Do not Fucking Disturb

                               Do not Fucking Disturb

The same night:

It was late, nearly midnight. The mansion was falling under the quietness of the dark after a busy day of the hustle bustle of the people inside doing several things. The members of the family had retired to their rooms earlier while the staff finished their daily chores before they also could leave to go and rest in their designated quarters.

Only to follow the same routine every day.

The mansion was finally quiet with everyone where they should be, ready to rest after a long day at work. Well......except for certain someone who wasn't ready to sleep for the night, someone who had some really important task at hand.

A man, more precisely, a staff member tiptoed across the dimly lit hallways, hunched over and cautious. He looked more like a thief, looking at his back every passing second to make sure no one was following him as he cleverly moved forward to the path that led towards the upper floors.

Dressed in all black, the man had covered his head with a dark beanie and his face with a mask so he could get away from the eye of the hidden security cameras all around as he climbed up the stairs. With only his eyes visible, he sneaked past another corridor and stepped into the one that was not allowed to be entered unnecessarily.

The hallway where the crime lord's bedroom was located.

King was very specific in the past when he ordered that nobody should roam into the hallways he had forbidden, without his permission, whether he was present or not. The order was respected as a norm by all the family and staff and nobody had ever tried to trespass but that norm was about to get changed on this night.

The man, who sneaked inside, was adamant about what he was about to do. There was no stopping him.

The phone in his back pocket vibrated furiously but he ignored it, knowing very well that the boss wouldn't be happy with him, as he closed the distance between him and the room. Boss was calling and texting him nonstop, adding to his anxiety, but the man had decided not to pay attention to it until he was successful in his task.

He will deal with him later.

The memory of him arguing with his boss a few minutes earlier, and the other lashing out at him, was still fresh in his mind. He smiled rebelliously as he wondered what the boss's reaction would be when he would see the best surprise of his life.


"what the hell are you doing?" the boss whispered yelled at him through his cell phone and the man flinched where he was standing behind a pillar, waiting with a large kitchen knife in his hand. He had waited for the kitchen to get free of any other worker before he stole the knife from the stand.

"what do you mean?" he asked feigning cluelessness. The other didn't buy his act though, he sighed loudly and tiredly while the man waited for an answer.

"don't play dumb with me, you moron. Go back to your quarters where all the other staff should be. If they got suspicious of you, you are going to regret it" the boss muttered nearly angry, trying to calmly convey his concern.

The man, on the other hand, felt exposed with the boss's bluntness. He felt fury rising in him.

"how do you know where I am?" he asked lowly, trying to breathe normally not to give the impression that he was angry, as he looked around the quietness of the manor.

"I have my sources that you don't need to worry do as I say. Go back to your quarters and wait for my order" the boss instructed with authority not leaving any space for argument but the man wasn't ready to listen.

"listen to me boss.....I can kill him.....this is a great opportunity, I---..."

"you can't fucking kill him like that Danny!!........ I haven't fucking ordered it yet" the boss yelled frustrated, not able to maintain his composure anymore. He was tired of a team that didn't listen to whatever he said and often did as they pleased. He had faced many instances in his past where he wished to just poison his own men and forget about the empire and the crime lord.

Forget everything.

Jealous is what he felt whenever he had to witness the brilliance of the king's men who worked as if they could read the king's mind. They were perfect and loyal.

"why not? He isn't an immortal boss. A swift plunge of my knife right through his heart will make him talk to God" The man explained his plan of action excitedly, a few giggles slipping past his lips, and the boss felt dread setting in his system.

He couldn't think straight.

"and do you know what will happen if you get caught? He won't fucking let you will be begging and he will not listen" he tried to put some sense into the man's brain and regretted the time he had appointed him for a certain job.

The man was beyond repair now.

What the fuck was he thinking, was killing King was as easy as murdering a chicken?

"Look, boss........I have worked this through. Nobody has suspected me until now and nobody will. This family is stupid, I can do my job and join you back at the quarters" The man wasn't ready to listen and the boss could feel something sinister triggering in his brain that could result in that man's death.

"you will not go out of my order Danny.........I am fucking warning you" Boss gritted his teeth, warning the insolent man, as he squeezed the device in his hand tightly.

"Sorry boss but it's been too many days, I have the perfect opportunity and I won't miss it even for you" Danny decided and cut the call, thankful that the boss couldn't reach him through a cell phone.

The boss was baffled on the other side, he stared at the blank screen for a second long and then cursed under his breath in frustration.

Why can't things go well for a day?


Danny didn't care about the warnings, the boss had oh so desperately uttered to him earlier, as he hopped towards the room where King and his baby resided. Upon reaching, he looked around for any threat, placed his hand on the door handle and inhaled slowly, trying to muster up the courage.

He had to do it no matter what.

Opening the door as quietly as he could, Danny entered the room with hushed steps and closed the door behind, leaving just a crack so he wouldn't have difficulty in leaving.

In his sight was the couple, cuddled and sleeping.

Mago was curled against the pillow with his head resting on the soft surface and his small body hugging the remaining of the pillow in his grip, while the crime lord was lying straight, eyes closed and breathing normally.

Danny racked his eyes from king to Mago and then stared at the boy with a darkened, lustful gaze. The room was illuminated in dimly yellow light, under that hue was the beautiful boy sleeping with no care in the world. Mago was so beautiful that Danny had a hard time controlling himself. He stared at the boy like a creep and dreamed about touching that sensitive blushy skin.

No wonder the crime lord was crazy about him.

The man closed his eyes with a sigh, trying not to distract from his task, and then opened his eyes with a determined look in them. He pulled out the knife from his back and gripped it so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Its time.

With only one target in his mind, Danny sauntered towards the sleeping king until he towered the oblivious man. He smirked, already imagining the best-case scenario in his mind.

"you are dead king, oh so dead. It's about time that you leave this world and let others rule what you have" Danny muttered under his breath as he raised the knife above his head for extra and full powerful strength.

Just as he swung down the sharp object aiming at the king's bare chest, a hand flew out of nowhere and gripped at the wrist, halting his movement, his blood supply and his breathing altogether. A strange shriek left his lips and Danny snapped his trembling gaze up.

In his worst nightmare, he was met with the angry glare of none other than a crime lord.


King was quick on his feet, jumping out of the bed carefully, so as not to wake up a sleeping Mago while still holding the wrist of the intruder in his taut grip. Danny squirmed against King's hold desperately and cursed loudly.

"Mm...." Mago produced the smallest sound through his pouty lips, which in turn earned a tight slap to Danny's face, making him see all white for a second as he stumbled back.

The knife fell to the ground.

He was still in a daze when the door of the room flung open and in rushed both Charlton and Lucca with their guns drawn. King pushed the man towards Charlton while Lucca snatched the knife from the ground.

"you alright king?" Lucca asked scanning King in the dimly lit room and then glancing at his majesty sleeping peacefully. King nodded his head as he glared at the man.

"Take him to the basement, I will see you there in a minute" King instructed and both Charlton and Lucca bowed slightly.

Danny squirmed uncontrollably against Charlton making it difficult for him to hold him still, somehow he was able to curl his fingers around another dagger, smaller in size, in his back pocket.

A disgusting smirk falling over his features before it turned into an ugly frown.

"you have to fucking die...." Danny announced bitterly. He lunged again, breaking away from Charlton's hold, anger bubbling inside him. Danny pulled out the dagger from his back pocket and rushed towards King at full speed with the intention to at least hurt the crime lord once.

But who was he fooling bro?

The crime lord was the most feared for a reason.

King was fuming at this point, he rolled his eyes mentally at another futile attempt by that blinded-by-rage man and swiftly caught his wrist in mid-air once again, making the man gasp in pain, before twisting it behind Danny's back, breaking his bone with a crack.

"Ah--..." Danny shouted or wanted to shout in agony since the pain of his broken wrist was unbearable but a hand, which belonged to Lucca, that slapped across his mouth didn't let him utter more than a moan.

"Don't fucking make a sound you disgusting little are disturbing my tiny majesty......he is sleeping" Lucca gritted his teeth as he whispered near Danny's ear with a venomous tone making the man's eyes go wide.

Just then they heard the softest sound of rustling sheets and the smallest, cutest sound produced by Mago as the boy turned on his spot, kicking the sheets and the pillows away from his heated small self.

"no t-tick tieck.....o-only mee....." the boy mumbled incoherencies and all four dangerous, tall and daunting men stilled in their spots. Eyes focused on the shifting Mago, they even held their breaths so that the boy wouldn't wake up because of them.

Even Danny had stopped squirming and was holding his breath, waiting for the younger to settle where he desired.

A few moments were gone like this and finally, Mago was able to rest his tiny body where he preferred before he was knocked out once again.

They all sighed.

"get him out of my sight." King spat with a glare and both Charlton and Lucca left the room with a furious and thrashing Danny in their grip, with mouth covered and limbs tackled.

King followed suit after he covered Mago with the thin quilt and kissed his pouty mouth, and also covered his 'Greek godly' self with a silk night robe.

It's time for some action.


"WHO THE FUCK SENT YOU HERE?!!!!" King roared in rage, landing another bloody punch on Danny's jaw making it throb in pure agony. He was tied to the pole in the centre of the room with his hands behind his back and around the pole.

The broken wrist pocking out of the flesh.

"no-nobody" The man grunted in pain.

Just as he expected and just like he was warned, the crime lord didn't show him any mercy when he delivered punch after punch to his already aching body. But that was just the start, King was holding a long metal baton in his hand which he swung back and forth. A warning.

"lying won't get you anywhere but if you come clean, I may let you live" King said with flaring nostrils, proposing a compromise.

Danny wasn't ready to face the torture but he had no other choice, he couldn't expose his boss.

"TELL ME!!!!" King yelled making Danny flinch at his spot. With utter difficulty, he shook his head and mumbled a firm no from his bloody mouth.

He refused.

So without any further ado, King beat him until the man's legs were turned into pulp and he was unconscious, hanging forward from the pole he was tied to.

Lucca nudged Charlton to stop King which made Charlton scowl at him. He then made the life-threatening decision to interrupt the feral king when he saw Danny not responding anymore. Lucca followed Charlton hesitantly as they both tried to convince King to leave for the night and deal with the matter tomorrow.

King was beyond mad when he left the basement. He wanted answers and he wasn't going to sit until he got what he wanted.


The crime lord returned after two hours in the basement, drenched in sweat and specs of blood all over his body. He quietly sneaked into the shower to get a quick rinse and rushed back to join his baby on the bed.

To his surprise, Mago was waiting for him on his bed with half-open eyes, bed hair and swollen lips. The boy looked at King with questioning eyes.

"what the fuck are you doing taking a shower at this hour.......did you lose your brain somewhere?" the boy asked as he looked around the room in search of the said brain.

King rolled his eyes and climbed the bed to settle for the remaining night. He pulled Mago closer and nuzzled in his neck to inhale the intoxicatingly amazing scent of his boyfriend while squeezing the small limbs of his lover.

Mago wasn't having it though.

"answer me" he pestered earning a sigh of annoyance in return.

The crime lord hovered the boy after pushing him flat against the soft mattress and looked deep into his eyes.

"I haven't lost my brain anywhere baby.......but if..... we don't fucking sleep right now? I will surely be losing my mind" he menaced with a smile and Mago narrowed his eyes at King.

"iF yOu HavEn'T FucKiNg LosT iT AlreAdy" the boy mumbled under his breath but still loud that it reached King's sensitive ears.

"what the fuck did you say?" King asked with a warning tone when Mago kept giving him a stinky look.

"n-nothing......lets sleep...." Mago smiled all toothy, he landed a swift peck at the corner of the older's mouth before he turned around and pushed his back against King's chest, the older circling his waist.

"goodnight baby" King wished sweetly, nuzzling in the younger's neck from behind and blowing his hot breath on his nape.

"goodnight.......and don't fucking curse in front of your baby, you dumbass........they can fucking pick on it very fast." With that said, Mago closed his eyes for a good night's sleep as he hugged his pillow. King stared at the back of his head for a long second before he closed his mouth along Mago's neck and sucked on it harshly as a playful revenge.

Mago giggle-whined at that.


The chapter ends here folks.

Thank you for your comments, votes and likes and reads.

I like you all .....vewry vewry mouwoch

See in you in the next update.

Till then......sayonara~~~~~~~

Author: Donald Duck. 
