Lost with no Trace

                                    Lost with no Trace

Through the process of eliminating their partner, Enzo's huge properties, his lands, money and whatnot became a prominent question. And because the heir to all that wealth was also missing along with the intruders and the killers, the investigators and the lawyer of Enzo's case had no option other than to contact Logan Grey again.

Technically, all that property should have been handed over to the remaining family of Enzo or Snow accordingly but unfortunately, there was no one that came forward for the succession....... or maybe there wasn't anyone since Enzo Parker was alone in this world and so was Snow.

Meanwhile, the search for the lost boy was also went futile, there was no sign of Mago Parker around at all. A small child who was the victim of someone's inhumanity had vanished after his parent's brutal murder. Some said he died along with them and some said the tiny boy was kidnapped.

Both the possibilities were enough to charge another team for the search of the boy but it was all just for nothing.

No positive results emerged whatsoever.

Time was flying by, people affected and other by-watchers were all slowly settling into their previous lives, and the news of the 'death of Parkers' fainted gradually. The only chaotic mess left was the company of Enzo and his friends, there was still so much to sort out and it was all taking forever to come to an end.

Upon all that was Chris, the man was heavily interested in the matters regarding Enzo Parker's after-death matters. While pressurizing Mr Grey for compensation for his so-called sacrifice, he had managed to get a hold of some crucial information about Enzo that also included the disposal of his grand wealth.

It sparked an interest of some sort in him that soon turned into a full-fledged greed for power and money. The man had increased his demand in each encounter and pestered Mr Grey for money.

"he was dancing on my head for money while I was suffering from the loss of my friend, our company's reputation and the loss of that small little child. That man was a complete bastard and If I had known about him in this detail before Enzo's death, I would have certainly taken advantage of his Mafia connections and taken care of that leech of a man" Logan continued as an unnoticeable anger raised in his tone. He was upset and angry, those emotions made him kind of cranky.

"or you could have given him the amount he claimed and gotten rid of him?" this time it was Charlton who questioned the man. Mr. Grey shifted in his seat and lifted his gaze from king to his right-hand man, then shook his head silently.

"I couldn't do that. Enzo was like a brother to me, he was so important to us and so was his son. That money, from which Chris claimed, belonged to Enzo and after him to his son. I couldn't just fish out a bunch and hand it over...." Logan explained with bitterness oozing in his voice.

".... besides, Wren wasn't asking for mere hundreds or thousands as compensation. That bastard was claiming millions for his useless stealing arm. It was so ridiculous and I had a really hard time managing that but I wasn't going to give him a penny, not from Enzo's money and not from mine." As he said that, Mr Grey felt proud of taking that decision a long time back.

Wren Christopher was a bastard and still is a one

Mr Grey had formed a grudge for Chris by then, he was sure of Wren's defective personality and had the man measured completely under his personal radar. That was the reason he restricted any further visits and meetups with the other, he also banished Wren from his office and ordered the guards to throw him out if seen again.

Besides, he had other matters at hand to deal with.

The chaos hadn't subsided in the company; other people who weren't as involved in the matter, went their ways but the ones connected deeply to the company had slowly started another riot. While Enzo Parker was being eliminated as an active partner of the company, his personal accounts and other wealth along with his rightful share was also leaving the company alone.

That fact was neither easily acceptable nor was it digestible, the people on higher authorities protested against the idea. They argued that since Enzo had, either intentionally or unintentionally, hurt the company's reputation. The rumour about him and his uncertain death had caused damages unimaginable and those should be compensated with the wealthiest partner of the said company.

Bloody Money sucking Leeches!!!

"I was so stressed about everything, my days and nights were engaged in regaining our company's position back. It was truly a period no less than devastation, but more than that was Wren." Mr Grey explained, watching carefully as King filled his empty glass with more wine.

"he was squirming once again, restless and irritating just to get close. He was well aware of the search that was conducted for the lost child and so he took that as another opportunity to strike his shot" The man continued with certain emotions and both King and Charlton felt that change of utter hatred towards Wren Christopher.

Mr Chris deserved such treatment.......didn't he?

Mr Chris wasn't the one to stop. until he was stopped by others, once the man had his eyes set on his desire, he would even move mountains to get to it......that's how he was.

That stubborn bitch trait of his leads him towards the Parker and Friends corporation once again. He pleaded for Logan Grey to meet him once and give him a chance, that he had something to say that would blow his mind.

Mr Grey was reluctant, he didn't want to meet let alone talk with Chris anymore but when he learned about his purpose for which he dropped by, the man couldn't hold himself and proceeded with the matter.

To his surprise, Wren Christopher had proposed the adoption of Mago Parker if he finds him out. The man had asked for some time and promised to bring the child if he got the promise in return of being the guardian of that child and his wealth.

Mr Grey was perplexed at the proposal, and his suspicion of Chris firmed when he blurted out his greedy intentions. Without anything to prove, he couldn't state a doubt on the security team of Enzo but deep inside, he was pretty sure that Chris must have had something to do with the attack on Enzo and his family somewhere.

"That was the last time I had seen him. After I fake-promised him just so I could get a hold of that child, Wren flew my office and came back with nothing but another claim of money that he had spent in searching for that small baby." Mr Grey grumbled as he twiddled with the glass in his hand absentmindedly.

Charlton couldn't help but snicker silently as he shared a look with King.

Mr Chris was an interesting character.

"I am sure you had had enough?" King mused with a smirk that took the older's attention back. He placed the expensive glass back on the table and straightened his jacket.

"I would have never done that simply because I am not like this. I hate violence and I absolutely hate hurting people but above all that, I hated Wren Christopher. He had found a new way to con me, that too directly, but as you said, I had had enough....." he said with a sigh, averting his gazer from King.

"I...I had some men beat Wren to a pulp before he was thrown out in the street with a bloody mouth and broken bones. He was threatened, obviously against my wish, to never return if he knew what's better and that's the end of him and I" he finished and with that, the story of Wren Christopher was over.

King had enjoyed it of course but still he had questions.

"what about Mago Parker then? Did you find him or any child that was willing to be him by others?" he asked, the name of his lovely boy as 'Parker' strange on his tongue, while he watched how Mr Grey was almost slumped on his seat.

It was like he had a lifetime desire to rant all this to someone and that someone proved to be king who was willingly listening to him.

"We never found him and I suspect many of our company people were involved in slowing down and eventually ending his search. They claimed Enzo's share as our company's asset, but it's all hidden until now." the older replied.

"and how was the property disposed of with those claims?" King asked another question.

"that's where our legal team came to our rescue and intervened with a creative yet best-fitting proposal. They formed a special locker at our company-associated bank and linked it directly with Enzo's account, it went under strict control of the supervisor of the facility, who comes under my order, and all other matters were dealt with legally." Mr Grey explained the most kept question swiftly. King and Charlton were fast in connecting the rest of the dots together to form the remaining story.

"the property was so huge and scattered that it was hard to keep watch over it all these years. So then, with the help of our lawyers, I volunteered to transform all of Enzo's wealth into some pink star diamonds. It took us three years in all of this, but eventually, they were converted and then transferred to the locker, safe and sound, just for the rightful owner to come and claim them". Mr Grey briefed the full process of money matters and regarding diamonds, he carefully observed any strange changes that would appear on King's face after learning about the pricey little beans.

He was a Mafia boss; this type of discussion should pique his interest.

Alas! he was wrong. King was as composed as he was the first minute they met. Not a single expression that could support his greed for more money appeared as he sat there taking slow sips of his sparkly drink.

"hmmm.....and I assume the diamonds are perfectly safe?" King asked swiping his tongue on his lower lips, picking up any residue of his beverage that was left.

"they are of course. Me, Jacob and Melissa were the top authorities just like now, we made sure that no one could even breathe funny about those little gems. They belong to Enzo and after him, his son" Mr Grey was firm in his tone when he answered. king liked the way the man was protective over his dead friend, he also believed that Mago could have a better future if he wasn't stolen from the middle of his dead parents and was given to Logan Grey instead.

King was kind of satisfied regarding the man.

"And what if he never returns?" he asked curiously.

"I am a guardian of those diamonds till my life, but after that....I-I don't know" Mr Grey whispered, he looked down not knowing what to say about that. In all honesty, he had never thought about it. The man had always believed that someday, Mago Parker would return and expected that day to come in his life.

Considering all the conspiracies back in those days, Mr Grey was adamant that if not by himself, then Mago would be brought back by someone who knows about the diamonds.

"after all these years, do you still have no idea where that son might be?" King asked as he leaned forward on his seat, eyes boring into the older's eyes, making the other nervous again.

"I-I don't but I hope he is alive" he answered honestly and briefly.

"hmm....can you recognize him if you see him after these past years?" another question was darted.

"I don't know. But what I know is that he should be seventeen or eighteen by now.......and when it comes to the claim or the real heir of Enzo, a DNA test under me or my other partner's supervision will prove it correctly." Mr Grey said, searching King's eyes for ill intentions once again, then lowered his gaze before King could see.

Suddenly, he couldn't think but be sceptical about the crime lord. All that investigation could be a fluke and the real purpose could be something else.....something that is bad.

But the crime lord, the Mafia boss is loaded himself. So rich and wealthy then why would he want something so minor compared to his own wealth?

He had to ask.....just to cure his anxiety.

"umm....king?" Mr Grey started as he looked up but to his surprise, King was already staring at him.

King tipped his chin so slightly that it was almost unnoticeable.

"do...do you plan to.....I mean.....do you want those...." He stuttered and then stopped, not courageous enough to accuse King of anything.

The crime lord chuckled seeing a nervous-looking old man sitting in front of him. He stood up from his seat, gesturing the other to sit back when he raised from his seat as well and walked to his desk passing Charlton. He picked up his cigarette and lit a stick before slipping it between his lips.

And took a long drag, the end of the stick burning bright orange.

"No Mr Grey, I have no intentions of snatching those diamonds. You have kept good care of them all these years and you deserve to deliver them to their rightful owner" King chuckled as he said and Mr Grey relaxed visibly but then he frowned.

"but how will I ever meet that child?....it's like being completely lost with no trace," he asked, not expecting anything better from this long-forgotten matter.

"you will, soon." King declared and with what he said, Mr Grey went tensed again. He stared at King with a frown, asking what King meant by that, but got nothing in return.

King, on the other hand, signalled Charlton and the said man nodded understanding the assignment right away.

But before he could leave the room to get what he was asked to, the door of the room flung open with a bang, taking everyone's attention in the room, and entered an adorable baby boy with the cutest frowny face ever.

King and Charlton were nonchalant like they would be usually but Mr Grey was not. He was awestruck as he slowly stood up from his seat.

In his sight was a beautiful boy, a perfect merge of the two he had lost many years ago.

With a bright yellow gigantic hoodie with cat ears covering his small self from his head to his knees, an irresistible pout on his thick lips, a scrunched nose and a dead plant in his hand, Mago looked unreal.

"King look!......my Chika Chika is dead" the boy announced with a whine and King laughed softly as he took a long drag from his burning cigarette, watching Mr Grey with amusement.


The chapter ends here folks.

Thanks for reading, commenting, liking and voting.......all this means so much to the author.

Shit is gonna get real but I hope it maintains a smile on your face nonetheless.

See you all in the next update.....till then

Your author: Donald Duck

