Sinful Jelly

Sinful Jelly

He sighed heavily, sitting back on his comfortable office chair after a long ass day. A crystal clear glass of whisky sitting over his table, waiting for the boss to give it his attention, as he recalled his all-day activities until now.

Something unusual happened today. The day was different from all the chaotic life he lives every day which includes killing, visiting headquarters, tracking sources for the rebel group or calendaring his shipments.

But the morning started with someone screaming while rushing and rambling about being late for school.

How iconic

The crime lord seated there smiled to himself as he picked up his glass to wet his throat. He chuckled quietly looking out the large window in his office, reminiscing the moment when Mago morphed his expression into the cutest puppy ever and asked for the older's help.

Mago was so beautiful, he possessed the beauty king had never seen before. At breakfast, the way he was adorned in king's clothes made him look so soft and vulnerable. The way he used the word 'boyfriend' did something to the king's heart that he wanted to protect him from the world and eat him up at the same time. The way his plump lips pouted after every word he said sent shivers down the king's spine.

Oh, how he would love to see a teary-eyed Mago sitting on his knees, begging him for mercy, while his lips are wrapped around his ........knock?

Wait what

King looked around to find himself in his office, in his chair with a glass of whisky gripped tightly in his hand, almost on the verge of breaking. Straightening, he composed himself before giving permission to enter whoever was there outside the door.

Charlton entered the room with his tab in his hand as he walked forward near the table king was sitting at. He looked at the king silently asking if he was allowed to talk. The boss nodded his head once giving the approval.

"the route is clear for the supply vehicles, a new order is placed for twenty million of worth, others are informed for the upcoming meeting,....... and Kangsu tried to reach out, asking for a new meeting," Charlton said all professionally as he completed, ready to take further orders.

"the bodies at the station?" the king asked after he nodded at the report Charlton provided.

"all clear" Charlton replied curtly

"Kangsu and his whereabouts?" the king asked again standing up from his place while finishing his remaining drink in a gulp making the other stand alert on his spot.

"nothing suspicious or concerning ........he is clear for now" Charlton replied following King with his eyes as he watched his boss who stopped near the window to look at the busy roads down.

"hm......that's it for today then.... oh yes! What about that boy?" the king asked turning towards Charlton, pretending as if he wasn't the one thinking about 'that boy' and smiling to himself a few minutes ago.

"he must have left his school by now..." Charlton said looking down at his tab, and pressing a few options on the screen "...and now he is under some bridge near his foster home" he continued, looking back at his boss.

King hummed again, straightened his jacket, picked his device from the table, and walked towards the exit, Charlton following him.

"let's get him and go home......I have a meeting with Father after dinner" the king said marching down the corridor, his strict features showing his dominance as every other person working left his way and scattered aside.

No one messes with king

That was the power Charlton was proud to be a part of.


"What happened to you?" it was the first thing king asked when they reached where the boys were resting, tangled with each other's limbs. King looked furious after seeing a bruised Mago, this was the second time that he has seen this boy hurt.

Was it because he was a troublemaker or something else?

"nothing" Mago muttered springing off from his place between Mickey's legs, Mickey following too. The young boy was ready to go home but the circumstances told him otherwise.

"what do you mean 'nothing'....who did this?" the king asked with his eyebrows furrowed, a little warning behind his tone that gave chills to Mago and Mickey. It was the first time that Mickey has witnessed King and he had to admit that the rumours about him being dangerous with just how he looked were true.

King was mad and for what reason nobody knew, not even him but Mago wasn't in any mood to cope with anger issues right now.

"don't get your panties in a twist.... nothing happened and no one did anything to me" Mago replied, dismissing the subject at hand all on his own. He took small steps towards the car, his body was hurt and nothing will comfort him more than a bed and that was what exactly he was going for.

Mickey looked shocked at what Mago said out loud, not even batting an eye before he bluntly insulted someone everyone feared for a reason. Was he lucky or stupid?

Stupid is the best possible option because in a second, Mago winced loud when the king pulled him to his sturdy chest by grabbing his arm with a tight force, his eyes glaring daggers in Mago's soul and face strict with veins popping under his neck.

"don't test my nerve boy....answer my question or else..." King threatened to make Mago gulp all his bravery in a single go. The hard grip over his already hurting arm was dangerously tight, stopping his blood supply, Mago shivered looking back at the king but not saying anything.

Stubborn, that's what Mickey thought of him and before the situation gets out of hand and Mago gets in serious trouble because of his mulishness, he took matters into his own hand.

"We were jumped by a group of lackeys king.........they came out of nowhere so we couldn't counter efficiently" Mickey explained with his breath stuck in his throat at how lethal the king looked when he directed his glare at Mickey.

"Mickey!!!" Mago whined surprised feeling like he was betrayed of some sort. He tried to reach out to his friend but then he was pulled back in an instant with a heavy hand around his waist now, Mago gasped lowly when the king tightened his grip around him.

"It's for better me," Mickey said apologetically knowing how much Mago hated his act right now. The younger didn't like when people pry into his personal matters or ask him questions about the matters he didn't want to share.

"get in the car" King ordered and Mago looked at him with a raised brow. Oh no...the first argument was lost by Mickey the traitor but he won't ever lose the second one that easily.

"no.." he said with eyebrows still raised as if challenging the crime lord. King smirked darkly before he bent down and picked Mago over his shoulder gaining a shriek in response.

"put me down you fucking asshole!!!!!!" he shouted trying to kick and punch but his movements were seized when his legs were grabbed by the king as he marched powerfully towards his car. Being imbalanced, Mago placed his hands on the king's back and continued to swear louder than before.

King appreciated Mickey's honesty and help towards his stupid friend and just for that, they nodded at each other as acknowledgement, agreeing on their shared interest regarding Mago.

There was one thing though that didn't settle with the king about Mickey. The way they were cuddling under the bridge and how Mickey called Mago 'baby' was a little confusing. Were they in a relationship?

Charlton opened the door and the king threw Mago inside before he got inside too and closed the door shut, muffling Mago's swearing to the outer world.

The engine roared to life and the journey started. They left at the speed of light leaving Mickey standing there with an amused expression on his face.

He felt something good about their interaction.


Mago was already asleep when they reached their destination. Poor boy has suffered so much that exhaustion took its control over him and after a while of spurting nonsense, he was knocked out in the car.

Shaking him awake, the king left the car leaving Mago to come inside on his own. The boy yawned cutely and stretched sexily after he exited the vehicle, all the guards standing there gawking at him with something they wouldn't want their king to know.

When inside, he saw an elderly woman walking towards him with a concerned look on her face. She examined Mago and reached her hand out to caress his face.

"oh lord......this might be hurting......" she commented looking at Mago with pity.

"no okay...I am fine" Mago said avoiding the kind hand roaming near his face, Mago wasn't really fond of love from olders.

"change your clothes...until then I will get you some soup and medicine to treat your wounds," she said politely but it felt like a command to Mago at which he scrunched his nose.

"yeah, whatever.....I can treat my wounds and I don't want soup...." Mago replied refusing her offer in a second at which she was taken aback.

"then what would you like...?" she asked more politely this time.

"I want jelly," he said confidently, informing her of his own choice of food.

"oh okay.... I will get that for you" she said and before she could say anything more, Mago marched forward for his room leaving her to question so many things.

'His looks don't go along with his tongue' she concluded.

Upon entering the room, Mago found the king talking on the phone, busy commanding his authority away. The boy rolled his eyes and stood near the dresser, watching how bad it looked on his face.

Shrugging as if it was his regular, Mago unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor carelessly before he unbuttoned the loose pants and let them fall on the ground around his ankles not knowing that a pair of eyes were watching his white, thick, juicy thighs.

Sitting on the bed, Mago picked a cotton stick and some antiseptic liquid from the aid box sitting on the table and started to wet the stick with the medicine.

He would wince twice before he even put the stick over his wound on the nose. King watched him with interest before he had enough.

Snatching the stick from the boy he sat beside him and held his face lightly, trying not to hurt his face more. Mago looked at him but refrained from commenting on his thoughts.

"If you are brave enough to take a beating....then you should be brave enough to take some medicine" King uttered while applying the medicine on the stick on the younger's nose.

"Easy said than done" Mago replied with a sass that made King to chuckle at him.

He is just adorable....that's it

"it is easy....just bear with it," the king said making Mago inhale a long breath. He watched as the king cleaned his nose of blood and some dirt and thought about the time how Jana treated him after he beat him without any reason.

King, on the other hand, was in turmoil, his eyes wandered to Mago's plump lips every third second, taking in their beauty and shape while he applied the medicine to his nose. The thought of how they will taste was making him go crazy. Should he just lean down and capture those sinful lips or should he ask permission?

The misery escalated when he shifted the treatment to the lips. Mago didn't say anything all this time, not even winced or hissed, a pretty obvious trait of his, which also proved to be a pressuring point for the king.

Pulling away when he was done, King placed the used material aside and stared back at Mago who was already looking at the older.

There comes the feeling king despised them more than anything just because he couldn't decipher them correctly. The protectiveness for the boy and rage for someone who did this to him was overpowering his senses.

The feeling to hold the boy closer and into his chest was there encouraging his mind to take a step and see if he could possibly touch those lips as well.

They were alone in the room, nobody would enter without his permission..............a little risk won't hurt, right?

So clearing his mind with certain thoughts, the king reached out and placed his warm hand against Mago's cheek.....

