy was shining pink with sweat and his baby-pink skin and King loved every second of it.

“I am so fucking hot right now…….can’t tell how much it hurts until I am cold like a dead fish” Mago muttered with his face resting on the bed.

“fair enough” King chuckled and slowly pulled out. Mago hissed loudly and King apologized quickly.

“let’s get you cleaned up” In a scoop, the boy was taken to the bathtub where he was settled against the king’s chest.

Mago wondered how King was still energetic enough to take a bath.

Hot water felt like a blessing and Mago took full advantage of it. The boy was tired to his bones and didn’t take long to settle against King in that hot tub and welcome the sleep he needed more than his life.

The older caressed his baby boy’s sleeping tiny self and happily discovered that he had the best sex of his life.


 Raye means popularity and it is spelled like Ray and ey

 Thank you so much people.....for reading 
