Fall of the Snowman Empire

Fall of the Snowman Empire

Jana hissed as soon as he felt the kick on his ass and while tumbling down on the ground from the height of six inches of mattress.

He turned around to glare at the younger who was standing a few feet away from him with a glare similar to his. Mickey tipped his chin stubbornly and gestured towards the door of the small apartment.

“It’s morning and you have slept enough. Now get out” Jana glared daggers at him. He stood up in his place adjusting his boxers and yawned, eyes trying to stay fixed on the other.

“your bitch ass could be a little nicer and wake me up like a human” Jana countered and Mickey rolled his eyes.

The audacity

“I am enough nicer to an unhuman like you. now please get your wounded ass out” Mickey retorted annoyed. He had a rough night just because of Jana and that’s enough of it.

“you have a runny fucking mouth. How about a little revenge with a stinky morning breath” Jana said moving closer to the younger. Mickey stepped back instinctively before he bolted towards the only rescue in the open apartment, his bathroom.

Jana is hot on his heels.

“no way in hell you moron!!” Mickey yelled after closing the door in Jana’s face. The older smashed his angry fist on the door to open it or maybe break it if possible.

“come out you little shit! come out and face me like a man” Jana screamed in anger as he pounded on the door.

“no!. you get the hell out of my place and close the fucking door on your way out” Mickey said laughing like an evil child and Jana found his anger subsiding suddenly.

Mickey and Mago weren’t brothers but their traits were surprisingly similar, just like their laugh.

With a last punch delivered to the bathroom door, Jana huffed and turned around to find his clothes. They were piled on the ground and looked wet.

“fuck!” Jana cursed loudly before he got ready in his still-wet clothes and left the apartment.

He will get Mickey some other day


Mago was playing in the snow like no tomorrow. The boy would jump in the soft white pile and then giggle when small flakes touched his skin gently, he would make snow angels, pile the snow in the shape of odd blobs and ruin them with a happy laugh.

The boy looked absolutely adorable with an oversized green turtle neck riding near his knees and a pair of black cargo pants which were twisted in many folds pooling at his ankles. With nose and cheeks blotched baby pink and lips a great shade of shocking pink, the boy captured many hearts of the people around him.

All of the people including staff and security were watching the snow and the snow white with great interest, they weren’t planning on disturbing the small guy except for one man.

The right-hand man of the crime lord

Mago was busy in making a snowman, he had gathered the required things like a carrot and two button eyes. While crouching down, he patted his small hands to level the snow across the body of his new friend.

“I will name you Charlie” Charlton heard as he walked passed Mago, nonchalantly at first. He circled the boy like a predator until Mago snapped his neck up to see the older. The younger peeked inside the older’s eyes to see his intentions but Charlton walked ahead of him not even giving him and his snowman any heed.

Mago shrugged suspiciously and continued his work

After two minutes, Mago found Charlton beside him again. he looked at the older with a narrowed glare clearly warning him not to try anything funny but Charlton was far away from listening.

He has planned this since the morning

In the next moment, a huge lump of snow was dumped over the snowman, still in process, crashing it to the ground and mixing it with the rest of the snow.

Mago gasped loudly, hands hanging in the air and his mouth wide open.

Slowly he turned to look at his side and found Charlton standing a few steps away from him with an annoying smirk on his face. The older wanted to chuckle at the state of the younger but he refrained from getting any attention more than he had.

“you asshole!!!” Mago cursed loudly before picking a chunk of snow in his small hands and chucking it towards Charlton. The other ducked down quickly and burst out laughing at the misery of the boy.

He loved seeing Mago being red

The commotion caught the attention of Lucca who was busy on a call a little far from them. The man’s eyes caught the sight of the ‘queen’ and his expensive attire. Planning on teasing the younger, he marched towards them silently.

Not knowing what was coming his way

Mago, on the other hand, picked half of the snowman and threw it at Charlton, aiming his nose, but to his demise, Charlton ducked down again and the snowball went flying towards Lucca, nailing him right in his face.


Lucca had his beard, hair and clothes covered in snow. He was breathing hard as he fixed his glare at the duo who were now still at their places, eyes fixed on Lucca and his form.

“He did it!!” they both shouted in defence while pointing at each other simultaneously.

Lucca stared at them pointedly, not believing them as he dusted himself off the snow. Once done, he bent down to pick up his phone which dropped due to the collision and in the process, he also picked up a fist full of snow.

Mago watched his moves carefully. When Lucca stood up straight and launched his snowball towards the younger, Mago dodged it expertly before running away and taking refuge behind a bunch of guards.

“Come back here you little brat” Lucca threw snowball after snowballs towards Mago as he heard the younger giggling loudly hidden behind his base.

It was the start of a war

Mago has prepared his own weaponry in order to attack back where Lucca hid behind his base named Charlton.

They both attacked one another while their playful laughs filled the atmosphere. Charlton rolled his eyes being used as a base for the man known for his slyness in the mafia while on the other side, Mago’s defenders were ready to sacrifice themselves for that cutie.

At one point, Lucca invaded Mago’s territory making the boy scream and leave his security to run out in the open. He was cursing fluently with several giggles passing through his lips until he crashed into the hard chest.

In their play, they failed to notice when the king approached them with a few guards who looked bewildered not having seen such a sight before.

Lucca stopped in his tracks while Charlton slipped behind King like a good boy.

“What on earth is going on here!!” the roar of the crime lord was enough to know that he was not very pleased with whatever they were doing.

“Nothing king….uh….just…….just…uh…hanging around, getting to know each other” Lucca bowed a little out of breath and Mago smiled at him from the safety of his boyfriend’s hold.

“Whatever” he scoffed as he turned his gaze down to his lovely pink boy.

“Get ready, we have to leave soon” he muttered and gestured his men to take Mago back to his room.

“Until next time mate” With a dramatic sigh, Mago saluted towards Lucca who stifled a laugh as he saluted back.

“You! Act your age” King pointed at Charlton who looked down.

“And you!....come with me” he pointed at Lucca who bowed again before following. Charlton followed King silently.


Mago was pacing around the room, occasionally glancing at the bed where he had scattered an expensive collection of clothing that belonged to the king.

The boy was in turmoil, he couldn’t decide. There were far more options than he could easily deal with.

King entered the room and halted when he saw the scene in front of him.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked getting closer to the bed. Mago rolled his eyes at him and then splayed his hands towards the bed dramatically.

“These are clothes and I cannot decide what to wear” he answered honestly watching King as the older poked his cheek with his tongue.

King walked ahead and started to gather the clothes from the bed.

“I will tell you what to wear,” he said and Mago’s eyes lit in happiness. He watched as the older placed his clothes back in the cupboard and closed the doors.

The mafia boss came back, raised Mago’s chin and pecked his lips before whispering.

“Wear your own clothes”

“What?” Mago looked at him like King had sprouted another devil head as he blinked his big round eyes.

“You heard me,” King said in a sing-song voice before getting a towel from the table and making his way to the bathroom.

“But all I have is my underwear and toothbrush” Mago stated with a sad look.

“So?” King asked stopping at the door of the bathroom.

“So this Sherlock, that I can’t go like this. maybe you should not take me with you” Mago sassed being mad.

“You can come naked for all I care but you are coming with me and that’s final” King finished with an amused smirk and closed the door after getting in.

“But that’s not fair!!” Mago whined slumping back on the bed. King had told him to get his thing, didn’t he? Now that the boy has nothing then it's not the king’s fault.

Inside the bathroom, King smiled to himself for teasing the younger. He will grant him clothes, of course, he will, but on a merry demand. He planned a heated, hot sloppy kiss as he rinsed himself excitedly.


Mago was almost asleep when he heard the knock on the door. He permitted while turning on his stomach and opened his left eye to look at the door to see who came in.

Lucca entered, well dressed while holding a small card and keys to some vehicle. He halted in his steps when he found Mago sprawled across the mattress and no king in sight.

“Where is king?” he questioned to the only body present in the room after him.

“In hell” Mago mumbled a little loudly.

Lucca chuckled at the younger and walked inside leaving the door wide open. He heard the shower running and nodded to himself before turning towards the younger.

“Why so sad baby boy?” he asked and earned an annoyed glare.

“Don’t call me thaaaat” Mago whined back.

“Okay okay fine. But tell me what's wrong?” Lucca asked with a small laugh. The boy was really cute.

“my shit of a boyfriend isn’t letting me share his clothes. He wants me to go with him but he wouldn’t let me take his clothes” Mago complained hiding his face in the pillow.

Lucca laughed silently. A sly smirk made its way over his handsome features.

“Why you worry when Lucca is here” Lucca sang like a poem and Mago narrowed his eyes to him before rolling them sassily.

“first of all, that shit didn’t rhyme a bit and second…….don’t fucking try anything funny yeah?. He will kill me” Mago muttered making Lucca chuckle in amusement.

“Wait here till I get the perfect outfit for your………” he says racking his eyes up and down Mago’s form

“……figure” he finished with a naughty glint.

“Don’t try anything dirty……” Mago warned

“Oh I wouldn’t……just trust me” With that said Lucca left the room making Mago somewhat uncomfortable.


Thank you for reading '
