Crime Lord

Crime Lord

After the whole story was done Mickey started to curse each and every person in Mago's family, he was mad..... so so mad.

"They are just a piece of pathetic...fucking bastards" It was a series of curses for the foster family making Mago giggle so much.

When Mago told him the whole plan of playing along and finding a crack to insert his plan of running Mickey thought it was risky.

Mago didn't have any other options, well no one was considerate enough to give him any so he had to suck it up and simulate. Mickey seemed scared at the details Mago told him, he was well aware of how dangerous that man could be.

"we will manage don't just have to help me Mickey...lie just like you did before and we are good" he begged showing his puppy eyes not even Mr. Chris can resist.

"I don't know baby.....they are dangerous...I can't get more involved than this" he tried explaining to the boy in his arms. Mago rolled his eyes at the answer and tried again.

"you are my only friend me...I swear I won't let them do anything to you" he said adding please after please in his request. Mickey felt conflicted, his brain pointed out something for him and he sat straight making Mago fall off his legs, while Mago watched slowly sliding down his legs.

"you don't know anything about king do you?" he asked carefully. A sudden thought penetrated his mind that maybe Mago wasn't aware of the danger he is falling in willingly.

"ummm...... a...d.dangerous man....I mean mafia right?" said Mago according to his own statistics. Mickey frowned again, the boy was not getting the depth of the situation but he had to explain that to him.

"bubs....he Is the crime lord...not any mafia but the fucking crime lord. He can slaughter our neighbourhood and no one will bat an hear me...he is fucking dangerous Mago!!" Mickey was bewildered about Mago's understanding of the king. They both stared at each other for like few minutes, anyone who would see them like this will think that they are in a romantic relationship but not them.

" that you took my name...I think it is serious......but please help me" he said laughing nervously, still rooting for his purpose.

"Baby....he can kill you" Mickey was getting frustrated that Mago wasn't getting the point.

"so what Mickey.....Jana is going to get me...make me marry him and then...oh god...he is lusting over me...trying to touch me...please....I can't live like that....he will eat me alive and mind you he will" Now Mago was getting frustrated. He didn't want to leave the opportunity just like that.

After he witnessed the faces his foster family made when they knew who he was talking was a sight to sore eyes and for that, he will just go to any length he can.

Mickey understood the misery Mago was going through, his face already telling a tale of his previous night. He was ready to help but not at the expense of their both lives.

"hey don't worry....we will figure something out okay.......give me some time baby.....don't worry." He said taking Mago in his embrace, cuddling him, rocking back and forth trying his best to calm the boy.


The classes were over and Mago was sitting under the shade near the school gate, waiting for Patty. He was ordered to come home with her.

Patty showed up but not alone. She was with some boy, clinging to her. She smiled sinisterly at him before she slid her bag from her shoulder. The boy standing beside her racked his eyes up and down Mago, who returned his stare with a glare.

"If you are done with your fucking ...can we go," Mago asked getting nervous under the filthy watch of the other boy. Patty rolled her eyes before she pulled out her notebook and handed it to Mago.

Mago was hesitant to accept the book but his friend wasn't. Mickey snatched the book from her before raising his perfect eyebrow at her and her boy toy.

"what is this?" he asked sceptically

"notebook" she replied smiling fakely

"no shit Sherlock......why you are giving this to him," he asked unamused at her punch...well she wasn't funny.

"you see dickhead......this is my boyfriend-

"if you want to call your sex toy a boyfriend....... it's okay with me" Mickey interrupted her making both the boy and Patty glare at him.

"-and he works for some underboss of the king" she completed, her smile widening at the shocked face of both Mickey and her beloved Mago.

"so? What does this notebook have to anything with it?" asked Mickey after he composed himself.

"so this, you dickhead, that this notebook contains a very important number and address....... moreover, Ricky said that there is no boyfriend of the king that he knows of" She smiled her wicked smile.

"and who does he think he is to be known about that huh? His father, relative or what?........and as far as I learned he is a dog for some underboss yeah?....then why would a crime lord inform about his love life this parasite" he completed throwing the book on the ground. The boy jumped on him, he was humiliated and that was in front of his new girlfriend.

Patty and Mickey both tried to stop them, pulling them back with force. Mickey pushed at the boy and he stumbled. The boy again tried to get to Mickey when Patty shouted.

"enough!!......." She shouted and everything went silent. Everybody panting from the activities.

"How dare you fucking bastard!!............just wait.... Ricky call him.....we will get the answer just now" she said fuming with anger. She was insulted along with her boyfriend and she wasn't going to get quiet.

After she learned that the king doesn't have any boyfriend or lover period she did her happy dance. Her plan was to simply catch Mago off guard and then snitch to her father, her speciality. Her favourite activity of her life was to place her ears on the door when Mago is being dragged forcefully by Jana.

She was not only a bitch....but a cheap one too

"call who?" Mago asked after a long pause. Patty smirked when Ricky placed his phone against his ear.

"your boyfriend," she said

"he has the king's number," Mickey asked, snorting at the ridiculous claim.

"That's what was in the boyfriend has connections and he is going to call his boss who is in a meeting with your boyfriend," she said smugly while checking her wristwatch and smirking at Mago.

"It's a shame isn't it ......that we have more knowledge about your man and his whereabouts than you yourself Mago" She laughed like a hyena at her own achievement.

Which was not funny in any way

"Hello...boss...." Ricky started making Mago and Mickey sweat in cold.

"yes....someone is here who wants to talk to king.............. I know I know ..........yes, I know but he is his boyfriend" There was a long pause when Ricky said his last sentence. Everybody seemed nervous except for Patty. She observed Mago and Mickey keenly.


The boy was obviously getting scolded by whoever was on the other side, his eyes were throwing daggers toward Mago, hatred evident in his eyes.

"what is he saying?" Patty was impatient to hear her desired answer but Ricky didn't reply for a while.

It was time to take matters into his own hands, because for one, if Ricky kept talking to the person on the phone which can be king, then the truth will be out in no time, and second, that bastard was taking so much time, and the suspense was killing him.

So without any thought, Mago walked near Ricky, shocking everyone. He snatched the phone from Ricky and placed it against his own ear.

"hello...." He started. The other person became quiet after he listened to the change of voice. He was fast to tap the call and continued in the meanwhile.

"Who is this?" he asked strictly

"I am Mago...."Mago said and heard a snicker behind him, he turned around to glare at Patty who raised her hands playfully apologizing.

"Mago?......what kind of a name is this?" the man asked trying to make the call long.

"It is a very unique kind....and very superior too.......a very up standard you know......but you wouldn't know ...because you are a peasant" Mago countered back.

well...... you must know that Mago was very sensitive about his name. He was told that this name was given to him by his mother who he has never seen but still loved. The name was the only possession he had from his birth parents. So attached to this name, he also named his pet Chihuahua 'Mago' who died and now lives with his mother.

Up in the heaven

Don't question him, he was little

And if someone points it out or makes fun of his name, Mago is never to forgive them.

"Who the hell are you!" the man on the other side yelled at him after insult.

"your king's boyfriend...........I know he is busy but he should have time for his boyfriend.....tell him to call me whenever he is free-" Mago was interrupted when the receivers on the other hand got switched. He gulped nervously before looking at Mickey.

"Who is this?" The voice asked. It was no secret that the voice belonged to the king, and after the knowledge about who the king actually is, Mago felt like crying, his eyes became bleary breath became heavy.

What is he going to do?

Patty watched him with interest and that became the only reason Mago had to keep playing.

"M..Mago," he said nervously, sweating profusely under his arms and hands, phone slipping from his grip.

"Mago?......and who is Mago?" the king asked, his voice dark

"y..your b..boyfriend," he said a little quietly, trying that others don't hear him.

"I don't have a boyfriend.....what do you want?" the king felt irritated according to Mago, he wasn't sure what to do but he was sure that he can't get the conversation going with the hawk-like eyes following his every move.

"oh want my forgiveness..." said Mago puffing his chest out which made Patty glare at Ricky who had his eyes wide like a saucer.

"What?" the king asked not getting what Mago was saying

" listen.......if you want me to forgive you should come home and beg on your knees," Mago said loudly. A sudden confidence brewed inside him.

"Are you out of your fucking mind-'King couldn't complete his sentence when Mago spoke up again.

"a..and cook me some ...d..dinner too understand," he said while hanging up the phone. Throwing the phone towards Ricky who couldn't catch it, Mago held Mickey's hand and started the walk home, he turned around to smirk at Patty who was still shocked, and turned away.

"what have you done?" Mickey asked lowly holding tightly at Mago's hand. Mago on the other hand was so nervous, his heart was beating so loud in his ears.

"I don't know.......I don't know" he said


The room was quiet, everyone held their breath when they saw how irritated the king was becoming. He wasn't a good side when he was angry.

They were waiting for an important call; someone was to confirm a doubt or a link they awaited. But the call that was received in a haste was from someone else and that someone was already on his nerves

The king looked at the phone in his hand and kept quiet for a while. He was in a meeting and others around the table were waiting for him to speak.

Placing the phone on the table calmly he gestured to his man, the one who received the phone firsthand. The man bowed before him ready to take orders

"do me a favour, Charlton...." The crime lord said, his eyes dark and dangerous.

thank you for the lovely comments

I love you guys so fucking much


happy new year, may this year becomes the happiest for everyone

let's meet in the next chapter until then

your author

Donald duck
