

Edward Mago was a 17 years old boy, currently running away from a 'species' he likes to call him. He doesn't want to talk nor he wants to interact with them in any way but here he was running with his head down trying to pry that man off as soon as possible.

Soon enough he spotted an alleyway with lots of music and lights coming out from before he can consider hiding the man he was running from was just near to catch him. Mago ran to the entrance but a bulky guy standing at the door didn't seem welcoming, he raised his hand out to stop Mago and Mago did.

"where to boy, not allowed, get out," he said checking the ID of some other member standing in a queue.

"at least let me answer........" he rolled his eyes and the guard glared at him momentarily already not liking the boy. Mago smiled sheepishly at him and glanced at his back then again at the guard, gestured to the man to lean who raised a brow at him but leaned down a little anyway.

"That man is following me, please save me, help me....please," Mago said in a whisper. The guard stood straight and eyed the man who was panting due to his run, he shrugged his shoulders and then continued his work.

Mago's jaw dropped at the deed,

The disrespect

The guard acted as if he didn't even exist in front of him, oh well he was only asking for some help, not for his kidney but people these days.

All of a sudden a chaos started at the entrance of the club when a man who didn't have his card started shouting to let him in, at the same time the man after Mago came near him to drag the boy but Mago snatched his hand and jumped in the fight, he knew what he was doing and as he planned, he was entered in the club with a hard push and a punch almost near his jaw and without anyone knowing.

That was rough

The man behind him shook his head in disappointment and took his wallet to pull out his Id, Mago felt speechless after knowing he is once again being followed by none other than his soon-to-be husband, he had to get out of here

But it doesn't seem easy considering the fact that the man was fast to catch up to him and now that he was inside, he ran deeper to hide behind those sweaty people.

Mago loved clubs, never been into one but still, he loved coming here, again he never had a chance to go to the club, he liked to get excited and crazy like most people who he has seen exiting out of the club drunk and stinky, but it was more entertaining and curious than to be disgusted.

But with the man hot on his tail, he wanted to keep his thoughts aside and find a suitable place where he can relax or at least get away but to his luck, he was caught.

And before he could decipher the way he was dragged, he was propped over on the tall-looking bar chair making his small legs dangle from the height.

Mago wasn't particularly tall, nor small, but his physique resembled somewhat of a middle schooler and let me tell you he was in high school and in his last year, and he was proud of it.

Anyone will be in his shoes because from what he suffered, that high school was an achievement he can receive an award for.

The man had a bruising grip over his arm and a charming smile adorning his stern features. 'The species' was smiling at his adorable behavior yet alarming him with a much-needed warning that any other stupid act will get him so bad.

Mago understood and sighed long before relaxing his body, the man left his arm, sitting on a stool opposite to him.

"Now...what is your problem Mago, why are you running away?" the man asked with a threatening glare challenging him to tell the real reason for the stunt he pulled.

You see Mago was minding his own business swinging on a swing in the park on his way home from school but then a bitch snitched on him and that he was somewhere he shouldn't be, which caused him to run from the man chasing him with a baseball bat.

The bat was not particularly for him, was going to be used if needed.

Who wants to get hit just because he had a little swing, but here he was now sitting there under the deadly glare of the man who has gotten rid of the bat, still he has muscles and those large hands which can cause his cheeks to sting for days. And mind you here we are talking about both cheeks of his face and of his round voluminous butt.

He was plotting a disturbing plan to again bolt for the door, counting what the odds can be, he devised a plan. It will take a minute to just rush to the door and through it and he-

"I will tell the guards that you are under age Mago, do you want to go to jail" the man already getting the hint of his action, or maybe his position of sitting on the stool gave it.

"no" he whispered, not wanting to go to jail.

"Now tell me......why did you come here......why are you running," he asked again placing his hand over the younger's knee, making him uncomfortable.

"I am not running Jana..... I just didn't like it at home.......and what is the problem if I am here" he asked pushing the hand away, crossing his legs with the utmost difficulty he raised his hand and gestured to the bartender to come to take his order. The bartender looked confused at him but came near.

He definitely looked like a teenager

Mago felt he achieved something when the bartender came his way, he placed his elbow over the counter before passing a smirk at Jana. He would smile and laugh at all the small things in his life like he had never experienced them before. Jana chuckled at his childish behavior, Mago was nothing but adorable in every way possible.

"you!....get me a ham and cheese with big cola, fries, and nuggets," Mago said still smirking while checking his nails like a diva. The bartender snickered at the boy and laughed silently.

"sir...I am sorry we don't serve this menu" the bartender said politely not to offend the smug boy in his own world.

"then get me the best that you have," he said while checking around the surroundings.

"Sure sir........we have Old Fashioned, Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Negroni, Moscow Mule and ..." the bartender was interrupted when Mago raised his hand like you do when you have a question regarding math You are afraid to ask the strict teacher.

"What are these....I..I don't know any of these" he said almost in a whisper. Jana, who was enjoying that little drama smiled at him before he glanced at the bartender waiting to get the order.

"get a soda for my princess" Jana ordered, the bartender left laughing silently and the younger rolled his eyes at the endearment.

"you are not for this world Mago......why don't you will be better if you listen to us...I can protect you baby" he said, and Mago glared at him.

"I don't want to marry you are the one not understanding it all....and I am not a baby that needs protection," said Mago a little loudly, pissing his soon-to-be husband with the aim to get attention around.

"you are a baby...and you need more than one hand to protect you sweetheart.....and tell me if you are not a baby then why the hell would you enter something like this place without any knowledge," Jana asked sighing loudly, he didn't want to hurt the younger, but Mago was tempting him to teach him a lesson.

"I am not... and come to think of it...why do you have a card of this place," Mago asked equally as if challenging, Jana laughed a little before continuing

"Because I am a member," he said briefly

"so you can come and I can't... it's fucking unfair" he said whining, pouting his lips, and unconsciously making Jana to pounce on him. Jana was mesmerized by the beauty Mago possessed, he couldn't get enough of the boy.

"I can make you a member if you listen to me," he said while standing up and coming near Mago. The whole purpose was to get the greedy boy what he wants before he can get what he wants. He placed his hands over the younger's shoulder and leaned down to his ear.

"marry me Mago........and I will give you whatever you want," he said near his ear, leaning down and nibbling on it with a little use of teeth.

A female waiter came out of nowhere slamming a tray over the counter and asking the bartender to hurry up. Both Mago and Jana looked at her when she picked up the filled tray and ran off. Jana was again focused on the younger but Mago was focused on the girl.

He wanted to get out of Jana's hold so much, not wanting that man to just touch as he pleases, he was terrified by the movement of the older man near him. Jana wasn't even hiding his intentions when he came near him, he just wanted to claim those sinful gorgeous lips and suck on them for his sanity.

Suddenly he pushed at the older's chest and got off the stool with hard efforts as Jana wasn't leaving him alone.

"I can't and I have so much difference between us... I can't marry you" he said still looking at the girl serving some drinks over an empty table. He frowned.

Why would she place those savories on an empty table?

"But why....and what difference are you talking about, there is no fucking difference, or is what Patty was saying is right you perhaps have a lover Mago?" he asked with a dangerous voice, face hardening with each word, Mago gulped nervously. This wasn't good he will get severely punished if he couldn't think of something fast.

"Mago!....I am asking you you have a lover?" he asked again warning the boy about what could go wrong if he didn't listen to him. when Mago didn't reply, a bad feeling emerged in his mind about the lover Mago could have. Mago on the other hand flinched at the harsh tone of Jana.

"i..i didn't want to tell you....but....but..." he couldn't find a suitable lie searching around for any inspiration when on a cue a bunch of men entered the club and a roar of excitement appeared around. The dance stopped and every one stood at attention, giving way to the big bulky expensive-looking men.

Jana also bowed his head when they walked passed them, a light bulb appeared over Mago's head.

Mago was surprised when all those good-looking bulky men settled themselves on that empty table the girl was serving drinks at. He never had a coincidence coming to a club and seeing these types of people.

Almost like a practice some strippers appeared and took their seats on the men's laps laughing and giggling when they said something. His train thoughts got disturbed when Jana pulled him towards himself.

"I am asking you last time Mago....tell me if you have a lover?" Jana asked closing the gap between the two. Mago was trapped, he wanted to be out and for that, he started to lie abruptly.

"yes, I do.... I.. I have a lover but you don't need to know who he is" he said composing himself if the truth came out he would be hit but if what he was going to do what he was thinking, he would be a dead meat for sure or maybe worse. The thought shot shudders in his body.

Jana laughed at him loudly, hitting his legs with force for how much funny Mago can be. when the fit of laughter was gone he stood up before looking around and then at Mago.

The younger was embarrassed because of the people looking their way like they were drunk or more like lunatics allowed in this prestigious club. embarrassing him with people around.

"you...omg, you have a lover...." He laughed again like a maniac "come on one can get near you with our family system....even your schooling is monitored by Patty" he said laughing loudly yet again. Mago in return scowled at him.

"I have...and I don't need to prove anybody," said Mago eyeing the men at the table. Who could be the best match for his miserable life he thought.

"oh really..... then why is he not with you, why are you alone and at my mercy love, ........knowing you, you could have run away far from us by now," he said pulling humor out of the situation so serious for Mago.

"oh I know.....pretty little lover boy doesn't have money to buy my prince anything he desires.....huh....cannot fulfill the wishes like I can right........oh yes....he can't even afford the club card for you to enjoy huh Mago?" Jana said laughing catching attention here and there.

People were now looking at them with interest, they were enjoying the free show they both displayed.

"he doesn't need the card like you do, he owns the club," Mago said and Jana's eyes darkened at him.

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