Nosy nose

Nosy nose

Patty landed on the ground with a thud as she winced loudly holding her jaw. In the second she felt a weight over her torso, opening her eyes she met with the roaring Mago who has raised his small hands to punch her again.

And punch he delivered earning a satisfied painful moan with a series of traditional curse words used in their family.

"fuck!!!......get off me you fucking bitch.... get off me!!!" she cried while trying to hold the out-of-control angry arms of the younger she has triggered.

Mickey watched them both on the ground with a saddened and angry look. Being used to such words as 'abandon' or 'orphan' was normal for Mickey but for Mago?..... Mago was hella sensitive when it comes to this.

The young boy lacked in many ways in terms of his adoptive family, unlike Mickey who somewhat has a decent family. And although Mickey was there whenever Mago needed him, but sometimes it wasn't possible and Mago had to suffer alone.

In Mickey's view, Patty deserved what she was given by his baby tiger. It is not going to reduce the amount of hurt they both felt, specially Mago, but it can surely close her mouth for a short while when it is bruised and swollen enough to be close.

Normally Mickey would never let Mago fight her because she was dirty in her tricks but today he felt the need to kick-slap her himself after Mago is done.

And that raging small male was doing his job just fine.

Mago punched her left and right with his small fists, pulled at her hair and scratched her face until he was satisfied by the time Mago leaned back, she had a bloody nose, a busted lip that was going to be swollen for sure and a purple jaw that she was exercising profusely for swearing at him.

Hearing her curse, was itself a therapy

"fucking get off me Mago!!!!!......get off me you fucking shit!!!!" Patty cried in pain while screaming as she flayed her arms on the ground to get a hold of something. Soon her hands reached for a small-sized rock and she grasped it to use it as a weapon for the younger.

Raising her hand, she was ready to smash the small rock at Mago's face when Mickey held her hand. He snatched the rock from her grasp and shoved her hands down with a glare.

"don't you fucking dare!" Mickey threatened her with a dangerous stare, challenging her to disobey and see what happens.

Mago wasn't aware when Patty held onto that rock. He was oblivious to the fact that his beautiful face was the target of that brutal act but when Mickey came to his rescue and shoved her and her plan to the ground, Mago caught up to the situation quickly.

She played it dirty

Chris's family was fucking crazy!!!

After what Mickey did for his friend, she looked at her back up and those people who were introduced as her friends, shockingly, smirked at her before marching away, humming a song she has never heard of.

Fucking traitors!!

"come on baby...she isn't worth it.... let's go," Mickey said looking at Mago who was looking up innocently listening to his friend.

"b...but I am not done yet" Mago replied cutely and Mickey already knew what he was up to. Surprisingly, Patty also had a pretty good idea about what Mago was talking about.

Mago grinned at her devilishly seeing her widening her eyes with the confirmation of the younger boy's intention. All her efforts went in vain when Mago held her both arms and tucked them under his knees on her side while he sat on her torso.

"don't you fucking dare you motherfucker.....I swear if I get a hold of you I will fucking kill you!!!" she threatened desperately trying to get away with that evil beauty sitting on his conquered throne.

And what might it be that scared her to death you ask.


"aww don't be like this deserve your nose to be bitten off after you poke it in my business now don't you..." Mago asked innocently but his eyes showed a devil Patty wanted to get away with.

"no!! you psycho let go!!!!" she screamed angrily, eyes dark and nose flaring.

"no way bitch!" Mago shouted having enough of her misbehaviour, he held her face tightly and leaned down before he opened his mouth to nip at her arrogant, nosy nose between his teeth.

Maybe the luck was on Patty's side because Mago was grabbed by two big manly hands from his middle in the middle of his act right before he could close his mouth around that wicked nose and was hoisted upwards from her body.

Being lifted, Mago thrashed hard so he could escape someone who was behind him until he was pulled back into a hard chest.

Mickey rushed to his side but to his demise, Patty kicked him on his shin and made him stumble on the ground. She didn't waste a single minute before tackling Mickey down, slapping and fisting him.

Mago watched Mickey falling down and he struggled harder.

"let go I have to teach her a lesson in her life let go!!!!!" Mago screamed halfway in the air as he kicked his legs upwards. He was so enraged that he couldn't even decipher the hold on his bruised body getting tightened.

"calm down baby....calm down shh shh..." he heard a voice behind his ears and Mago stopped his movements to look at his back.


Sometime earlier, three SUV's stopped near the premises of the school Mago attended but at a little distance. King stepped out of the car and looked around the area, easily finding the one he was looking for.

Sitting over a girl who was apparently cursing his life out

Charlton also followed his gaze and his first reaction was to look at the king for orders. The king, though, didn't even bat an eye. Sluggishly, he pulled out a stick of cigarette from his inner pocket and ignited it calmly. Taking a drag, he leaned back on the car stylishly and watched the free show with amusement.

A show of his apparent boyfriend beating someone up while sitting on their body

Soon enough he witnessed another man, around his own age or maybe a little younger than him, with Mago. It was then he threw his half-finished cigarette on the ground and pressed his boot over it before marching towards the small crowd, all his men following him.


"let go Jana!!!!.....let me go and I will tell her what an orphan can do...let go!!!!!!!" Mago screamed and screamed looking at his friend and Patty rolling on the floor but the one who was holding him kept nuzzling his neck from his back, not even considering the fact that he was hurting the boy.

It was a long since they were together last

"Ahem!!" Charlton cleared his throat loudly taking everyone's attention who all were busy with their important tasks. Patty and Jana looked like they have seen a ghost in front of them as their eyes went wide when they rested upon the crime lord while Mickey stood up on the ground after pushing Patty away.

King watched them all with an unamused look, contemplating whether it was worth it to get involved in all this just for the sake of that beautiful boy who has weakened his heart selfishly.

Now that he thought about it, his eyes landed on the hands that were wrapped around his boy's waist by that unknown man.

It was not okay

The man wasn't allowed to touch Mago

"give him to me," he said, voice thick with a screaming danger that had Patty's leg trembling making Mickey smirk at her.

"huh?" Jana uttered not understanding at first

"I said.... give him to me," the king said slowly, putting emphasis on each word while he glared daggers into Jana's eyes.

In an instant, Mago was released and before Mago could do anything, King grabbed his waist and pulled him to his side.

"Are you hurt?" King asked audibly for everyone to hear and pray for their future if the boy said yes.

Mago looked up at King after hearing his question and then looked back at Patty. He struggled to get away but the king didn't let him.

"I asked you something," the king said again but a little roughly.

Mago needs to learn to obey the king or else.....

"She hurt Mickey and I have to do the same to her..." Mago muttered making King roll his eyes. He glanced at Mickey who nodded his head, ensuring that he was alright and King nodded back.

"let's go "King announced and his men straightened taking his order.

" I....I have to kill her" Mago said being dragged away from his friend and so-called family, his hands patting the king's hand wrapped around his own waist. King chuckled at his response.

"no one is killing anyone baby boy......we are leaving," the king said opening the door of his side of the car and pushing Mago inside who didn't let him.

"but that's not fair..." he protested against King making King pick him up and throw him inside the car roughly.

"hey!!" Mago whined

"everything is fair in my world sweets.... now get in," he said while sitting inside and closing the door. Mago kept babbling, wanting to go back to Mickey to see if he was alright while King watched Patty and Jana with an unreadable gaze, thinking something about them.


"I want him fucking gone and gone right now!!" Kangsu screamed as he banged his fists on the round table. The man standing near the window hissed annoyed and looked back at him.

"don't shout.....I don't have patience for you" he said

"do you understand what he did....he embarrassed me and killed the rebel group with flying colours" Kangsu replied enraged.

Why wasn't his insult taken seriously?

"I knew he would do that.....there is no doubt in his abilities.......he is the king of this mafia after all," the man said

"don't sing his praises in front of me.....I just want him gone and before that.....I want him on his knees in front of me" Kangsu said angrily making the other roll his eyes at him

"I am just stating the fact Kangsu.........just don't give him another chance to throw you out and if he did that...I won't be able to help you" the man replied calmly making Kangsu's blood boil.

"fine do whatever you want....I just want my throne" the old man said defeatedly

"it's not yours in the first place........" a third voice interrupted gaining a death glare from the old man.

"Watch your tongue before I cut it off" Kangsu threatened.

The man at the window sighed heavily at them both and walked towards the table they were sitting at.

"This is why we are nowhere his brilliant mind.....he has a group of people who obeys him and are efficient in every way but what do I have? A bunch of stupid old hags who are fighting over a beautiful boy and a fucking throne? What is wrong with you people?" the man asked madly and left the room after taking his coat.

"This is all because of you," Kangsu said standing up from his place.

"yeah sure" the third man replied boringly.


"you look so wild like a baby tiger when you fight" King commented after they entered the room. He was forced to answer after he ignored Mago for the whole ride. Mago pouted and then shoved his pout at the king's face to let him know that he was the reason.

And why did King even bother?

Well because the boy pouted while sitting on his lap, facing him and the king couldn't help but surrender.

He was getting weak for the boy

"I know is my best move to bite the nose know like a cherry on top style," Mago said looking at his nails like a diva. King chuckled at him and his cuteness. The younger was hurt but still, his adorableness was never fading.

"you should learn it too" Mago offered and King shook his head not agreeing.

"let me teach you," Mago said agreeing on his own while he pushed King's huge body compared to him on the bed.

With a lot of struggle

As soon as King fell on the bed, Mago straddled his waist, adjusting himself and making King moan internally. When Mago was comfortable, King subtly placed his hands over Mago's hips and waited for his next move.

"you see it is simple....very just hold your opponent's face like this...." Mago said cupping King's face gently while the other watched him in trance.

Oh how beautiful this boy is

".....I am holding it softly but you do it tightly okay? they won't move..." the younger instructed gaining a nod from the older.

A nod with a wish to eat that boy alive

"...and then you just lean in and bit-.." Mago was cut off suddenly, his eyes wide the size of a gold ball staring down at King while the other fell back on the bed smirking after he pecked Mago on his lips.

thanking you for reading 😏🥰
