Baby faced fucker

                                                        Baby faced fucker

The ride back home was filled with various outstanding memories for Mago, it was a new experience in his life, thanks to his loving boyfriend, and Mago had cherished it to the fullest. The boy had returned after ruining many jobs, announcing several punishments and demanding new but odd things. He had handed over a list of changes he wanted to happen in the future earning countable looks of disapproval and other consisting of astonishment.

It was unbelievable for them how that small being was commanding the men twice as large.

There wasn't anything bizarre or abnormal that was to be followed, just a few things that had to be taken under strict control way before all that nonsense of theft and rebel had started, but the way Mago had ordered around with his tiny chubby finger pointedly pointing at different things and imposed his authority with the most practised way, every other man at the port stood straight like a concrete wall at the end of the day, taking orders and bowing in respect having no other option.

Mago enjoyed all that exercise of power thoroughly.

Then there was Jana, his older brother, who was a sight to behold when the realization of his little brother being the queen of the west side dawned upon him. Mago had giggled, punching Lucca's arms repeatedly at the face Jana made after the initial shock wore off and the early stage of confusion began on his features.

'Sorcery!!!' was all Jana could conclude.

Where he remained frozen trying to process the information he didn't expect in his wildest dreams, Mago enjoyed the scene where a round man (probably Jana's boss) grumpily complained in Jana's ears about not declaring his relationship and the leader to him sooner.

That too not very quietly.......that it reached Mago's sharp foxy ears.

Suddenly, a glint of mischief appeared in his orbs and a devilish smirk lifted the ends of his lips, the tiny majesty then straightened his back and called for Christopher Jana to meet him in his office in five minutes making the older's jaw go slack at his little brother's dominant tone.


"what the fuck do you think you are doing?" Jana hissed as soon as Mago finished dictating his orders. The older was bewildered at the new arrangements regarding him and his new out-of-the-blue promoted status while the younger felt relief seeing Jana so worked up.

"nothing....just giving your sorry ass a chance" The boy checked his nails like a freaking Diva, not caring how affected Jana was and how his mind was racing with different obnoxious thoughts.

"What?" he asked not understanding what the younger just said in the least. Mago glanced at his brother like he was the most stupid man on earth and then rolled his eyes tiredly.

"I am not your baby brother right now Jana......consider me an angel sent from the heavens just to rid you off your sins and make you the good man you are" The younger recited his words like a father in church and Jana glared at him with stinky eyes.

"what are you saying?...... My sins?" he gritted his teeth as he fisted his hands to control himself not strangle the younger who was grinning from ear to ear.

"yes, your dimwit. Didn't you say you would do anything to be forgiven?" Mago smiled at the helpless other, Jana took a quick glance at his side just to confirm if Lucca was watching them before he could do anything drastic to his brat of a brother.

And Indeed he was watching them.....watching them with full attention making Jana drop his idea.

"I didn't fucking say a thing like that baby Mago" Jana forced a smile and pulled his lips in a tight line as he placed his big hands over Mago's shoulders and squeezed them lightly, the younger only smirked.

"no?....then it must be in my dream I had once......." Mago said as he placed a thoughtful finger across his cheek and tapped it there twice before meeting eyes with his brothers awaiting ones.

"......and I like my dreams to come true" the boy delivered with a teasing smile, earning a glare.

Mischief managed.

Mago watched in satisfaction how Jana's expressions soured once again, he then turned on his heels and made his way to the door for a very majestic exit only to halt when Jana spoke from behind him.

"take your fucking order back Mago........being an underboss won't let me be able to make time for other important will be hectic for me damn it" Jana spat his problem with a whine, carefully skipping the mention of the 'important' by name. But Mago was aware of who his brother was talking about, the boy turned to face Jana and smiled.

Mago had taken full advantage of his power, he upgraded his brother's status from labour to an underboss but with the intentions similar to a devil. Combining various duties and whatnot, Mago made sure to never let Jana breathe in peace in the future. The idea was to make his brother suffer and pay his Karma for his past deeds and for that, Mago was prepared.

"then you better work hard and earn what he deserves Jana....... stop poking your nosy nose in his business and let the cupid do his job. That baby-faced fucker is better at it than you anyway" Mago retorted with equal tones as Jana and then stormed out the room followed by his guards and a very amused Lucca behind.

Leaving Jana with red tinting his cheeks and his neck burning in utter embarrassment at how Mago had exposed him.

EnD Of fLaShBaCk...

Mago smiled reminiscing the funny scenes with his brother earlier at the port while he slowly sipped from the giant cup of blueberry slushy. Small hands cupping the giant cardboard cup, the boy looked out the tinted window of the car, taking in the busy streets, people and buildings. He didn't know how tired he was until when his hands started to slip around the damp cup and his eyes felt drowsy with sleep.

The busy outside world and the calm in the car played as a lullaby for Mago, he jerked a few times but the hormonal boy couldn't keep himself awake for a long while as he started to drift off.

Sitting beside him, Lucca watched the boy with fondness in his eyes. He smiled at the younger who was on the verge of sleep with his pouty lips trying to get a hold of the straw while he leaned his head on the side of the window. The older shook his head with a chuckle and slowly took the glass away from Mago before he made the tiny majesty rest his head along his shoulder.

Mago didn't protest and closed his eyes for the welcoming slumber.

Pregnancy was tiring and it was definitely taking a toll on Mago's small self, what the older's could do was to make his life easy the way they could.......and for that, they were always ready.


By the time they reached the manor, Mago was already awake. After a small nap, he was fresher than earlier. Stretching his tired limbs like a cat, the boy yawned cutely as he slowly stepped out of the car into the dark chilly night with Lucca by his side.

Just as he marched to enter the front door, a rushing Jayce stumbled in his way. The older one was oblivious to his surroundings while he was hurriedly heading out until he almost collided with the smaller one who was on his way to enter the house.

"oh!.....hey Mr Ash" Mago greeted with a small smile and Jayce instantly smiled back. Mago had that effect on anybody nowadays, the little weight gain he had made him more soft and beautiful that it melted many hearts in a beat and Jayce wasn't the only one affected.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you .......and how was your day? You had been gone all day long....." Jayce started with a charming smile of his as he asked. The man looked gorgeous with pastel tones of clothing and elegant jewellery it wasn't hard to tell that he was heading for some outing.

"my day was fun....but where are you going?" Mago asked with a small frown and Jayce smiled in return. He caressed the younger's cheeks softly out of adoration while Lucca stared at him with an unreadable look on his face.

"I am actually headed out for a little while. Rowan and I had a date planned" Jayce drawled with a shy smile and Mago raised a brow.

"a date? But you promised to make Allio-li olli for dinner with me" the younger complained with a whine bringing out the promise Jayce had made some time in the past. The older looked panicked for a little while but then he chuckled behind his hand.

"it's Aglio-e-Olio my cute boy...." he corrected with a chuckle "...and I am so sorry Mago. I have to go, it's important. But I promise, I will make it up to you any other day hmm?" Jayce coaxed the boy with a sweet talk, Mago didn't like his plans ruined but for Papa.......he could bear with it.

"fine" he grumbled under his breath. Jayce cheered happily and then accidently met eyes with Lucca who had fixed his gaze on his form.

Jayce averted his eyes ignorantly and focused back on Mago. He squished the younger's cheeks, uttered an apology and then quickly left the front door for his car at the speed of light. All that while, Lucca kept his eyes on the other.

What's so important in a date?

"come on Lucy.......let's find King" he heard the boy beside him which broke his chain of thoughts and found Mago walking away before he also followed the boy towards the location of the king's office.

Upon reaching the office, Mago was greeted by a smiling Charlton at the door, the older held a paper bag and a large cup of drink for the boy. Mago beamed at him with an eye-blinding smile, he reciprocated the kind gesture with a bone-crushing hug and a series of 'thank you, Charlie'. It wasn't until a roared clearing of throat that had Charlton standing straight, Lucca snickering and Mago rolling his eyes that the mellow dramatic reunion was broken.

The boy made his way to the sofa seats ready to devour his treat, totally ignoring the crime lord who sat there waiting to get acknowledged.

Well.....that was expected.

"How was the visit baby?" King asked with his lips pulled in a straight line. And although the question was directed to Mago....king and Lucca shared a brief glance which served many other things along with the news of a successful visit at the port.

Something that will be discussed in the absence of Mago.

"it was so tiring...." The boy huffed taking a huge bite from his curry-cheese bun as he pulled both his small legs under him on the sofa, sitting in a crisscross manner.

"of course....." king started sassily "...firing few dozen of my men on your first day and leaving the sight after handing the longest list of changes, must be so tired," the tone of his man said something that Mago had to raise his eyes to meet with King and then with Charlton.

"How did you fucking know that?" the boy asked perplexed, he didn't expect King to know the exact details of his shenanigans at the port.

He had trusted Lucy oh so wrongly.

"don't curse my sweet boy.....and I have my eyes everywhere" King replied smugly, changing his tone to much sweeter and eyes twinkling at Mago's surprised face.

"well then......don't interfere in my work. You can tell me what I did wrong when your quarterly meeting arrives" Mago retorted, stuffing his face with his treat making King laugh.

"you are a brat....did I ever tell you that?" King asked playfully and earned a nod from his boy with a toothy smile. The crime lord then stood from his place and paced closer to where Mago was seated. Throwing a hand around his lover's shoulder, King kissed his side head and then planted his mouth around the younger's squishy cheek to suck on it purposefully.

Mago whined at that.

"don't fill your stomach with this won't be able to eat dinner properly and will whine later" King preached watching Mago gulping a mouth full of his favourite sweet and sour juice, ignoring what King said, expertly.

"I won't be able to eat dinner either way..." Mago started with a chipmunk mouth and King listened like he always did.

"Since Mr Ash is gone on a date with Papa, our plan to make dinner together has already gone to the trash. So all I will be having is a mixed fruit smoothie and my favourite pudding at dinner" Mago recited his new plan but King had stopped listening to it from where Mr Ash was mentioned. He looked up to lock eyes with Lucca who had nodded his head in confirmation, and then travelled his eyes to Charlton who was looking through his tab with a nonchalant face.

Out on a date?

"Where did you say Mr Ash had gone?" King asked again making Mago look at him.

"on a date with Papa." The boy replied.

But Father is out of the country at the moment

"Did he say where he was going?" King asked again.

"Nu-uh" the younger replied cluelessly. "Why, what happened?" Mago asked, observing the sudden silence in the room as he looked at the two others keenly. King smiled once again and leaned in to peck at Younger's lips, he held Mago closer and pushed a stray hair out of his face.

"nothing that should be your concern. Now go to your room and freshen up......I will meet you at the dining room in fifteen minutes" King coaxed with love and kissed Mago shortly. The boy, not really caring about anything since he was tired, nodded his head and stood up from his place to leave.

Charlton waited patiently and once the coast was clear, he paced closer and presented the screen to the crime lord. King took the large device silently, his mind raced with different thoughts concerning the Ashford brothers.

It took him only a minute to confirm what he was thinking. On the wide tab screen was a map displaying the routes and maze of the roads in the city but at one particular point were two dots, red and blue, that moved together in the same direction.

"Why did he have to lie about meeting his brother, he could have said the truth," Lucca said standing beside Charlton, the latter nodded his head agreeing with the other.

"they are cooking something up secretly and seems like, he was waiting for the absence of Mr Xavier" Charlton piped in with his own suspicion.

"certainly......or maybe Mr Ashford is simply accompanying his brother for something" Lucca added. All that discussion lacked only King's opinion, the man was quiet, too quiet about the topic he despised more than anything in his life.

The hate for both brothers in King's mind was unmatched, he could never ever forget how they had entered his peaceful life. Despite being torn with the loss of his mother, the memories of her were enough for both father and son to cope with life.

But then those brothers emerged and ruined even the saddened memories of his mother after Jayce took her position in his father's life. There were many things king hated them for but now wasn't the time to dwell on it.

Gary Ashford was a piece of shit, he was a notorious thug that would do anything to reach what he desires and then on the other hand was Jayce Ashford, who would do anything to make his brother successful in what he desired.

When those brothers were together, it wasn't a good sign. They were certainly up to something and King had to find it out before anything drastic happened in his life once again.


