Lethal Bun

Lethal Bun

“poison the cake. I don’t want him living anymore” Kangsu ordered placing a small glass bottle containing clear liquid inside on the table. The man standing in front of him bowed picking the bottle. He looked unsure and certainly was cursing that stupid boss of his in his mind but said nothing and left the place with an eye roll.


“Are you sure you want this?” he asked with a frown looking at his friend who was still checking out the other drugs scattered across the shelf. Garry turned hearing his friend and then smirked devilishly.

“I just want to bed that beautiful, feisty bitch” Garry replied and the friend laughed at him humourlessly.

His friend has gone mad

“he is off limits Garry, King can kill you” the man said passing a pink tablet towards his friend. Garry smiled picking the drug and pocketing it with smug expressions.

“we will see after I am done with him” he said taking his leave, leaving his friend to shake his head in disappointment.


The party wasn’t like what the boys imagined. It was beyond their usual birthday party. There were no happy birthday banners, no colourful balloons, no confetti guns and no theme where everyone dresses like dragons or other cartoon characters.

The hall was looking like an elegant personality. Pastel colours decorations, soothing background music, simple seating arrangement and plenty of guards at attention. People gathered around were dressed in graceful suits and dresses, holding a glass of expensive liquor and immersed in a discussion like some big businessmen.

The boys were in awe as soon as they entered the venue. Taking in everything with wide-open eyes, they walked hand in hand like little toddlers who have never been to an amusement park in their life.

If they were in awe at their surroundings, people were in awe watching two beautiful boys entering the place as they own it. One of them looked like a bad boy wearing a full black attire and the other looked like soft cotton candy.

Which he wasn’t

King was also one of the people. The crime lord didn’t hesitate before racking his eyes on Mago’s small frame. The boy looked like a soft matcha-flavoured bun in a pastel green fluffy sweater shirt and white tight pants hugging his perfect curves at all the right places.

The boy spotted King watching him like a hawk and instead of blushing or feeling flustered, he raised his perfect brow in question making King chuckle. The older shook his head and started to walk towards him.

Mago felt the need to admire the man coming towards him, only giving the attention every young woman would want, without blinking his eyes.

Like in a daze, Mago checked out the fine specimen of what they called a lethal, unforgiving crime lord. The man looked handsome, there was no doubt in it. He looked like he strutted right out of the fashion magazine with his dark maroon tailored suit and matching personality.

He was looking the total opposite of Mago

With each heavy step in the younger’s direction, a bunny jumped into the pit of Mago’s tummy. He placed his small hands over his covered stomach to feel but he felt nothing.

The audience watched how their crime lord approached his lover who looked so fluffy and soft at the moment.

“wow,” they heard when the word slipped the younger’s mouth along with a wolf whistle making them stifle their laughter. King halted for a second, heat rushing to his neck before he composed himself and continued his walk.

King reached the younger and casually threw his hand around his waist to pull him closer. It had many meanings but Mago understood none. He stared at the older who was looking down at him with a possessive glint in his eyes.

“you are so beautiful” the older commented and Mago blinked. His innocent big eyes were filled with questions but he never opened his mouth. King smiled at him lovingly before he leaned down and took Smaller’s lips in his in a short kiss.

“Happy birthday baby” the older wished pulling away as he squeezed Mago’s waist making him come back on earth. A knowing smirk formed over his lips, he was about to respond with some flirty comment when he got interrupted by the voice he despised.

“Happy birthday my dear nephew……I wish for you to get happy surprises in the future” Garry wished loudly taking King and Mago in a single hug before pulling away. Mago scowled at him and the king glared as he held Mago closer.

The moment was ruined

Ignoring his ‘uncle’, the king dragged Mago towards his father who received the boy in a bear hug, wishing him happily, Jayce doing the same. And although he was embarrassed by what his brother just did, he didn’t let his mood ruin because of that. He kept on smiling and meeting people like nothing really happened.

The party resumed from where it dropped and the guests started chatting and gossiping about their interests with each other.

Mickey stole Mago after the helpless look the younger posed towards him and together the friends went on a hunt for food. They surveyed the food bars, picked every dish that looked interesting and finally landed on the unique-looking chocolate fountain.

With marshmallow sticks in their hands, both the friends dug in, oblivious to the glare that was set on them from afar.

Garry watched them with a certain hate towards them. He was insulted and although it was because of himself, he wanted retribution. Slamming his glass of whiskey over the bar counter, he left the hall.

Mickey was chatting with Mago while the younger was busy mixing three different coloured slush drinks in a single glass when a man approached them making them stop doing whatever they were busy in.

“may I ask for a dance?” the man was handsome, elegantly dressed like any other guest. He asked politely stretching his hand towards Mago. It was an honour to dance with the king’s lover and that man felt proud.

The younger looked at Mickey and the boy nodded his head in approval. Mago looked back at the handsome stranger and shook his head cutely.

Doing the opposite of what is told, is fun.

“I am sorry but I can’t dance. I have two left feet” Mago explained while taking a big gulp of his newly made slushy concoction. Grimacing at the taste, the boy looked at the purplish drink in his hand like ‘what the fuck is this’ and swallowed it with great difficulty.

“let me be the judge of it” the man chuckled as he offered his hand again. Mago looked at Mickey again before rolling his eyes and taking the offered hand.

“don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said as he was led towards the dance floor right in the middle of the hall. The man placed a swift hand over Mago’s waist and started to sway their body to a slow melody in the background.

Many guests joined them and many watched them from their seats. It was only two minutes into their dance when Mago stumbled on his own shoelaces. The man held him securely and they resumed. But it happened again and then again and then again. By the end of their session, the man had an aching chin, hurt toes and a crumpled collar of his suit.

“thank you” he said releasing the younger with a sigh who looked at him like he was offended.

“I told you I don’t dance but you wanted to be the judge” Mago complained looking at the man with an accusing eye.

“I am sorry, I learned my lesson” the man muttered the last word before bowing and leaving making Mago stomp his foot in irritation.

“fucking jerk” Mago mumbled and turned around only to face Mr Xavier. The old man smiled at him and stretched his arm for Mago to take. The boy did just that.

Mr Xavier lead them towards the dance floor and shifted a little so now they were facing each other. He held onto Mago’s hand and placed them right on his broad shoulders before going for his waist.

“I am warning you I ---..” Mago started but Mr Xavier shushed him politely. He started to sway their bodies on a slow rhythm and Mago quietly followed, not daring to invent his own moves.

“I know how you dance. I saw his misery, the one you were dancing with” Mr Xavier said and Mago looked at him.

“I told him but he didn’t listen” the younger defended making the old man smile at his adorableness. Soon the dance shifted to the change of partners and Mago was left by one to be held by another. he was shifted multiple times before landing in the arms of his apparent boyfriend.

King held him close, securing his waist and moving them along with everyone.

“oh boy, how tiring a birthday party can be” Mago said placing his head over King’s chest as he closed his eyes making King smile at him.

“This is just the start, we still have cake cutting, then dinner and then after party” the older explained and Mago pulled back to look at him in shock. He never knew about this type of gathering.

“but I am getting tired” the younger whined placing his head back. The mafia boss rolled his eyes before spinning the younger to his next partner which happened to be Mickey, instantly making Mago smile all toothy.

The boys goofed around until Mickey’s phone started ringing and he excused himself. Mago took that as a chance and went to grab some water, he chugged the glass down not noticing the slightly pink-coloured liquid.

After quenching his thirst, the boy went to look for Mickey. Along the way he found Charlton standing near where King was dancing with some lady in red. Mago marched towards Charlton and others squinted his eyes playfully at him.

“hey Charlie, come on let’s dance” he said holding his hand out like a prince. Charlton laughed a little before pushing the boy away.

“go away” he said pushing the younger only to find back in a second.

“come on, your stiff feet need some action,” he said and hooked his arm with Charlton’s. Before the older could say anything, Mago pulled his hand dragging him in the centre.

Charlton didn’t plan to stay longer and thankfully Mickey took over leading the younger away. it was after a while that Mago started whining about being hot.

He scratched at his soft hair violently, feeling multiple needles pricking at his skin, as he tried his best to maintain the grace. Mickey noticed the change and dragged the younger out of the crowd thinking that maybe it was making Mago hot.

“what’s wrong baby?” Mickey asked ordering a glass of cold water for Mago. the younger giggled in return and grabbed the hem of his sweater suddenly feeling itchy all over his skin due to hotness.

Two large hands stopped him from doing so when King stood behind him holding his hands.

“What happened?” he asked Mickey who looked concerned at the reddening cheeks of the younger. Mago giggled turning around to look at Charlton and King frowning in his direction.

“me happened, eighteen years ago” the younger slurred as he crashed himself into the king’s chest only to pull away from body heat. King raised his brow and met eyes with Charlton.

“It’s so hot in here, I want this off” Mago grumbled trying to take his sweater off but King stopped him again, pinning his hands down.

“he is drunk” Charlton said making King frown at this new information. from where did that brat get the time to get drunk?

“Mago doesn’t like strong smells, he can’t be drunk. Besides I was with him all this time” Mickey argued while he was being squished by his baby who was giggling and getting redder with each passing second.

“you weren’t with him when I saw him last” Charlton pointed it out looking between Mickey and Mago.

“yeah but—“Mickey got interrupted when King started.

“he is drugged” King said out loud earning a look from the younger. Anger has started to bubble in his brain after seeing the dilated eyes of the young oblivious boy.

Someone messed with the king’s boyfriend

“How know,” he asked cutely but the king ignored him

“take care of him” King ordered and left Mago alone with Mickey, Charlton following him after.

“was this shit really necessary on your birthday” Mickey muttered placing the glass of ice water near Mago’s lips.

“oh!! hEy!!! Happy birthday!!!!” he shrieked loudly hearing what his friend just said. Mickey flinched face-palming himself before attending to the boy.

“shh..shh..baby drink this and then let us go to the bathroom yeah” he coaxed the younger to drink water which Mago finished in a single go.

After that, Mickey took Mago towards the bathrooms and since the party was in the other wing of the mansion, Mickey didn’t know many routes.

They stumbled upon a room, Mickey dragging a totally wasted Mago with him who was blabbing about some grey and white rabbits. the older inspected the room carefully and then lead Mago inside the room.

“come on let’s get you a shower so you feel good” Mickey said to the drugged boy who clapped his hands excitedly as he hiccupped cutely.

As he was about to pull the heavy sweater off of Mago, Mickey got pushed roughly on the floor making him hit his head on the floor before he was yanked out of the room by his legs forcefully.

The boy struggled to clear his vision and his breath hitched when he saw the door closed. A loud ‘tick’ of the door being locked from inside made him to rush his feet and pound on the door.

His heart was racing, brain throbbing and blood boiling. Whoever that was inside the locked room with his drugged baby was going to face the wrath of him.

