Chilli Bees

Chilli Bees

The door clicked open and a very serious-looking Mickey entered. The young boy rushed to his mattress, after locking the door behind it, and lifted it up to see an alone A3-sized thin file sitting there like usual.

Mickey stared at it for a second before pulling it out and emptying the content on his well-made mattress.

Just like he expected, there were two similar-looking papers made out of cheap quality standing out from the rest. Those papers had a bold heading on top of them which said ‘Sweet Apples child care’ and below them were the particulars of the adopted child.

Namely: Edward Mago and Mickey

Very suspiciously, the information Charlton provided and the information written on the certificate were almost similar. The only thing that was missing was the name of the parents of that three-year-old boy.

Probably Mago’s parents

Mickey sucked in a sharp breath knowing that his soulmate can be the boy some dangerous people are looking for and that fact made him somewhat uncomfortable.

“I have to protect my baby” he decided in his mind and placed the file under his mattress again. Mickey made up his mind to inform the king as soon as possible before getting his stuff and leaving the small apartment to follow after Kangsu. 

What he didn’t know was that a man in all black was following him with careful steps


The proposal of being secretary and boss was a total flop.

King assigned the boy with some duties like ‘arrange the files’ or ‘water my cactus plant on the balcony’ or ‘give your boss some wet kisses’ and Mago rolled his eyes every time, performing each duty but half-heartedly resulting in a crooked cactus plant, shuffled and disoriented files and a hickey below king’s ear.

The boy didn’t want to do this kind of work, he wanted to go everywhere with the king like Charlton did. He wanted to go to the basement.

That’s right.

Mago wanted to go to the basement where they kept the prisoners from the rebel group. He wanted to see the real business of mafia people with a hint of dark and brutal side. Sadly, he was never getting any chance.

The reason was the king himself.

The crime lord was an intelligent man and he knew what the boy was up to when he jumped right at the opportunity of being a secretary to the king. He might have thought that he would accompany the king everywhere considering he was the cute little secretary now.

And secretaries are supposed to follow their bosses right?

But not on the king’s watch.

People down there were dangerous and he could not let his sexy boyfriend walk right into their hands like a waddling duck.

So, to prevent that, King always sneaked his way out of the office after busying Mago with some unnecessary tasks while Charlton helped him since he was involved in that plan.

But Mago has had enough. The plan of the king to stop him from going down to the basement was getting on his nerves. He wanted to just see how they work when they deal with such matters and maybe get a little thrill out of it.

What’s so wrong with that?

Maybe he wouldn’t have known until fate wanted to be on his side, one fine afternoon.

It was just another day when Mago was resting on the couch of the king’s office upside down, using his phone in a very bad mood when he was called for another order.

The boy knew instantly that the king was going to ditch him.

“come here” he heard the older and rolled his eyes before getting up sluggishly and walking towards the older sitting at his desk.

“what now?” he asked not in a mood to play. King chuckled at him and pulled him closer by his waist until the boy was half-leaning on him.

“Why so sad?” he asked after pecking the younger’s lips twice.

“you won’t let me go down there” Mago mumbled truthfully and in return heard a very hearty laugh from the older. The boy was the cutest being and it was fatal for the king’s love-stuck heart.

“I will, whenever you want to go” he replied and Mago narrowed his eyes at the older not believing that shit again.

“right now then. I want to go right now” the boy said testing the waters and getting a few more kisses on his plump lips.

“get me a beer and we will go right now okay?” King coaxed and Mago jumped excitedly. He kissed the mafia boss as a reward and rushed out of the room to get the desired drink.

After reaching the kitchen, the boy quickly looked for beer. When he found none left in the designated rack, he picked a full one-litre carton of milk from the fridge and rushed back to the office in the hope to go the basement he had desired for too long now.

But due to his bad luck and rising betrayal, the crime lord was not in the office and his little minion Charlton was missing too.

Mago was fuming by now.

That’s enough of his boyfriend’s treachery, now he will have to deal with the wrath of Edward Mago.


“what does he want!” King roared, referring to the man who ordered to explode the warehouse, as he bent forward on the chair Mark was sitting at. The said man felt his bladder shaking with so much fear. He was not supposed to tell anything but with the way the crime lord was glaring at him, he didn’t even know it was king anymore.

The man had a straight face but an expression you can only substitute for death. He killed many men in a period of one hour and still looked thirsty for blood.

Mark was trembling in fear but he was adamant on not opening his mouth at any cost. He was trained to bear any kind of torture after all.

“Tell m--..” King’s question was left unspoken when they heard a loud bang outside the torture cell. King gestured for Charlton to check the door and turned back to continue with his investigation towards Mark with his previous question

“tell me--…” King started again but he was again interrupted but this time the commotion outside was getting louder. King frowned and stood straight making Mark to heave a sigh from his bloody nose.

The door opened and Charlton came in

“what is going on Charlton?” King asked a little irritated but soon his eyes widened when he heard the familiar series of curse words as he watched Charlton come back with a fussy Mago in his grip.

The boy was hanging like a rag doll in Charlton’s arm with one hand holding a carton of milk and the other holding Charlton’s side.

“put me down” Mago whined and Charlton placed him on the bloody ground. The boy huffed pushing the milk carton into Charlton’s chest and then quieted down completely. He looked around the dark room a little mesmerized and scared altogether.

The room looked like it came out of a crime movie

The floor was bloody with several dead bodies littering it, two of the men were hanging from the ceiling and four were hurled towards the left corner of the room while Mark sat in the centre.

Mago scrutinized Mark with his curious glare before ignoring his existence completely and venturing forward to his adventure cave.

The young boy was scared by the weird atmosphere of the room but his excitement never left its pique. He looked around the tables with many types of weapons as he examined each of them with great care.

The room was silent. Everyone including the crime lord was watching that beautiful boy, who was wearing some very expensive-looking oversized clothes and huge duck slippers, curiously checking everything out just like a kitten.

A small, furious kitten

He picked, sniffed and dropped different lethal objects while walking backwards, slowly, until his back pressed with some hard and broad chest.

Uh oh

His sixth sense told him that it wasn’t a good sign.

“what are you doing here?” Mago heard at his back and instantly closed his eyes for the worst to come.

“I….uh….I…I” he stuttered badly as he felt King earing his neck.

“what are you doing here boy?” Mago heard the change of tone and he was sure the man behind was getting mad.

Mago has to do something to stop that.

“What is that?” he asked instead of answering while pointing at the weird-looking sharp blade. King didn’t answer though, he held Mago’s waist tightly and turned his around rather harshly.

“what are you doing here?” King asked slowly putting pressure on each word as his eyes darkened with something bad.

Mago could sense his downfall coming

“f-first answer me,” he asked bravely still pointing at the blade while staring back at King who looked like he would open his mouth and bite the boy before gulping him down.

“pleasey” Mago mumbled. King glared at him with anger bubbling inside him, as he poked his cheek with his tongue, and glanced at the pointed object for a second.

“It’s an antique blade, the sharpest and strongest of them all” King explained in full description not leaving anything to question any further.

“Now tell me,….what are you----…” King started but Mago jumped right in the middle of his sentence and commented on him out of nowhere.

“you have a very old and boring style of torture” Mago blurted out making King stare at him for a while. Mark was watching the interaction between King and that cute-looking boy and he was happy to see the comedy skit after getting beaten up for a day long.

“What?” King asked with a warning

Mago shrugged in return getting out of the king’s grip forcefully.

“I mean this is old style like in movies and stuff. It can only make him bleed or lose a limb or two for which he might be ready from the start” Mago stated and the room went quiet all of a sudden.

Mark felt like he was exposed about his deepest darkest secret in front of his bratty friends, his eyes turned red as he averted his gaze when the king glanced his way.

Mago was sharp, King thought

The crime lord was famous for his brutal killing style. The man never showed mercy even if it was the person he cared for once. From a small knife blade to a giant-sized hammer, King has used everything that he deemed necessary.

And he never listened to anybody, never.

But now that his boyfriend is here to add some new stuff, King allowed his baby a chance and got all ready to hear what Mago wanted to suggest.

Loving such a pretty creature can do that to you.

“Oh, really, then what do you suggest?” King asked purposefully seeing how the expression of something close to crying crossed Mark’s face.

“oh? Ummmm……let’s put some chilli powder in his eyes! until he speaks or…or we can attack him with some angry bees in his hair until he tells you what is needed!!” Mago yelled with excitement while clapping his hands as he was pulled by his waist again to be in the king’s hold.

Charlton coughed, being stunned for a second before he composed himself.

“hmm not bad.” The mafia boss agreed nuzzling his nose in Mago’s neck from his side.

“Let’s try the first option……..get me some chilli powder” The order was received to Mark’s bad luck and his eyes were already getting watery at the thought of it.

Charlton watched in amusement how Mark had started to squirm being pale all of a sudden.

He struggled with the ties around his arms and legs and looked around in hopes of getting something that could help him.

The boss has paid him enough for the explosion, and warned and trained him about the tortures he might face but being blinded by red chilli powder in his eyes was not in the contract.

Not at all

Hence the contract is nullified.

“I don’t know who he is!!!!!!!!” Mark screamed at the top of his lungs when his eyes met with the mountain of chilli powder set on the table by a man.

Well that was quick 

King raised his brow securing Mago tightly in his big arms as he was trying to touch a metal chain with small spikes on it.

The boy was curious to the point he could hurt himself. He was busy with other things around after giving one of the deadliest suggestions to kill someone. 

He was the mafia’s baby after all

“what’s his name?” Charlton asked and Mark shook his head furiously

“I don’t know anything about him” he said pleading for his life.

“That’s not true now is it?” King asked as he gestured to a man to remove the stuff from the table Mago was being so intrigued about. The man did as he was told making Mago scowl at King.

“We call him boss and he orders us through a messenger. No call or message or any other source of communication.” Mark recited with the hope that he would be left alive.

Oh how wrong he was

“And?” Charlton asked not believing that It could be all he knew.

“We are not allowed to send any message back. He said that he knows everything that is going on and we don’t need to update him” he finished with a tired sigh.

And in the next moment, Mark was dead with a bullet hole in his forehead.

Mago flinched in the king’s hold hearing the gunshot very near to his ear and cowered back until he was pressed against the king’s chest completely. The older barked some orders and picked the scared Mago up in his arms before leaving the room, followed by Charlton.


thank you for reading
