What If It's a Lie

What If It's a Lie

If he thought that he will be safe from the wrath of Jana after the stunt he pulled back in the club, then Mago was fifty percent right only, the aftermath was a bit different, evidence lingering on his body. His face was aching, a split lip and hand-printed cheek all courtesy of Mr Christopher, father of the devil himself.

His brain circulated only one memory of Jana and him inside their room, where Jana had him pinned against the wall and his neck was hurting due to being titled painfully at an awkward angle.

"I am warning you Mago...If this is a lie like father said just now.....you are in big trouble baby" Jana whispered in his ear, his breath fanning against his heated skin. Mago tried getting away but he was kept restricted in his place again...this time...more painfully.

"ah!!! ...Jana...please its hurting please" he pleaded with his eyes blurring with tears. No one wants to get treated like that..never. he struggled when Jana came near him once more making him hold eye contact with him.

"it's nothing compared to what will happen to you......dad has asked me to check if you are lying or not....and if you do....no more mercy sweetheart," Jana said and kissed him on his lips forcefully, Mago whimpered in the kiss pushing at Jana with all his might. Jana continued kissing Mago before pulling him with his hair and throwing him on the bed.

"Now that we are home....and everything is clear .....you know the drill doll...come on," Jana said to the boy shedding tears on the bed, not moving from his position. He was aware of the drill, but not his first introduction to it anyway but today he was not ready to submit that easily.

"take your pants off Mago and bend over the bed," Jana said taking his watch off of his wrist. He stood straight folding his sleeves to his elbows before coming near the boy. The said boy remained still.

"I SAID STRIP YOUR PANTS AND BEND OVER THE BED MAGO!!!!" Jana yelled making Mago flinch due to his loud voice but still not effective enough to make him move.

Mago was stubborn...so so stubborn

A hard slap over his already aching features made him cower back more on the bed, his lip bleeding, causing him to taste metal on his tongue. His ankles were grabbed and he was dragged to the end of the bed by the older who was now angrier than before.

Jana ripped his pants off his legs harshly making Mago wince when the hard material of the jeans scrapped his soft baby-like skin and then manhandled him to bend over the bed.

"now start counting sweetheart......it was twenty for your stupid bravery before .....but now you are getting thirty for being a brat," Jana said and swayed his hand right across his peachy round bum.


Mago cried out loud and started counting from one to thirty. He knew better than to refuse now otherwise the number of spankings would get higher with each passing second. Each hit delivered more pain than the previous, he was numb already when they reached ten spankings but Jana wasn't done with him yet.

He was threatened for his life and he knew that if he gets caught, he is as good as dead. The dinner was cancelled for him, no cell phone was allowed, and he was stuck in the cold dark room without any clothes on.

But do you think that it was enough to tame him?


Mago was beyond stubborn. surely he would cry for hours if he is hurt badly but then again he will be more stubborn than before.

The day was already ruined for him, he had to go to school with the same face and aching body. Now that he was walking in the hallway of the school followed by the world-famous snitch bitch Patty, he got lots and lots of stares asking him what he went through ...again.

Patty was snickering at him after every two seconds, which was getting on his nerves very much.

Was it that joyful to see a beat-up guy


He doesn't think so

But you can never say that out loud because Patty can also use her hands if necessary, he couldn't imagine his day can go any worse but you never know when you can have your ass whooped.

And he was going forward with the thought in mind.

A loud shriek reverberated in the hallway and Mago closed his eyes afraid to get the loud, most embarrassing scolding of his life. Why you may ask. Well when Mago wasn't allowed with the phone, basically he wasn't able to answer his best friend who was calling him for like ages on his cell phone.

And why is it important to answer him of all people, because he is the only friend Mago had and he loves him dearly.

Well, it is only one reason. Mickey wasn't anyone you can ignore if you want to. He will come by your place, beat the shit out of you if required and most importantly, if anyone wants to get embarrassed, just leave it on Mickey and he will do it with honour.

So basically Mago wasn't fond of getting more humiliated than he really is and that is the reason he was afraid to even look at the fuming boy.

Patty rolled her eyes at Mickey, she can be a handful and fight without any logical reasoning but dealing with Mickey was also beyond her. She used to stir heated arguments with him a lot, the main reason being Mago himself but once upon a time Mickey punched her square in the jaw and had her loose some of her teeth at the back of her mouth, after the incident she retains herself as soon as she discovers him near herself.

Mago was petrified by the look Mickey was giving, you can keep away from Jana and Patty but when it comes to Mickey you cannot. The furious boy started his power walk with long strides towards Mago making Patty take a step back on instinct. She scowled lowly and turned towards Mago.

"I am going to class, don't pull anything that can cause you more bruises, understood," she said trying to be discreet but those sharp ears were close enough and they heard.

"as if you care, you would pray to the power above for this boy to slip only to see his ass beaten wouldn't you," he said unamused but with a smirk on his sassy features. Mago held his hand trying to get him off Patty's face.

"he deserved it after what lies he was telling to Father" she retorted angrily at the true fact Mickey pointed out about her.

She would love to see him hit more often

"and what can be the lie huh.....that you were seen by his innocent eyes fucking with that popular basketball jock inside that fucking boys' bathroom!!!!!!" he said loudly, the purpose was served when other students stopped in their ways to look at the trio.

"watch it you fucking little shit" She glowered with anger towards him, Mickey on the other hand was getting in her face ready to fight.

"No!! ...you watch it you fucking bitch....look what you and psycho family did to his beautiful face, nose red, bleeding probably, lips cut, and look at his cheek....you people are pathetic.." Mickey caressed Mago's face and the other winced at the touch, he was somewhat glad to have a friend like Mickey at his side.

But now he was getting out of control...so

"then he shouldn't have lied!!!!" she yelled, Mago was fast to beg her to stop but Mickey stood in his and pushed him aside only to stand face to face with Patty, equally challenging her.

"What lies!!" he said raising his voice too. Mago was sweating by now, she was going to be loud he could tell, and he didn't want more people to know about it. He was pretty sure his fosters didn't believe him, any bit but, he was adamant after what Jana did to him last night.

Mr Chris bitterly promised him that if his made-up story is revealed to its true reality then he will have no choice but to marry Jana, and if he refuses again or tries to run again then Jana will force him into bed and impregnate him without his consent.

But Mago is not going to get caught according to him

So in order to make them believe, Mago has planned to stick around the story he has woven with nothing but silliness in his hands. Taking all the facts into consideration, he has learned that whoever that man was, he was powerful and people, especially Jana and Mr Chris, feared him for some reason.

That can be his plus point

The plan was to play around until he can find a loophole from which he can run away or more positively he can fly away from them.

His train of thought was broken when he jumped from the loud voice of Patty standing just beside him, this is the part where he knew he fucked up badly.

"that he is the boyfriend of King!!" she yelled loudly earning a gasp from everyone, even mickey went quiet after that. He looked at Mago and Mago lowered his head in shame.

Mickey remained quiet for a while before he raised his hand and pulled Mago near himself, placing a hand over his shoulder, he locked his eyes with the bitch standing in front who was following his hand on Mago's shoulder with dark eyes.

What is her problem?

"he didn't lie.....king is his boyfriend," said Mickey making everyone gasp again.

So much gasping in a day

Patty was the one now who had her mouth open wide, she didn't expect the endorsement of the bully himself for the innocent bean and his lies.

"you can go to fucking hell now.....and remember this... if king knows about his this face....you are dead," said Mickey pulling Mago along him, walking for their class.


Once they were alone, Mickey pushed Mago away who stumbled but composed himself quickly. Mickey glared hard at him and Mago remained lowered headed with his eyes wandering everywhere.

"what a dick you are baby," said Mickey, his eyes throwing daggers at Mago. Mago in return said nothing instead he sniffed as if crying.

"don't you even!" Mickey warned the boy and Mago lost his act. He stood straight, taking a step back and stretching like he was tired, moaning when he heard the desired 'tick' of the bones in his neck.

Mickey knew Mago like the back of his hand, he knew everything about him since they were in childcare. Back then Mago was a quiet baby, he didn't talk and was bullied a lot. When Mickey came along, he became a different child. He would play, shout and run in the hallways of the facility.

Mickey taught him so many things including talking back, and now that Mago was going to be an adult, Mickey noticed that he was a drama queen too.

"Why do that bub?" he asked the boy who shrugged his shoulder in return. His body was still aching so he decided that it is better to rest than anything else.

And rest he was going to get

Mickey made himself comfortable on the floor of the empty corridor and Mago settled himself between his legs. placing his head on Mickey's chest, he pulled out the phone of the other to play games and stuff.

"Why what?" he asked nonchalantly

"why you fibbin baby.....do even know what you did?" Mickey asked taking a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up before he took a drag.

Mago instantly looked up and smirked at his friend's bravery, smoking in the school.

"oooo...scandalous Mickey...you wanna get expelled," he asked in a long singsong tone eyeing the burning end of the stick.

"want it or not" Mickey offered with a similar grin to the boy between his legs. Mago quickly left the phone and snatched the stick before taking a drag himself. He sighed smoking.

"Now tell me baby....why king," Mickey asked him again, brushing his fingers in Mago's silky hair. Mago winced once and Mickey stopped knowing what could be the reason.

"I dunno......I needed to fucking do something....otherwise, Jana was going to do something to me...." Mago said taking a long drag out of the stick.

"what do you mean....and how is king related to all that," Mickey asked again taking the cigarette back which made Mago whine.

"I mean he was after me with a paddle.....gonna smack my bum with it.......I just wanted to get the fuck away for some time...but that bitch....she is such a rat I tell you......she snitched and I got caught" Mago explained but still Mickey was confused so Mago sat straight, turned around, and placed his both legs around mickey's waist before taking the cigarette back.

"Now listen..........." he said and started from the beginning.


thank you so much, beautiful people, loved reading your comments

hope you like the chapter, till the next chapter

love you folks, your author
