Fast and furious

Fast and furious

Mr. Chris and Jana were furious when they manage to get to know about the whole deal between King and Mago. A tight slap was awarded to his already bruised face and now Mago was crying silently holding his face, standing like a criminal while Petty was snickering clearly enjoying his demise.

"How dare you?!!" Mr. Chris screamed, he was getting hostile to the point that Mago thought that the old man has lost his batteries somewhere and just because of that he didn't want to get another beating.

It was proven that King and Mago were boyfriends after the younger told his family that he was moving in with the King. Mr. Chris had lost it the moment Mago announced his departure.

"this is bad.... this is fucking bad......." He yelled, pacing around being paranoid. Face red and angry, he was ready to throw hands if needed. All he wanted was to marry his son and the one he has chosen for him.

After all the effort he has gone through by raising and providing for Mago this is what he gets? A fucking crime lord, who just appeared from nowhere and placed his finger over Mago like a piece of fucking candy but when it's not given to him, he will come after you with daggers.

Mr. Chris was disappointed in his son too. Jana was older than Mago, stronger, and more clever. He could easily manhandle the fragile boy and could coax or force him into marrying him but he was a dimwit, dying to get the boy to like him first and blah blah blah.

Just because of him, another Romeo was here to take his Juliet.

Along with others, Jana was also mad. He was mad because Mago accepted the offer and decided to move in with King without asking Jana.

As if he would let it happen but still.....and his way of showing it was also very aggressive. In a blink of a moment, Mago was pressed against the wall while his small hands were twisted behind his back. the older slapped his hand across his face making Mago yelp in pain.

He bunched a hand full of his soft hair and pulled it back harshly staring directly into his innocent crying eyes. Mago was aware of the outcome before he decided to drop the bomb of his moving out, knowing very well what these stupid heads would do to him if they knew.

Still, that mistreatment hurts and it hurts bad

"you were mine Mago!!.....from the day you were adopted you were fucking mine!!!!....and you dare have an affair behind my back huh?.......telling me that you would are not going anywhere you silly boy.....just so know I am not letting you" Jana threatened in his deep voice glaring in Mago's eyes, challenging him.

Mago scuffed at him, the grip on his hair tightened as a warning but he didn't care.

"I am not your fucking property Jana......I don't belong to anyone!" he yelled well tried to yell but came out a sound of a wounded puppy.

Jana slapped him again, hard and without hesitation busting his lip open. A bead of blood slowly slid down his chin while he glared at his rebel baby with anger filled gaze.

The older was about to say something when his father, Mr. Chris interrupted him, his worries were beyond what his love-struck was having right now.

Jana huffed annoyed and pushed Mago onto the floor, the boy hit the cold floor and sat there wiping his lips off blood, his tear falling due to pain but face void of any expression.

He was used to this

"This isn't going right....we have to think quickly," Mr. Chris said looking between Mago and Jana. He was determined to marry both the boys and for that, he would go to any length.

"let's leave this town......get away .....from this city....from the country" Mr. Chris continued making others look at him in shock, nobody answered though, all remain quiet watching the old man going nuts. He was afraid for kings' men to show up any time but his idea was a way to get killed fast and before time.

"what! is not possible.....he can reach us in no time," Jana said fed off his dad trying to get their asses whooped by non-other than the crime lord. He loved his family really but no, he won't just offer his head on a platter to the king if his father wants to be a champion.

"we will see when it come on we have no time......get that boy up and clean...we have to leave." He announced his plan, Petty rushing to her room to get ready as well as Mr. Chris only Jana stood there thinking and watching as Mago tried to stand up.

The older walked forward and held Mago by his waist, helping in standing up. Mago didn't say anything, it was normal for Jana to punish him first and then comfort him by being all caring and loving.

"I didn't mean to do it hurting bad?" he asked caressing the boy's cheeks which were red with a hand print on the side and his lips bleeding. Mago winced at his touch, looking at Jana with a hate-filled gaze.

"not at all.....I am lucky my teeth or my hair didn't fall off" Mago sassed trying to stand straight without older's help, eyes teary and body aching.

"I don't know about Dad......but let's run and me?" Jana ignored the younger's remarks and offered a new scheme to him. Mago was annoyed with all of this, he pushed Jana back and stood straight on his own, wincing as his joints cracked.

"If it's an offer......then I have to fucking pass Jana......because I would love to fucking die before going anywhere with you!" Mago yelled resulting in Jana getting angry at him, he raised his hand again but this time his hand was stopped by the one and only Mickey.

He pushed at Jana's chest harshly and stood between him and Mago, glaring at the older. Not a single day he has seen Mago without pain and he was really done with that. His patience was gone, seeing his friend with a bruised face and aching body.

"don't you dare touch him again.....or you will see what I am capable of" Mickey threatened Jana, heated gaze drilling hole in his eyes. The older scuffed at him and before he could do anything, Mr. Chris walked inside the living room.

"don't waste your time with this insolent boy, get going come on," he said walking towards the door holding a duffel bag and a small pouch.

Mickey looked back at Mago, wanting to know what was going on. Mago smiled, hissing as his lips stretched, gesturing his friend to come closer.

Mickey looked shocked after hearing the whispered story Mago told him. He was certain about Mr. Chris that he won't ever go against the king but what he was doing was complete chaos for himself and his family, and Mago was trapped as a bonus.

"what are you people even you have any idea what he can do if he knew about it all?" he questioned feeling like the only sane one in the house but no one paid any heed to him.

"it's none of your concern.....get out of the way" Mr. Chris scolded Mickey, while he looked at his daughter coming out of her room, ready with her luggage.

Jana wasn't ready yet and wasn't planning to either. Along with Mickey, he was the only one who knew what will be their fate if the king gets to know.

Mr. Chris walked towards Mago and held his mouth in a painful grip, digging his fingers into the youngers' cheeks. Mago whimpered to be left alone, Tears building in his eyes again.

"This is all because of you, you fucking little shit!!.........just you wait....wait until my son gets his way with you and makes you pregnant with his seed......then I will see that boyfriend of yours taking you back" Mr. Chris said while gritting his teeth, talking disgustingly.

Stepping back while pushing Mago onto Mickey he walked towards the door of the house and pulled it open roughly only to be struck with the stunningly dark personality of Charlton.

Charlton had his hand raised in the air, probably was going to knock on the door but the door was opened before he could do it.

The old man stepped back in horror, his life was giving him shit he wasn't sure how to handle. Looking between Charlton and every man behind him, he cursed his life along with King.

Charlton raised his eyebrow in question before he pushed his way in, inviting himself. A great observer he was, took notice of the possible situation inside the home and the state of the younger.

Mago was still standing where he was but now in the comfort of his friend's arms wrapped around him while Petty stood with her mouth open, her eyes focused on Charlton.

The said man scanned the room with his sharp eyes and glared at the family members knowing their intentions well.

They were disobeying the King.

"am I disturbing people are going somewhere?" he questioned suspiciously, already knowing the answer and the lie they were about to spurt.

"oh no no sir......actually me and my daughter are going out of town for some personal work.... nothing more" Mr. Chris stuttered trying to explain. His voice though gave it all away.

Charlton hummed still looking at them dangerously.

"take him to the car........I will be following behind" he ordered, eyes trained on the family, watching their every move.

Two guards proceeded to take Mago outside and others went to fill his belongings. Mickey followed with the younger.

When they reached the car, Mickey helped Mago to sit inside and held his hands. The boy was not crying anymore instead he had a smile on his face.

"it's looking worse than before" Mickey commented trailing his finger over Mago's face, the younger flinched at his touch but smiled non the less.

"yeah.....he did it pretty hard this time......but I am okay now" Mago grimaced at his bad luck, praying in his heart to get away from it soon.

"He is a bitch" said Mickey with hatred. If he could teach him a lesson he would gladly start with a whip.

"I just wish he is happy wherever he goes..." Mago said dramatically staring afar into the sky. Mickey looked at his friend doubtfully. Even the guard near him also looked at him concerned.

"And what do you honestly wish for him?" Mickey asked watching Mago look at him with a confused look.

What?... He was telling the truth

Fine he wasn't

"I wish he would fall in love with someone who can punch him like he does to me......and I wish....." he was cut off by Mickey laughing loudly at him.

Their cute moment was cut short when Charlton came out of the main door of the house, behind him were Mr. Chris and his family, pale as if they had seen death really close.

He ordered his men and all of them piled inside their respective cars, ready to leave. Mago looked at Mickey, grinning nervously. Surely he was scared of what was coming but the excitement was also there.

"just don't get yourself killed baby" Mickey instructed and Mago giggled at that.

"no promises," he said just as the vehicles roared to life, making a swift way to the exit of the neighbourhood leaving Mickey to smile to himself.

Maybe it was better if he was gone.


double update.

see ye in the next chapter. 
