Sting on My Butt

                               Sting on My Butt

"so, you are starting to like him huh?" Mago asked with a teasing smile while munching on the Mickey Mouse cookies he had on his plate. The boy had successfully achieved a delightful treat after Jayce came out of his initial shock and scurried them out of the kitchen. He promised to deliver the cookies in fifteen minutes if both the boys left the kitchen without protest.

Mago had complied, without a fuss, only because Mickey insisted, otherwise.... We know how Mago is.

The cookies were delivered to the living area in record time and Mago jumped to taste them in record time too. The younger of the soulmates was cuddled against Mickey's chest with his legs dangling from the couch while the older took slow sips from his hot chocolate.

"I don't know yet. But there is something.......I mean, I don't want to strangle him to death or press a pillow on his face while he sleeps anymore. It's like I am more relaxed and can put my guard down in his presence." Mickey shrugged his shoulder as he swiftly snatched the last piece of cookie in Mago's hand.

The younger listened carefully and didn't bother to look back at his friend when his cookie was gone. Instead, he leaned forward and picked another one, broke it in half and took a huge bite out of it.

"you know what I mean right?" Mickey asked dusting his hands, he circled Mago's waist carefully and pulled the boy closer to him.

"I know ...." Mago started with a hum, sitting up, he turned around to come face to face with his friend. Their eyes met and Mickey smiled instantly.

Mago had that effect on everyone lately.

".....and I think, you don't have to think over it more than you should Mickey. Jana is a fucking piece of shit, it takes more than patience and lots of time to take a liking to such type of men...." Mago delivered his opinion with an open mind, he wasn't the type to paint an unreal picture when it comes to people whose traits and character, merging with your life, can hurt you in the future.

Besides, it was a matter of his friend's heart. Every step and every opinion accounted for responsibility.

"'s so early to find an answer to your feelings. My stupid brother is a record-breaking jerk, he is hurt because of his freaky family and he is seeking some sort of closer. Let's just sympathise with him and not indulge until his intentions are clear" Mago finished with an adorably serious face staring at the other. Mickey couldn't help but reach out to pinch his cheeks.

"you are right. I shouldn't find an answer yet" Mickey concluded with a smile taking the final sip of his beverage and Mago returned a grin, slumping back against Mickey's chest.

"that's fucking right. Take your own advice and sort your feelings out.........take your time, we are fucking young and have a long life ahead. There is no hurry" Mickey chuckled at his buddy and squeezed Mago in his hold, earning a small grunt from the boy. Mago was right in every word he said which made Mickey satisfied and relieved that a burden was off his shoulders.

"Yeah, there is no hurry to get heartbroken by that scum at least" he added, agreeing to his friend fully and Mago giggled in return.

"oh! he can't fucking hurt a hair on you....." Mago chirped, taking Mickey's attention who was reaching for a cup of jelly on the table, while he sat up facing the older again. Mickey looked at Mago with a confused frown but soon that frown was replaced with a surprised raise of brow with Mago's next words.

"The tables have turned Mickey......your best friend here is a fucking Queen of the biggest Mafia now and Jana is a fucking vulnerable shit. He is a fucking orphan, there is no crackhead of a father and no bitch of sister that would come to his defence.... anymore" The boy exclaimed excitedly, with a grin resembling a devil child on his adorable face.

Mickey snickered at what Mago said, shaking his head, while he slowly scooped a spoon full of jelly.

This is what he missed so much in the past few busy days. Mago was a soft ball of fluff but that mouth of him was a total opposite, it wasn't new to Mickey but it was still as entertaining as it was before.

"if he ever tried to hurt you or break your heart or did something stupid, then I am gonna break his jaw and align all his teeth in a fucking parade." Mago finished with mischievous eyes as he rubbed his small hands together as if planning a war. Mickey chuckled at the violent threat directed at Jana as he slurped the jiggly substance on the spoon, scooping another one for Mago.

"People don't call me dangerous for fucking nothing....." Mago added another dialogue, boasting his true status and false label of 'dangerous' as he flipped his long growing hair like a sassy diva before opening his mouth wide for Mickey to feed him.

Mickey laughed this time, feeding Mago and then wiping his face where a residue of cookie crumbs resided.

"My baby here is pretty mature now that he is a part of the Mafia" the older complimented with a happy laugh, he then leaned forward to take Mago's chubby cheek between his lips and suck bit him playfully.

The boy whined, protesting and rubbing at the reddening spot.

"I know right, tell that to my dumb king as well now that you have discovered. I can be mature when I fucking want to but you all treat me like a fucking baby." Mago grumbled playfully, he mimicked Mickey's tone while he played with the latter's long pendant hanging around his neck and reaching his stomach.

"of course, of fiery baby" the older chuckled humorously, scooping another spoon full.

"I am serious you punk, I am pretty dangerous when it comes to you" Mago insisted on his point seriously and it did nothing but make Mickey laugh more.

Mickey was proud of Mago.

"you are gonna put me before your brother?" he asked prodding the younger's lips with the cold spoon full of tangy jelly, compelling him to open his mouth, and the boy nodded without hesitation.

"of fucking course. He isn't my blood brother firstly and secondly, you come first before any other fucking human are my better half" the boy stated as a matter of fact.

"better half huh?" Mickey opted for a teasing tone, laughing again when Mago nodded his head in affirmation.

"That's right, my better half. If I am a bread then you gotta be my butter, ......if I am a cannon then you gotta be my cannonball,...... if I am a bee then you gotta be the fucking sting on my butt" Mago was serious in projecting the reality of Mickey's importance in his life that he didn't even care how hard Mickey was laughing by now.

The older had one hand over his stomach, the other holding the jelly cup, and his head tilted back as he laughed. Mago didn't find it funny, he was serious in what he said but Mickey somehow found it funny.

"I am serious" Mago whined, snatching the cup from Mickey before stuffing his mouth with jelly, grumbling in annoyance.

"I-I know" Mickey could only manage that.


"TADAA!!!" King looked up at the source of that loud happy yell and smiled instantly. In his sight was standing Mago, with a large shirt covering his small body and his duck slippers adorning his small feet. Freshly washed long hair, which he hasn't cut for a long while now, fell over his face, cheeks blotched pink and a happy smile resting over his thick lip, Mago looked like a doll.

"the timer hasn't gone off, which means, I am done washing under twenty minutes" the boy announced his success as he sauntered towards the dresser to check on his phone. There were still two minutes and fifty-three seconds left.

King, on the other hand, chuckled tiredly, he rubbed his face up and down and placed his phone aside on which he was working earlier. Eyes following his boy walking leisurely towards the mirror, King fixed his gaze on the wet back of the shirt that clung to Mago's body like a second skin.

"washing up under twenty minutes is a big deal?" he asked watching Mago through the mirror, seeing Mago smile at the question made King smile as well.

"It is. Not many people can do this shit...... Ask anyone" Mago threw a random challenge as he turned to face King, turning his body fully. The boy was unaware of his clothing situation, a dark-coloured shirt that clung to him for dear life, perfectly complimenting his pale complexion and making his curves prominent, was provoking something evil in King's core.

"come here" King called, gesturing to Mago with his finger and then patting his lap. The boy rolled his eyes before he made his way to the bed where the older was. All that while, King gazed at his lovely boyfriend from head to toe. After being pregnant, Mago gained weight, he was fuller and thicker in all the right places which made his curves more defined.

The younger was getting squishy, a little round and soft and all King wanted was to squeeze him and then gobble him up.

As soon as Mago reached in king's reach, the man didn't waste any more seconds and pulled the boy on his lap. The younger was quick in straddling King and placed his small paws over King's chest, he squirmed until he was adjusted and was in his desired position.

"Ah! It was a long and tiring day. I am so tired" King sighed, satisfied to have his boy close to him, as he griped at Mago's hips, squeezed there before caressing his sides up and down.

"I know right? But unlike you, I had a fucking blast with Mickey and Mr Ash." The boy started again like a broken record not noticing how King's mood changed after Mago mentioned Jayce. Earlier at the dinner table, Mr Xavier had asked Jayce about Garry and Jayce wasn't able to provide any justifiable answer, that behaviour irked King so much that he spent the rest of his dinner quietly.

But now that topic was once again in his mind because of Mago.

"you know he is so good in everything. The Mickey Mouse cookies he made were so good" Mago continued but King didn't reply nor did he interrupt the younger. The crime lord was nonchalant, he simply averted his gaze to other eye-catching things in the room to avoid looking at Mago.

Mago noticed the visible behaviour change finally and stopped. He knew how much King despised both brothers and hated every talk which had their names in it, it was bound to ruin his mood

The younger found himself at fault and quickly dropped the topic. Placing his small hands around King's bare shoulders, the boy raised himself on his knees and started to massage King's knotted muscles under his gentle care.

King was aware of what Mago was doing and honestly, he wasn't mad at his baby boy at all but the way Mago was silently asking for forgiveness by acting cute and small, King decided to guilt trip the boy and cash himself some sexy times.

So for that, he opted to stay quiet and not meet eyes with Mago.

"I am sorry...I won't talk about him anymore" Mago apologized but King didn't respond instead, he dramatically turned his face away with a huff. Mago giggled at King and his antics, he then swiftly cupped King's cheeks in between his palms and placed a tiny kiss along the older's jaw. King pressed his lips tight to hold in his smile but his hands around Mago tightened involuntarily making.

Mago noticed it.


"I am sorry king. Forgive me pleasey...." Mago dragged the words with a pouty mouth, playing wounded puppy, as he placed another kiss at the corner of King's mouth. The older had a hard time keeping his composure by now, it was already torturing enough the way Mago had dressed himself and now that he was slowly moving, grazing King subtly with his sinful body while apologizing, it was becoming impossible not to pounce on that baby boy.

"I love you" Mago whispered and all hell broke loose. King was fast in pulling the boy by his nape and crashing their lips together. He pulled Mago closer to his body so that their chests were touching while he devoured that hot cavern of his small boyfriend.

After an initial gasp and squeal, Mago reciprocated the kiss as much as he could. He didn't know why but even after all this time with King, Mago wasn't able to keep up when it came to make out. King was like a wild beast in bed, he was insatiable and had a huge greed for squeezing Younger's fragile body in his big palms.

Mago was thinking of pushing King so he could get a chance to breathe but to his amazement, he was under King in a snap of a moment and was gawking at the older with his mouth open. It wasn't new to getting manhandled like that, but still, it took Mago's breath away each time.

"I love you more but that doesn't mean that you get to have forgiveness, you think you can get it easily" the crime lord surfaced on King's face as he spoke those words with a devilish smirk on his features.

"oh!? then what can get you off of me, you little shit" Mago sassed back, tone with hidden playfulness that King was very familiar with.

"let me," King said suggestively, eyes racking over Mago's form.

"weren't you tired just a few minutes ago?" the boy raised his brow, accusing King of the sudden change of mind.

King only chuckled darkly, orbs dilated with need.

"not anymore" he rasped and then travelled his big hands towards that perky ass of the younger and gave it a firm squeeze earning himself a curse. The boy swatted at King's hands roughly and glared at the older with a narrowed gaze.

"no way you are going near my ass, you punk-ass," Mago stated as a matter of fact while still glaring at King.

"why not baby? That fine peach of yours is so squishy, I could play with it all day every day" King muttered before he leaned down and stuffed his face in Mago's neck. Sniffing that baby scent intoxicated him, King started to lick and kiss there softly.

"it's because I still have that bite mark on my left butt cheek where you dug your teeth last time" Mago complained with a whine but then moaned, weaving his small fingers in King's locks, when King nipped at his skin for a little revenge.

"I won't do it again, I promise" the crime lord promised, licking a fat stripe from Mago's neck\to his ear before taking his lobe in between teeth and sucking on it. The younger shuddered as he felt neediness swirling in the pit of his stomach.

Pregnancy already had many creative effects on him and one of them was being turned on with the slightest manipulation. Maybe King has learnt more about it than Mago because he was full-on using it to his advantage.

"a-and if you did?" Mago asked breathing heavily. King smirked in victory as he kept on dragging kisses along Mago's neck to his chest.

"Then you can mark my ass with your teeth. Now come here...." King has had enough. With those words said, he captured Mago's mouth between his lips and cupped the younger's ass. There was no stopping king now that he was given permission and Mago regretted it later in the night when his right butt cheek also supported a similar mark to the left one.

King was a fucking liar.


