Monkey fucking business

                             Monkey fucking business

The night had fallen and the club was back to its glamour, filled with bustling people. The main floor was occupied by young, more on the excited side of the people, while a decent and elite class took the seating areas surrounding the main floor. Drinkers and dancers complemented each other in their respective ways whereas the others enjoyed an amazing view of the nightclub and its services.

Nonetheless, the club was as busy as it was every night.

Just like any other meeting in the headquarters, the upper floors of the huge building were quiet, under controlled security. Several underbosses rounded a long meeting table in their designated room, posing their progress report in front of them, as they waited for the crime lord who had yet to come.

The said crime lord arrived on time. King left the manor after giving some important instructions to the staff and his security. The meeting was important to him since his baby boy was going to be a part of it and so King hurried to reach his headquarters.

Can't let his baby be alone and nervous for his first experience.

The crime lord speed walked through sweaty, drunk people with Charlton by his side as they moved forward towards the elevator. Both the men were engrossed in talking, discussing matters in hand when a swish of something relatable to King ran past his sight. king halted in his tracks and looked back at the bar quickly.

Charlton stopped right after King, trying to see what made them stop.

In his peripheral vision, King saw a mop of hair among many people that he was aware of like the back of his hand. His sharp ears had also caught the sound of the sweetest giggles he is used to hearing regularly but upon looking at the bar, where he thought the sound was coming from, there was no one. Only strangers drinking like usual.

Maybe a trick of the light or a misunderstanding.

"what's wrong king?" Charlton asked in a low whisper, thinking of various scenarios in his mind. It would be no surprise if they encountered any unnecessary event at the club, it was a worst yet unavoidable part of their mafia life.

"I think I saw someone......" King muttered but then he looked at Charlton with questioning eyes.

"where is my boy and Lucca?" King asked with a narrowed gaze. According to his knowledge, Mago and his right-hand man should be in the meeting room,--- since they left before the king in a hurry---, with everyone like the protocol had suggested.

But now he was doubtful.

"Upstairs, fourth floor" Charlton replied with confidence, he made it sure that the boy had reached inside the premises of the club safe and sound. Plus, Lucca had confirmed their exact location to be the meeting room and so they should be inside the meeting room.

King didn't say anything in return, after thinking for a minute, he proceeded towards the elevator with a nod. But now his mind was half diverted.

"where were we?" King asked as soon as they entered the elevator. Charlton pressed the button to their desired floor and then stood straight facing King.

"Logan Grey was contacted, King. He was scared as expected after he was called here but he agreed to meet eventually. He said, if the matter involves Enzo Parker, then he is willing to come" King nodded his head silently, eyes far into different thoughts before he came back.

"then make it easy for him. Call him to the manor, in fact, send someone to bring him. No harsh treatment" King ordered and Charlton listened carefully, nodding his head with the instructions.

"and.... Danny is finally awake King. He is banged up in the head but enough conscious to hold a conversation. Should I arrange the meet-up?" the right-hand man asked earning a nod of approval from King.

"Let's talk to him one last time. He is already breaking up.......I have seen it in his eyes." with that the door of the lift opened and both the men exited from it. The hallway was lined up with guards, bowing at the king out of respect. Soon after that, King was filing into the meeting room with Charlton tailing behind.

The crime lord entered the room with his dominating aura and authoritative walk. His presence filled the room and the people inside waiting for him quickly stood up bowing at the king without a word before taking their seats again.

Just like a practice, the first thing King did was to scan the room. Under his strong gaze, the present underbosses and the leaders of all three sides of the mafia were scrutinized silently. But just like a practice, King was fast to notice the absence of someone who should be here with the rest of the leaders.

And that someone was the lovely small lover of the king and the leader to the west side.

The crime lord turned to pass a glare at Charlton, who had grasped the situation by now while keeping his composure.

"where is he?" King hissed at Charlton as he marched forward to his chair. The right-hand man felt like strangling Lucca then and there...... that freaky childish bastard. He was rummaging through all the sources he had on his tab while cursing Lucca profusely in his mind. After clicking several options on the screen, Charlton presented the device to King hesitantly.

Not daring enough to speak.

On the screen was Mago, laughing loudly while being surrounded by old and middle-aged men and women. He was talking animatedly, one tiny hand holding a fruit punch while the other slapping at his own thighs. Right behind Mago stood Lucca, looking around attentively while keeping his eyes on his majesty as well.

King's suspicion was correct; it wasn't a trick of the light or a misunderstanding.

It was his baby boy, enjoying the night.

"call him" With gritted teeth, the king grumbled under his breath as he rubbed at his temple.

Charlton left the room quickly.


The crime lord was busy listening to one of the underbosses carefully while he waited for Mago, one hand holding a flute of sparkling wine while the other hand was busy flipping through the pages of the file in front of him. When the man went quiet, after providing whatever was needed to the king, the room went dead silent as well.

The silence in the room provided an opportunity to the commotion outside, rapid footsteps and small giggles piqued everyone's interest as they swiftly turned to look at the door, awaiting the presence of 'The tiny majesty' they all anticipated.

After a quick knock, the door opened and in entered all three of Charlton, Mago and Lucca respectively. Mago was giggling at something he had said on his way up while the older two were smiling ear to ear. It wasn't until Charlton and Lucca looked up to meet the gaze of a glaring king.


Nobody cared about the damn decorum of the meeting, well.... nobody can actually complain, but King did care and he wasn't all that happy about it being disturbed. Seeing the disapproval of his hard features and intense gaze on the trio, the smiles from their faces vanished in an instant.

Lucca guided Mago towards his seat while Charlton slipped behind King silently.

"you are late for the meeting Mago" King stated with authority, voice booming and complaining, trying to show what a professional Mafia should be behaving like.

His tone seemed to work since Mago halted in his steps for a second to give the king a look. A look that said 'I didn't like the way you addressed me' but maybe King didn't get the indication right away.

Oh well......

"I know.....but it was so fun down there. You know, I made new friends with lots of people......" Mago started his rant excitedly, talking about interesting people he had met in the club. The boy has been a longest fan of night clubs, he didn't have a chance to see this side of life in his past and so when he got one, Mago was so happy.

"I am---..." King started with an attitude again but Mago beat him to it.

"......and did you know that food and drinks are fucking free for the members. And the coolest fucking thing is that even if I am not the member, they still gave me the fuck I's so cool right?" Mago clapped his hands as he gushed.

Others presences in the room watched the boy with interest, listening to his stories. A happy smile rested on their features to see such lively small personalities being a part of their group, Mago felt like a breath of fresh air, the purest form of happiness, in their darker world.

"I know it all. But we are not here to discuss this Mago. We are here for---....." the crime lord cut Mago roughly with a roll of eyes before the boy could start again. The tone came out as annoyed, all serious and dominating that Mago felt it in an instant.

The boy was now a part of the Mafia, he held a responsible position, and it was about time that he learned better manners. But that authority did not settle with his fierce little baby tiger and Mago was one of those people who makes it clear when doesn't like anything.

"Don't call me like this, you sound so fucking rude right now. And I know why the fuck we are here for" Mago narrowed his gaze at King before slapping a file on the table in front of King, lightly. He didn't even let King get mad or apologize if ever he wanted to choose from these options.

"Here, I have some shit done here....." he said pointing at the file...... "people, who are responsible there, are being a douchebag to me. They contributed shit to the records I asked for and aren't cooperative at all. And since I can't fucking go there physically, I could only manage this much." Mago spat annoyed.

The others could only gape at the audacity of the lover of the crime lord to scold him back in front of his men.

They were shocked but the king was used to it.

While Mago explained, King looked through the file. He smiled when he found several cute little drawings in glittery colourful pens, small letters and adorable fat characters doodled across each fact and figure. A feeling of adoration for his lovely boy crashed king like a truck and he felt guilty for making Mago sad earlier.

"Can you explain these statistics here?" King asked, a lot politer than earlier, pointing at the visibly unjustified numbers at the end, a red blob of harshly carved 'fucking corrupt' beside the numbers.

"Sure..." Mago chirped happily. He leaned forward on the table, a small frame hovering over the wooden structure as he started to explain again. He was so close to the king that the older could reach out and kiss him easily.

"you see, that fucker Kangsu was sucking too much from your empires like a fucking leech he was. Along with his monkey business, he had plundered almost every fucking deal at the port. Looted money and also some of the inventory, the expensive kind, he had sold outside of the business......" the listeners were quiet since Mago was talking with wild gestures.

They were itching to contribute their gasps and shocking sounds whenever they learned something they didn't expect. Of course, nobody was a saint but doing all this for years and never getting caught was a considerable skill in their opinion.

The crime lord was mad and angry by the time Mago finished. He shouldn't have given Kangsu so many chances.

"that stats here shows the amount he has vanished under interesting nonsense in his power years..." Mago pointed at the red-inked amount, a large amount at that.

"I mean you don't fucking need billions to transport some shit right?........but voila!!! That bastard had done just that" Mago sighed at the end and flopped back on his chair tiredly, huffing and scratching his itchy nose.

King glanced at Lucca and the man quickly went to fetch something for the tiny majesty.

"a physical visit is necessary King. Several lovers of Kangsu are still working on the west side. They must be a part of his theft for years and must have enjoyed bits here and there" a man from the circled pointed out.

"That's right King. Many of his men don't even register the fact that he is gone and not a part of this empire anymore. They will continue on this act of treachery like their boss did, ultimately ruining the roots." Another voice said, endorsing the former.

King didn't say a word in this regard, he knew it was necessary to physically show off who the boss was but his mind wasn't ready to send Mago off to the office. The idea was just uncomfortable.

While he was deep in thought, Lucca entered the room with a red-orange sour drink and placed the glass in front of Mago. The boy's eyes sparkled little diamonds and he smiled all toothy towards Lucca.

King scoffed.

"I will think about it. Anything else before we end the meeting here......." King asked standing up, he downed the last bit of his drink before taking steps towards Mago who was finishing his drink.

Nobody said anything which means nobody wanted to say anything.

"very well.....the meeting is over" King announced and others stood up, ready to leave. But then.....Mago graced the meeting room with his opinion.

"This meeting fucking sucks anyways..........real fun is down at the club. Let's go!!!" he yelled excitedly and the people inside the room smiled at him.


Mago was enjoying the night fully, he was having funny chats and drinks and food of his choice, even the music was changed according to his taste.........Talk about being mafia's baby

But all that was happening from the security of his boyfriend's arms. The crime lord was resting on the sofa with his arms around his baby boy who was so squirmy and jumpy while talking to new people.

King had secured him with one hand while with the other he smoked.

Mago was getting awfully social, not his usual personality since he didn't like to meet new people, and it was surprising for the king. The lovely boy of his has gathered a crowd around them, everyone wanted to talk or associate with him in any way possible.

But a glare was enough to show them their place who crossed the line and tried to get too close to Mago.

Lucca helped the king in attaining that purpose.

King was finally loosening up, letting his surroundings calm him down. He smiled, securing Mago more closer to his chest, and enjoyed the cute banter of his boyfriend with the mix aged people while he smoked....but it was until.....

From the sound of the blasting music, dancing and grooving people, and drunken floor of the club, emerged Charlton with a strange hard look on his face. His eyes met with the king and the Crime lord knew something was up instantly. He straightened up and Charlton closed the distance until he was standing beside the king.

"Danny is dead King" The right-hand man leaned down near the king's ear and whispered. king's eyes went dark and his face hardened, the grip around Mago went tight as well making the boy look back at King in confusion.

Lucca paced closer too.

Charlton then placed the tablet in the king's hand. On the screen was Danny, tied to the chair in the very basement of the king's manor, mouth hanging open in a scream and head blown with three bullet wounds on his forehead.

Someone had entered the manor of the crime lord, the basement, taking advantage of his absence and killed Danny, right before he was going to expose his boss.


